2021-11-09 Planning Commission Agenda PacketKAUA'I PLANNING COMMISSION SUBDIVISION COMMITTEE MEETING NIay ll,202l Draft The regular meeting of the Planning Commission Subdivision Committee of the County of Kdua'i was called to order at 8:31 a.m., Microsoft Teleconference. The following Commissioners were present: Mr. Francis DeGracia Mr. Chiba Absent and Excused: The following staff members were present: Planning Department Director Kaaina Hull - Planning Deputy Director Jodi Higuchi Sayegusa, Dale Cua, Kenneth Estes, and Planning Commission Secretary Shanlee Jimenez; Office of the County Attorney -Deputy County Attorney Laura Barzilai; Office of Boards and Commissions - Commission Support Clerk Arleen Kuwamura. Discussion of the meeting, in effect, ensued: CALL TO ORDER Subdivision Committee Chair DeGracia: Called the meeting to order at 8:31 a.m. ROLL CALL PlanninrDirector Kaaina Hull :Okay, Mr. Chair, it is 8:31 am, Tuesday, May 1 l. Are you ready to start the meeting? Chair DeGracia: Yes, I would like to call to order the Subdivision Committee Meeting for Tuesday, May I1,202I. Clerk, can we please have a roll call? Mr. Hull: Roll call, Mr. Chair. Commissioner Chiba. Mr. Chiba: Here Mr. Hull: Chair DeGracia. Chair DeGracia: Here Mr. Hull: You have a quonrm. Two Present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mr. Hull: Next agenda item is approval of the agenda. The Department has no recommended changes. Mr. Chiba: I move we approve the agenda. Chair DeGracia: Second. All in favor? Aye (Unanimous voice vote). I believe the agenda is approved. Motion carried 2:0. Mr. Hull: Motion passes, Chair. MINUTES of the meeting(s) of the Subdivisioneornunittee Mr. Hull: Next, we have no Meeting Minutes. RECEIPT OF ITEMS FOR THE RECORD (None) Mr. Hull: There is no Receipt of Items for the Record. HEARINGS AND PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. Hull: Now I will do Hearings and Public Comment. So at this time, if there's any member of the public that has called in, that is not an applicant, but a member of the public that has called in and would like to testiff, please state your name. Hearing none and quite honestly, Mr. Chair, we do not have anybody that called in, except for applicants or their representatives. GENERAL BUSINESS MATTERS UNFINISHED BUSINESS (For Action) Mr. Hull: We will move on to Unfinished Business, there is no Unfinished Business. NEW BUSINESS (For Action) Tentative Subdivision Extension Request. Subdivision Application No. S-2018 -12. A of Aportment Owners of Kulana Condoziniaz. Kulana Water Tank Subdivision Proposed 2-lot Subdivision TMK: (4\ 4-4-014: 003:089 Waipouli, Kawaihau, Kauai Mr. Hull: We can move on to New Business. One tentative Subdivision Extension Request, l.a Subdivision Application No. S-2018-12. Application to the Association of Apartment Owners of The Kulana Condominium, the Kulana Water tank Subdivision and proposed 2-1ot subdivision TMK 4-4-003:089, located on Waipouli, Kauai. I will tum it over to Kenny for the Subdivision report pertaining to this matter. 2 Staff Planner Kenneth Estes: Good morning. I will read the report for the record. The proposed development involves a2-lot subdivision. This application was granted tentative approval by the Planning Commission on May (inaudible), 2018 and the applicant's request is a third extension for tentative approval. Mr. Estes read the Subdivision Report for the record (on file with the Planning Department). Mr. Estes: The applicant is also working with the State Department of Land and Natural Resources to secure access and utility easements that will traverse over a sink ditch. Based on the prevalent circumstances, the applicant's reasons are justifiable, and no problems are foreseen in granting the extension request. The Department of Public Works and Water (inaudible). It is recommended that an extension until May 22,2022, be granted to obtain final Subdivision approval. Chair DeGracia: Thank you, Kenny. Do we have any questions for the Planning Department? Hearing none. I have no questions. Could we please hear from the applicant? Ms. Laura Loo: Good morning Chair. This is Laura Loo. I am the attorney for the applicant. We have several people available here, to answer your questions. But, probably the person with the most, well with overall knowledge, would be Brad Rockwell, who is the president of the Homeowners' Association. Chair DeGracia: Thank you. Mr. Brad Rockwell: Good morning Chair. I am Brad Rockwell, president. I do not have any comments. But we're standing by to answer any questions if you have. Thank you. Chair DeGracia: I guess, if you could share, I guess, the, the progress from your last extension, just to give us an idea of what is happening on this project. Mr. Rockwell: Sure. I can just give you a quick overview. So most of 2020 was involved with chlorinating and connecting the water transmission system. That was delayed, approximately six to nine months due to COVID shutdowns and restrictions on inter-island travel. The chlorination company is located on Maui. And there were some issues with, you know, inter-island travel, that I am sure is no surprise to the Commission. All the water tank and water line construction is complete. Final conveyance documents have been transmitted to the Department of Water. The DOW staff has reviewed and accepted. DOW legal is currently reviewing the documents. Upon completion of legal review, the association will execute, and Department of Water will bring to the Water Board for acceptance. We have satisfied Department of Public Works condition that you note, that you see there about the driveway ingress and egress, by securing an easement from the neighboring parcel, the Yamaguchi parcel. DLNR has approved easements over the State ditch. The Association currently, awaits a tax clearance certificate from the county to allow J DLNR issuance of easements. And upon completion of all the above, everything I just mentioned, the association is prepared to submit final title reports and the final subdivision map to the County Planning Commission. Standing by for any questions. Chair DeGracia: Thank you. Do we have any questions for the applicant? I have no questions - any further questions. I will entertain a motion. Mr. Chiba: I move to approve the extension request for Subdivision Application number 2018- 12 to May 22,2222, along with the Planning Department's requirements for an updated status report, no later than 60 days prior to the expiration date. Chair DeGracia: I will second. All in favor? Aye (Unanimous voice vote) Mr. Chiba: Aye. Chair DeGracia: Opposed? None. Any discussion? If not, this is approved. Motion carries 2:0. Thank you. Mr. Rockwell: Thank you Chair. Thank you, Commission. Mr. Hull: With that, we still need a motion to approve. Chair DeGracia:Okay. Mr. Hull: Unless you guys have any other questions for the Department. Sorry, I didn't mean to jump the gun on that. Chair DeGracia: Motion to approve Mr. Chiba: Motion to approve what? Chair DeGracia: Okay. Excuse me, clerk. I am still, I am a little lost. I am sorry Ms. Barzilai: Excuse me Clerk. I think that Chair needs, clarification on what's necessary at this moment. Mr. Hull: Sorry,. I was distracted for a second. Did you guys already vote on a motion for the subdivision? Chair DeGracia: Yes, we did. Mr. Hull: Oh, I apologize.I got pulled into another side conversation here. Yeah. Problems with tele-video. Sorr), about that. With that and there was a vote taken. I apologize. 4 Chair DeGracia: Okay ADJOURNMENT Mr. Hull: With that, there is no further items on the agenda and at your discretion, it is ready for adjournment, Chair. Chair DeGracia: I move to adjourn. Mr. Chiba: I second. Chair DeGracia: Okay. All in favor, signifr that by saying, "Aye." Mr. Chiba: Aye. Chair DeGracia: Motion passes. 2:0. Thank you all. We are adjourned. See you in the next meeting. Mr. Hull: Thank you all. Mr. Chiba: Thank you everybody. See you later. Subdivision Committee Chair Ho adjourned the meeting at8:42 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Arleen Kuwamura Commission Support Clerk ( ) Approved as circulated (add date of meeting approval). ( ) Approved as amended. See minutes of 5 meeting DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING KA'AINA HULL,DIRECTOR JODI A.HIGUCHI SAYEGUSA,DEPUTY DIRECTOR DEREK S.K.KAWAKAMI.MAYOR MICHAEL A.DAHILIG,MANAGING DIRECTOR SUMMARY SUBDIVISION REPORT Action Required by Planning Commission: Subdivision Permit No. Name of Applicant(s) Consideration ofSubdivision Application No.S-2022-3 that involves a two (2)lot consolidation. Application No.S-2022-3 WHIPTAILWALLABY,LLC. PROJECT INFORMATION Map Title Kukui'ula Residential Subdivision,Phase IIB,Consolidation of Lot 68 (Subdivision File No.S-2009-02)and Lot 27 (Subdivision File No.S-2006- 5)into Lot 72,Being a Portion of Royal Patent 6714,Land Commission Award 7714-B,Apana 2 to M.Kekuaiwa No M.Kekuanaoa at Koloa (Makai),Koloa,Kona,Kaua'i,Hawai'i. Tax Map Key(s):2-6-018:025 &027 Area:52,840 sq.ft. Zoning:Residential (R-4) State Land Use District(s): Urban General Plan Designation: Residential Community AGENCY COMMENTS COK Public Works COK Water: Other(s) Pending Pending State DOT-Highways: State Health: DLNR-SHPD: 10.08.2021 EXISTING ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY(S) Road Name Existing Width Required Width Pavement YES N0 Reserve Kahalawai Street 44 feet 44 feet D Holo Malanai Street 44 feet 44 feet a D a APPLICABLE FEES Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)N/A Park Dedication N/A Appraisal Report Required N/A Xl.^.s V 09 2021 III.EVALUATION The proposed development involves a two (2)lot consolidation within the County Residential (R-4)Zoning District and is situated within Kukui'ula's Residential Subdivison.It is noted that the lots were created through different phases of the project.Lot 68 was a part of Subdivision No.S-2009-2 that was approved by the Kaua'i Planning Commission on March 10,2009,whereas Lot 27 was a part of Subdivision No.S-2006-5 that was approved on March 11,2008.Since there are no additional lots being created with this application, there will be no assessment of EIA and Park Dedication Fees. RECOMMENDATION TENATIVE APPROVAL FINALAPPROVAL ^B^pproval D Denied D Approval D Denied ^ Tentative Approval subject to all requirements as<noted on the follow pages: te/??