2022-7-12 PC Subdivision Agenda PacketPAGE 2 PLANNING COMMISSION SUBDIVISION COMMITTEE – July 12, 2022 SUBDIVISION COMMITTEE MEETING NOTICE AND AGENDA Tuesday, July 12, 2022 8:30 a.m. or shortly thereafter Līhu‘e Civic Center, Moikeha Building Meeting Room 2A-2B 4444 Rice Street, Līhu‘e, Kaua‘i, Hawai‘i To Join by ZOOM Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87987571072 Webcast Link: https://www.kauai.gov/Webcast-Meetings A. CALL TO ORDER B. ROLL CALL C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA D. MINUTES of the meeting(s) of the Subdivision Committee 1. November 9, 2021 2. December 14, 2021 E. RECEIPT OF ITEMS FOR THE RECORD F. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. None for this meeting G. NEW BUSINESS (For Action) 1. Preliminary Subdivision Extension Request a. Subdivision Application No. S-2017-6 (Moloaʽa Valley Homeowners, LLC.) Proposed 7-lot Subdivision TMK: (4) 4-9-11:013 Kawaihau, Kaua‘i 1) Subdivision Report pertaining to this matter. b. Subdivision Application No. S-2019-3 (McBryde Sugar Company, LLC. / Sunset Strip Properties, LLC.) Proposed 19-lot consolidation and resubdivision into 2-lots TMK: (4) 2-4-016:001 - 019 Wahiawa, Kōloa, Kaua‘i 1) Subdivision Report pertaining to this matter. PAGE 3 PLANNING COMMISSION SUBDIVISION COMMITTEE – July 12, 2022 c. Subdivision Application No. S-2019-4 (Tim Beckman & Mira Hess) Proposed 4-lot consolidation and resubdivision into 3-lots TMK: (4) 2-8-014:038, 042 Kōloa, Kaua‘i 1) Subdivision Report pertaining to this matter. d. Subdivision Application No. S-2019-8 (Stephanie Fernandes) Proposed 5-lot subdivision TMK: (4) 4-2-005:044 Wailua, Kawaihau, Kaua‘i 1) Subdivision Report pertaining to this matter. e. Subdivision Application No. S-2020-9 (Baird Family Limited Partnership) Proposed 3-lot subdivision TMK: (4) 4-4-013:002 Kapaʽa Homesteads, 2nd Series, Kaua‘i 1) Subdivision Report pertaining to this matter. 2. Final Subdivision Map Approval a. Subdivision Application No. S-2021-6 (KEEKAUAICARPORT, LLC.) Proposed 2-lot subdivision TMK: (4) 2-6-017:045 Kōloa (Makai), Kōloa, Kona, Kaua‘i 1) Subdivision Report pertaining to this matter. b. Subdivision Application No. S-2022-3 (Whiptail Wallaby, LLC.) Proposed 2-lot consolidation TMK: (4) 2-6-018:025, 027 Kōloa (Makai), Kōloa, Kona, Kaua‘i 1) Subdivision Report pertaining to this matter. H. EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes Sections 92-4 and 92-5(a)(4), the purpose of this executive session is to consult with the County's legal counsel on questions, issues, status and procedural matters. This consultation involves consideration of the powers, duties, privileges, immunities, and/or liabilities of the Commission and the County as they relate to the following matters: PAGE 4 PLANNING COMMISSION SUBDIVISION COMMITTEE – July 12, 2022 1. Subdivision Application No. S-2017-6 (Moloaʽa Valley Homeowners, LLC.) Proposed 7-lot Subdivision TMK: (4) 4-9-11:013 Kawaihau, Kaua‘i 2. Subdivision Application No. S-2019-3 (McBryde Sugar Company, LLC. / Sunset Strip Properties, LLC.) Proposed 19-lot consolidation and resubdivision into 2-lots TMK: (4) 2-4-016:001 - 019 Wahiawa, Kōloa, Kaua‘i 3. Subdivision Application No. S-2019-4 (Tim Beckman & Mira Hess) Proposed 4-lot consolidation and resubdivision into 3-lots TMK: (4) 2-8-014:038, 042 Kōloa, Kaua‘i 4. Subdivision Application No. S-2019-8 (Stephanie Fernandes) Proposed 5-lot subdivision TMK: (4) 4-2-005:044 Wailua, Kawaihau, Kaua‘i 5. Subdivision Application No. S-2020-9 (Baird Family Limited Partnership) Proposed 3-lot subdivision TMK: (4) 4-4-013:002 Kapaʽa Homesteads, 2nd Series, Kaua‘i 6. Subdivision Application No. S-2021-6 (KEEKAUAICARPORT, LLC.) Proposed 2-lot subdivision TMK: (4) 2-6-017:045 Kōloa (Makai), Kōloa, Kona, Kaua‘i 7. Subdivision Application No. S-2022-3 (Whiptail Wallaby, LLC.) Proposed 2-lot consolidation TMK: (4) 2-6-018:025, 027 Kōloa (Makai), Kōloa, Kona, Kaua‘i I. ADJOURNMENT 1 KAUA‘I PLANNING COMMISSION SUBDIVISION COMMITTEE MEETING November 9, 2021 Draft The regular meeting of the Planning Commission Subdivision Committee of the County of Kaua‘i was called to order by Chair Francis DeGracia at 8:33 a.m., Webcast Link: https://www.kauai.gov/Webcast-Meetings. The following Commissioners were present: Mr. Francis DeGracia Mr. Gerald Ako Mr. Mel Chiba The following staff members were present: Planning Department –Dale Cua, and Planning Commission Secretary; Office of the County Attorney – Deputy County Attorney Laura Barzilai; Office of Boards and Commissions – Administrator Ellen Ching, Administrative Specialist Anela Segreti CALL TO ORDER Subdivision Committee Chair DeGracia called the meeting to order at 8:33 a.m. ROLL CALL Planning Director Ka’aiana Hull: Roll call Mr. Chair. Commissioner Ako Mr. Ako: Here and by myself. Mr. Hull: Commissioner Chiba. Mr. Chiba: I’m here, by myself Mr. Hull: Chair DeGracia. Chair DeGracia: Here, by myself. Mr. Hull: Commissioner Chiba we have to ask you to turn on your video pursuant to the sunshine rules. Mr. Chiba: Yes, okay can you hear me, see me? 2 Mr. Hull: Awesome, thank you Commissioner Chiba. Mr. Chair we have a quorum. Three Present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mr. Hull: Next on the agenda we don't have any proposed amendments to the approval of the agenda so the next will be the approval of the agenda Chair DeGracia: Motion to approve the agenda. Mr. Ako: So, move to approve the agenda of the Subdivision Committee meeting, Thursday, November ninth, 2021. Mr. Chiba: I second. Chair DeGracia: The motion on the floor is to approve the agenda. All in favor say aye. (Unanimous voice vote) Motion passes 3:0. MINUTES of the meeting(s) of the Subdivision Committee Mr. Hull: Thank you Chair. Next should be the Minutes of the Meeting of the Subdivision Committee of May 11, 2021. Chair DeGracia: Thank you, could we have a motion to accept the Minutes for May 11, 2021 Mr. Chiba: I move to approve the minutes of the Subdivision Committee, May 11, 2021. Mr. Ako: I’ll second. Chair DeGracia: The motion on the floor is to receive the minutes for Meeting of May 11, 2021. All in favor say, aye? (Unanimous voice vote) Motion passes 3:0. RECEIPT OF ITEMS FOR THE RECORD (None) Mr. Hull: Thank you chair. Next, there are no receipt of items for the records, following that will be hearings and public comment. We have no advance request for public testimony looking at the attendee list we have no attendees in attendance. Call for testimony. HEARINGS AND PUBLIC COMMENT (None) Mr. Hull: We have no advance request for public testimony looking at the attendee list we have no attendees in attendance. Call for testimony GENERAL BUSINESS MATTERS (None) Mr. Hull: So at this point we can move on to, there’s no General Businesses 3 UNFINISHED BUSINESS (None) Mr. Hull: No Unfinished Business. NEW BUSINESS (For Action) Tentative Subdivision Map Approval Subdivision Application No. S-2022-3 (Whiptail Wallaby, LLC.} Proposed 2-lot Consolidation TMK: (4) 2-6-018:025 & 027 Kōloa, Kona, Kaua'i Mr. Hull: Going directly into New Business for Action. I.1, tentative subdivision map approval subdivision application number ss 2022-3 Whiptail Wallaby, LLC is the applicant, it is a proposed 2-lot consolidation tax map key 2-6-018:025 and parcel 027 is located in Kōloa, Kaua'i. Kenny’s on holiday so I'll turn it over to his supervisor Mr. Cua, who is pinch hitting for Kenny today, Dale. Mr. Cua read the Subdivision Report for the record (on file with the Planning Department). Mr. Cua: At this point, we have no objections to recommending tentative subdivision approval for this application. Chair DeGracia: Thank you, commissioners, we have any questions for the planner, Planning Department? Mr. Chiba: None for me Mr. Ako: None for myself, Chair. Chair DeGracia: Do we have a representative for the applicant, or the applicant themselves? Hearing no one. Commissioners, with no questions, no comments I’ll entertain a motion. Mr. Chiba: I move to approve subdivision application number S-2022-3, proposed 2-lot consolidation. Mr. Ako: I’ll second. Chair DeGracia: Motion on the floor is to approve. Actually, before we do the motion of the voting do have any discussion. Hearing none, motion on the floor is to approve tentative subdivision application number S-2022-3. Can we have a roll call vote, vote please. Ms. Barzilai: Excuse me Clerk Hull. 4 Mr. Hull: I apologize I was on mute. Motion is to approve subdivision application, for tentative approval, S-2022-3. Roll Call. Commissioner Ako. Mr. Ako: Aye Mr. Hull: Commissioner Chiba. Mr. Chiba: Aye Mr. Hull: Chair DeGracia. Chair DeGracia: Aye Mr. Hull: Motion passes, 3:0, Mr. Chair. Chair DeGracia: Thank you. Mr. Hull: With that we have no further agenda items for this week. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Hull: Ready for adjournment at your discretion, Chair. Chair DeGracia: Can we get a motion to adjourn. Mr. Chiba: I move to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Ako: I’ll second that. Chair DeGracia: Motion is to adjourn. All those in favor say, Aye? (Unanimous voice vote) Motion passes 3:0. Subdivision Committee Chair DeGracia adjourned the meeting at 8:39 a.m. 5 Respectfully submitted by: ______________________________ Anela Segreti Administrative Specialist 1 ( ) Approved as circulated (add date of meeting approval). ( ) Approved as amended. See minutes of ___________ meeting 1 KAUA‘I PLANNING COMMISSION SUBDIVISION SESSION December 14, 2021 DRAFT The regular meeting of the Planning Commission Subdivision Committee of the County of Kaua’i was called to order at 8:30 a.m., Microsoft Teleconference. The following Commissioners were present: Mr. Francis DeGracia Mr. Ako Mr. Chiba The following staff members were present: Planning Department Director Kaaina Hull-Planning Deputy Director Jodi Higuchi Sayegusa, Dale Cua, Kenneth Estes, and Planning Commission Support Clerk Duke Nakamatsu; Office of the County Attorney – Deputy County Attorney Laura Barzilai; Office of Boards and Commissions – Support Clerk Arleen Kuwamura Discussion of the meeting, in effect, ensued: CALL TO ORDER Subdivision Committee Chair DeGracia: Called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. ROLL CALL Planning Director Kaaina Hull: Good morning, Chair Francis, it’s 8:30, I think we have everybody in attendance. Chair DeGracia: I’d like to call to order the Subdivision Committee meeting for Tuesday, December 14, 2021, if we could have a roll call, please. Mr. Hull: Roll call. Commissioner Ako Mr. Ako: Here and by myself. Mr. Hull: Commissioner Chiba Mr. Chiba: Here by myself. Mr. Hull: Chair DeGracia Chair DeGracia: Here by myself. Mr. Hull: You have a quorum Mr. Chair. Three Present. 2 APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mr. Hull: Next would be the Approval the Agenda the Department doesn't have any recommended changes to the agenda. Chair DeGracia: Thank you. Is there a motion to approve? Mr. Chiba: I move to approve the agenda as presented. Mr. Ako: I’ll Second. Chair DeGracia: Thank you, the motion on the floor is to approve the agenda as presented. All in favor say, aye? Aye. (Unanimous voice vote). Any opposed? Hearing None. Motion carried 3:0. MINUTES of the meetings(s) of the Subdivision Committee Mr. Hull: Next, we have the Meeting Minutes of July 13, 2021. Mr. Ako: I move to approve the Meeting Minutes of the July 13, 2021, Kauai Planning Subdivision Committee Meeting. Mr. Chiba: I second. Chair DeGracia: Thank you. Motion on the floor is to a approve the Subdivision Committee Minutes for July 13,2021. All in Favor of the approval say, aye? Aye (Unanimous voice vote). Any Opposed? Hearing none. Motion carried 3:0. RECEIPT OF ITEMS FOR THE RECORD Mr. Hull: Thank you Chair, we have no additional receipt of items for the record. HEARINGS AND PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. Hull: Thank you Chair. The Department did receive three (3) pieces of written testimonies concerning Subdivision Application No. S-2022-2, which were transmitted to the commission via supplemental transmittal. Jodi, do you have anybody in the waiting room for public testimony at this time? Deputy Planning Director Jodi Higuchi Sayegusa: Yes. I did not disable the hand raise function, if there anybody in the audience for Subdivision who would like to testify, please raise your hand and we will let you in to the meeting to testify. Mr. Hull: So again, as there is a little bit of disturbance. If there is anybody who would like to speak on any agenda item for the Subdivision Committee, please raise your digital hand which is a function within Zoom, and we will let you into the meeting two testify. Again, this will be the 3 last call for any individual or member of the public that is attending and in the waiting room, that would like to testify on agenda item on the Subdivision Committee agenda, please raise your digital hand within the Zoom function and we will let you in to testify. Hearing and seeing none, Chair, we can move on too… GENERAL BUSINESS MATTERS (None) Mr. Hull: We don’t have any General Business Matters. