First Addition to the 4-13-2021 PC Agenda 4444 Rice Street, Suite A473 • Līhu‘e, Hawai‘i 96766 • (808) 241-4050 (b) An Equal Opportunity Employer PLANNING COMMISSION DONNA APISA, CHAIR HELEN COX, VICE CHAIR MELVIN CHIBA, MEMBER FRANCIS DEGRACIA, MEMBER ROY HO, MEMBER GLENDA NOGAMI-STREUFERT, MEMBER LORI OTSUKA, MEMBER KAAINA S. HULL, CLERK OF COMMISION MEMORANDUM DATE: April 12, 2021 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Clerk of the Commission SUBJECT: 1st Addition to the Planning Commission 4/13/2021 Agenda F. HEARINGS AND PUBLIC COMMENT 2. New Agency Hearing a. Green Earth Matters, Inc. 4. Memorandum in Opposition to Moloa‘a Farms LLC and Jeffery Linder’s Petition to Intervene. 5. Letter (4/12/2021) from Kanoe Ahuna, Ph.D. b. Michael A. Kaplan Revocable Trust 4. Applicant Michael Kaplan’s Objection to Petition for Intervention and Request for Hearing. c. Association of Apartment Owners of the Makahuena at Po‘ipū 3. Letter (3/23/2021) Felicia Cowden, Councilmember, Kaua‘i County Council. 4. Email (4/4/2021) from Makaala Kaaumoana. 5. Letter (4/7/2021) from Kōloa Community Association. 6. Letter (4/13/2021) from Kaaumoana. 7. File Plan 1702, Adjacent Access. 8. Letter (undated) from Sara Sloan, General Manager, The Makahuena at Po‘ipū. 9. Letter (undated) from Edward Schimmlefennig. 10. Letter (undated) from Christopher Bartlett and Lindsay Nakamura. 11. Letter (undated, received 4/9/2021) from Judy Foss. PAGE 2 I. GENERAL BUSINESS MATTERS 1. Gather Federal Credit Union b. Letter (4/8/2021) from Sherman Shiraishi, Esq. April 12,2021 Re:Green Earth Matters,Inc.-Amendment to Class IV Zoning Permit (Z-IV-2017-12),Use Permit [U-2017-10J,and Special Permit fSP-2017-5} AIoha ChairApisa and Members ofthe Planning Commission, Please accept this as written testimony for the Amendment to Class JVZoning Permit (Z-IV-2017-12),Use Permit (V-201 7-10).and Speclal Permit (SP-201 7-5)to allow construction ofan office facllity and two (2)storage buildings for the green waste composting operatlon involving Units 69 &70 of the Moloa'a Hui I Condominium,on a parcel situated along the makai side of Kahio Highway in Moloa'a. As a curreat school principal ofa charter school in Anahola and an active community member,I am in support of Green Earth Matters,Inc.'s amendment to the permlts requested above.Green Earth Matters,Inc.is founded and managed by a Kauai-born resident,BrandonMiranda.Mr.Miranda has proven to support Kauai's local and growing agricultural economy as well as employ Kauai locals.Green Earth Matters (GEM)provides an alteroative option for both residential and commercial green waste recyding.The green waste recycling produces an end product that is beneflcial for local horticulture and agriculture. Over the past three years,Green Earth Matters has proven to support and provide opportunities for safe and healthy community projects.For instance,GEM provides our charter school with continuous compost and high grade soil in support ofour 'ike 'aina projects on our school carapus.'Ike 'Aina projects are kindergarten through grade twelve student-driven agricultural activities that support our school's food forest,natlve plant gardens,and our farm to table gardens.We look forward to building our partnership with GEM to Include opportunlties such as a safe educational tour of their facillties as well as teacbing our students and staff about green waste recycling,composting,and different types ofsoils for agriculture. I support Green Earth Matters,Inc.and believe that their services and green waste recyded products are beneflcia]to the current and continued growth ofpositive agriculture on Kauai and Kauai's overall envlronment.Moreover,'ike 'aina projects supported by organizations like Green Earth Matters are invaluable to the education and healthy lifestyle ofour keiki and the Kauai community at-large. lahalo nui, ;anoe Ahuna,Ph.D. Principal/Executive Director Tr^^.^ APR BRONSTER FUJICHAKU ROBBINS A Law Corporation MARGERY S. BRONSTER 4750 REX Y. FUJICHAKU 7198 1003 Bishop Street, Suite 2300 Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96813 Telephone: (808) 524-5644 Facsimile: (808) 599-1881 MCCORRISTON MILLER MUKAI MACKINNON LLP LAUREL LOO 4806 4537 Rice Street, Suite 201 Lihue, Hawai‘i 96766 Telephone No.: (808) 977-8015 Attorneys for Applicant MICHAEL KAPLAN, Trustee of the Michael A. Kaplan Revocable Trust, dated August 12, 1992 IN THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE COUNTY OF KAUAI In the Matter of the Application of MICHAEL KAPLAN, Trustee of the Michael A. Kaplan Revocable Trust, date August 12, 1992 as amended and restated by instrument dated July 16, 2017, affecting real property located at Kahili Ahupua’a, Hanalei, Island and County of Kauai, State of Hawaii, more particularly identified as Tax Key No. (4) 5-2-012:019, and containing an area of 32,034 sq. ft., more or less. APPLICANT MICHAEL KAPLAN’S OBJECTION TO PETITION FOR INTERVENTION AND REQUEST FOR HEARING; EXHIBITS “1” - “5” [Re: Application for Class IV Zoning Permit (Z-IV-2021-8) and Use Permit (U-2021-7)] Related property: TMK # (4) 5-2- 012:019 Hearing