-Ivii All conditions have been complied with ^Date'Director of Plaifining DirectorofPlanning Date IV.AGENCY REQUIREMENTS 1.Requirements of the Planning Department: a.An updated preliminary title report for each existing lot shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review. b.All existing and proposed easements,if any,shall be identified in the deed descriptions ofthe affected lots,draft copies ofwhich shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. c.Pursuant to Section 9-3.8fb)of the Subdivision Ordinance,Kaua'i County Code (1987),the Applicant shall submit to the Planning Department an electronic record (digitized format)of the final subdivision map(s)on disk for record keeping purposes prior to final subdivision approval. 2 1 Pa g e 5-2022-3;Subdivision Report Whiptail Wallaby,LLC. 11.09.2021 d.The Applicant shall identify on the final subdivision map whether the proposed lot will be utilized for Transient Vacation Rental (TVR)purposes.If so,the total amount ofthe lots within the Kukui'ula Residential Subdivision,Phase 11-C shall be counted towards the total amount approved through Ordinance No.PM-2004-370. 2.Requirements of the Department of Public Works (DPW): a.The subdivider shall comply with all requirements of the Department of Public Works,if any,prior to final subdivision approval. 3.Requirements of the Department of Water (DOW): a.The subdivider shall comply with all requirements of the Department of Water,if any,prior to final subdivision approval. 4.Requirements of the Department of Health (DOH): a.Noise will be generated if/when development of this parcel will start.The applicable maximum permissible sound levels as stated in Title 11,Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR),Chapter 11-46,"Community Noise Control",shall not be exceeded,unless a noise permit is obtained from the State Department ofHealth(DOH). b.Temporary fugitive dust emissions could be emitted if/when construction activities occur.In accordance with Title 11,HAR Chapter 11-60.1,entitled "Air Pollution Control",effective air pollution control measures shall be provided to prevent or minimize any fugitive dust emissions caused by construction work from affecting the surrounding areas.This includes the off-site roadways used to enter/exit the project.The control measures include but are not limited to the use of water wagons,sprinkler systems,dust fences,etc. c.The construction waste/green waste that will be generated by the project shall be disposed of at a solid waste disposal facility that complies with the applicable provisions ofTitle 11,HAR,Chapter 11-58.1,"Solid Waste Management Control",the open burning of any of these wastes on or off site is prohibited. 3 1 Pa ge S-2022-3;Subdivision Report WhiptailWallaby,LLC, 11.09.2021 5.The Applicant is advised the should any archaeological or historical resources be discovcred during ground disturbing/construction work,all work in the area of the archaeological/historical findings shall immediately cease and the applicant shall contact the State Department of Land and Natural Resources,Historic Preservation Division and the Planning Department to determine mitigation measures. 6.The Applicant is advised that prior to and/or during construction and use additional conditions may be imposed by government agencies.Should this occur,the applicant shall resolve these conditions with the respective agency(ies). The Planning Commission is further advised that this report does not represent the Planning Department's final recommendation in view of the forthcoming public hearing process scheduled for NOVEMBER 9,2021 whereby the entire record should be considered prior to decision-making.The entire record should include but not be limited to: a.Pending government agency comments; b.Testimony from the general pubfic and interested others;and c.The Applicant's response to staff's report and recommendation as provided herein. NETH A.ESTES,PLANNER 4 1 P a g e S-2022-3;Subdivision Report Whiptail Wallaby,LLC. 11.09.2021 VlCINrTr MAP NGT TO SCALE KUKUI'ULA KESIDENTIAL SUBDmSION,PHASE HB CONSOUDATION OF LOT 68 (SUBD.FILE N0.S-2009-OS)AND LOT 27 (SUBD.FILE N0.S-2006-5)INTO LOT 72 HEING A PORTION OF ROYAL FATENT 8714,LAND COMM1SSIO.N AWARD 7714-B, APANA Z TO M.KEKUAIWA N0 M.KEKUANAOA AT KOLOA (MAKAI).KOLOA,KONA,KAUAI,HAWAII OWNER:WHI^'IAIL.WALLABY LLC ADDRESS:^6?1 HOI O MALANAI ST^EF" K010A.HAWAII 96756 TMK;(4)2-6-018:033 GERRY F.INGLIS AHD ERIN F.INGLIS NOTES: 1.COORDINATES *ND AZIUUTHS SHOWN ON THIS UAP ARE BASED ON GOVERNMENT SURVEY TRIANGULATION STATION "WAHAWA"A. 2.OWNERS OF ADJOINING PARCELS TAKEN FROM BEAL PROPER7Y TU RECORDS. 3.SUBJECT PROPERTIES ARE WITHIN FLOOD ZONE X *S SHOWN ON nRM PANEL NUMBER 150002 0313 F,REMSED NOVEMBER 26,2010. TMK:(4)2-6-018:025 AND 027 AUST1N,TSUTSUMI.St ASSOCIATES INC. 501 SUMNER STREET,SUITE 521 HONOLULU.Hl 96817 THIS WORK WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY 3UPERVISION. ^-A^.l&>~^2^ UCENSED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR CEFiTIRCATE No.9826 EXP.4/li AUGUST 12,2021 JOB N0.;21-336 ATA AUSTIN,TSUTSUM!&ASSOC1ATES,INC. ENCINEERS.SUBCfORS *HONOtULU,WAILUKU,HIWAII 11"X 17"»1.30 SQ.FT. Kenneth Estes From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Agullana,Roger D.<roger.agullana@doh.hawaii.gov> Friday,October 8,2021 8:30 AM Kenneth Estes S-2022-3 WHIPTAIL WALLABY LLC S-2022-3 Whiptail Wallyby LLC.doc CAUTION:This email originated from outside the County of Kauai.Do not click links or open attachments even ifthe sender is known to you unless it is something you were expecting. Aloha Kenny, Attached is DOH comments. RogerAgullana Food Safety Specialist IV Food Safety Branch Hawaii State Department of Health Environmetal Health Services Division 3040 Umi St Lihue,Hl 96766 Cell-(808)482-9923 Subdivision Application No:S-2022-3 Applicant:Whiptail Wallaby LLC Based on our review of the application and our on-site survey of the property,we offer the following environmental health concerns for your consideration. 1.Noise will be generated if/when development of this pareel will start.The applicable maximum permissible sound levels as stated in Title 11,Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR),Chapter 11-46,"Community Noise Control",shall not be exceeded untess a noise permit is obtained from the Department of Health (DOH). 2.Temporary fugitive dust emissions could be emitted if/when construction activities occur.In accordance with Title 11,HAR Chapter 11-60.1 "Air Pollution Control",effective air pollution control measures shall be provided to prevent or minimize any fugitive dust emissions caused by construction work from affecting the surrounding areas.This includes the off-site roadways used to enter/exit the project.The control measures include but are not limited to the use of water wagons,sprinkter systems,dust fences,etc. 3.The construction waste/green waste that will be generated by the project shall be disposed of at a solid waste disposal facility that complies with the applicable provisions ofTitle 11,(HAR),Chapter 11-58.1 "Solid Waste Management Control",the open burning of any of these wastes on or off site prohibited. Due to the general nature of the application submitted,we reserve the right to implementfuture environmental health restrictions when information that is more detailed is submitted. COUNTY OF KAUA'I PLANNING DEPARTMENT 4444 RICE STREET,SUITE A473 LIHU'E,HAWAI'I 96766 (808)241-4050 SUBDIVISION APPLICATION ROUTING FORM DATE:September 23,2021 Subdivision Map Review and Approval REQUEST: El Preliminary Q Pre-Final Q Final F_]Extension SUDFVISION APPLICATION N0:Subdivision Permit N0.S-2022-3, Owner(s)/Applicant(s):Whiptail Wallaby LLC Name of Surveyor/Engineer/Authorized Agent:|Erik Kaneshiro Tax Map Key:Tax Map Key:(4)2-(-018:027^|Assigned to:|Kenn}' Improvcments: Route To: COMMENTS (Comment Due Date:10/23/2021 ): f^>i^u^-T^|X-'^ '?0-->lr-<?-<L-pi^^^^c^*Jt'^" ~w DPW-Engineering ~D~ Department of Transportation -STP"D' DPW-SolidWaste ~a DOT-Highway,Kauai~w DPW-Wastewater ~w State Department of Health"D' Fire-Department ~w State Historic F>reservation Division~0 Department of Parks &Recreation ~D UH Sea Grant'w County Housing-Agency 'W U.S.Postal Department~D KHPRC ~D~ Other:~w County Water Department~s County Transportation Agency Ka'aina S.Hull Director of Planning Jodi A.Higuchi Sayegusa Deputy Director ofPlanning COUNTY OF KAUA'I PLANNING DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR'S REPORT SOIII'O'^'CffXt I.SUMMARY Action Required by Consideration of a Special Management Area Use Permit for the PIanning Commission:construction of a second dwelling unit,detached carport,and gravel driveway. Permit Application Nos.Special Management Area Use Permit SMA(U)-2022-2 Name of Applicant(s)LAWA'I PROPERTIES,LLC II.PERMIT INFORMATION PERMTTS REQUIBED Use Permit 1I Project Development Use Permit 1I Variance Permit Special Permit 1[Zoning Pennit Class IV III Special Management Area Permit ^]Use [_]Minor Pursuant to Section 205A ofthe Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS)and the Special Management Area Rules and Regulations of the County of Kaua'i,the change in intensity of use of land,including but not limited to the division or subdivision of land;which constitutes "Development". Therefore,a SMA Use Permit is required as defined in Section 7.3 of the SMA Rules. AMENDMENTS Zoning Amendment General PIan Amendment f=i.a.idStateLandUseDistrict Amendment V:\2022 Master Files\Rcgulatory\SMA Perniits\SMA Use Permils\SMA(U)-2022-2\Correspondence\Repon-l 10.26.21_SMA(U)-2022-2_Lawai Properties LLC.docx Date of Receipt of Completed Application: Date ofDirector's Report: Date of Public Hearing: Deadline Date for PC to Take Action (60 Day):October 30,2021 III.PROJECTDATA August 31,2021 October27,2021 NOVEMBER9,2021 SMA(U)-2022-2;Director's Rcport Lawa'i Properties,LLC Oclobcr27,2021 a|Page PROJECT INFORMATION Parcel Location:The project site is located off Kaumuali'i Highway approximately 446 feet west of Kikiaola Harbor Road intersection and adjacent to the County ofKaua'i Chinese and Japanese Cemetery at Kikiaola Small Boat Harbor. Tax Map Key(s):(4)1-2-006:022 Area:2.6010 acres ZONING &DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Zoning:OPEN (0) State Land Use District:Urban General Plan Designation:Residential Community Height Limit:No single family detached or single family attached dwelling,or accessory structure shall be more than two (2)stories above and one (1 )story below from the finished grade at the main entry, over twenty (20)feet measured from the finished grade at the main entry to the highest exterior wall plate line,and over thirty (30)feet to the highest point of the roof measured at each point along the building from the finished grade at the main entry. Max.Land Coverage:10%or at least three thousand (3,000)square feet of land coverage maximum for any parcel of record existing prior to or on September 1,1972. Front Setback:lO'-O" Rear Setback:5'or !