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Mr. Hull: We don’t have any Unfinished Business Matters. NEW BUSINESS (For Action) Tentative Subdivision Map Approval. Subdivision Application No. S-2022-2 (Kukui`ula Vistas, LLC.) Proposed 6-lot Subdivision TMK: (4) 2-6-022:054 Koloa, Kona, Kauai Mr. Hull: Next, we have Agenda Item I.1, New Business I.1, Tentative Subdivision Map Approval Subdivision Application No. S-2022-2, the applicant is Kukui`ula Vistas, LLC, it is a Proposed 6-lot Subdivision TMK: (4) 2-6-022:054 Koloa, Kauai. I’ll turn it over to Kenny Subdivision Report pertaining to this matter. Staff Planner Kenneth Estes: Morning Commissioners, I'll summarize the report for the record. Mr. Estes read the Subdivision Report for the record (on file with the Planning Department). Mr. Estes: In evaluating the Applicant’s request, no problems are foreseen in granting the modification of requirement to allow a deviation of requirement to construct curbs, gutters, and sidewalks along the roadway and to allow a drainage system (inaudible) in lieu of raised curbs and gutters. Currently we have received comments from the County Department of Water and the State Department of Health, and comments are still pending from the Department of Public works and Engineering. Chair DeGracia: Thank you, Kenney. Commissioners, do you have any questions for the Department or the planner? Mr. Ako: Chair, I got two questions here. One, is just for my clarification, I think for planner Estes, would be, what is a roadway lot? Is it like a parking lot? Mr. Estes: It is a road that serves all the residential lots within that subdivision. 4 Mr. Ako: It is a road. Is it like a parking lot or just a road? Mr. Estes: It is just a road. Mr. Ako: It is just a road, got it. Mr. Estes: I think where the, on this lot-18, Kukui`ula (inaudible) this subdivision application, I believe they are proposing to have future parking lot within (inaudible). Mr. Hull: So, yes, Commissioner Ako, it comes up to the division property owners, is that, when they subdivided the lots, right, generally you would have different owners, and that roadway lot, would be a separate parcel in and of itself often, under the authority and jurisdiction of the respected AOAO. Mr. Ako: And the second question I have is, by the request of this deviation, to construct berms, and gutters and sidewalks along the road. Will this affect in anyway the safety of the community? Or does it encourage any drivers to drive slower in the community? Or is it mostly for aesthetic purposes, and it’s, okay? Mr. Estes: This requirement is under the Subdivision Ordinance for complete streets, and I guess within the ordinance for Kukui`ula. They are required to put in pedestrians’ sidewalks and public access paths throughout the subdivision, throughout the whole Kukui`ula Master Plan area. I guess. Mr. Ako: Okay. Mr. Hull: Okay, I can go into a little bit more detail, Commissioner Ako. So, the curb, gutters, and sidewalk requirement, and that requirement has been updated over the past decade. To reflect not so much a vehicular safety but having the ability to have better interconnection for pedestrian and bicycle users, multiple users. If you go to some of the subdivisions that have occurred say 1965 or 1970 to about 2010, you see that they are set up in a meandering cul-de-sac system that is good in certain aspects as far as ownership and dividing up more lots. But what we have come to recognize if we look at some of the subdivisions, like Pikake, how a pedestrian user will walk from their house to say Costco gas station, right? They have to walk all these meandering roads as opposed to if there were interconnections spaced out a little bit more in a grid format, it would make it relatively easy for the pedestrian and perhaps desirable for individuals to not necessarily have to drive all over the place, but to walk or bicycle to the place. So, that recognition was made about a decade ago, to have a spacing an integral requirement for multi-model particular sidewalks. They way that Kukui`ula was set up, well before this Complete Street Ordinance that Kenny was referencing happened in the subdivision code, there was a desire to have some of these meandering patterns. But in response to that was the need for better interconnection, Kukui`ula has proposed and similar areas have interspace trails that connect the various developments and roadway arterial paths to each other to somewhat accomplish that multi-model interconnection. So, this has been standard within this very large master skilled project for them to request a deviation. And in so far as they keep on meeting 5 their master trail requirements, the Department has kind of been in alinement to say, “okay, you meet this intended purpose of the previous ordinance.” Does that make sense? Mr. Ako: Yes. I got it, thank you. Thanks, Kenny. That is all for me, Chair DeGracia. Chair DeGracia: Thank you, Chair Ako. Do we have any further questions? I have one question for the Department. About how much, just a rough estimate. The percentage of development within this area, I’m thinking of looking at the map, but it’s hard for me to kind fathom. But about how much of the area is developed and how much more is left to be developed? Mr. Estes: (Inaudible). Chair DeGracia: I guess is my question. I guess what I am getting at with all these deviations, will it affect the water flow eventually with the development of the land, if there is going to be runoff is my concern from a lot of the properties and damage because of the rain that we have been having and you know, in the future. With more development of the land and less areas to soak up the water, is the lack of curbs and gutters, has that been looked at? Mr. Hull: Well, yes. Sorry, thanks, Chair DeGracia for that. And it is what the second part of the response to Chair Ako’s that I kind of left out. For the curbs and gutters, unlike the multi- model interconnection aspect that I was referring too, the curbs and gutters are very hard and fast drainage requirement, right? The management of storm runoff waters. For that we normally just refer back to the Engineering Division for their assessment of drainage waste as well as storage of the water from storm events. So, we kind of just refer to Engineering on this aspect. Chair DeGracia: Perfect, thank you. At this time could we hear from the applicants or the applicant’s representative. Ms. Laurel Loo: Good morning, Commissioners, this is Laurel Loo, attorney for the applicant. Present is Gary Pinkston who is the principal for the applicant and Dennis Esaki is also in attendance. So, if you have any engineering questions, Mr. Esaki I’m sure will be glad to answer those. We are here just to thank Mr. Estes for his work on this project and also, to answer any questions you may have. Mr. Dennis Esaki: I have some comments, this is Dennis if I may. Chair DeGracia: Please. Mr. Esaki: In answers to some of the question of this lot-18, on three sides of this small lot the construction has been recently completed and approved by the County and Kukui`ula. And you only got five residential lots here and the infrastructure has been taken into account when they did the roadways on three sides of this lot, and the roadway is only about 150 feet. The answer to the other question. I don’t know the exact amount of lots in Kukui`ula but if five, I don’t know, out of a thousand or something, I would say it is a significant amount. 6 Chair DeGracia: Thank you very much. Commissioners, do you have any questions? Mr. Ako: None for me. Mr. Chiba: None for me I don’t have any. Chair DeGracia: I have no questions. At this time if we could I'll entertain a motion. Mr. Chiba: I guess I move to grant the request for modification of requirements to allow the deviation from the requirements to the construct curbs, gutters, and sidewalks along the roadway. And to allow drainage system (inaudible) drainage swales in lieu of curbs and gutters. I need help with this motion. Can I do it the other way? I move to grant the request for modification of requirements for Subdivision Application No. S-2022-2. Mr. Hull? Mr. Hull: That works, Commissioner Chiba. The last one works. Mr. Chiba: The second one? Mr. Hull: Yes. Mr. Chiba: Okay, let me re-do it again, for clarification. I move to grant the request for modification of requirements for Subdivision Application No. S-2022-2. Mr. Ako: I’ll second that. Chair DeGracia: Thank you. Motion on the floor is to approve Tentative Subdivision Map Approval for Application No. S-2022-2. Hearing none. Could we have a roll call? Mr. Hull: Roll call, Chair. Commissioner Ako? Mr. Ako: Aye. Mr. Hull: Commissioner Chiba? Mr. Chiba: Aye. Mr. Hull: Chair DeGracia? Chair DeGracia: Aye. Mr. Hull: Motion passes 3:0. Mr. Chair. Subdivision Application No. S-2022-4 (Tower Kauai Lagoons Sub 4, LLC.) Proposed 25-lot Boundary Adjustment TMK: (4) 3-5-004:400-424 Kalapaki, Lihue, Kauai 7 Mr. Hull: Moving on, we are on to I.b, Subdivision Application No. S-2022-4, the applicant is Tower Kauai Lagoons Sub 4, LLC, it is a Proposed 25-lot Boundary Adjustment TMK: (4) 3-5-004: and parcels 400-424 Kalapaki, Lihue, Kauai. I’ll turn it over to Kenny again, for the Subdivision Report pertaining to this matter. Staff Planner Kenneth Estes: I'll summarize the report for the record. Mr. Estes read the Subdivision Report for the record (on file with the Planning Department). Mr. Estes: Chair, we have received comments from the State Department of Health and comments are still pending from the County Department of Public Works and Engineering Division and Department of Water. Chair DeGracia: Thank you, Kenney. Do you have any questions for the Planning Department? Mr. Ako: Not for me, Chair. Mr. Chiba: I don’t have any. Chair DeGracia: Okay. If there are no questions. Can we hear from the applicant or the applicant’s representative? Mr. Gary Siracusa: Good morning, Commissioners. For the record I’m Gary Siracusa, Director of construction here at Hokuala Resort, representing the applicant Tower Kauai Lagoons, LLC. I further want to thank the planner on this Kenneth and the Department for their evaluation and presentation. Chair DeGracia: Do we have any questions? Mr. Chiba: None for me. Mr. Ako: None for me. Chair DeGracia: If there are no questions, I'll entertain a motion. Mr. Ako: I move to approve the Subdivision Application No. S-2022-4, proposed 25-lot Boundary Adjustment, Tower Lagoons Subdivision Kauai, LLC. Mr. Chiba: I’ll second. Chair DeGracia: Thank you. Motion on the floor is to approve Subdivision Application No. S- 2022-4. Could we have a roll call vote, please. Mr. Hull: Roll call, Chair. Commissioner Ako? 8 Mr. Ako: Aye. Mr. Hull: Commissioner Chiba? Mr. Chiba: Aye. Mr. Hull: Chair DeGracia? Chair DeGracia: Aye. Mr. Hull: Motion passes 3:0. Mr. Chair. Subdivision Application No. S-2022-5 (Morton L. Cohen Family Trust.) Proposed 2-lot Boundary Adjustment TMK: (4) 4-4-013:034 & 035 Kapaa, Waipouli, Kauai Mr. Hull: Moving on to the final Item, I have I.c, Subdivision Application No. S-2022-5, Morton L. Cohen Family Trust, Proposed 2-lot Boundary Adjustment TMK: (4) 4-4-013:034 & 035. It is located in Kapaa, Waipouli, Kauai. I will turn it over again, to Kenny for the report pertaining to this mater. Staff Planner Kenneth Estes: I'll summarize the report for the record. Mr. Estes read the Subdivision Report for the record (on file with the Planning Department). Mr. Estes: Chair, we have received comments from the State Department of Health and comments are still pending from the County Department of Public Works and Engineering Division and Department of Water. Chair DeGracia: Thank you, Kenney. Do you have any questions for the Planning Department? Mr. Ako: I have none. Mr. Chiba: None for me. Chair DeGracia: I have no questions. Can we hear from the applicant or the applicant’s representative? It doesn’t appear that anyone is here. Ms. Maren Arismendez-Herrerra: Sorry. My name is Maren Arismendez-Herrerra from Esaki Surveying, on behalf of the applicants. We would like to respectfully request for your approval. We do accept the Conditions in the Report and I am willing to answer any questions the Commissioners may have. Thank you. Chair DeGracia: Thank you. Commissioners, do we have any questions? representative? Mr. Ako: None for me. 9 Mr. Chiba: One quick one. What are the plans for the requirements for the fences surrounding the swimming pool? Ms. Arismendez-Herrerra: The owners will go to the County and get a permit for that next. The fence is (inaudible) because they do have an existing pool and that is a safety issue to have the fence there so they will have to get it permitted. Mr. Chiba: Thank you. Chair DeGracia: If there are no more questions, could we have a motion, please. Mr. Chiba: I move to approve Subdivision Application No. S-2022-5, proposed 2-lot Boundary Adjustment. Mr. Ako: I’ll second that motion. Chair DeGracia: Motion on the floor is to approve Subdivision Application No. S-2022-5. If we could please have a roll call vote. Mr. Hull: Apologies. My mute was on when calling out commissioner’s names, sorry about that. Roll call, for motion for Tentative Approval for Subdivision Application No. 2022-5. Commissioner Ako? Mr. Ako: Aye. Mr. Hull: Commissioner Chiba? Mr. Chiba: Aye. Mr. Hull: Chair DeGracia? Chair DeGracia: Aye. Mr. Hull: Motion passes 3:0. Mr. Chair. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Hull: With that, Mr. Chair and Members of the Committee, we have no further agenda items for the Subdivision Committee. We are ready to adjourn. Chair DeGracia: Commissioners, could we have a motion to adjourn? Mr. Chiba: I move to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Ako: I Second that. 10 Chair DeGracia: All in Favor signify by saying? Aye (Unanimous voice vote). Motion passes, meeting is adjourned. Motion carried 3:0. Subdivision Committee Chair DeGracia adjourned the meeting at 8:57 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: _________________________ Arleen Kuwamura, Commission Support Clerk ( ) Approved as circulated (add date of meeting approval) ( ) Approved as amended. See minutes of __________ meeting. COUNTY OF KAUA'I PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO:Subdivision Committee,Planning Commission SUBJECT:Extension Request PURPOSE:^File Final Subdivision Maps Complete Subdivision Improvements Other: Subdivision Application No.Applicant(s) S-2017-6 Moloa'a Valley Homeowners,LLC. Location:Moloa'a Jax Map Key:|(4)4-9-011:013 st ^ndExtensionRequestNo.