date: April 13, 2021 Hearing Time: 9:00 a.m. 2 APPLICANT MICHAEL KAPLAN’S OBJECTION TO PETITION FOR INTERVENTION AND REQUEST FOR HEARING Applicant MICHAEL KAPLAN, Trustee of the Michael A. Kaplan Revocable Trust, dated August 12, 1992 (“Kaplan”), objects to the Petition for Intervention (“Petition”) submitted on April 6, 2021 on behalf of West Sunset 32 Phase 1, LLC, Charles Somers, as Trustee of the Charles Somers Living trust, CS Development, and Charles Somers (collectively “Somers”). The County of Kauai Planning Commission (“Commission”) should deny intervention by Somers in the proceeding for approval of the Application for a Class IV Zoning Permit (Z- IV-2021-8) and Use Permit (U-2021-7) (“Subject Permits”) for the property identified by Tax Map Key: (4) 5-2-012:019 (“Kuleana Parcel”). Kaplan requests a hearing on this issue. I. Introduction Intervention should be denied because Somers fails to meet the requirements established by the Rules of Practice and Procedure of the Planning Commission (“RPPPC”). The Application seeks approval for Kaplan to complete construction of the single-family two-bedroom house on the Kuleana Parcel. Nothing more. While Somers has falsely portrayed the Application as an attempt to revive permits previously granted by the Commission for a larger, multi-structure development, Kaplan has abandoned those plans pending judicial review by the appellate courts. The instant Application seeks approval only for a single-family, single- story dwelling on a kuleana lot. The total lot coverage is 2,791 square feet and the house’s footprint will occupy 8.7% of the Kuleana Parcel. See Application 3 at 4. The house does not require any variance or other exceptions for its height, size, building material or other features. Id. at 7. The Application and its 13 exhibits provide the Commission comprehensive information of the proposed residence and the property, its location, its size, its floor plan, topographic and drainage information, and environmental and archeological concerns. The Application also addresses how the proposal complies with the county General Plan, the North Shore Development Plan, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (“CZO”), land use designations and zoning, prior uses, and native Hawaiian gathering rights. The Planning Department has issued a Departmental Determination (DD-2021-13) that the “proposed single family dwelling would not be considered development” under the County Special Management Area (“SMA”) Rules. Exhibit “M” to Application. The Commission’s review of the Application should be a straight-forward matter. Intervention by Somers would turn a simple proceeding into a farce. As he has in the past, Somers will hijack the contested case process for his own goal of preventing Kaplan from ever building anything on his kuleana parcel. As we show below, Somers has misled the Commission in his attempt to assert himself as the development authority and replace the Commission as the decisionmaker. He misstates the facts, misstates the law, and shamelessly mischaracterizes the Application and its contents. If allowed to intervene, Somers will continue to use the Commission process for his own personal agenda. 4 Somers has openly criticized the Commission in court proceedings, challenged the Commission’s decision making (even though he personally benefitted from the exact same processes that he later challenged as inappropriate), and is seeking to supplant the Commission. The Petition reflects that Somers intends to act as the enforcer of the CZO and the Kauai County zoning policies, but the right to supervise and enforce the law has been granted to the Commission, not Somers. His intervention will not address, reveal or develop any issues that have not already been addressed in the Application. In addition to not having a legally cognizable right to intervene, Somers will not aid in the Commission’s review of the Application and will undoubtedly cause unnecessary expense and delay in making a determination on the Application. Indeed, undersigned counsel is not aware of one instance where the Commission granted intervention where a kuleana owner sought approval to build a single-family house that did not require a SMA use permit. Granting Somers’s Petition will serve as a dangerous precedent. For these reasons, Kaplan requests that the Petition be denied and Somers not be allowed to intervene. II. The Nature of Kaplan’s Application The Application is for a single-story structure that will occupy less than 10% of the total area of the Kuleana Parcel, which is 32,034 square feet, more or less. Application at 2. The total lot coverage of the proposed dwelling is 2,791 square feet. Id. at 4. The Planning Department has determined that the 5 residence is not a “development” requiring a SMA use permit. See Exhibit “M” to the Application. Somers’s Petition attempts to confuse the Commission by asserting that the residence is a development that requires a SMA use permit. Not true. As the Application explains (at 3-4 and 7-8), and Somers in his Petition (at 3-5) confirms, in 2010 the Commission had issued permits