/2 the wall plate height whichever is greater Side Setback:5'or !/2 the wall plate height whichever is greater Community Plan Area:West Kaua'i Community Plan Community Plan Land Use Designation:N/A Deviations or Variances Requested:N/A IV.LEGAL REQUIREMENTS Section 8.0,9.0,and 10.0 of the Special Management Area Rules and Regulations: This report is being transmitted to the Applicant and PIanning Commission in order to satisfy the requirements ofSections 8.0,9.0 and 10.0 ofthe Special Management Area Rules and Regulations.The application was received on October 27,2021 and the Applicant,through its authorized agent,was notified accordingly ofthe Planning Department's intent to commence permit processing. Public Hearing Date:NOVEMBER 9,2021 V.PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND USE The applicant is seeking to construct a single-family dwelling,detached carport,and gravel driveway to serve as a long-term rental for the current care takers of the property (Ron and Cads Samio). The proposed residence is a single story "plantation style design (see attached Exhibit "E").The residence consists of three (3)bedrooms and two (2)bathrooms with a half bathroom.The residence and carport is designed with a 5:12 pitched hip roofline with Tl- 11 plywood exterior siding.The proposed dwelling and carport will be placed within the mango orchard area that is located on the mauka side on the property closest to the highway.Three (3)large mango trees along with their root ball will be removed to accommodate the development. The project site is currently developed with an existing dwelling commonly referred to as the "Harbor House,"which on occasion,hosts events such as Ke Kula Ni'ihau graduations, hula halau events,Waimea Town Celebration festivities,Hawaiian church revivals,and canoe races.Hawaiian and local families also utilize the property for a variety of events such as first birthday parties,weddings,graduations,and family reunions.In addition to the foregoing uses.the Harbor House also operates as a Transient Vacation Non-Conforming (TVNC)and is an asset for the Westside community.The project site also includes a carport,metal storage shed and an asphalt driveway.Access to the property will be off Kaumuali'i Highway. VI.APPLICANT'S REASONS/JUSTIFICATION As noted,the proposed residence will serve as a long-term rental for Ron and Cads Samio the cun-ent caretakers ofthe property for the last ten (10)years. VII.ADDITIONAL FINDINGS 3|Page SMA(U)-2022-2;Director's Report Lawa'i Properties,LLC October27,202I 1.The project site is located off Kaumuali'i highway and is popularly known as Harbor House site Access to the property will be off Kaumuali'i highway.Property is situated between the County of Kaua'i Chinese and Japanese cemetery site and Kikaola Small Boat Harbor. 2.The State Land Use District (SLUD)designation for the parcel is "Urban"which allows for urban growth in a specified are. 3.The property is located in West Kaua'i and the proposed development complies with Sec.10-3.4 "Existing Conditions"of the West Kaua'i Form Based Code (WKFBC), attached as Appendix "C"to the West Kaua'i Community PIan.The subject site is not within any Special Planning Areas "K","L,""M",and "N"as designated in the WKFBC. 4.The subject parcel is not an abutting shoreline property and is not within the 500 feet shoreline setback threshold,pursuant to the County's shoreline setback requirements contained in Chapter 8,Article 27 ofthe Kaua'i County Code (1987),as amended. 5.The subject property is not located within the Visitor Designation Area (VDA)and the General Plan designation (GP)is "Residential Community".According to the GP,areas designated as Residential Community indicates existing areas that are primarily residential with few to no other uses.These areas are located outside the quarter mile boundary of Neighborhood Center and are no longer intended to be utilized as a growth tool to indicate areas of future development. 6.According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM)the subject parcel is affected by Zone "AE"and Zone "XS"(See Exhibit "C-9").The area ofthe proposed residence is placed on the mauka portion of the subject property within the Zone "XS"area.The Flood Hazard Assessment Report indicates Zone "XS"as areas of 0.2%annual chance flood;areas of 1%annualchance flood with average depths of less than 1 foot or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile;and areas protected by levees from l %annual chance flood.The parcel is also within the tsunami evacuation zone. 7.The topography of the project site contains a 0.5%slope running at the highest point at the southem makai portion to the northem mauka portion of the site.Grading of the project area will be very minimal and not negatively impact drainage in the area. 8.Special Management Area_(SMA) In addressing the issues of the Special Management Area and its objectives and policies,the following aspects will be considered and evaluated: a.Recreational Resources b.Cultural/Historic Resources SMA(U)-2022-2;Director's Report Lawa'i Properties,LLC October27,2021 4|Page c.Scenic resources d.Coastal Hazard e.Coastal Ecosystem Furthermore,the proposal does not: •Involve dredging,filling or otherwise altering any bay,salt marsh,river mouth,slough or lagoon; •Reduce the size of any beach or other area usable for public recreation; •Reduce or impose restrictions upon public access to tidal and submerged lands,beaches,rivers,and streams within the SMA;and •Adversely affect water quality,existing areas of open water free of visible structures,existing and potential fisheries and fishing grounds,wildlife habitats,estuarine sanctuaries,potential or existing agriculture uses of land. 9.CZO Development Standards The proposed development is subjected to standards prescribed in Section 8-4.3 and Section 8-9.2. a.Setback Requirements:Front property line setbacks are ten feet (10'-0")with a side and rear property line setback of five feet (5'-0")or half the distance of the plate height whichever is greater. b.Parking Requirements:The applicant shall provide two (2)off-street parking spaces for the proposed dwelling unit. c.Setback between buildings:The distance between buildings shall be ten (10)feet minimum. d.Lot Coverage:The subject property is within the Open (0)zoning district and is approximately 2.060 acres or 113,000 square feet in size.The maximum lot coverage allowed for Open (0)District is ten percent (10%)or 11,330 square feet. Existing lot coverage of 9,540 square feet consists of the existing dwelling,carport, shed/workshop,and an asphalt driveway.The proposed dwelling and carport provide an additional 1,829 square feet,which brings the total to 11,369 square,39 square feet above what is allowed.The applicant will be required to remove 39 square feet from the existing shed/workshop to comply with the Open (0)zone designation construction standards. 5|Page SMA(U)-2022-2;Director's Rcport Lawa'i Properties,LLC October27,2021 e.Density:Except as otherwise provided in this Article,no more than one (1)single family detached dwelling unit per three (3)acres of land shall be permitted when the parcel is located within an area designated "Urban"or "Rural"by the State Land Use Commission.Where the parcel is located within an area designated "Urban"by the State Land Use Commission,one (1)single family detached dwelling unit per one (1)acre of land shall be permissible if the existing average slope ofthe parcel is no greater than ten percent (10%).As previously noted,the parcel contains a 0.5%slope. f.Building Height:No single family detached or single family attached dwelling, or accessory structure shall be more than two (2)stories above and one (1)story below from the finished grade at the main entry,over twenty (20)feet measured from the finished grade at the main entry to the highest exterior wall plate line, and over thirty (30)feet to the highest point of the roof measured at each point along the building from the finished grade at the main entry. VIII.AGENCY COMMENTS See attached Exhibit "A" IX.PRELIMINARY EVALUATION In evaluating the Applicant's request to allow the construction of the proposed development,the following are being considered. 1.General Plan The proposed development satisfies the following policies of the General PIan,as taken from Section 1.3 and 1.4: A.1.3,entitled "VISIONS AND GOALS" 1)Goal #1 "Sustainable Island"-The proposed development of the single- family dwelling and a detached carport is in an existing residential community. The dwelling is being built for the "Harbor House"caretakers.The parcel is zoned Open (0)District which allows ten percent (10%)lot coverage.The dwelling also will have its own individual wastewater system (septic tank).The development will have minimal impacts to the surrounding area,and will provide its tenants a live/work opportunity and eliminates the need to commute to and from work. 2)Goal #2 "Unique and Beautiful Place"-The project site has the "Harbor House"which has been used traditionally as a place for community and private events.Events and cultural practices such as the hula and canoe races make the project site unique.The proposed dwelling will be placed on the mauka side of SMA(U)-2022-2;Director's Report Lawa'i Properties,LLC Octobcr 27,2021 6|Page the property (See exhibit "E-l"Plot Plan)and should not negatively impact the events held at the "Harbor House".The Open zoning designation allows a limited lot coverage leaving the site predominantly free of development.With this type zoning,the development will have minimal visual impacts to the rural character of the surrounding area. 3)Goal #3 "A Healthy and Resilient People"-The proposed single-family dwelling is within close walking distance to beach recreation,fishing,and boating.As represented the single-family dwelling is made for the caretakers of the "Harbor House"that is located on the same parcel and a live/work type of environment. 