(Is1,2"°,etc.)Tentative Approval Granted On:Previous Ext.Expired On: 4th May 09,2017 May 09,2022 Subdivision Bonded:Yes 1X1No Deadline to Complete Improvements:Not Applicable APPLICANT'S REASONS:Additional time is being requested to comply with the conditions/requirements oftentative approval.The Applicant is currently with the various reviewing agencies in resolving the required infrastructure improvements for the subdivision. PLANNING DEPARTMENT EVALUATION &RECOMMENDATION EVALUATION:Please refer to next page... RECOMMENDATION:Please refer to next page. ^•S^Oto.2q.2o2Z ^SfdffPlanner Date ['/]Approved and Recommended to Planning Commission [JDenied Comments: <-/^/Z2_| Date V:2017 Mnster Files flegulutory Subdivisions S-2017-6 Exfeniions Exteniion Keport -07,12.20?2 KE S-20)?-6 Moloaa Volley Homeowners.dncx ^.\.^ (. JUL 12 2022 COUNTY OF KAUA'I PLANNING DEPARTMENT Extension requests are primarily processed for the purpose ofcontinuing a tentative approval for a subdivision application.An extension approval allows an applicant additional time to comply with the requirements in order to obtain final subdivision approval. In determining whether additional time should be granted,an evaluation is made ofthe project's progress as well as compliance with the requirements oftentative approval.The evaluation is primarily based on determining whether the applicant is progressively working towards obtaining final subdivision approval with the various reviewing agencies.The tentative approval conditions are then re-evaluated to determine whether the conditions/requirements are adequate to address the impacts ofthe proposed development in consideration ofthe time that haslapsed. Pending evaluation ofan extension request,one ofthe following can occur: 1.The extension is approved without changes to the tentative approval requirements; 2.The extension is approved with modified time frames but no modifications or additions to the tentative approval requirements; 3.The extension is approved with modifications and/or additions to the requirements; and 4.The extension is denied. FINDINGS/BACKGROUND: The proposed development involves a six (6)lot subdivision and one (1)roadway lot.This application was granted tentative approval by the Planning Commission on May 09,2017 and the Applicant's request is thefourth extension ofthe tentative approval. The subject property is situated in the Moloa'a area and a section ofthe subject property is abutting ICuhi'o Highway.The total area involved is approximately 190.09 acres within the County Open (0)District and within the State Land Use Agricultural District.The surrounding parcels are County zoned Open District with the exception ofthe parcels to the Southeast that are within the County Agriculture District.All the surrounding parcels are within the State Land Use Agricultural District. Roadway Lot 7 wil]serve as the primary access for majority ofthe lots within the development. As represented,the applicant has intentions to dedicate the roadway to the County. S-2017-6;SubExtension(4tli) Moloa'a Vallcy Homeowners,LLC 07.12.2022 -2- It is also noted that the subject parcel existed prior to the adoption ofthe Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (CZO)in 1972.Therefore,the project is subject to the requirements in Section 8- 9.2(c)(4)(B)which specify that parcels larger than fifty (50)acres but not more than three hundred (300)acres may be subdivided into ten (10)or fewer parcels,none ofwhich may be smaller than five (5)acres.In addition,this project is subjected to the "one-time"subdivision limitation for parcels within the Open District,pursuant to Section 8-8.3(c)ofthe CZO,Kaua'i County code(1987). PROGRESS OF THE SUBDIVISIOM: In considering the extension request,it should be noted that the Applicant has shown some progress with the development.The Applicant has submitted a current status report as reflected in their correspondence to the department dated April 27,2022.As represented,the Applicant has submitted pre-final subdivision maps and already received final subdivision map approval recommendations from the Department of Water,the County Housing Agency and the State Department of Health. The Applicant is currently working on resolving Conditions l.h.and l.j.oftentative approval relating to roadway improvements on Lot 7.The Applicant is intending to post a bond for completion and is working with the PIanning Department and the Department ofPubIic Works in getting the matter resolved. Based on the foregoing circumstances,the Applicant's reasons arejustifiable and no problems are foreseen in granting the extension request.The Departments ofPublic Works and Water have no objections to the request. Additionally,the Applicant should demonstrate further progress with the subdivision within one (1)year from the approval ofthis extension request.As such,the Applicant shall be made aware that in further considering extension requests involving the proposed development,the Applicant shall continue to submit to the Planning Department an updated status report on the subdivision with a detailed time chionology on the progress of the tentative approval requirements.The status report shall be submitted to the Planning Department no later than sixty (60)days prior to the expiration date in order to allow sufficient time to evaluate whether progress have been made and conditions satisfied. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that an extension until MAY 09,2023 be granted to obtain Hnal subdivision approval.However,the Applicant is made aware that an updated status report on the subdivision with a detailed time chronology on the progress ofthe tentative approval requirements shall be submitted to the PIanning Department for review for further extensions requests.The status report shall be submitted to the PIanning Department no later than sixty (60)days prior to the expiration date. S-2017-6;Sub Extension (4tti) Moloa'a Valley Ilomeowners,LLC. 07.12.2022 -3- ;ifJ!i!!S^I|.,3 "°"^K<|?S! Y.,LI S£ fei J'&^15 !i ^M^I\^w€^ .-A?:l"5i;<,=H \.''.:".sf'"Sl,«' ^ •'\i!|!l SALl !''i ^V(:i,f'W! \' l''-'..'"•^ ESAKI SURVEYING &MAPPING,INC. 1610 HALEUKANA STREET -LIHUE,KAUAI,HAWAII 96766 (808)246.0625 FAX:(808)246-0229 esm@esakimap.Com May2na,2022 Mr.Ka'aina Hull DirectorofPlanning CountyofKauai 4444 Rice Street,Suite A473 Lihue,Hl 96766 RE:S-2017-6,MOLOAA VALLEY HOMEOWNERS,LLC 4TH SUBDIVISION EXTENSION REQUEST TMK (4)4-9-11:13 KAWAIHAU,KAUA'I,HAWAI'I The subject subdivision was granted TENTATIVE APPROVAL by the Planning Commission at their meeting held on May 9,2017.It was also granted an extension until May 9,2022 by the Planning * Commission at their meeting held on July 13th,2021. Ouring the extension period that was granted on July 13th,2021,the applicant was able to resolve the following requirements: •Appraisal report and price list provided to the Planning Department to forward to the Real Properties Division to calculate the Park Dedication fee amount. •Park Dedication fee paid on June 8th,2021. •Environmental Impact Assessment fee paid on June 8th,2021. *Map amended to reflect no direct access from Kuhio Highway,as recommended by DOT (per email communication dated April 19th,2021). •Workforce Housing agreement executed and recorded with Bureau of Conveyances. •Draft CC&Rs complete. •Traffic Impact Analysis was completed on May 6th,2019.The report was sent to County and to State DOT. *Ag master plan was sent to County on May 2019. •Draft Subdivision Agreement sent to County on June 30th,2021. Previously resolved conditlons include: •Taxes,fines and encumbrances have been paid and are current,Title reports have been received. •Ag master plan has been completed. •Ag subdivision agreement has been drafted. •Drainage study has been completed. •Traffic Impact Analysis by Austin Tsutsumi and Associates,Inc.is complete. The applicant continues to work on the extensive tist of conditions,including: •Review draft deeds and CC&Rs. •County provided applicant new draft of the Subdivision Agreement which requires bonding,new agreement has not been completed or returned since it requires bonding information that is not yet available. •Construction plans for the road are being prepared and will be submitted to the Department of Public Works for review and approval.Design changes might be necessary to address the driveway length issue. i^^?..\^N'S The applicant requires more time to complete all ofthe conditions.We respectfully request an extension in time of two year to file the Final Subdivision Map.Two years are being requested to allow for approval of construction plans and to post a surety bond for completion. Thank you for your consideration, Very truly yours, Dennis M.Esaki cc:Carl Wright,Mark Freeman COUNTY OF KAUA-I PLANN1NG DEPARTMENT TO:Subdivision Committee,Planning Commission SUBJECT:Extension Request PURPOSE:^File Final Subdivision Maps Complete Subdivision Improvements Other: ^ubdivision Application No.Applicant(s) S-2019-3 McBryde Sugar Co.,LLC./Sunset Strip Properties,LLC. Location:Kalaheo Tax Map Key:|(4)2-4-016:001 -019 ndExtensionRequestNo.(Ist,2na,etc.)Tentative Approval Granted On:Previous Ext.Expired On: 2nd November 18,2018 November 18,2021 Subdivision Bonded:Yes I ^1 No Deadline to Complete Improvements:Not Applicable APPLICANT'S REASONS:Additional time is being requested to comply with the conditions/requirements oftentative approval.The Applicant is currently with the various reviewing agencies in resolving the required infrastructure improvements for the subdivision. PLANNING DEPARTMENT EVALUATION &RECOMMENDATION EVALUATION:PIease refer to next page... RECOMMENDATION:Please refer to next page. ^ffnanner 0^.?>0.2o2Z- Date [^]Approved and Recommended to PIanning Commission [JDenied Comments: •Digitally signed by Jodi Higuchi IID^2022063019:11:32-10'00' Planning Director Date V:2019MastefFiles Regulnrory Subdivisions S.20)9-3.Extensions,!lepofl-2 ?.14.22 S-2019-3Mc8ryde-SunsetStrip Prapefties_Ext(2).doc)(T.l.l^.C JUL12 COUNTY OF KAUA'I PLANNING DEPARTMENT Extension requests are primarily processed for the purpose ofcontinuing a tentative approval for a subdivision application.An extension approval allows an applicant additional time to comply with the requirements in orderto obtain final subdivision approval. In determining whether additional time should be granted,an evaluation is made ofthe project s progress as well as compliance with the requirements oftentative approval.The evaluation is primarily based on determining whether the applicant is progressively working towards obtaining final subdivision approval with the various reviewing agencies.The tentative approval conditions are then re-evaluated to determine whether the conditions/requirements are adequate to address the impacts ofthe proposed development in consideration ofthe time that has lapsed. Pending evaluation ofan extension request,one ofthe following can occur: 1.The extension is approved without changes to the tentative approval requirements; 2.The extension is approved with modified time frames but no modifications or additions to the tentative approval requirements; 3.The extension is approved with modifications and/or additions to the requirements; and 4.The extension is denied. FlNDINGS/BACiCGROUND: The proposed subdivision consolidates nineteen (19)lots ofthe Brydeswood Phase II Subdivision and resubdivides into two (2)lots within the Agriculture (A)/0pen (0)zoning districts.This application was granted tentative approval by the Planning Commission on November 18,2018 and the Applicant's request is the seconrf extension ofthe tentative approval. In further evaluating the proposal,the subject property was originally reviewed through Subdivision Application No.S-1993-50 (Brydeswood Phase II Subdivision)that received final subdivision approval on February 8,2011,and established fourteen (14)lots and five (5) roadway lots.Since that time,the former landowners,McBryde Sugar Company,LLC.,did not develop the required infrastructure improvements and have sold the properties to Sunset Strip Properties,LLC.Currently,the new landowners do not intend to develop the properties but rather have the properties as a whole. S-2019-3;Sub tfxtension (2nd) McBRYDE SUGAR CO./SUNSE'I'STRIP PROPBRTIFS 0712.2022 .7- The subject property is situated on the western side ofKalaheo Town and along the mauka side ofKaumuali'i Highway directly abutting OIu Pua Gardens along its eastern boundary.It is also situated directly across Brydeswood Subdivision.The total area involved is approximately 198.844 acres and the surrounding parcels are undeveloped fallow agriculture lands. PROGRESS OF THE SUBDIVISION: In considering the extension request,it should be noted that the Applicant has made progress with the development and has already submitted Final Subdivision maps for agency review.To date,the subdivision has received final approval recommendations from the COK Department of Public Works -Engineering Division and the State Department ofHealth.The Applicant has represented that they have satisfied the requirements ofthe State Department ofTransportation; however,the department is still awaiting their final approval recommendations. Currently,the Applicant is diligently working to resolve the various requirements ofthe COK Department ofWater and have requested an extension ot time to actively pursue completion of the subdivision project. Based on the foregoing circumstances,the Applicant's reasons arejustifiable and no problems are foreseen in granting the extension request.The Departments ofPublic Works and Water have no objections to the request. Additionally,the Applicant should demonstrate further progress with the subdivision within one (1)year from the approval ofthis extension request.As such,the Applicant shall be made aware that in further considering extension requests involving the proposed development,the Applicant shall continue to submit to the PIanning Department an updated status report on the subdivision with a detailed time chronology on the progress ofthe tentative approval requirements.The status report shall be submitted to the Planning Department no later than sixty (60)days prior to the expiration date in order to allow sufficient time to evaluate whether progress have been made and conditions satisfied. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that an extension until NOVEMBER 18,2022 be granted to obtain final subdivision approval.However,the Applicant is made aware that an updated status report on the subdivision with a detailed time chronology on the progress ofthe tentative approval requirements shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review for further extensions requests.The status report shall be submitted to the Planning Department no later than sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date. S-2019-3;Sub Extension (2nd) McBRYDE SUGAR CO/SUNSET STRIP PROPERTIHS 07J22022 -3- Sililliiilllii ?!Siift fT l.^-^^^-^p ^•\ L"^":''"fc^ ^'1''*'S^^>«"1!',:^ nj^a'^ii^i a '•^•; wws71v ES^s^S^lsltiai llt !1 ISl JISIJIJItlJli^i^Jlii ^^^^?^5..^^^^$luft-^^iSS^ $"t S SS.;§::^21;i!S!Sls8S;')jSgJ^lllllllljllslslillll!^ ^S ^!j8ss8jit^s i: r r ccwr""-"'||A| KODANI &ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS,'tyL%L-r',,,...'•'~1 S'2 .'40 December 1,2021 PLANNING DEP7 Mr.Ka'aina Hull,Director Planning Department CountyofKaua'i 4444 Rice Street,Suite 473 LThu'e,HI 96766 Dear Mr.Hull: RE:CONSOLIDATION OF BRYDESWOOD SUBDIVISION,PHASE II (S-2019-3) TMK:(4)2-4-016:001 to 019 Kalaheo,Kaua'i,Hawai'i KOO-097D We respectfully request for an extension of time for the subject subdivision action.Our client, Alexander &Baldwin,continues to actively pursue completion ofthe subdivision project.We have been working closely with govemmental agencies to resolve their respective concerns and significant progress has been made since the previous subdivision extension request was granted. Please find Attachment #1 which is a copy ofthe Planning Commission s "Tentative Approval" letter dated November 20,2018.We have annotated this TA letter with the current status of actions taken to address the listed agency conditions for subdivision approval.Attachments #2 - #5 contain correspondence from the respective govemment agencies. It is our understanding that we have satisfied the requirements of the Department of Public Works,the State Department of Health and the State Department of Transportation,We are actively working to satisfy the remaining requirements ofthe Planning Department and the Department of Water. Once again,we respectfully request for an extension oftime for the subject subdivision and I thank you for your consideration ofthis request.Should you have any questions,please feel free to contact our office. Very tnily yours, cU.^4^ Eddy,PE President cc:Mr.Scott Morita,Alexander &Baldwin (ecopy) 3126 AKAHI STREET,LlHU'E,KAUA*1.HAWAI'1 96766 EMAIL:KODAN[@KODAN[.COM PH:808.245.9591 r-r Donna Apisa I'h.iir Glcnda Nogami Strcut'ert Vii.'L'-C'iiair Kanoc Ahuna Elesthrr C alipjo Roy Ho Kinio M.Keawe Sean Mahonev Mcmbcrs Clvde Kodani Suiiset Strip Properties.LLC' 3126 Akahi St. Lihue.Hawai'i 96766 Michacl A.Dahilig (.'lcrlv iillliL'(.'oiiitnis^ion 1'LANNING COMM1SSION Countv'of Kaua'i,State of Hawai'i 4444 Ricc Slrecl Kapulc l^uilditiy.Siiite A-473 IJhu'f.ll.iivai'i %7h6-l}2h TEI.(808)241-4(151)FAX (808)241-6AW RECEIVED NOV 2 6 20)8 NOV20 201B 12/1/2021 Annotations with status updates. Kodani &Associates Engineers,LLC Subject:Consolidation ot Brydeswood Subdivision.Phase II Lots 1 to 13 Inclusive.I.ots 15 lo 19 Inclusive,and Remainder ot'Parcel 2,Being porlions ol'Royal Patent 7813 to M.Kekuananoa.lancl Commission Avvartl 7714-B Apana 6 to Mose Kekuaiwa.and the Resubdivision olthe said consolidalion into Lot 2-A and Lot 3-A and cancellation ot Easement Dl Attecting Lot4,Lot 5.and Lot 9 Easement D2 Al't'ecting Lot 3,Easement D3 Affecting Lot 1,Lot 2.and Lot 3.Easement D4 At'tecting l.ot 12.F.asement D5 AITecting Lol 12,Easement D6 At'fcctiny l.ot 6 and Lot 7.Easement El Aftecting Lot 12.Easement E2 Affecting Lot I. basemeiit E3 Attecting Lot 4,Easement E4 Aftectiiig Lot 10.Easement E5 Atfecting Lol 12.Irrigation Easement 1 Atfecting Lot 10,Easemcnt W2 Af'tectiny Lot 15 and Desiynation ot'Easement "A"and also Redel'ine Easements"14"."16 ."17 ,"T2","T4".Portions ot Easement "6"ancl "8"at Wahiavva. Koloa.Kauai.Hawaii (S-2019-3 SUNSET STRIP PROPERTIES,LLC) Subject subdivision was granted TENTATIVE APPROVTlfGT'the Plannini;Commission at their meeting hcld on November 13.2018.Final approval will be granted subject to the tollowini;condilions: 1.As recommended by the Planning Department: a.An updated preliminaiy title report for each existing lot shall be siibinittci-1 lo the I'lanning Department tbr revievv.An updated report will be submitted before request for final subdivision approval. b.All existing and proposed easemcnts.ifany.shall be identit'ied in tlie decd descriplions ot the allecled lots,dratl copics ot vvhich shall be submitted to ihe Planning Department for revievv and approval.Deed descriptions will be drafted before request for flnal subdivision approval. r.I'lirsuanl to Section 9-3.8(b)ot thc Subdi^'i.sion Orilinancc.Kaiia'i Countv C'ode (1987).the Applicant shall submit to ihe Planning Departmcnt an clectronic recnrcl .lii Eiiiiiil Opi'iorliinily Eiiii'iliiyi'r V ."!dl1^Mustcr 1-ilrs |<L-yiikiti>r\StihiliMsioii S-2(l|L/-.l lciil \ppr ICIELT S^iii'M (_11 KI ^MK.tlacs Attachment#1 r r Sunset Strip Properties.LLC Page 2 of 4 (digitized format)ofthe final subdivision map(s)011 clisk tbr recorcl keeping purposes prior to final subdivision approval.A dlgitized map will be provided before request for flnal subdivision approval. The siitxlivider is made aware thal there shall be no direct access on Kaumiialii llighvvay tor those lots that liave ti'ontage along the State Highway rigln ot'way. This provision shall be incoiporated as a restrictive covenant for tlie siibject lots. dratt copies ot'which shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval.Understood Semi-Circles denoting no direct access peimitted shall be shown on the final subdivision map.Semi-circles denoting no direct access are contained on the previously submitted subdivision map. e. 3. 4. The applicant is advised that uses on the newly-created lots shall be limitecl to those listed as permissible uses within the "A"Agricultiiral Districl in the State Land Use Commission Rules and Regulations.Dvvellings on the lot shall mean a single-family dvvelling located on and used in connection with a t'arm vvhere agriculture activity provides income to the t'amily occupying the dwelling.Thesc restrictions shall be includecl in the covenants tbr the proposed lots.draft copies qfvvhich shall be submitted to the Planning Department tbrreview and approval. Understood.Draft copies ofthe subdivision covenants will be submitted prior to requesting final subdlvision approval. Requirements ofthe Departmenl ol'Public Works (DPW): DPW has recommended subdivision approval,see Attachment #2 a.There are natural drain ways that traverse through the property.Provisions neecls to be established to prevent structures trom being buill in flood prone areiis and to preserve the natural lunclion and capacity ot the vvater course. This drainage issue has been resolved wlth the Department of Public Works. Requirements ot'the Department ot'Water(DOW): a.The Subdivider shall comply with all requiremenls ol'the Department ot'Water.if any,prior to final subdivision approval. DOW has provided a revised subdivision report,see Attachment #3. Requirements for State Departmciit ofllealth: DOH has indicated that they have no objections with approval of subdivislon,see Attachment #4. a.Parcel 4 has structiire/otfices and wastewater disposal systems that are not shown on the subdivision map.Wastewater Branch vvill not recommend approval ot'the siibdivision application iiiuil vve have inforniation on existing wastevvater systems. The applicant must have his/her engineer or contractor submit a completed existing cesspool information card tor each cesspool.idenlilying the location ot all vvastewater systems with associated structures and their relationships to existing and proposed property lines. Thls issue has been resolved with the Department of Health. The property may liarbor rodents whicli will disperse to the siin'oiinding arcas vvhen the site is cleared.In accordance vvilh Tille 1 1.Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR).Chapter 11-26."Vector C'ontrol".the applicant shall ascertaiii the presence or absence or rodenls on thc property.Slioulcl tlie presence ol rodents be dctcrmined.the applicant shall eratlicate thc rodents prior to clearing the site. Will comply,however,no clearing of site is anticipated with this subdivislon action. An Eqiial Opportunity Employer V:-.201'>M;isiLT!tk-,i<;eyi.il;ilnr*,Siihdi\isii)nS-;<))^-."t IL-III \ppr lcllcr S-2Dll)-3 (-H_i'l2^|S,tloc\ b. Attachment #1 r Sunsel Strip Properlies,LLC PaKe 3 of-< r c.Noise vvill be Kenerated when coiistriictioii occurs on after the siibdivision.The applicable maximum permissible saund levels as stated in Titlc 1 1.llavvaii Administrative Rules (HAR).Chapter 1 1-46."C'ominunity Noise Control".shall no(be exceedctl.unless a noise permil is oblained trom tlic State Department ot llealth(DOH). Will comply,however,no construction is anticlpated with thfs subdlvision action. cl.Temporary lugitive dust einissions diiring site preparation and construction caiild iinpact tlie nearbv residtfiits ivhen tlie subdivided lots are developett.Iii accordance vvith C'hapter 11-60.1.entitled "Air Pollution Control".Title 1 I.HAR. eftective air pollution control measiires sliall be providecl lo miiiiiiiize or prevent any tugitive dust emission trom impacting the stin'oiinding areas.This includes btit are not limited to tlie use ot ivater wagons.sprinklcr systcms.diist fences.etc. Wlll comply,however,no construction Is anticipated with this subdivision actlon. c.In accordance vvilh Tille 11.HAR.Chaptcr 1 1-58.1."Solid Waste Management Control",the grubbed material and conslruction waste tliat will be generated by the project shall be disposed ot'at a solid vvaste disposal tacility that complies with the DOII.The apening burnini;ot any ofthese ivastes on or on'site is proliibited. Will comply,however,no constructlon is anticlpated wlth this subdivision action. 5.Reqiiirements for the State Department ot'Transportation (DOT): DOT has approved constructlon plans for subdivision water meters,see Attachment #5. a.Builcting shall be set back trom Future Roacl Wiclening Reserves. Will comply,however,no building is anticlpated with thts subdivislon action. 6.The Applicant is advised the should any archaeological or historical resources be discoverecl cliiring grouiid distiirbiiig/constniction work.all work in the area ol'tlie archaeoloyical/historical Imdings shall immcdiately cease and the applicant shall contact tlie State Depanment ot'l.and and Naliiral Resources.Historic Preservation Divisioii ancl ihe Planning Departinent to determine mitigalion measiires. Will comply,however,no constructlon is anticipated with this subdivision action. 7.The Applicant is advised that prior to and/or diiriiig constniction and use additional coiiditions may be imposed by government agencies.Slioiild tliis occiir.the applicant shull resolve these conditions with the respectivc agencylies). Will comply,however,no construction is antlcipated with thls subdivlslon action. You are hereby informed that tlie Itnal siibtlivision map miist be filed within one (1)year atter ihe tenlalive approval date in order to obtain linal approval.Ifnot tiled.tlie preliminary subdivision map and conslruction plan.ifany.shall become null and \oid unless an extension nf time.not to exceed six (6)monlhs.is granled by the Planiiing C'ominission. Sincerely Yours. C'lerk ol the C'ominission An Fqiial Opporliinil)F.niplo\cr V 2lll^M^islcr l-'ilcs Rcyiil;il(ir\SitlHtiM-'ini s-^fll^-.'i lcnl \|ipr lcllL-r S-:(i1l>-3 L I!li!22 l.S tli».