to Kaplan’s predecessor in interest, Hendrikus. Those permits, Special Management Area Use SMA (U) 2011-1, Class IV Zoning Permit Z-IV-2011-1, and Use Permit U-2011-1 (“Prior Permits”), were for a development of multiple structures, installations, and other development activities on the Kuleana Parcel, the adjoining Parcel 41 which Kaplan also owns, and a portion of Somers’s property subject to access easements in favor of Kaplan’s property. As Somers acknowledged, the Prior Permits have been vacated on appeal by the Circuit Court. Kaplan is not asking the Commission to restore them, and instead has filed a secondary appeal with the Intermediate Court of Appeals, which remains pending. Kaplan is respecting the judicial consideration of the Prior Permits. Instead of proceeding with the larger development, Kaplan is seeking approval of a narrower and limited residential construction that is not development under the SMA laws and regulations. Somers threatens to turn what should be a simple and straightforward use permit review for a single-family residence on kuleana land into an unnecessary and prolonged contested case. Somers seeks to have the Commission rehash the Prior Permits while their disposition is still pending in 6 the Intermediate Court of Appeals. Somers asks the Commission to review and incorporate thousands of irrelevant pages in the review of the Application. Such a review is unnecessary, inappropriate, and wholly inefficient. To allow Somers to intervene and force consideration of the Prior Permits would be a re-litigation of already-decided issues in an improper forum. III. Somers Intentionally Misleads the Commission Somers makes misleading and inaccurate statements in the Petition in an attempt to convince the Commission that his intervention is appropriate. He self-aggrandizes his rights, misrepresents the contents of the Application, and mischaracterizes the proposed construction. Among other misrepresentations in the Petition, Somers incorrectly states that the Circuit Court has already found that he has standing and that a portion of Kaplan’s project area is within a portion of Somers’s property encumbered by conservation easement C-1 and is subject to the terms and conditions of easement GU-4. Neither is true. The fact that Somers is willing to stretch the truth to intervene demonstrates that he is not concerned with the public interest or native Hawaiian rights, only his own self-serving agenda to oppose his neighbors at every opportunity. First, the Circuit Court has not found that Somers has standing to intervene in the Commission’s consideration of the Application. While the court did find that Somers had standing to challenge the Prior Permits, those permits were for a larger development covering multiple parcels of land, including an access easement (GU-4) on Somers’s adjacent property. In 7 contrast, the Application relates only to the Kuleana Parcel. Somers owns no portion of the Kuleana Parcel. The Application does not propose any construction, removal of structures, or other activity on easement GU-4. Second, no part of the single-family residence will be located on, affect, or occur within conservation easement C-1, which Somers was forced to grant on his own property in order to build his Mansion. The proposed structure is entirely within the Kuleana Parcel and entirely on Kaplan’s property. There is no part of the construction that would affect or occur on any part of Somers’s property. Simply put, to allow Somers to intervene in this matter based on misrepresentations is inappropriate and would set a bad example for all applications to intervene moving forward. If a proposed intervenor is allowed to make misrepresentations to undertake a contested case proceeding, then every single use permit application would be required to go through the contested case process at anyone’s whim. IV. Somers Does Not Qualify For Intervention RPPPC Rule 1-4-1 provides three categories of individuals who are eligible to intervene: (1) all Persons who have or hold an interest in the subject land, (2) all Persons who lawfully reside on the land, or (3) all Persons who otherwise can demonstrate that they will be so directly and immediately affected by the proposed application that their interest in the proceeding is clearly distinguishable from that of the general public. Somers does not qualify under any of the three categories. 