4)Goal #4 "An Equitable Place,with Opportunity for All"-The proposed development will provide housing and is walking distance to work for the caretakers of the property.The proposed development will offer limited amount ofjobs opportunities such as construction. B.Section 1.4,entitled "POLICIES TO GUIDE GROWTH" 1)Policy #1 "Manage Growth to Preserve Rural Character -Considering that the Open zoning designation prescribes limited lot coverage,the rural character of the surrounding area would be preserved.AIso,the caretakers who are to reside at the residence could walk to work eliminating the need for the daily commute. 2)Policy #3 "Recognize the Identity of Kaua'i's Individual Towns and Districts"-The proposed development is located on the westside of Kaua'i. The project site is surrounded by open space that separates it from other residential areas and the westside town core.This attribute contributes to the rural character that is valued by residents and visitors alike. 3)Policy#6 "Reduce cost of Living -As represented,the proposed development is for the existing caretakers of the property.The need to commute to work is eliminated. 4)Policy#8 "Protect Kaua'i's Scenic Beauty"-Large mango trees front the property off Kaumuali'i Highway and the County Open zone construction standards allow limited lot coverage.The proposed single-story residence will not negatively impact views offKaumuali'i highway or the surrounding area. Native Hawaiian Traditional and Cultural Rights The Applicant has reached out to members of the westside community who are either long-time residents or familiar with the project site.Based on the applicant's discussion with these individuals,the proposed development should have no impact on any known traditional or customary practices of native Hawaiians.There are no indications of SMA(U)-2022-2;Direclor's Report Lawa'i Fkroperties,LLC October27.2021 7|Page religious practices,and no known cultural or historic sites or resources within the project area.The project site is immediately adjacent to a public cemetery.Should any burial site be identified during construction activities,the Applicant should ensure that its contractor contact the State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD)as required by law.The "Harbor House"located makai ofthe property still to present day hosts canoe races and hula to perpetuate native Hawaiian traditional and cultural practice. 3.SMA Rules and Reeulations The COK SMA Rules and Regulations contain objectives,policies and guidelines designed to protect coastal resources.Within the SMA,special consideration is given to recreational opportunities,cultural and historic resources,scenic qualities and open space,coastal ecosystems,and coastal hazards.In evaluating the proposed development relative to the goals and objectives of the SMA Rules and Regulations,the following aspects are taken into consideration: a.Public Access and Coastal Recreation -The project site does not contain any public access or offer any recreation activities.Existing beach access and other public recreational such as fishing,and boating are located on adjacent properties. The proposed development will not have any direct negative impacts on any existing public recreational opportunities. b.CuItural/Historical Resources -The proposed dwelling will be placed in an area on the subject property where it has been a mango orchard for the past fifty (50)years.Given the prior ground disturbance,there was nothing observed on the surface to indicate any evidence of subsurface cultural deposits.Ground disturbance will occur during construction for the dwellings post on pier footings.AIthough still a possibility,the Applicant does not anticipate cultural deposits to be found. Historically the property has been in orchard use and the site of the "Harbor House".The "Harbor House"remains a popular place on the westside community for holding events and gatherings.Native Hawaiian traditional cultural practices such as hula and canoe racing are still being held there on occasion. c.Scenic and Open Space Resources -There are no coastal views from Kaumuali'i Highway.The proposed dwelling will be placed mauka of the property within an orchard of large mango trees and have minimal visual impacts from the highway. Mitigation from potential visual impacts could be addressed through substantial landscaping and utilizing moderate to dark tone colors for the proposed buildings. d.Coastal Hazards -According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)Flood Insurance Rate Map (FffiM),the subject parcel is affected by Zone "AE"and Zone "XS"(See Exhibit "C-9").Based on the Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS)State of Hawai'i sea level rise viewer SMA(U)-2022-2;Director's Report Lawa'i Properties,LLC October27,2021 8|Page e. website the subject parcel were analyzed using the Sea Level Rise Exposure Area (SLRXA)at the 3.2 feet range for potential impacts ofpassive flooding,annual high wave flooding,and coastal erosion.The associated sea level rise viewer does not project any sea level rise impacts ofthe subject property by year 2100.The existing seawall and rock revetment of Kikiaola Small Boat Harbor also provides some protection from these coastal impacts. Coastal Ecosystems -The project site is not located on the shoreline or near any coastal ecosystem.The project will not have any significant impact on the coastal ecosystem and any adjacent properties or its surroundings.The proposed development is out of the shoreline setback area and no erosion-protection stmctures seaward of the shoreline is being proposed.No endangered flora or fauna,wetland,natural area reserve,or wildlife reserve are situated on the project sites. X.PRELIMINARY CONCLUSION Based on the foregoing,it is concluded that through proper mitigative measures,the proposed development can be considered,and it complies with the policies and guidelines of the Special Management Area Rules and Regulations in that: 1.The development will not have any substantial adverse environmental or ecological effect. 2.The development is consistent with the objectives/goals/policies of the County General Plan,the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance,and other applicable ordinances. Furthermore,the proposal does not: a.involve dredging,filling,or otherwise altering any bay,estuary,salt marsh,river mouth,slough or lagoon; b.reduce the size of any beach or other area usable for public recreation; c.reduce or impose restrictions upon public access to tidal and submerged lands, beaches,rivers or streams within the special management area;and d.adversely affect water quality,existing areas of open water free of visible structures,existing and potential fisheries and fishing grounds,wildlife habitats, estuarine sanctuaries or existing agricultural uses of land. Furthermore through proper mitigation measures,the proposed development would not have any detrimental impact to the environment or the surrounding area and is in SMA(U)-2022-2;Direclor's Report Lawa'i Properties,LLC Oclober27,2021 9l Page compliance with the criteria outlined for the granting of a Special Management Area Use Permit. The Applicant should institute the "Best Management Practices"to ensure that the operation of this facility does not generate impacts that may affect the health,safety,and welfare of those in the surrounding area of the proposal. The Applicant shall implement to the extent possible sustainable building techniques and operational methods for the project. XI.PRELMINARY RECOMMENDATION Based on the foregoing evaluation and conclusion it is hereby recommended Special Management Area Use Permit SMA(U)-2022-2 to be APPROVED.If approved,the following conditions shall be implemented: 1.The proposed improvements shall be constructed as represented.Any changes to said development shall be reviewed by the Planning Director to determine whether Planning Commission review and approval is warranted. 2.Prior to commencement of the proposed development,written confirmation of compliance with the requirements from all reviewing agencies shall be provided to the Planning Department.Failure to comply may result in forfeiture of the SMA Permit. 3.The proposed dwelling shall not be utilized for transient accommodation purposes.It shall not be used as a transient vacation rental (TVR)or as a homestay.This restriction shall be incoqiorated into the deed restrictions of the subject parcel in the event the property is sold to another party,draft copies of which shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to building permit application approval. 4.In order to ensure that the project is compatible with its surroundings and to minimize the visual impact of the structures,the extemal color of the proposed dwellings shall be of moderate to dark earth-tone color.The proposed color scheme and a landscape plan should be submitted to the Planning Department for review and acceptance prior to building permit application. 5.The Applicant is advised that should any archaeological or historical resources be discovered during ground disturbing/construction work,all work in the area of the archaeological/historical findings shall immediately cease and the Applicant shall contact the State Department of Land and Natural Resources,Historic Preservation Division at (808)692-8015 and the Planning Department at (808)241-4050 to determine mitigation measures. io|P a ge SMA(U)-2022-2;Director's Report Lawa'i Properties,LLC October27,2021 6.In order to minimize adverse impacts on the Federally Listed Threatened Species, Newell's Shearwater and other seabirds,ifexternal lighting is to be used in connection with the proposed project,all extemal lighting shall be only of the following types: downward-facing,shielded lights.Spotlights aimed upward or spotlighting of structures shall be prohibited. 7.The Applicant shall develop and utilize Best Management Practices (B.M.P's) during all phases of development in order to minimize erosion,dust,and sedimentation impacts ofthe project to abutting properties. 8.The Applicant shall resolve and comply with the applicable standards and requirements set forth by the State Health Department,State Historic Preservation Division-DLNR, and the County Departments of Public Works,Fire,Transportation,and Water. 9.To the extent possible within the confines of union requirements and applicable legal prohibitions against discrimination in employment,the Applicant shall seek to hire Kauai contractors as long as they are qualified and reasonably competitive with other contractors and shall seek to employ residents of Kauai in temporary construction and permanent resort-relatedjobs.It is recognized that the Applicant may have to employ non-Kauai residents for particular skilledjobs where no qualified Kauai residents possesses such skills.For the purposes of this condition,the Commission shall relieve the Applicant of this requirement if the Applicant is subjected to anti-competitive restraints on trade or other monopolistic practices. 