\ Attachment #1 Siinsel Strip Propertics.LLC' Page 4ot'4 xc:COK Public Works Dept. COK Water Dept. State Dept.Health State Uept.1 lighvvays An Eqiial Opportunity Hmployer V:2llll)Maslfrl'ilus'Kri'uliltiu'\Subilivisii>n.S-2llll>-.lli;nlApprli;llcr.S-11]|"-.it'B 11122 ISihics Attachment#1 COUNTY OF KAUA'I DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TO;PLANNING DIRJECTOR S-2019-03 VIA:COUNTYENGINEER FROM:ENGINEERING DIVISION DATE;August30,2019 SUBDFVISIONNO. OWNER:McBryde Sugar Company and Sunset Strip Properties LLC REGISTERED PROPESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR:ThomasOi,PLS TAX MAP KEY:2-4-007:002 and 020 RE:Consolidation ofBiydeswood Subdivision,Phase H Lots PRELIMINARY MAP 1 to 13 inclusive,Lots 15 to 19 Inclusive,and Remainder CONSTRUCTION PLANS (TITLE SHEET) ofParcel 2,and the Re-subdivision ofSaid Consolidation CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FEE into Lot 2-A and Lot 3-A and Cancellation and Designation ofEasements at Wahiawa,Koloa,Kaua'i, Hawai'i AGREEMENT &BOND COMPLET(ON OF IMPROVEMENT PRE-FINAL MAP DEDICATION x PW 08.19.035 COMMENTS: 1.FORM &CONTENT OF MAP &SUPPLEMENTAL DOCUMENTS : 2.SEWER: 3.PARK: 4.DRAJNAGE: 5,ROAD: 6.OTHERS:We have no comments.Recommend proceeding to Final Map. a.Transmitted herewith for you'review &approval is the approved conshuction plan Title Sheets for: b.Engineer Estimate for Constmction ofRoads,Drainage and Sewer is estimated at c.Request Developer to deposit with Public Works Department a Construction Inspection Feeof d.As-built tracings have (not)been received e.Deed is approved f.Attached Deed requires revision(s)as follows Sincerely:Concur: ^ICHAELMOULE.P.E. Chief,Engineering Division LMLETABATA Dg{)uty County Engineer SI/MM copy:S-2019-03 Attachment#2 ROUTINGFORM ENGINEERING DIVISION Subject: '3-2.01''-O'a \S>z.1Besu-iooo Pp.et=i-~i"-i-. Preparer:1—1Staff x Section Head Division Chief Recommend:l^SJ Approval 1—1Disapproval I—1With Conditions Commen.ts: HE-riO Oi^L'7. ^(Use additional Sheet ifNecessary) /2.0\1 -(Init)(. Sect.Head's Review 1_1 Concur 1—1Do not Concur_(Init) Comments or reason for non-concurrence: (Date) (Date) Division Chiefs Review: _(Init)_CDate)Recommended Approval w/Conditions DPW-BNGR FORM 2004-7 RevFeb6,2015 Atfachment #2 COUNTY OF KAUA'I PLANNING DEPARTMENT Kapule Building 4444 Rice Street,Suite A473 LThu'e,Hawai'i 96766-1326 MEMORANDUM RECEIVED JAN 13 ?0?0 FROIVI SUBJ^CT: January 9,2020 Clyde Kodani Kodani &Associate Enqineers,LLC Chance Bukoski' Planner REVISION OF SUBDIVISION CONDlTfOlT" Subdivision No.S-2019-3 Applicant(s):Sunset Strip Properties,LLC TaxMapKey:(4)4-2-016:001 -013,015 &016 12/1/2021 Annotations with status updates. Kodani &Associates Engineers,LLC Atta^hed,please find a copy ofthe Water Department's reqiiirements forfinal subdivision appr(>val_The followjng shall supersede Condition 2.of the November 1 3,2018 tentative approval lettei FRC payment of $14,115 for Lot 3-A has been paid to DOW. FRC payment for Lot 2-A "2.Requirements of the Department of Water (DOW): a.Pay the Department of Water the following charges in effect at the time of receipt. At the present time,these charges include: 1)The Facilities Reserve Charge (FRC):2 Lots @ $14,115 per Lot = £28,230.00*5/8-inch water meter 2)Payment to install one service connection at the fixed cost $2,850 for newly created Lot 3-A.If the subdivider caused a delay in the service connection after one year since final map approval,the subdivider shall be charged the increase in fixed cost,if any.Payment of $2,850 for Installation of one service connection for Lot 3-A has been made to DOW. Prepare and receive Department of Water's approval of construction drawings for the necessary water system facilities and either construct said facilities or post a performance bond for construction. 1)A water main extension,if applicable.The size and the length of the water main extension will be dependent on the additional information provided. Additional information shall include but limited to the required domestic and fire flow demands of the proposed project,the project location of the water meter requested,and the elevation of said location. FRC payment of $14,115 for Lot 3-A has been paid to DOW. FRC payment for Lot 2-A is not allowed by DOW at thls time since the service connection shall be made by a contractor and not DOW.A&B will make payment after service connection is complete. Attachment #3 < Siinset Strip Properties.LLC' June4.2019 Pa.iie 2 Construction plans were approved by DOW in 2019 and have been resubmitted to DOW for recertiflcatlon. 2)The domestic service connections ffor newly created Lot 2-A). 3)The fire service connection,if applicable. 4)The interior plumbing with the appropriate backflow prevention device. c.Prepare and convey to the DOW a Right-of-Entry and temporary Grant of Easement for the purpose of construction,repair maintenance and operation of the subdivision water system improvements installed in other than County-owned property,if applicable.Not Applicable d.If a bond is filed,to secure final subdivision approval,the subdivider shall clearly letter the following on the approved construction plans,final subdivision map,and deeds:Will comply If bond is filed. "Domestic water service is not available until the construction improvements for this subdivision are completed and accepted by the Department ofWater,County of Kaua'i." This deed restriction shall be recorded with the Bureau of Conveyances within ninety (90)days of final subdivision approval by the Planning Department. Submit an updated Kukui'ula Water demand and system capacity Tracking Matrix. OTHER e.Sign and execute an Elevation Agreement with the DOW.Will comply f.Agree to discontinue the use of the private water system for domestic consumption. The applicant shall notify the Department in writing of their intention to discontinue the private water system.will comply g.The applicant is made aware that the subdivision is subj'ect to a Private Water System Waiver Release and Indemnity Agreement.The applicant must complete a draft and execute an agreement to terminate the Private Water System Waiver Release and Indemnity Agreement,for the DOW and the County Attorney's review and approval.Will comply h.If a larger water service is necessary,submit a formal request for water service for our review and approval.Include detailed water demand calculations along with the proposed water meter size.A larger water servlce Is not antlcipated. Should you have any questions regarding this matter,please contact me at 808.241.4050, Enclosure cc:Dep(.of Water (w/out encl.) V .'Dl';M.isti.T 1 iles l<L-i;tii:i!i>i\,Sii!Ht!\isii>ii.-<S-2il|lf-3 .\JJilioii,il t.ufiiiiii.'tii-,DI )\\(.riiditiiiiis I ''lt)S-.:"!1'-Attachment #3 -^•.•I ^[..?0^f»;!(1 •i'3dJ U.;.WrtlLK ^r '^ai/ai Di-jurnfc- Wft^i-kMW ssi^,itliuh.,,....Cw3«^viii 43(18 ['UAI.OKIiSlREET I-UIU'C,ItAUA'l.1{AWA!'I 96766 PMDNI;:(Bfl'l)24.5-541)0 /FAX:(3118)245.5613 SUBD1VISIONREPORT • TO;fJ.ANKlNG IitpAAIi'MENT FBUM;lli PA.RTBlir.NT CIF Vt'ATER :l','>l)l-i;,'itW!Enig<{"l'n<?t(ljfs;^J.'IlEVI^ED:' •.'fti(;.,|-ir:~>f;^hargfii iitciiidr: l.1 Tli«Fi;.;!iiticsResetVi;Chjrg«(F.RC):;>.: 'Iots@!$i4,ll'!>perlat -S 28,230 .1 •:-!i;i '*5^'inch water nWf't'')"a^oit.iit ro J3I3tt!]opf y-wvwQ cuniicction at tlis fixedcost of $2,850 t'or iiewlypretit$kl Lot 3-4 ^the •i'.t!>diyi{l •.•wis'-td a d^lay 'n ib^service i^titiection afier one year siiioe ftnal m^p approval,thp ^it't<:lhiriCT ^.al^h^c"?)^£.(lthqincrHa3cijnfixedcost,if?stny. Sl.'t >"t i)i-h?PO''A .iyop,'.'ofilicsubdivi'ie'-'sptimiiittoparlbrmwurk upon fLState^igliv.'&yfromthe St&ie ,Hi£i'l"'e'.'s E'ivi^ic'''.,: i''iVfit;r'2 ;yrJr3cw:^.'30W's;.'ippntv&lojrcyft)tfuciiQtidrawingsfor the ueoessBiy water syst^in fafillitiaa and .l;tf--.-]rc ;jc.l.urct Sfi J facilf je;:or po&t a perfciinyKfi botid foi comtruetioil-Ttiace f^cilitios slinll af*o includs: '.I A watefinain e-itcnston;ti'App'icaHs.'Itieswe atidtfce lengthufthewiiter'tiainfixt-ensiunwiHW ^fe-.sriiisufc ot.':!w a<f(?;tio]tia?iinformatioTi provide-d.Additiona)iiitbnnalion sbatl inctudi;but ti^ijted to tllfc .'equiced Uum^sti^and fu-e flcw dennnds ufth'e proposed project(the propo^i^d location of;ttie wati?r iUt-ter tsq»£:sfed,fiHrf Ae fi^^'atiun vfsa.;d,]ocarion,•.-.^,.;, 21 t'b'-.^mi:^'•^•''yt'viwwwwe^ifs'i (foniewty cresle-ff toi^-A/'.'t ••\''''' :)si^t'^c6 wrVii"(;or.t.^:Eic-ilitfappl>Ciible.':..!:' •1J TS-..i.->'ii-'x'r .-n'wibin,';wilh tne fti)p.'optisto backflow pevention d^vtce -':: i'^''--•fi JI-1 rnOTr.y L-Othi'00"!'BKigh<-of-I-'.3tryajn'lTe)iip^raiyGrantofE*sementforftiRpuqpn&3 urf -•^••...^i,u •(K-f^repa:?.niain^yfivcti,attjOt^rsiionoflhe sub':)ii;isioiiv/-<iter5yK^j'ii ijilprovey'.ents in?t'illed ii •.l-.i.'.'*•;"i ..'(Kuil>owneJ prt'-ptrty,ii':ipplkAbie.y 1(''^r-ii..^ti?d^o •K^Ji'linu}subdivi'iion •ipprovm,tb3si.ibdiyidsr5hiiU cl.tartyletterthefollowirg ynthi.- •.»->^-•••''.!ccr.t;nxii,iv.n plE'is,fina!subdi'r'uiou m?.p,sild deed^: '0;.if.y^i<Mtmer'*e;'vics'-viltno^e>ivaiIabl£uotit thercqyirod cofiyh'uction iniprovemetits tiwthfs••i,b iivi.s;oii aiw w-niplftttd snd acceptod by i^tl Departmcnf ot'Water,Cou»ty ofKaua'i/' n;ii >^pd F.r.?irlct'';"j shaii !>e rworded wjtiti u-ie Buraau ofCunveyatices wiliii^mw^'(90)days <?}^iiat ^i^li.'--I'iO.-L B.tip).'o-/A[by tb':Pl.iftG,ii)g DfparUtieat.,^j '.I.()1 TMk:J'±.lu;J'i.'i^._.NAMB:iA,Bi»i(l»6uij«a«sl(>__sut'.'t.YOB;_A?'?""_'.SuBDlvISIoyBj'.PflItT ^»flWNfr l.i'tf.'iiT.i..*''.;i'ii-.f>r;l }•:'i-^.j'.raiiti^dffd.l.'r if;'-,•-•;1:1 «.^lv'sb!;-~-n hi!,^'r)iiia)i<i;,tli^reftj^,Fi(ia!appravul isrccummiitldetl.<; Ik'.^i''•'';'i1 ^i^r'jvai C;UL be re..'..j'itt)icnd^d;tlie subdividet must; ;\.v'.iy i;ii l^i,t.ti,-un&;it ofWtiSer (.OOW)ih^tbliowing charges w eff&ct at the tisiie ofreceipt.At the pi-isent a a a 8 a El B K! [)].'3'.!!.r;...u.rl;'si-:'<.'i<;?t •.uj'.wti.'nswill nut b?reqatred uiitilrequ^tfor wattifset'viceismacfe,Ths app't|^Ant for ]— ;f .•ir.-1.'.'i";'•qi.'hargec1 tl^.tppJ^abieservicecoiinisctionohargeiatfhattlme.'•' •i to'\-r;at\tY.»."i ''[SI 3i^^'^'•..'•-cutertn B!eviTioD Ag^nmsntwrAthsfDOW. \y.^t'-(I'.ic-Gfttir-.-"the r'ie ofthe privste wrt»rsystem foi (.loine-stici wnsuniption.'-ITi?applicant ^.hall••(;r.fi;/t;:i Uapai'tn1---<t U(v riting ofthRu-intetttion to discotttmug the privato \yater syiiiein.',' 1'iif;.ii.piiuptrt is itrA'le av/^'e thav'tf •iu^tiivi&ton is subject ty a Private Water Systeffl Waivsr .Reli^-i.t and r!i<;';i'-!.ti:Ly Agreerasnt,'ni8applicamaristcoitipif°teadrtift..-i&(te&Guuie aii iigreement t<?^nniualii the •^:.,it'^<Vt^yr Systeio ^'a.'/&r Release &ni:l bidenmity Agreenitiht)fb*'tbfc POW aiidth^Coynty Aiturasy's •.r;:;v,iiic ••ipprovai.. '.ii '.-<.i^;.r '^gter il-l:-.ic-i h-^\we^&ry\suhmi1 -•i fominl rsqu^si-for water servic?for our revisw and approvA], l:^.j't '3 .•<.ui7tlcd \v.;•jrd^f.^nrli.'ftIculR.tintisaton^withttiieproposed vvate-rmeteriize. >^t<S.-.4 »tl-i /i'h,<n!C-.:..f'.ii. <-ii!'t-c.'t v-.;i,;i;•^••w-s'vw&'n&u)i'^ t'.f'w'.'i •'.7''1/.3 -'t^'./i ....t..S.)S."f,?lS;>..^p'MA.'i''to .2/ld*^i Da.to I.V.VISEU S-2019-3 SL'BDp,'1?:WRE?ORT' Attachmenf#3 April 20,2020 Mr.Ka'aina Hull,Director County of Kauai Planning Department 4444 Rice Street,Suite A473 Lihue,Hl 96766 Dear Mr.Hull SUBJECT:PRE-FINAL Subdivision Map Review and Approval Subdivision No.:S-2019-3 Applicant:McBryde Sugar Company LLC &Sunset Properties We have received the necessary information addressing the Departments' concerns and have no further objections to the subdivision project.The Department has no objections with final approval of this subdivision application. Should you have any questions,please call me at 241-3323. Sincerely, Patrick Peck,Chief District Environmental hlealth Program Kaua'i Attachment #4 r DAVID Y IGE GOVERNOR r JADE T BUTAY DIRECTOR Deputy Difedors LYNN A.S.ARAKI-RGGAN OEREKJ.CHOW R03S M HiGASHI EDWINH.SNIFFEN INREPLYREFERTO- HWY-K.4.190141 STATE OF HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HIGHWAYS DIVISION KAUAI DISTRICT 1720 HALEUKANA STREET u4uii..HAW4i^%6elulyy, Mr.Clyde Kodani,President Kodani and Associates Engineers,LLC 3126Akahi Street Lihue,Hawaii 96766 Dear Mr.Kodani: Subject:Installation Plans for Two (2)Water Service Laterals aiid Onellydrant Brydeswood Subdivision Phase II,S-2019-3 Kalaheo,Kauai,Hawaii TMK:(4)2-4-16:001-031 Enclosed is the signed tracing (Title Sheet)for the project,along with the other tracing sheets not requiring District Engineer signature. No construction within tlie State Highway right-of-way shall commence until an application for a "Permit to Perform Work Upon Stale Highways"has been completed,and pennit issued to the owner,and/or,its contractor. Requirements for the permit are: 1.Complete permit application torm; 2.Submit four (4)complete sets of'fully approved plans (2 -fiill size,2 -half size); 3.Submit 2 copies signed,current-dated BMP Narrative Report; 4.Payment of permit fee in the amount of $20.00; 5.Submit a Certificate of Insurance with general liability,automobile liability,ancl worker's conipensation coverages,naming the State of Hawaii,its officers and employees as additional insured parties (2,000,000/2,000,000 aggregate); 6.Subinit Iwo (2)copies construction schediile with task breakout; 7.Provide One Call Ticket Number on permit application;and 8.Post a performance bond in the amount of $120,000.00 insurance bond for the work within the Stale Highway right-of-way. Ifyou have any questions,please cal]Fred Reyes ofour staffat 241-3017. Sincerely, 'trict Y DILL,P.E. Engineer Attachment #5 COUNTYOFKAUA'I PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO:Subdivision Committee,Planning Commission SUBJECT:Extension Request PURPOSE:^File Final Subdivision Maps Complete Subdivision Improvements Other: Subdivision Application No.Applicant(s) S-2019-4 Tim Beckman &Mira Hess Location:Po'ipu Tax Map Key:|(4)2-8-014:038,042 st nndExtensionRequestNo.