10.The Planning Commission reserves the right to revise,add,or delete conditions of approval in order to address or mitigate unforeseen impacts the project may,create,or to revoke the permits through the proper procedures should conditions of approval not be complied with or be violated. 11.Unless otherwise stated in the permit,once permit is issued,the Applicant must make substantial progress,as determined by the Director,regarding the development or activity within two (2)years,or the permit shall be deemed to have lapsed and be no longer in effect. The Planning Commission is further advised that this report does not represent the Planning Department's final recommendation in view of the forthcoming public hearing process scheduled for NOVEMBER 9,2021 whereby the entire record should be considered prior to decision-making.The entire record should include but not be limited to: a.Pending govemment agency comments; b.Testimony frora the general public and interested others;and c.The Applicant's response to staff's report and reconamendation as provided herein. ii|Pag e SMA(U)-2022-2;Director's Report Lawa'i Properties,LLC October27,202I ROMIO IDICA PIanner Approved &Recommended to Commission: JLL Director of Planning Date: ^'^1 ^^ ia|Pa g e SMA(U)-2022-2;Director's Report Lawa'i Properties,LLC October27,202l EXHIBIT'W (Agency Comments) For reference QQ[j\'-.-y "-•"ii»,i '21 SEP 20 A3':''i COUNTYOFKAUA'I Pl.ANNING DEPARTMENT Couiiiy of Kauai PL/ii^i;,!(.[)[^4RICESTREET,SUlTEA473LIHU-E,HA< U|iiot)6l7<$6Agency (808)241.4050 FROM:Kaaina S.Hull,Director (Romio)August 31,2021 SUBJECT:Special Management Are Use Permit SMA(U)-2022-2,Dwelling,Single Family Detached Tax Map Key:(4)1-2-006:022,Lawai Properties,Llc C/o lan K.Jung,Esq., Authorized Agent,Applicant TO: a Department of Transportation -STP DPW-Engineering D DOT-Highway,Kauai(info only)D DPW-Wastewater D DOT-Airports,Kauai (info only)D DPW-Building D DOT-Harbors,Kauai (info only)D DPW-SolidWaste State Department of Health a Department of Parks &Recreation State Department of Agriculture Fire-Department State Office ofPlanning a County Housing-Agency a State Dept.ofBus.&Econ.Dev.Tourism a County Economic Development State Land Use Commission D KHPRC State Historic Preservation Division Water Department DLNR-Land Management D Kaua'i Civil Defense DLNR-Foresty &Wildlife D U.S.Postal Department D DLNR-Aquatic Resources D UH_Sea_Grant D DLNR-OCCL t^la ^SSS^eWMllKgeM D Other: FOR YOUR COMMENTS (pertaining to your departinent): G^^N0 pv^'WE^C^^^-o1"? ^w^ o ^~w>^9&<T?zT ^•n "^wf This matter is scheduled for a piiblic hearing before the County oTKTuai PIanning Commission on 11/9/2021 at the Lihue Civic Center,Moikeha Building,Meeting Room 2A-2B,4444 Rice Street. Lihue,Kauai,at 9:00 am or soon thereafter.If we do not receive your agency comments within one (I ) month from the date ofthis reqiiest,we will assume that there are no objections to this permit request. Mahalo! Exhibit "A" Dep*irt*nent af County ol KauA'i 4398 PUA LOKE STREET LIHU'E,KAUA'I,HAWAI'I 96766 '21 W ^ PHONE:(808)245-5400 /FAX:(808)245-5813 11ATE:October20,2021 TO:1'lanning Department Kaaina Hull,Director (Romio) SUBJECT:Special Management Area Usc 1'ermit SMA(U)-2022-2,Dvvclling,Single Family Detached,Tax Map Key:(4)1-2-06:022,Lavvai Propertics,LLC, c/o lan K.Jung,Esq.,Authorized Agcnt,Applicant DOVV COMMENTS: The Department of VVater (DOVV)has conccrns regarding the increase in vvater demand associatecl mth this SMA Minor Permit SMA(U)-2022-2 application for the proposecl Single Family Dvvelling on TMK:1-2-06:022. The DOVV recominends to the Planning Department that any approval of the proposecl SMA Minor I'ermit application be conclitionccl,vvhereby the applicant shall be macle aivare that prior to the DOVV recommending vvater meter services or builcling permit approval,the applicant ivill be required to: 1.Pay the applicable charges in effect at the time of payment to DOVV.At the prcsent timc,these charges shall inclucle but not be limited to: a.The Facilitics Reserve Charge (FRC)of $14,115 per dvvclling unit. 2.Submit a formal vvater service reciuest for the proposed single-family dvvelling. Requcsts for adclitional vvater meter or an increase in vvater meter size vvill be clepenclcnt on the aclequacy of the source,storage ancl transmission facilities existing at that tiine. 'IH^Aa^ /^.fi/^t<s^u)w^Oct22,2021 Michael K.Hinazumi,I'.E. Program Aclministrator Engineering Di\'ision Datc W.-\-{'-2022-2,V-217W.Dwlling,Sjiifilt*laniily Dptarliccl.[-2-WW22.l.a\\-<u l'n)[H*rties.[,[.(• Ki:lHl!ll Exhibit "A" COUNTY OF KAUA'I PLANNING DEPARTMENT 4444 RICE STREET,SUITE A473 LlHU'E,HAWAI'I 96766 (80S)241.4050 FROM:Kaaina S.Hull,Director (Romio)August 31,2021 SUBJECT:Special Management Are Use Permit SMA(U)-2022-2,Dwelling,Single Family Detached Tax Map Key:(4)1-2-006:022,Lawai Properties,Llc C/o lan K.Jung,Esq., Authorized Agent,Applicant TO: Department ofTransportation -STP DPW-EngineeringnDOT-Highway,Kauai(info only)n DPW-WastewateraDOT-Airports,Kauai (info only)D DPW-Building DOT-Harbors,Kauai (info only)n DPW-SolidWaste State Department of Health D Department of Parks &Recreation D State Department of Agriculture iEKe!,%epgHment^j D State Office ofPlanning a County Housing-AgencyaStateDept.of Bus.&Econ.Dev.Tourism a County Economic Development D State Land Use Commission D KHPRC State Historic Preservation Division Water Department DLNR-Land Management Kaua'i Civil Defense D DLNR-Foresty &Wildlife D U.S.Postal Department DLNR-Aquatic Resources D UH_Sea_OrantuDLNR-OCCL County Transportation Agency Other: FOR YOUR COMMENTS (pertaining to your department): could not locate nearest water supply.Sprinklers may be required This matter is scheduled for a public hearing before the County ofKauai Planoing Commission on 11/9/2021 at the Lihue Civic Center,Moikeha Building,Meeting Room 2A-2B,4444 Rice Street, Lihue,Kauai,at 9:00 am or soon thereafter.If we do not receive your agency comments within one (1) month ftom the date of this request,we will assume that there are no objections to this permit request. Mahalo! KESSS'E'K^r—s~Ji—^-iii,: SEP -e I?,: J -~.^/'t COUNTY OF KAUA'I |„,'„,,-„,.-.„_j PLANNING DEPARTMENT f hwilwsn'r^W^':~!'::.::,^ 4444 RICE STREET,SUITE A473 LIHU'E,HAWAI'rWTBS- (808)241.4050 FROM:Kaaina S.Hull,Director (Romio)August31,2021 SUBJECT:Special Management Aie Use Pennit SMA(U)-2022-2,Dwelling,Single Family Detached Tax Map Key:(4)l-2-006:022,Lawai Properties,Llc C/o lan K.Jung,Esq., Authorized Agent,Applicant TO: a Department ofTransportation -STP DPW-Engineering D DOT-Highway,Kauai(info only)D DPW-Wastewater D DOT-Airports,Kauai (info only)D DPW-Building D DOT-Harbors,Kauai (info only)D DPW-SolidWaste State Department of Health Department of Parks &RecreationaStateDepartmentofAgricultureFire-Department State Office of Planning D County Housing-Agency State DeptofBus.&Econ.Dev.Tourism a County Economic Development D State Land Use Commission D KHPRC State Historic Preservation Division Water DepartmentnDLNR-Land Management D Kaua'i Civil Defense n DLNR-Foresty &Wildlife D U.S.Postal Department D DLNR-Aquatic Resources n UH_Sea_GrantnDLNR-OCCL County Transportation AgencyaOther: FOR YOUR COMMENTS (pertaining to your department): '2-/ ^f^ This matter is scheduled for a public hearing before the County of Kauai PIanning Commission on 11/9/2021 at the Lihue Civic Center,Moikeha Building,Meeting Room 2A-2B,4444 Rice Street, Lihue,Kauai,at 9:00 am or soon thereafter.If we do not receive your agency comments within one (1) month from the date of this request,we will assume that there are no objections to this permit request. Mahalo! Exhibit "A" Special Management Area (Use)Permit:SIVIA (U)-2022-3 Applicant:Lawai Properties,LLC Based on our review of the application,we offer the following environmental health concerns for your consideration. 1.The use of individual wastewater systems is allowed.The type and number of individual wastewater systems to be used on each lot will be determined by the wastewater rules in effect at the time of building permit application. 2.Noise will be generated during the demolition and construction phase of this proj'ect.The applicable maximum permissible sound levels as stated in Title 11,HAR,Chapter 11-46,"Community Noise Control",shall not be exceeded unless a noise permit is obtained from the Department of Health. 3.Temporary fugitive dust emissions could be emitted when the project site is prepared for demolition and when construction activities occur.In accordance with Title 11 ,Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR),Chapter 11- 60.1 "Air Pollution Control",effective air pollution control measures shall be provided to prevent or minimize any fugitive dust emissions caused by construction work from affecting the surrounding areas.This includes the off-site roadways used to enter/exit the project.The control measures include but are not limited to the use of water wagons,sprinkler systems, dust fences,etc. 4.The waste that is generated by the project shall be disposed of at a solid waste disposal facility that complies with the applicable provisions of Title 11,HAR,Chapterl 1-58.1 "Solid Waste Management Control",the open burning ofanyofthesewastes on oroffsite prohibited. Due to the general nature ofthe application submitted,we reserve the right to implement future environmental health restrictions when more detailed information is submitted. Exhibit "A" C'OUN I'Y COUNCIL Airyl Kanesliiro,C'liair Mason K.Chock,Vice Chair Bemard P,Caivalho..Ir. Felicia Cowden r.(M tt^j 1 BiII DeCosta Luke A.Evslin KipuKai Kuali'i r •21 lillll ?1\ p|Ati!'!IHi II^PT-Council Serviccs Division 4396 Rice Street,Suite 209 LThu e,Kaua'i,Hawai'i 96766 OFFICE 0V 'l'HE COUNTY CLERK Jade K.Fountam-Tanigawa,County Clerk Scoll K.Sato,Depuly County Clerk Telephone:(808)241-4188 Facsiniile:(808)241-6349 E-mail:cokcouncil@kauai.gov August19,2021 Donna Apisa,Chair and Members of the Planning Commission c/o County of Kaua'i Planning Department 4444 Rice Street,Suite A473 Lihu'e,Hawai'i 96766 Dear Chair Apisa and Members of the Planning Commission: The Kaua'i County Council,at its meeting on August 18,2021,referred the following proposed amendment to Chapter 8,Kauai County Code 1987,as amended,and Chapter 22,Kaua'i County Code 1987,as amended,to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation: "PROPOSED DRAFT BILL (N0.2834)-A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 8,KAUA'I COUNTY CODE 1987,AS AMENDED, RELATING TO THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE,AND CHAPTER 22,KAUA'I COUNTY CODB 1987,AS AMENDED,RELATING TO PUBLIC HEALTH,SAFETY AND WELFARE" Please note that an error exists in the definition of "Guest House"under SECTION 3.,Sec.22-28.1 Definitions,which should read,""Guest House"shall ha.ve_the same meanins as guest house under Chajiter 8_of the Kaiia'i Countv Code." Thank you for your continued assistance in these planning matters.Should you have any questions,please feel free to contact me at 241-4188. Sincerely, /^ JADE K.FOUNTAIN-TANIGAWA County Clerk,County of Kaua'i CNT:jy Enclosure AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER F.U-.<t. NOV O 9 2021 ORDINANCE N0.BILL N0.(2834) A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 8, KAUA'I COUNTY CODE 1987,AS AMENDED, RELATING TO THE COMPREHENSTVE ZONING ORDINANCE,AND CHAPTER 22,KAUA'I COUNTY CODE 1987,AS AMENDED,RELATING TO PUBLIC HEALTH,SAFETY AND WELFARE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY OF KAUA'I,STATE OF HAWAI'I: SECTION 1.Findings and Purpose.The Kaua'i County Council finds that many subdivisions have provisions which are stricter than the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (CZO).This includes prohibitions against Long-Term Rentals within a home and prohibitions against Additional Dwelling Units (ADU).These types of prohibitions exclude lower income families from many neighborhoods and increase the cost ofhousing island-wide. The CouncU finds that research from around the country has shown that increasing access to housing in low-poverty neighborhoods helps unprove outcomes in disadvantaged children and reduces intergenerational poverty.Increasing access to housing island-wide is also a critical tool to help reverse the exodus of families from Kaua'i who are forced to move away because of the high cost of housing.Giving famiUes miore flexibility over the use of their own properties in ways that are consistent with the CZO also ensures that families can build multi-generational housing on their property. The Kauai General Plan recommends incentivizing housing developments within existing commumties "in order to leverage existing physical and social infrastructure while preserving vital open space."The Plan specifically cites ADUs and the future potential of Additional Rental Units (ARU),as a way to increase housing opportunities in existing communities. The General Plan further states that communities that cater to a high-end market,resulting in enclaves of similar household incomes and housing types,are no longer acceptable.New communities must further the goals of sustainability,equity, and opportunity.To help achieve those goals,it includes a specific action item to"prohibit future subdivision and development from restricting construction ofADUs in their deed and covenants." Additionally,the General Plan states that "[t]here is an insufficient amount of affordable housing for the disabled,elderiy,homeless individuals and families,and young families.The lack ofaffordable housing,results in overcrowding,which in turn fuels the demand for illegal or substandard housing units."These substandard housing units often do not comply with building requirements and endanger the inhabitants.The 2014 Homeless Utilization Report identified three hundred (300) unsheltered houseless individuals on Kaua'i.The houseless community iacreases yearly with several large encampments that lack running water,basic sanitation,and have higher incidents of cnminal activity.Kaua'i needs homes for young families,the disabled,elderly,houseless,and impoverished to protect health,life,and security of all its residents. The purpose of this Ordinance is to protect health,life,and property and to conform with the General Plan to ensure that future contracts and agreements do not limit or prohibit Long-Term Rentals,ARUs,ADUs,and Guest Houses. SECTION2.Chapter 8,Kaua'i County Code 1987,as amended,is hereby amended by amending Section 8-16.2 to read as follows and all other and prior ordinances or parts ofordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed: "Sec.8-15.2 Additional Dwelling Unit on Residentially Zoned Lots. (a)Notwithetanding other provisions to the contrary,for any residentially zoned lot where only one single family residential dwelling is pennitted,one (1)additional single family residential dweUing unit (attached or detached)may be developed,provided: (1)AU applicable County requireinents,not inconsistent with Sec.46-4(c),Hawai'i Revised Statutes and the Coiuity's zoning provisions applicable to residential use are met,including,but not limited to,building height,eetback,maximum lot coverage,parlung, and floor area requirements. (2)The provisions of this Subsection shall not apply to lots developed under a project development,or other multi-family development,or similar provisions where the aggregate number of dwelling units for such development exceeds the density otherwise allowed in the zoning district. (3)For residentially zoned lots on which an additional dwelling unit is developed,no guest house under Sec.8-4.3(a)(2)shaU be allowed.An existing guest house may be converted into a dwelling unit but no additional guest house may be constructed. (4)The following public faciUties are found adequate to service the additional dwelling unit: (A)PubUc sanitary sewers,an individual wastewater system (or cesspool),or a private sanitary sewer system built to County standards a-nd approved by the Department of Health. (B)For sewered areas,the availabiUty and capability of a public sewer system shall be confirmed in writing by the Department of Public Works.The availability of a private sewer r r system shall be confirmed in writing by the Department of Health. (C)The availability of water shall be confirmed in writing by the Department ofWater. (D)Approval in writing from Department is required for all parcels. the Kauai Fire (E)The lot must have direct access to a street which has an all weather surface (asphalt or concrete)roadway pavement continuous to the maj'or thoroughfare,or if the street does not have such all weather surface,there shall be funds specifically appropriated in the capital improvemeiit budget ordinance for such roadway pavement.The Planning Director and County Engineer shall apply the standards and criteria for requiring road improvements established in the Subdivision Ordinance and the"Kaua i County Planning Commission Road Widening Policy,(as may be amended from time to time),for those roads which are considered substandard. (5)Facilities clearance may be obtained prior to application for Building Permit.Forms for facilities clearance will be available from the Building Division,Department ofPublic Works.The form,approved by all agencies,shall be submitted with the Building Permit application. Where complete plans and speciflcations are submitted for Building Permit application processing,the submission of the Facilities Clearance Form will be attached with the Building Permit and processed concurrently. (6)Nothing contained in this Section shall affect private covenants or deed restrictions that prohibit the construction of a second dwelling unit on any residential lot.The urovisions ofthis Section shall be subiect to the provisions of Chapter 22,Kaua i County Code 1987,as amended,Section 22-28.Limiting or Prohibiting Long-Term Rentals, Additional Dwelline Units,Additional Rental Units,and Guest^Houses^" SECTION3.Chapter 22,Kaua'i County Code 1987,as amended,is hereby amended by adding a new Article 28 to read as follows and all other and prior ordinances or parts ofordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed: Article 28.Limitine or Prohibitine Long-Tenn Rentals,Additional Dwellinff Units,Additional Rental Units,and Guest Houses. Sec.22-28.1 Definitions. "Additional Dwelling Unit"shall have the same meaning as additional dwelling ynit under Chapter 8 ofthe Kaua'i County Code. r r Additional Rental Unit shall have the same meaning as additional rental umt under Chanter 8 ofthe Kaua.LCounty Code^ "Dwelling Unit"Aptilicable to this section onlv.means anv buildine or anv Bortion thereof which is designed or intended for occupancv bv one d) familv or uersons livine together or bv a person living alone. Guest House"shalLhave the same meaning as_additional rental unit under Chapter 8 ofthe Kaua'i Countv Code. "Lone-Term Rental"shall mean a dwelline unit wrhichjs_QccuBied for a ceriod ofone hundred eighty-one (181)days or more. Sec.22-28.2 Limitine or Prohibitine. Covenants,conditions,deed restrictions,declarations of condoruinium propertv reeime,association bylaws,and_aiy_rther agreements thatrunwith the land shall not limit or prohibit Lone-Term Rentals.Additjonal Dwelling Units,Additional Rental Units.and Guest Houses. Sec.22-28.3 ApDlicabilitv. Nothine in this section shall applv to anv contracts and aereements: (a)In existence as of the ^fiective date ofLthis.Ordinance ; (b)Of a successor-in-intereat to real BroBerty to the_extent that an association entered into.amended.or enforced,a_coyenant, condition.or restriction before the effective date ofthis Ordinance:and (c)Formed by the Countv of Kaua'i.the State of Hawai'i.or the United States federal eovernment. Sec.22-28.4 Enforcement. FaUure to comolv with this Ordinance creates an uideuendent rieht of action. SECTION 4.Severability.If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereofto any person or circumstances is held mvalid,the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of the Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application,and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. SECTION 5.Ordinance material to be repealed is bracketed.New Ordinance material is underscored.When revising,compiUng,or printing this Ordinance for inclusion in the Kaua'i County Code 1987,as amended,the brackets, bracketed material,and underscoring shall not be included. SECTION 6.This Ordinance shall take effect upon its approval. Introduced by: LUKE A.EVSLIN BERNARD P.CARVALHO,JR. DATE OF INTRODUCTION Lihu e,Kaua i,Hawaii V:\BILLS\2020-2022 TERMXNo probition CCR ADU ARU (8-4-21)(2)CNT_dmc.docx Ka'aina S.Hull Director of Planning Jodi A.Higuchi Sayegusa Deputy Director of