(1st,2"°,etc.)Tentative Approval Granted On:Previous Ext.Expired On: 3rd March27.2019 March 27,2022 Subdivision Bonded:Yes I ^1 No Deadline to Complete Improvements:Not Applicable APPLICANT'S REASONS:Additional time is being requested to comply with the conditions/requirements oftentative approval.The Applicant is currently with the various reviewing agencies in resolving the required infrastructure improvements for the subdivision. PLANNING DEPARTMEN' EVALUATION &RECOMMENDATION VALUATION:Please refer to next page... RECOMMENDATION:Please refer to next page... A-.Ofc.2^.20 2.2- St^iffPlanner Date [^JApproved and Recommended to PIanning Commission [JDenied Comments: ling Director QI^IZ^ Date V-2019MaslerFiles Begulutory Subdivisioni S-2019.4 Extension.Extension RepOf)-07.14.20??K£S-2019.'l Tim Beckman S Mira Hess.docx ^:l.C.l. JUL 12 2022 COUNTY OF KAUA'I PLANNING DEPARTMENT Extension requests are primarily processed for the purpose ofcontinuing a tentative approval for a subdivision application.An extension approval allows an applicant additional time to comply with the requirements in order to obtain final subdivision approval. In determining whether additional time should be granted,an evaluation is made ofthe project's progress as well as compliance with the requirements oftentative approval.The evaluation is primarily based on determining whether the applicant is progressively working towards obtaining final subdivision approval with the various reviewing agencies.The tentative approval conditions are then re-evaluated to determine whether the conditions/requirements are adequate to address the impacts ofthe proposed development in consideration ofthe time that has lapsed. Pending evaluation of an extension request,one of the following can occur: 1.The extension is approved without changes to the tentative approval requirements; 2.The extension is approved with modified time frames but no modifications or additions to the tentative approval requirements; 3.The extension is approved with modifications and/or additions to the requirements; and 4.The extension is denied. FINDINGS/BACKGRQUND: The proposed development involves a boundary adjustment that consolidates four (4)existing lots and resubdivides into three (3)lots within the Open (0)zoning district.This application was granted tentative approval by the Planning Commission on March 27,2019 and the Applicant's request is the third extension ofthe tentative approval. The subject property is located along the mauka side ofPo'ipu Road and adjacent to the Po'ipu Beach Estates Residential Subdivision (refer to attached map).The total area involved is approximately 19.178 acres and the surrounding parcels are situated within the State Urban Land Use District that have been developed as residences or commereial/retail development. PROORESS OF_THE^SUBDIVISION: In considering the extension request,it should be noted that the Applicant has shown some progress with the development.As represented,the Applicant has resolved the Workforce Housing Agreement,obtained approval from the Department ofPublic Works for access to Lot S-2019-4;Sub Extension (3rd) Beckman/Hess 07.12.2022 -2- C,and final inspections for water facilities improvements were conducted by the Department of Water. Currently,the Applicant is working with their attomey to obtain draft deed descriptions for the Planning Department's review.The Applicant has represented that Final Subdivision maps will be submitted for agency review and approval and is requesting another time extension to complete the subdivision project. Based on the foregoing circumstances,the Applicant's reasons arejustifiable and no problems are foreseen in granting the extension request.The Departments ofPublic Works and Water have no objections to the request. Additionally,the Applicant should demonstrate further progress with the subdivision within one (1)year from the approval ofthis extension request.As such,the Applicant shall be made aware that in further considering extension requests involving the proposed development,the Applicant shall continue to submit to the PIanning Department an updated status report on the subdivision with a detailed time chronology on the progress ofthe tentative approval requirements.The status report shall be submitted to the Planning Department no later than sixty (60)days prior to the expiration date in order to allow sufficient time to evaluate whether progress have been made and conditions satisfied. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that an extension until MARCH 27,2023 be granted to obtain final subdivision approval.However,the Applicant is made aware that an updated status report on the subdivision with a detailed time chronology on the progress ofthe tentative approval requirements shall be submitted to the PIanning Department for review for further extensions requests.The status report shall be submitted to the Planning Department no later than sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date. S-2019-4;Sub Extension (3rd) Beckman/Hess 07.12.2022 -3- BIOi:'17.(Snfiny •31DO it 'w.••t'l-v.-z (*)-<"x di>n "j IIVIM^•ivn'/M 'vu'ini .'v [iOt>UDniB>|n ou oiiicntfBX 'n O)i'ounriv S-V-lil.'*V '3 'l '»1U 'iJ 'H )n uoi-tJOd &UI?E) 3 ONV 9 'V S101 OiNt NO[ivonoSN03 aivs jo wisi/MOSnssa ONV a -3x3 ^o a3QNivn3a ONV T 101 'L-j LQ1 (zios 'gi a36n3AON a3ivo'issogsss-v 'ON 'ooa NoiivaiSfa^M^a) 9-2t GNV 'V-Sl S101 jo NOiLvanosNoo ^yvNinraad ;i'[v;w :>iii,iv?in -7 :YA">~'S^fr1 ^.^^.^g^""•v*\^. ESAKI SURVEYING &MAPPING.INC 1610HALEUKANASTREET-LIHUE,KAUA'I,HAWAI'I 96766 (808)246-0625 ESM@ESAKIMAP.COM February 18,2022 Mr.Kaaina Hull,Director County of Kaua'i Planning Department 4444 Rice Street,Suite 473 Lihue,Hl 96766 Attn:Mr.Hull RE:SUBDIVISION EXTENSION REQUEST S-2019-4 TIM BECKMAN &MIRA HESS TMK (4)2-8-14:38 KOLOA,KAUA'I,Hl 96756 DearMr.Hull, The subject subdivision received TENTATIVE APPROVAL by the Planning Commission at their meeting held on March 27,2019.The subdivision also received EXTENSION REQUESTS by the Planning Commission at their meetings held on July 14,2020 and April 13,2021. During the extension period that was granted,the applicant was able to resolve the following requirements: •The Workforce Housing Agreement has been recorded at Bureau of Conveyances •Department of Public Works has approved the access for proposed Lot C •Department of Water conducted the final inspection of the water facility improvements.The Deeds ofConveyance to DOW and cost breakdown have been received by DOW. We respectfully request an extension in time of 1 year to file the final subdivision map. Thank you for your consideration. r^^^ Dennis M.Esaki DME:vc COUNTYOFKAUA-1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO:Subdivision Committec,Planning Commission SUBJECT:Extension Request PURPOSE:^File Final Subdivision Maps Complete Subdivision Improvements Other: Subdivision Application No.Applicant(s)_ S-2019-8 Stephanie Femandes Location:Wailua Homesteads Tax Map Key:|(4)4-2-005:044 st '-)ndExtensionRequestNo.(Is1,2"°,etc.)Tentative Approval Granted On:Previous Ext.Expired On: 3rd January22,2019 January 22,2022 Subdivision Bonded:Yes I </1 No Deadline to Complete Improvements:Not Applicable APPLICANT'S REASONS:Additional time is being requested to comply with the conditions/requirements oftentative approval.The Applicant is currently with the various reviewing agencies in resolving the required infrastructure improvements for the subdivision. PLANNING DEyffRTM^NT' EVALUATION &RECOMMENDATION EVALUATION:Please refer to next page... RECOMMENDATION:Please refer to next page. Ols.l^.'iCl-i.-i Date [»/]Approved and Recommended to Planning Commission [JDenied Comments: ^—7—*^?'ning Director .cm<^yu Date -X.l.4<.l. JUL 12 2022 V\20]9 Masta-Hl6^ gaatcri\SiAdvigCTlA5-20]9-W<ten3CTEiiB<teram pcrt -m22U22 reS-2B]9-fl aepharie FiTrerdeidaot COUNTY OF KAUA'I PLANNING DEPARTMENT Extension requests are primarily processed for the purpose ofcontinuing a tentative approval for a subdivision application.An extension approval allows an applicant additional time to comply with the requirements in order to obtain final subdivision approval. In determining whether additional time should be granted,an evaluation is made ofthe project's progress as well as compliance with the requirements oftentative approval.The evaluation is primarily based on determining whether the applicant is progressively working towards obtaining final subdivision approval with the various reviewing agencies.The tentative approval conditions are then re-evaluated to determine whether the conditions/requirements are adequate to address the impacts of the proposed development in consideration of the time that has lapsed. Pending evaluation ofan extension request,one ofthe following can occur: 1.The extension is approved without changes to the tentative approval requirements; 2.The extension is approved with modified time frames but no modifications or additions to the tentative approval requirements; 3.The extension is approved with modifications and/or additions to the requirements; and 4.The extension is denied. FINDINGS/BACKGROUND: The proposed development involves a subdivision ofa parcel into five (5)lots in the Wailua Homesteads area.This application was granted tentative approval by the Planning Commission on January 22,2019 and the Applicant's request is the third extension ofthe tentative approval. The subject property is situated in close proximity to the Kuamo'o Road/Kamalu Road intersection in Wailua Homesteads and the total area involved is approximately 10.818 acres. The subject property is County zoned Residential District (R-2)and Open (0)District,and is within the State Land Use Rural District.The surrounding parcels to the North and West are also County zoned Residential District (R-2)and Open (0)District,and are within the State Land Use Rural District.The parcels to the South and East are County zoned Residential District (R-4) and are vvithin the State Land Use Urban District.The surrounding parcels are developed with single-family residences. S-2019-8;SubExtension(3rd) FERNANDES 07.12.2022 -2- PROGRESS OF THE SUBDIVISION: [n considering the extension request,it should be noted that the Applicant has made some progress in addressing the requirements ofthe subdivision.As represented,the Applicant has resolved the Workforce Housing Agreement and is actively working to resolve the infrastructure improvements with the COK Departments ofWater (DOW)and Public Works (DPW). Based on the foregoing circumstances,the Applicant's reasons arejustifiable and no problems are foreseen in granting the extension request.The Departments ofPubIic Works and Water have no objections to the request. Additionally,the Applicant should demonstrate further progress with the subdivision within one (1)year from the approval ofthis extension request.As such,the Applicant shall be made aware that in further considering extension requests involving the proposed development,the Applicant shall continue to submit to the Planning Department an updated status report on the subdivision with a detailed time chronology on the progress ofthe tentative approval requirements.The status report shall be submitted to the Planning Department no later than sixty (60)days prior to the expiration date in order to allow sufficient time to evaluate whether progress have been made and conditions satisfied. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that an extension until JANUARY 22,2023 be granted to obtain final subdivision approval.However,the Applicant is made aware that an updated status report on the subdivision with a detailed time chronology on the progress ofthe tentative approval requirements shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review for further extensions requests.The status report shall be submitted to the PIanning Department no later than sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date. S-2019-8;Siib Extensioii (3rd) FERNANDES 07.12.2022 -3. IASE FLOOD ELEVATiON (BFE)PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION OF LOT 21 A-9 Portion of Lot 21 Wailua Homestead,Firet Series Also portion of Grant S-14157 To William E,Femandes Wailua,Kawaihau,Kauai,Hawaii INTO LOTS 1 TO 5 INCLUSIVE Owners: Wataoka Puanani P H:6231 Haulki Road Kapaa,Hl,98746 Anama Kawehi K H Huriey Kaiauo K P Femandes-Salling John M K LawJaredW Law Jonattian K Law Jenna M Perez Erin P L Magalogo Jajme M L Chun Bres L Femandes Benjamin B;219 Kamalu Road Kapaa Hl.96746 Femandes W Kihei Femandes Nainoa L Femsndes Kepa K. KAM A L U -|l—^^-^B^V_1^"A_.> R O A ^^fr~"lr—]72^"T^7~ 1 LtlT-s 1 t0 T •QPAEKAA .GAROENS' FIRST SERIES (F.P.liTT) '.tS'S^ 1111 •'OFAEPLAA GApflENS SUB'D' 1ND SERIES (F.P.i513) NOTCS: Ortgln of uttnuth*and ooonHndM u»mtnnd to Oouwws Sumy Tf>»ft«uliillnn8—U)"NONOU.- Cwmin uf iKl|olnw»Ninia w •hoin on [ifn «m»mm rwMtn uu ftal Pioiwt^lupphfl Bnrdi. 3.Ftoodwaym<*Uoo(itFlft»Bi fw*dnf»*a<KilTOtTiflood IntuunCt rtta nup (RflMI)b»trntpk EX.aiiiiBunia (inwhuunttn bund cn —iU orthophoto and goafllt nupt- exnaes:APHH.M.ztiici IH(S WORK UtS PREPAREO BT UE OR UMDER UY SUTCRVIStON 'ssssia.Asa MAX V/.l.GRAHAM.JR. JONATHAN J.CHUN LW K.JUNG FederaiIDNo 99-03)7663 BELLES GRAHAM LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW WATUMULL PLAZA 4334 RICE STREET,SUITE 202 LIHUE,KAUAI,HAWAII 96766-1388 TELEPHONE N0:(808)245-4705 FACS1MILE N0:(808)245-3277 E-MAIL:mail@kauai-law.com December28,2021 OFCOUKSEL MICHAEL J.BELLES DAVID W.PROUDFOOT DONALD H.WILSON DEC29 P9;.3 £.;„, Mr.Francis DeGracia,Chairperson Subdivision Committee Planning Commission c/o County ofKauai Planning Department 4444 Rice Street,Suite A473 Lihue,Kauai,Hawaii 96766 Re:Subdivision ofLot 21 A-9 Portion ofLot 21 Wailua Homestead, First Series also Portion ofGrant S-14157 to William E.Fernandes Wailua,into lots 1 to 5,inclusive, Kawaihau,Kauai,Hawaii Kauai Tax Map Key No.