Planning COUNTY OF KAUA'I PLANNING DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR'S REPORT SVwve-n I.SUMMARY Action Required by Planning Commission: Consideration of a Bill (2834)for an Ordinance Amending Chapter 8,Kaua'i County Code 1987,as amended,relating to Additional Dwelling Units on Residentially Zoned Lots.See attached draft bill No.2834 (Attached as Exhibit A). Permit Application Nos.ZA-2022-1 Name of Applicant(s)KAUA'I COUNTY COUNCIL II.PERMIT INFORMATION III.LEGAL REQUIREMENTS IV.DESCRIPTION OF THE AMENDMENT Cika.1 AMENDMENTS Zoning Amendment Pursuant to KCC Section 8-3.4(a),as amended,a Zoning Amendment is necessary when changing the text whenever the public necessity and convenience and the general welfare require an amendment. I1 General Plan Amendment 1]Community Plan Amendment State Land Use District Amendment KCC Section 8-3.4 Public Hearing Date:November09,2021 Date ofPublication:October08,2021 Date of Director's Report:November09,2021 The proposed legislation adds new language under Section 8-15.2 (6)of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (1987)to encompass the provisions set forth in Chapter 22,Kaua'i County Code 1987,as amended,Section 22-28.Limiting or Prohibiting Long- Term Rentals,Additional Dwelling Units,Additional Rental Units,and Guest Houses. Chapter 22,Kaua'i County Code 1987,Section 22-28.2 Covenants,conditions,deed restrictions,declarations of condominium property regime,association bylaws,and any other agreements that run with the land shall not limit or prohibit Long-Term Rentals, Additional Dwelling Units,Additional Rental Units,and Guest Houses. V.AMENDMENT JUSTIFICATION The draft bill finds that many subdivisions have civil provisions that are stricter than the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (CZO).These include civil prohibitions against Long- Term Rentals within a home and prohibitions against Additional Dwelling Units (ADUs). These types of prohibitions can exclude lower income families from many neighborhoods and increase the cost of housing island-wide. The draft bill finds that increasing access to housing island-wide is also a critical tool to help reverse the exodus of families from Kaua'i who are forced to move away because of the high cost ofhousing.Giving families more flexibility over the use oftheir own properties in ways that are consistent with the CZO also ensures that families can build multi-generational housing on their property. The Kaua'i General Plan recommends incentivizing housing developments within existing communities "in order to leverage existing physical and social infrastmcture while preserving vital open space."The Plan specifically cites ADUs and the future potential of Additional Rental Units (ARUs)as ways to increase housing opportunities in existing communities. The General Plan further states that "communities that cater to a high-end market,resulting in enclaves of similar household incomes and housing types,are no longer acceptable.New communities must further the goals of sustainability,equity,and opportunity."To help achieve those goals,it includes a specific action item to "prohibit future subdivision and development from restricting construction of ADUs in their deed and covenants." Additionally,the General Plan states that "[t]here is an insufficient amount of affordable housing for the disabled,elderly,homeless individuals and families,and young families. The lack of affordable housing,results in overcrowding,which in tum fuels the demand for illegal or substandard housing units.These substandard housing units often do not comply with building requirements and endanger the inhabitants.The 2014 Homeless Utilization Report identified three hundred (300)unsheltered houseless individuals on Kaua'i.The houseless community increases yearly with several large encampments that lack running water,basic sanitation,and have higher incidents of criminal activity.Kaua'i needs homes for young families,the disabled,elderly,houseless,and impoverished to protect health, life,and security of all its residents. ZA-2022-1 Director's Report Kaua'i County Council November 9.2020 2|Page VI.AGENCY COMMENTS Forthcoming VII.PRELIMINARY EVALUATION In reviewing the proposed legislation,the following aspects should be taken into consideration: 1.The proposed amendment is to be evaluated pursuant to Section 8-3.4(d)of the KCC,as amended,relating to the consideration of a proposed amendment and it reads: "(d)Consideration.In considering an amendment,the Planning Commission shall consider the purposes of the existing and proposed changes to the Zoning Ordinance.A change in the Zoning Map or text shall not be made unless the change will further the public necessity and convenience and the general welfare." 2.The County of Kaua'i as well as the rest of the state are in the midst of a housing crisis.The department has observed that increases in housing demand do not correspond to a matching increase in supply,ultimately resulting in high housing costs,which inevitably prices many local families out of the housing market. 3.The Department finds the amendment consistent with the Kaua'i General Plan and is necessary to address the current housing shortage on Kaua'i for the following reasons: A.The Kaua'i County 2018 General Plan updated Socioeconomic Analysis and Forecast in 2014 noted that the County had a housing deficit of 1,400 units and a demand that is projected to increase by approximately 9,000 units by 2035; B.Kaua'i Countv 2018 General Plan i.Section 1.4,entitled "Policies to Guide Growth" a.Policy #2:Provide Affordable Housing While Facilitating a Diversity of PrivateIy-Developed Housing for Local Families -The proposed legislation prohibits future contracts and agreements from restricting Long-Term Rentals,ARUs,ADUs, and Guest Houses.The proposed legislation gives families more Hexibility to build multi-generational housing. ZA-2022-1 Director's Report Kaua'i County Council Novembcr 9.2020 3 |Page ii.Section 3.0 Actions by Sector,Subsection Sector II,entitled "Housing" for new communities here are the following listed actions for code changes: a.Prohibit future subdivision and development from restricting construction of ADUs in their deed and covenants -The proposed draft bill implements these exact code changes recommended by the General Plan prohibiting future subdivision and developments from restricting construction of ADUs in their deed and covenants. VIII.PRELIMINARY CONCLUSION Based on the foregoing findings and evaluation,it is concluded that the proposal is reasonable and appropriate.It is consistent with the Kaua'i General Plan and will further the public necessity,convenience,and the general welfare. IX.PRELMINARY RECOMMENDATION Based on the foregoing evaluation and conclusion,it is recommended that the subject request to amend Section 8-15.2 (6)of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (1987),as amended,relating to the provisions ofChapter 22,Kaua'i County Code 1987,as amended, Section 22-28.Limiting or Prohibiting Long-Term Rentals,Additional Dwelling Units, Additional Rental Units,and Guest Houses be APPROVED. By i8L.te^ Date: SHELEA BLACKSTAD PIanner Iff/'ag /soa.1 Approved &Recommended to Commission: KAAINA HULL Director of Plannin! Date:l"/2.St/^o^ ZA-2022-1 Director's Report Kaua'i County Council November 9,2020 4 |Pag e EXHIBIT"A" (Draft Bill No.2834) For reference couN'ry COUNCIL Ajryl Kaiicsliiro,Cliair Mason K,Chock,Vice Chair Beniard P.Car\'alho.Jr. Felicia Cowden p(^|^i i BillDeCosla "" Luke A.Evslin KipuKai Kuali'i •21 Mlli 2/l '^:! \'\JW\J\^I'RP'Coiincil Services Division 4396 Rice Street,Suite 209 Llhu'e,Kaua i,Hawai'i 9676(5 Ol-'FlCE OF THE COUNTY CLERK Jade K.Fountain-Tamgawa,County Cterk Scolt K,Sato,Deputy County Clerk Telephone:(808)241-4188 Facsimile:(808)241-6349 E-niail:cokcouncil@kauai.gov August19,2021 Donna Apisa,Chair and Members of the Planning Commission c/o County of Kaua'i Planning Department 4444 Rice Street,Suite A473 Lihu'e,Hawai'i 96766 Dear Chair Apisa and Members ofthe Planning Commission: The Kaua'i County Council,at its meeting on August 18,2021,referred the following proposed amendment to Chapter 8,Kaua'i County Code 1987,as amended,and Chapter 22,Kaua'i County Code 1987,as amended,to the Planning Commission for review and recommeiidation: "PROPOSED DRAFT BILL (N0.2834)-A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 8,KAUA'I COUNTY CODE 1987,AS AMENDED, RELATING TO THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE,AND CHAPTER 22,KAUA'I COUNTY CODE 1987,AS AMENDED,RELATING TO PUBLIC HEALTH,SAFETYAND WELFARE" Please note that an error exists in the definition of "Guest House"under SECTION 3.,Sec.22-28.1 Definitions.,which should read,""Guest House"shall tiave the same meanine as euest house under Chauter 8 of the Kaua'i Countv Code." Thank you for your continued assistance in these planning matters.Should you have any questions,please feel free to contact me at 241-4188. Sincerely, / \ JADE K.FOUNTAIN-TANIGAWA County Clerk,County of Kaua'i CNT:jy Enclosure AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ORDINANCE N0.BILLNO._(2834) A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 8, KAUA'I COUNTY CODE 1987,AS AMENDED, RELATING TO THE COMPREHENST^E ZONING ORDINANCE,AND CHAFTER 22,KAUA'I COUNTY CODE 1987,AS AMENDED,RELATING TO PUBLIC HEALTH,SAFETY AND WELFARE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY OF KAUA'I,STATE OF HAWAI'I: SECTION 1.Findings and Purpose.The Kaua'i County Council flnds that many subdivisions have provisions which are stricter than the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (CZO).This includes prohibitions against Long-Term Rentals within a home and prohibitions against Additional Dwelling Units (ADU).These types of prohibitions exclude lower income famUies from many neighborhoods and increase the cost ofhousing island-wide. The Council finds that researcb from around the country has shown that increasing access to housing in low-poverty neighborhoods helps improve outcomes in disadvantaged children and reduces intergenerational poverty.Increasing acceas to housing island-wide is also a critical tool to help reverse the exodus of families from Kaua'i who are forced to move away because of the high cost of housing.Giving families more flexibility over the use of their own properties in ways that are consistent with the CZO also ensures that families can build multi-generational housing on their property. The Kaua'i General Plan recommends incentivizing housing developments within existing commumties "in order to leverage existing physical and social infrastructure while preserving vital open space."The Plan specifically cites ADUs and the future potential of Additional Rental Units (ARU),as a way to increase housjng opportunities in existing communities. The General Plan further states that "communities that cater to a high-end market,resulting in enclaves of similar household incomes and housing types,are no longer acceptable.New communities must furtherthe goals of sustainability,equity, and opportunity."To help achieve those goals,it includes a specific action item to"prohibit future subdivision and development from restricting construction ofADUs in their deed and covenants. Additionally,the General Plan states that "[t]here is an insufficient amount of affordable houaing for the disabled,elderly,homeless individuals and families,and young families.The lack of affordable housing,results in overcrowding,which in turn fuels the demand for illegal or substandard housing units."These substandard housing units often do not comply with building requirements and endanger the inhabitants.The 2014 Homeless Utilization Report identified three hundred (300) unsheltered houseless individuals on Kaua'i.The houseless community increaBes yearly with several large encampments that lack running water,basic sanitation,and have higher incidents of criminal activity.Kaua i needs homes for young families,the disabled,elderly,houseless,and impoverished to protect health,life,and security of all its residents. The purpose of this Ordinance is to protect health,life,and property and to conform with the General Plan to ensure that future contracts and agreements do not Umit or prohibit Long-Term Rentals,ARUs,ADUs,and Guest Houses. SECTION2.Chapter 8,Kaua'i County Code 1987,as amended,is hereby amended by amending Section 8-15.2 to read as follows and aU other and prior ordinances or parts ofordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed: "Sec.8-16.2 Additional Dwelling Unit on Residentially Zoned Lots. (a)Notwithstanding other provisions to the contrary,for any residentially zoned lot where only one single family residential dwelling is permitted,one (1)additional single family residential dwelling unit (attached or detached)may be developed,provided: (1)AU apphcable County requirements,not inconsistent with Sec.46-4(c),Hawai'i Revised Statutes and the County's zoning provisions applicable to residential use are met,includmg,but not limited to,building height,setback,maxunum lot coverage,parkuig, and floor area requirements. (2)The provisions of this Subsection shall not apply to lots developed under a project development,or other multi-family development,or similar provisions where the aggregate number of dwelling units for such development exceeds the density otherwise allowed in the zoning district. (3)For residentially zoned lots on which an additiona] dwelling unit is developed,no guest house under Sec.8-4.3(a)(2)shaU be allowed.An exiating guest house may be converted into a dwelling unit but no additional guest house may be constructed. (4)The following public facUities are found adequate to service the additional dwelling umt: (A)Public aanitary sewers,an individual wastewater system (or cesspool),or a private sanitary sewer system built to County standards and approved by the Department ofHealth. (B)For sewered areas,the availabiUty and capability of a public sewer system shall be confirmed in writing by the Department of Public Works.The avaUability of a private sewer system shall be confirmed in writing by the Department of Health. (C)The availability of water shall be confirmed in writing by the Department ofWater. (D)Approval in writing from the Kauai Fire Department is required for all parcels. (E)The lot must have direct access to a street which has an all weather surface (asphalt or concrete)roadway pavement continuous to the major thoroughfare,or if the street does not have such all weather surface,there shall be funds specifically appropriated in the capital improvement budget ordinance for such roadway pavement.The Planning Director and County Engineer shall apply the standards and criteria for requiring road improvements established in the Subdivision Ordinance and the"Kaua'i County Planning Commission Road Widening Policy,(as may be amended from time to time),for those roads which are considered substandard. (5)FacUities clearance may be obtained prior to application for Building Permit.Forms for facilities clearance will be available from the Building Division,Department ofPubhc Works.The form,approved by all agencies,shall be submitted with the Building Permit application. Where complete plans and specifications are submitted for Biiilding Permit application processing,the submission of the Facilities Clearance Form will be attached with the Building Permit and processed concurrently. (6)Nothing contained in this Section shall affect private covenants or deed restrictions that prohibit the construction ofa second dwelling unit on any residential lot.The provisions ofthis Section shall be subiect to the crovisions of Chapter 22.Kaua'i Countv Code 1987,as amended,Section 22-28.Limitine or Prohibitine Lone-Term Rentals, Additional DwelUne Units,Additional Rental Units.and Guest Houses." SECTION3.Chapter 22,Kaua'i County Code 1987,as amended,is hereby amended by adding a new Article 28 to read as follows and all other and prior ordinances or parts ofordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed: "Article 28.Liniitine or Prohibitine Lone-TeriTi Rentals.Additional D w e lline Units,Additional Rental Units,and Guest Houses. Sec.22-28.1 Definitions. "Additional Dwelling_Unif_shall have the same meanine as additional dwelline unit under Chapter 8 ofthe Kaua'i Countv Code. Additional Rental Unit shall have the same meaning as additional rental unit under Chaoter 8 ofthe Kauai Countv Code. "Dwelline Unit ApuUcable to this section onlv.means any buildine or anv portion thereof which is desiened or intended for occucancv bv one Cl) family or persons living together or by a_personJiYing alone^ "Guest House"shall have the same meaning as additional rental unit under Chaoter 8 ofthe Kaua'i Countv Code. Lone-Term Rental shall mean a dwelling unit which is occupied for a neriod ofone hundred eighty-one (181)days or more. Sec.22-28.2 Limitine or Prohibitine. Covenants,conditions,deed restrictions,declarations of condominium BroBertv reeime.association bvlaws.and anv other agreements that run with the land shall not limit or prohibit Lone^Term^Rentals,Additional DweUine Units,Additional Rental Units,and Guest Houses, Sec.22-28.3 Applicabilitv. Nothine in this section_shalLaBBlx.to any contracts and agreements: (a)In existence as ofthe effective date ofthis Ordinance: (b)Of a successor-in-interest to real property to the extent that an association entered into.amended.or enforced,a,_coyenant, condition.or restriction before the effective date ofthis Ordinance:and (c)Formed bv the Countv of Kaua'i.the State of Hawaj'j,or the United States federal government. Sec.22-28.4 Enforcement. Failure to complv with this Ordinance creates an iiidependent rieht of actaon. SECTION 4.Severability.If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereofto any person or circumstances is held invalid,the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of the Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application,and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. SECTION 5.Ordinance material to be repealed is bracketed.New Ordinance material is underscored.When revising,compiling,or printing this Ordinance for inclusion in the Kaua'i County Code 1987,as amended,the brackets, bracketed material,and underscoring shall not be included. SECTION 6.This Ordinance shall take effect upon its approval. Introduced by: LUKE A.EVSLIN BERNARD P.CARVALHO,JR. DATE OF INTRODUCTION Lihu e,Kauai,Hawaii V:\BILLS\2020-2022 TEEM\No probition CCR ADU ARU (8-4.21)(2)CNT_dmc.docx DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING KA'AINA HULL,DIRECTOR JODI A.HIGUCHI SAYEGUSA,DEPUTY DIRECTOR DEREK S.K.KAWAKAMI,MAYOR MICHAELA.DAHILIG,MANAGING DIRECTOR DIRECTOR'S REPORT TO: RE: APPLICANT: Planning Commission 2021 Status and Progress Report PO'IPO SHERATON KAUA'I RESORT Spedal Management Area Use Permit SMA(U)-2007-13 Class IV Zoning Permit Z-IV-2007-29 Project Development Use Permit PD(U)-2007-25 Tax Map Keys:(4)2-8-015:043,044 &082;2-8-016:003,004 Po'ipu,Kaua'i Kauai Blue,Inc.(formerlySVO Pacific,Inc.&VSE Pacific,Inc.) BACKGROUND The subject permits were approved by the Planning Commission on October 9,2007 to facilitate improvements to the existing Sheraton Kaua'i Resort facility.The development includes condominium/timeshare units,several supportfacilities and uses,off-street parking, and on-site &off-site infrastructure improvements. Condition No.4 of the permits requires the Applicant to submit an annual report to the Planning Commission to report the progress of the project until it's completed and it reads: "4.The Applicant shall provide an annual report to the Planning Commission beginning from one yearfrom the date of this approval.The reports shall be submitted to the Department no later than 30 days prior to the annual anniversarydateofapprovalofthisproject.The report shall provide project status and progress towards project completion and compliance with conditions ofapproval.Annual reports shall be provided until completion ofthe project,and compliance with all conditions ofapproval." APPLICANT'S REQUEST In accordance with Condition No.4,the Applicant is providing its annual status report for 2021 (refer to Attachment). RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Commission accepts the Applicant's Annual Status Rep2[t dated i.1.^-1 [:\Users\khull\AppData\Locol\Microsnft\Windows\INet[ocha\Co.ntent.DufloDk\UOVHMDHV\Report-1 10.27.2021 B[_;-IV-2007-29_Poipu Sheraton_2021 Stotus Rpt.docx September 2,2021.Additionally,the Applicant is advised that all applicable conditions of approval,including the provision of annual status report as required by Condition No.4,shall remain in effect.The next Annual Status Report be submitted no later than SEPTEMBER 9, 2022. By (i£)^DaleA.Cua Planner Approved and recommended to Commission: Ka'ainaS.Hull Director of Planning Date: 'Ut /2-»t-\ 5MA|U)-2007-13;Z-IV-2007-29;PD(U)-2007-25;2021 Stotus Report Kauai Blue,Inc.[formerly SVO Paciflc,Inc./VSE Pacific,Inc.) 10.27.2021 -2-