(4)4-2-005-044 S-2019-8,Stephanie Fernandes Dear Chairperson DeGracia and Subdivision Committee Members: As a follow fhrough to our updated December 28,2021 report,I am respectfully requesting an extension ofanother six to twelve months to complete the conditions set forth in the Commission's January 22,2019 tentative approval letter. Thank you very much for your consideration ofthis request. Sincerely, BELLES.GRAH[AM LLP JJC:so cc: Jonathan J.Chun Esaki Surveying and Mappin^-tnC. Allison Mizuo Lee,Esq. David J.Minkin,Esq. Shaylene L.M.Iseri,Esq. Mr.Benjanun B.Femandes Mr.W.Kihei Femandes (W:/DOCS/4457/159/WOI73747.DOCX ) MAX W.J.GRAHAM,JR. JONATHAN J.CHUN LWK.JUNO FederalLDNo 99-0317663 BELLES GRAHAM LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW WATUMULL PLAZA 4334 RICE STREET,SUITE 202 LIHUE,KAUAI,RAWAII 96766-138.8 TELEPHONE N0:(808)245-4705 '' FACSIMILE N0:(808)245-3277 E-MAIL:mail@kauai-law.com OFCOUNSEL MICHAEL J.BELLES DAVID W.PROUDFOOT DONALD H.WILSON •:'n 7C;lu L^ December28,2021 1*\ Mr.Francis DeGracia,Chairperson Subdivision Committee Planning Commission c/o County ofKauai Planning Department 4444 Rice Street,Suite A473 Lihue,Kauai,Hawaii 96766 Re:Subdivision ofLot 21 A-9 Portion ofLot 21 Wailua Humestead, First Series also Portion ofGrant S-14157 to William E.Fernandes Wailua,uto lots l to 5,inclusive, Kawaihau,Kauai,Hawaii Kauai Tax Map Key No.(4)4-2-005-044 S-2019-8,Stephanie Fernandes Dear Chairperson Garcia and Subdivision Committee Members: I am writing to you as the court appointed commissioner in Femandes v. Femandes-Salluig.et al.,Civil No.15-1-0010,Fifth Circuit Court,State ofHawaii,that has been tasked to pursue the above-entitled subdivision.The Planning Commission Subdivision Committee granted Tentative Approval to the above subdivision at its meeting held on January 22, 2019.On September 9,2020,the Plamung Commission granted an extension ofthe tentative subdivision approval to January 22,2021,and on February 10,2021,an additional extension was granted to January 22,2022. The January 22,2022 extension provided that "if further subdivision extension requests are sought,an updated status report on the subdivision that includes a detailed time chronology on the progress of the tentative approval requirements shall be submitted to the Planning Department no later than sixty days (60)from the expiration date ofthe extension."We apologize for not submitting this updated report earlier.We had hoped that all of the conditions might have been fulfilled by December ofthis year,but unfortunately we might not be able to meet the January 22,2022 date so we are submitting this updated report and request for an extension for the Committee's consideration. {W;/DOCS/4457/159/W0173753.DOO(} Mr.Francis DeGracia,Chaiqierson Page2 December28,2021 The following are the conditions that were contained in the Commission's Tentative Subdivision Approval and their status: a.Payment of a park dedication fee in the amount of $600.00. Status:Fee will be paid prior to Final Approval. b.Payment ofan enviiomnental impact assessment fee of $750.00. Status:Fee will be paid prior to Final Approval. c.Dedication of an 8'wide strip of line fronting Kamalu Road. Status:A reserve will be created and shown on the Final Subdivision Map and conveyed to the County ofKauai upon request. d.Locate and indicate on the subdivision map the location of the Open and Residential Districts. Status:Esaki Surveymg and Mapping,Inc.has been retained to fulfill the conditions contained in the Tentative Subdivision Approval.Esaki Surveying and Mapping,Inc.("Esaki")will include the Open and Residential District boundaries on the fina!subdivision map.Esaki is still working on finalizing the map and we anticipate it to be finished in 2022. e.Payment of a Facilities Reserve Charge to the Department of Water in the amountof $56,460.00. Status:Fee will be paid prior to Final Approval. f.Prepare construction drawings for the domestic water service connections for approval by the Department ofWater.Show on final subdivision map location ofthe existing water meter and location ofproposed 4 new meters. Status:Esaki has been retained to fulfill the conditions contained in the Tentative Subdivision Approval.Esald is preparing the required construction drawings for the Department of Water.We anticipate Esaki will finalize their drawings in 2022. |W:/DOCS/4457/159/W0173753.DOCX} Mr.Francis DeOracia,Chairperson Page 3 December28,2021 g.Enter into an agreement with the Department of Water restricting the subdivision to one single family dwelling per lot or one 5/8-inch water meter per lot. Status:On February 20,2021 a draft Water Agreement was prepared and submitted to the Water Department for acceptance and recordation.We are still waiting for the Water Department's comments or signature. h.Preparation of a flood study to address drainage from the natural drainage swale that is located on proposed Lot 2. Status:Esaki has been retamed to falfill the conditions contained in the Tentative Subdivision Approval.We anticipate Esaki will be able to finish its flood study in 2022. i.Address the Department of Public Works'suggestion to consolidate entry points along Kamalu Road and provisions for common driveways. Status:Esaki has been retained to fulfill the conditions contained in the Tentative Subdivision Approval.Esaki is working with the Department of Public Works regarding any required entry points for the common driveways. j.Enter into a workforce housing agreement with the Housing Agency to comply with County ofKauai's workforce housing requirements. Status:The Applicant has discussed this matter with the County ofKauai Housing Agency and on May 7,2021,a fully executed Workforce Housing Agreement was recorded in the Bureau of Conveyances of the State of Hawaii as Document No.A-77970593. k.Prepare metes and bounds descriptions for final lots. Status:Esaki has been retained to fulfill the conditions contained in the Tentative Subdivision Approval.Esaki will prepare metes and bounds descriptions for the final lots.We anticipate this work will be completed by Esaki in 2022. 1.Install property pins for final lots. Status:Esaki has been retained to fulfill the conditions contained in the Tentative Subdivision Approval.Esaki will install property pins for the final lots. |W:/DOCS/4457/159/W0173753.DOCX | Mr.Francis DeGracia,Chairperson Page4 December28,2021 m.Prepare final subdivision map for approval incorporating the above conditions. Status:Esaki has been retained to fulfill the conditions contained in the Tentative Subdivision Approval.Esaki will be preparing the fmal subdivision map for the County's review and approval.We anticipate this work will be completed in 2022. We estimate Esaki would need another extension of six to twelve months to complete the work required ofit under the tentative subdivision approval.We are in contact with the Kauai Water Department as to approval ofthe draft Water Agreement.We anticipate obtaining the Water Department's approval withm six to twelve months. Thank you very much for your consideration ofthis request. Sincerely, BELLES GRAHAM LLP / hathan J.Chun JJC:so cc:Esaki Surveying and Mapping,Inc. Allison Mizuo Lee,Esq. David J.Minkin,Esq. Shaylene L.M.Iseri,Esq. Mr.Benjamin B.Femandes Mr.W.Kihei Femandes {W:/DOCS/4457/159/W0173753.DOCX } COUNTYOFKAUA'I PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO:Subdivision Committee,Planning Commission SUBJECT:Extension Rcquest PURPOSE:^File Final Subdivision Maps Complete Subdivision Improvements Other: Subdivision Application No.Applicant(s) S-2020-9 Baird Family Limited Partnership Location:Kapa'a Homesteads Tax Map Key:|(4)4-4-013:002 st ^ndExtensionRequestNo.(1st,V,etc.)Tentative Approval Granted On:Previous Ext.Expired On: 2nd January 28,2020 January 28,2022 Subdivision Bonded:No Deadline to Complete Improvements:Not Applicable APPLICANT S REASONS:Additional time is being requested to comply with the conditions/requirements oftentative approval.The Applicant is currently with the various reviewing agencies in resolving the required infrastructure improvements for the subdivision. PLANNING DEPARTMENT EVALUATION &RECOMMENDATION EVALUATION:Please refer to next page... RECOMMENDATION:Please refer to next page. r^aA^.^fc Oto.2q.zo2.2- St&jfPLanner Date ['/]Approved and Recommended to Planning Commission []Denied Comments: (oh(7V Date V:',,2020 Masler Files.llegulutory Subdivisions ,5-2020-9 .Extensions OC EdiLExtension Report -07.12.202Z KE S-2020-9 Baird Fflfflily Limled Portnership.dncx ^C.l.^.l. JUL 12 2022 Yes ^ COUNTY OF KAUA'I PLANNING DEPARTMENT Extension requests are primarily processed for the purpose ofcontinuing a tentative approval for a subdivision application.An extension approval allows an applicant additional time to comply with the requirements in order to obtain final subdivision approval. In determining whether additional time should be granted,an evaluation is made ofthe project's progress as well as compliance with the requirements oftentative approval.The evaluation is primarily based on determining whether the applicant is progressively working towards obtaining final subdivision approval with the various reviewing agencies.The tentative approval conditions are then re-evaluated to determine whether the conditions/requirements are adequate to address the impacts ofthe proposed development in consideration ofthe time that haslapsed. Pending evaluation ofan extension request,one ofthe following can occur: 1.The extension is approved without changes to the tentative approval requirements; 2.The extension is approved with modified time frames but no modifications or additions to the tentative approval requirements; 3.The extension is approved with modifications and/or additions to the requirements; and 4.The extension is denied. FINDINGS/BACKGROUND: The proposed development involves a three (3)lot subdivision within the Kapa'a Homesteads area.This application was granted tentative approval by the PIanning Commission on January 28,2020 and the Applicant's request is the secoiid extension ofthe tentative approval. The subject property is situated along Kawaihau Road,approximately 4.0 miles maiika ofKuhio Highway.The total area involved is approximately 3.38 acres within the County Agriculture District and within the State Land Use Agricultural District.The surrounding parcels are an assortment of County Agriculture and Open Districts and are also within the State Land Use Agricultural District. In evaluating the proposed development,it is noted that a Zoning Amendment (ZA-2018-1) involving the subject parcel was approved by the Planning Commission on November 13,2018 and the County Council on January 23,2019.It amended a portion ofthe property from the County zoned Open District to the Agriculture District.Prior to the Zoning Amendment,the S-2020-9;Sub Extension (2nd) Baird Fainily Limited Partneriship 07.12,2022 -2- subject property was split zoned;approximately 1.4 acres ivithin the Agriculture District and 1.98 acres within the Open District. It is further noted that the subject parcel existed prior to the adoption ofthe Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (CZO)in 1972.Therefore,the project is subject to the requirements in Section 8-8.3(b)(l)(A)which specify that "Parcels not more than ten (10)acres may be subdivided into parcels not less than one (1)acre in size.In addition,this project is subjected to the "one-time"subdivision limitation for parcels within the Agriculture District,pursuant to Section 8-8.3(c)ofthe CZO,Kaua-i County Code (1987). PROGRESS OF THE SUBDIVISION: In considering the extension request,the Applicant has shown some progress with the development.As represented,the Applicant has completed an Agriculture Master Plan will submit it to the PIanning Department for review. The Applicant is currently working to resolve the Planning Department's requirements, specifically the Declaration ofConditions,Covenants and Restrictions,and the Agricultural Subdivision Agreement as well as Draft Deeds for the subdivision.Since it is uncertain as to when the Applicant will be in compliance with the requirements of tentative approval,another time extension is being requested. Based on the foregoing circumstances,the Applicant's reasons arejustifiable and no problems are foreseen in granting the extension request.The Departments of Public Works and Water have no objections to the request. AdditionaIIy,the Applicant should demonstrate further progress with the subdivision within one (1)year from the approval ofthis extension request.As such,the Applicant shall be made aware that in further considering extension requests involving the proposed development,the Applicant shall continue to submit to the Planning Department an updated status report on the subdivision with a detailed time chronology on the progress of the tentative approval requirements.The status report shall be submitted to the Planning Department no later than sixty (60)days prior to the expiration date in order to allow sufficient time to evaluate whether progress have been made and conditions satisfied. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that an extension until JANUARY 28,2023 be granted to obtain final subdivision approval.However,the Applicant is made aware that an updated status report on the subdivision with a detailed time chronology on the progress ofthe tentative approval requirements shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review for further extensions requests.The status report shall be submitted to the Planning Department no later than sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date. S-2020-9;Sub Extension (2nd) Baird Family Limited Partnership 07 12.2022 -3- v^[,OT\-87-B-^-\^ ^'^hO&9';A'cres~--->' •^~--~~^^^'.'^^ ^^LOT 87-8-1 \ ~''\':'':'^^-:^''-^^\}^/;"" SUBDIVISION OF LOT 87-8INTOLOTS.87-8-1,87-B-2,AND 87-B-.3ANDDESIGNATIONOFEASEMENTAU-1 ESAKI SURVEYING &MAPPING,INC 1610 HALEUKANA STREET -LIHUE,KAUA'I,HAWAI'I 96766 (808)246-0625 ESM@ESAKIMAP.COM February 18,2022 Mr.Kaaina Hull,Director CountyofKaua'i Planning Department 4444 Rice Street,Suite 473 Lihue,HI 96766 Attn:Mr.Hull RE:SUBDIVISION EXTENSION REQUEST S-2020-9 BAIRD FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP TMK (4)4-4-13:02 KAPA'A,KAUA'I,Hl 96746 DearMr.Hull, The subject subdivision received TENTATIVE APPROVAL by the Planning Commission at their meeting held on January 28,2020.The subdivision also received an EXTENSION REQUEST by the Planning Commission at their meeting held on April 13,2021. The chronologyofthe progress since the subdivision was lastgranted an extension isasfollows:the Park Dedication fee and EIA fee have been paid by the Owner,Agricultural Master Plan completed (April 2021), and title reports received from Title Guaranty (July 2021). The Applicant's Attorney is currently working on the Declaration of Conditions,Covenants,and Restrictions,Agricultural Subdivision Agreement,and Draft Deed.The applicant requests more time to allow their Attorney to complete the documents. We respectfully request an extension in time of 1 year to file the final subdivision map. Thank you for your consideration. Dennis M.Esaki DME:vc r r DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING KA'AINA HULL,DIRECTOR JODI A.HIGUCHI SAYEGUSA,DEPUTY DIRECTOR DEREK S.K.KAWAKAMI.MAYOR MICHAEL A.DAHILIG,MANAGING DIRECTOR SUMMARY SUBDIVISION REPORT Action Required by Planning Commission: Subdivision Permit No. Name of Applicant(s) Consideration of Subdivision Application No.S-2022-3 that involves a two (2)lot consolidation. Application No.S-2022-3 WHIPTAILWALLABY,LLC. II.PROJECT INFORMATION Map Title Kukui'ula Residential Subdivision,Phase IIB,Consolidation of Lot 68 (Subdivision File No.S-2009-02)and Lot 27 (Subdivision File No.S-2006- 5)into Lot 72,Being a Portion of Royal Patent 6714,Land Commission Award 7714-B,Apana 2 to M.Kekuaiwa No M.Kekuanaoa at Koloa (Makai),Koloa,Kona,Kaua'i,Hawai'i. Tax Map Key(s):2-6-018:025 &027 Area:52,840 sq.ft. Zoning:Residential (R-4) State Land Use District(s): Urban General Plan Designation: Residential Community AGENCYCOMMENTS COKPublic Works COK Water: Other(s) Pending Pending [_]State DOT-Highways: State Health: DDLNR-SHPD: 10.08.2021 EXISTING ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY(S) Road Name Existing Width Required Width Pavement YES N0 Reserve Kahalawai Street 44 feet 44 feet a Holo Malanai Street 44 feet 44 feet D a D APPLICABLE FEES Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)|N/A Park Dedication Appraisal Report Required JUL 21 r'r III.EVALUATION The proposed development involves a two (2)lot consolidation within the County Residential (R-4)Zoning District and is situated within Kukui'ula's Residential Subdivison.It is noted that the lots were created through different phases of the project.Lot 68 was a part of Subdivision No.S-2009-2 that was approved by the Kaua'i Planning Commission on March 10,2009,whereas Lot 27 was a part of Subdivision No.S-2006-5 that was approved on March 11,2008.Since there are no additional lots being created with this application, there will be no assessment of EIA and Park Dedication Fees. RECOMMENDATION TENATIVE APPROVAL FINAL APPROVAL ^0^pproval D Denied d Approval D Denied Tentative Approval subject to all requirements as^noted on the follow pages: All conditions have been complied with ^] y7"Director of Plaifining te/^/^Z) Date' ^/^M jyDirbcfor of Planning Date IV.AGENCY REQUIREMENTS 1.Requirements ofthe Planning Department: a.An updated preliminary title report for each existing lot shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review. b.All existing and proposed easements,if any,shall be identified in the deed descriptions of the affected lots,draft copies of which shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. c.Pursuant to Section 9-3.8(b)of the Subdivision Ordinance,Kaua'i County Code (1987),the Applicant shall submit to the Planning Department an electronic record (digitized format)of the final subdivision map(s)on disk for record keeping purposes prior to final subdivision approval. 2 1 P a ge S-2022-3;Subdivision Report Wh!pt3ilWsl!aby,LLC. 11.09.2021 d.The Applicant shall identify on the final subdivision map whether the proposed lot will be utilized for Transient Vacation Rental (TVR)purposes.If so,the total amount of the lots within the Kukui'ula Residential Subdivision,Phase 11-C shall be counted towards the total amount approved through Ordinance No.PM-2004-370. 2.Requirements of the Department of Public Works (DPW): a.The subdivider shall comply with all requirements of the Department of Public Works,if any,prior to final subdivision approval. 3.Requirements of the Department of Water (DOW): a.The subdivider shall comply with all requirements of the Department of Water,if any,prior to final subdivision approval. 4.Requirements of the Department of Health (DOH): a.Noise will be generated if/when development of this parcel will start.The applicable maximum permissible sound levels as stated in Title 11,Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR),Chapter 11-46,"Community Noise Control",shall not be exceeded,unless a noise permit is obtained from the State Department ofHealth(DOH). b.Temporary fugitive dust emissions could be emitted if/when construction activities occur.In accordance with Title 11,HAR Chapter 11-60.1,entitled "Air Pollution Control ,effective air pollution control measures shall be provided to prevent or minimize any fugitive dust emissions caused by construction work from affecting the surrounding areas.This includes the off-site roadways used to enter/exit the project.The control measures include but are not limited to the use of water wagons,sprinkler systems,dust fences,etc. c.The construction waste/green waste that will be generated by the project shall be disposed of at a solid waste disposal facility that complies with the applicable provisions ofTitle 11,HAR,Chapter 11-58.1,"Solid Waste Management Control",the open burning of any of these wastes on or off site is prohibited. 31Page S-2022-3;Subdivision Report WhiptaflWalfaby,LLC. 11.09.2021 5.The Applicant is advised the should any archaeological or historical resources be discovered during ground disturbing/construction work,all work in the area of the archaeological/historical findings shall immediately cease and the applicant shall contact the State Department of Land and Natural Resources,Historic Preservation Division and the Planning Department to determine mitigation measures. 6.The Applicant is advised that prior to and/or during construction and use additional conditions may be imposed by government agencies.Should this occur,the applicant shall resolve these conditions with the respective agency(ies). The Planning Commission is further advised that this report does not represent the Planning Department s final recommendation in view of the forthcoming public hearing process scheduled for NOVEMBER 9,2021 whereby the entire record should be considered prior to decision-making.The entire record should include but not be limited to: a.Pending government agency comments; b.Testimony from the general public and interested others;and c.The Applicant's response to staffs report and recommendation as provided herein. ^, NETH A.ESTES,PLANNER 41Page S-2022-3;Subdivision Report Whiptail Wallaby,LLC. 11.09.2021 LOT 59 TUK:(4)2-6-018:059 KUKUI'UL^&EVELOPMENT CO,.LLC ^>A.. &^HOLO MALANAI STREET 259'43'—f46.85 |-270'ja27" 9S.6S K-so.ao LOT S8^f SQ-F'o^LOT 27 24.183 sa.n'.•^o G.^^ ^ LOT -T2 52^40 S<2.FT LOT 28 TMK:(4)2-6-018:028 PIXIE REAL ESTATE LLC ^^'^"<^? ^/ VICINITl'MAP NOT TO SCALE KUKUI'UU EESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION,PHASE HB CONSOUDATION OF LOT 68 (SUBD.FILE N0.S-2009-02)AND LOT 27 (SUBD.FILE N0.S-2006-5)INTO LOT 72 BEING A POKTION OF ROYAL PATENT 6714,LAND COMMISSION AWAED 7714-B. APANA 2 TO M.KEKUAIWA N0 M.KEKUANAOA AT KOLOA (MAKAI),KULOA,KONA,KAUAI,HAWAII OWNER:WHIPTAIL WALLABY LLC ADdR[-;SS-5B21 I-IOLO MALANAI STREFT KOI OA,HAWAtl 96756 TMK:(4)2-6-018;033 GERRY F.1NGLIS AND EHN F.INGLIS 1 NOTES; ],COORDINATES AND AZIMUTHS SHOWN ON THIS MAP ARE BfSiO OH GOVERNMENT SURVET TOKNCUIATION STA710N •WAHIAWA"&. 2.OWNERS OF ADJOINING PARCELS TAKEN FROM REW.PROPERPf TAX RECORDS. 3.SUBJECT PROPECTES ARE WFHIN FLOOD ZONE X AS SHOWN ON F1RM PANEl NUMBER 150002 0313 F,REVISED NOVEUBER 26,2010. TMK:(4)2-6-018:025 AND 027 AUS71N,TSUTSUMI.&ASSOCIATES IHC. 501 SUMNER STREET,SUITE 521 HONOLULU,Hl 96817 THIS WORK WAS PREPARED BY ME: OR UNDER UY SUPERV1S!ON. ^-^.1&-^ UCENSED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR CERTIFICATE No.9826 EXP.4/22 REV.JANUARY 20,2022 AUSUST 12,2021 JOG N0,;21-336 ATA AUSTIN,TSUTSUMI &ASSOCIATES,INC. ENSINEEfii SURICT3RS •HONOLUUU,Wf.MV.HAWNt 11"X 17"-=1.30 SQ.FT. r'r' COUNTYOFKAUA'l PLANNING DEPARTMENT 4444 RICE STREET,SU1TE A473 LIHU'E.HAWAI-1 96766 (808)241-4050 SUBD1VISION APPLICAT10N ROUT1NG FORM DATE:April 4,2022 COMMENTS from DPW Engineering:PW#02.22.085 We have no comments.Recommend proceeding to Final Map. Sincerely, ^Digitatly signed by Michael Moule Date:2022.05.20 09:31:24 -10'00' Michael Moule,P.E. Chief,Engineering Division Subdivision Map Review and Approval Q Preliminart'D Final ^Pre-Final Q Extension SUDIVIS10N APPLICAT10N N0:Subdivision Permit N0.S-2022-3 Owner(s)/Applicant(s):lil Wallaby LLC Name ofSurveyor/Engineer/Authorized Agent:Erik Kaneshiro Tax Map Key:Assigned to:Kenny Improvements:Consolidation of Lot 68 and Lot 27 into Lot 72 at Kahalawai Street and Holo Malanai Street,Kukui'ula r Dtparttncnt ol Waler has no stibstiluse .Cftfisen'e il! 4398 PUA LOKE STREET LIHU'E,KAUA'I,HAWAI-I 96766 PHONE:(808)245-5400 /FAX:(808)245-5813 SUBDIVISION REPORT TO:PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM:DEPARTMENT OF WATER TMK:2-6-018:027 N.AME:Whiotail Wallabv LLC SURVEYOR:Erik Kaneshlro REPORl N0;S-2022-3 4. Domestic vvater is adequate.Tentative approval is recommended. Water R.equirements are not affected.Tentative approval is recomniended. All requirements have been fully met and;therefore,Final approval is recommended. Before final approval can be recomniended,the subdivider must: A.Pay the Department of Water the folloiving charges in effect at the time of receipt,At the present tlme,these charges include: 1)Thc Facilitles Reserve Charge (FRC): Lots@$14,I13 perlot ^S E. 2)Payment to install _,or relocate _,service connections(s)at the fixcd cost of S 3) since final map approval,the subdivlder shall be charged the increase in the fixed cost,if any. Deposit (the subdivider will either be billed or returned the difference between this deposit and the actual cost of construction of S _for constructlon by the Department of Water. Submit to the Department of Water a copy of thc subdlvider's permit to perform work upon a State highway from the State Highivays Division Prepare and receive Department of Water's approval of construction dravvings for the necessary water system facilitles and either construct said facilities or post a performance bond for constructlon.These facilities shall also include: 1)All facllities required in the approved Kukui'ula Water Master Plan for the proposed project Prepare and convey to the Department of Watcr a Right-of-Entry and Temporary Grant of Easement for the purpose of construction,repalr,mamtenance and operation of the subdivision water system improvements installed in other than County-owned property. If a bond is filed,to secure final subdivision approval,the subdivider shall clearly letter thc following on the approved constructlon plans,final subdlvision map,and deeds: "Domestic water service vvill not be available until the required construction improvements for this subdivision are completed and accepted by the Department of Water,County of Kaua'i." This deed restrlction shall be rccorded with the Bureau of Convcyances wlthln ninety (90) days of final subdivislon approval by the Planning Department. Installatlon of servlce connections will not be required until a request for water servlce is made. The applicant for service will be charged the applicable service connection charges at that rime. Other (or remarks): D D B D D a If the subdivider causes a delay in the service connectlon instaUation after one y'ear a a a D a D D a w^May12,2022 SL'BUMSIOX RF.PORT N0.S-2022-3 Jason Kagimoto,P.E. Engineering Division Water Resources and Planning Section Date S-2022-3,Final,T-21828,W'hiptaU WaUaby LLC,2-6-018-027 r r DAVID Y.IGE GOVERNOR OF HAWAK ELIZABETH A.CHAR,M.D DIRECTOR OF H&S.LTH DATE: TO: FROM: STATE OF HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 3040 Umi St Lihue Hawaii 96766 Tuesday,April 5,2022 Kenneth Estes,Planner,County ol'Kauai John Kolman,DBA District Environmental Health Program Chief SUBJECT:Whiptail Wallaby,LLC S-2022-3 The Department approves the consolidation oflot 68 and 27 into lot 72.This approval is limited to the scope ofthe submittal and does not confer any approvals to build,modify or make any land improvements. Ifnew information is tound or changes are made to your submittal,we reserve the right to implement appropriate environmental health restrictions as required.Should there be any questions on this matter,please get in touch with the Department ofHealth at 808-241-3323 We recommend that you review all ofthe Standard Comments on our website: httosV/health.hawaii.eov/eDO/home/landuse-olannine-review-oroeram/Any comments specitically applicable to this or a future project(s)should be adhered to. The same website also features a Healthy Community Design Smart Growth Checklist (Checklist)created by the Built Environment Workine Group (BEWG)ofthe Hawaii State Department ofHealth.The BEWG recommends that state and county planning departments, developers,planners,engineers,and other interested parties apply the healthy built environment principles in the Checklist whenever they plan or review new developments or redevelopments projects.We also ask you to share this list with others to increase community awareness of healthy community design.