8 A. Somers Does Not Own or Reside on the Land Somers does not have or hold any interest in the Kuleana Parcel and he does not reside there, so neither of the first two categories are applicable. The Petition incorrectly states that “a portion of Kaplan’s project area is within a portion of Somers’ property”. Petition at 7. This is false. No part of the proposed construction is on any portion of Somers’s property. The Application clearly delineates where the house will be situated and it is entirely on the Kuleana Parcel. See Exhibits “D”, “E”, “G”, and “I”. Exhibit “I” in particular contains the boundary of the Kuleana lot in red and contains the entirety of the proposed structure within the red lines. Somers does own property that has a conservation easement over it, but the house for which the Subject Permits are being sought is not being built on that land. While Somers attempts to widen the geographic scope of the Application to include other structures and areas on other parcels, the Application itself shows that the Subject Permits are being sought to build the house only on the Kuleana Parcel. Somers tries to conflate the “project area” for the Prior Permits granted to Kaplan by the Commission for Parcel 41 and the Kuleana Parcel (now subject to appeal) with the construction area proposed under the Application. The two are not the same. Under the Application, the entirety of the proposed structure, and any and all proposed construction, will be solely within the Kuleana Parcel, and not Parcel 41 or any parcel owned by Somers. Therefore, while Somers may have had an “interest in the land” under the prior permits 9 which encompassed multiple parcels and a part of Somers’s property in the total “project area”, the Application has a much smaller scope and does not include or involve Somers’s property at all. B. Somers Does Not Have a Clearly Distinguishable Interest From that of the General Public As for the third category of those who may intervene, Somers does not identify any interest that will be “so directly and immediately affected” by the Application that his interest “is clearly distinguishable from that of the general public.” RPPPC Rule 1-4-1. The Petition argues that Somers’s interests are clearly distinguishable where the proposed construction could harm (1) Somers’s right to a clean and healthful environment, (2) his ability to engage in recreational activities (not on the Kuleana Parcel), (3) his “scenic resources” and (4) his conservation easements (that do not encumber the Kuleana Parcel). See Petition at 6-8. None of these purported interests are “clearly distinguishable from that of the general public.” The public has an interest in a clean and healthful environment, the public has an interest in recreational activities (not on the Kuleana Parcel), the public has an interest in maintaining scenic resources, and the conservation easements encumber Somers’s property, not the Kuleana Parcel. As a result, Somers has failed to demonstrate that he has an interest that is clearly distinguishable from the general public and has failed to establish that he may intervene in the Application process under RPPPC 1-4-1. Somers asserts that, “Kaplan’s development will change existing drainage patterns, cause harmful environmental consequences to the Kilauea Stream 10 and significantly adversely affect the Conservation Values of C-1[.]” Petition at 7. These statements are unsupported, misrepresent the contents of the Application, and fail to show a personal interest distinguishable from the general public. Somers does not explain how the proposed structure could possibly change existing drainage patterns. Somers does not explain how a single-family house, located entirely on the Kuleana Parcel, could possibly harm the Kilauea Stream or affect the conservation easement on his property, which is separate and apart from the Kuleana Parcel. His arguments are speculative, at best. Somers mischaracterizes the construction proposed by Kaplan as “increasing the interior living area of the single-family residence from 2,098 sq. ft. to 2,353 sq. ft.” See Petition at 4. Even if this were true, the amount that the interior living area is increased is irrelevant to a structure’s overall effect on the environment unless it corresponds to an increase in the structure’s exterior footprint. As Somers knows well, Kaplan’s application actually reduces the exterior footprint of the proposed single-family dwelling from that proposed in the previously approved permits. This blatant attempt to mislead the Commission is, sadly, characteristic of and in keeping with the rest of the Petition. Further, were the Commission to agree with the claims in the Petition, Somers still has not identified any harm to himself personally that would be so direct and immediate that it is clearly distinguishable from the general public. Somers must satisfy all elements of a three-part “injury in fact” test that 11 requires: “(1) an actual or threatened injury, which, (2) is traceable to the challenged action, and (3) is likely to be remedied by favorable judicial action.” Citizens for the Protection of the North Kohala Coastline v. County of Hawai‘i, 91 Hawai‘i 94, 100, 979 P.2d 1120, 1126 (1999). The Hawaii State Constitution, the General Plan, the Coastal Zone Management Act, and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinances all express the public’s concern for the environmental effects of construction. So, to the extent that the Application would result in changes to drainage patterns, harm to the Kilauea Stream, or other adverse environmental impacts, it is of concern to the entirety of the general public, not just Somers. The concerns about the environment expressed in the Petition overlap with the laws of the State of Hawaii, and therefore Somers’s interest is the exact same as that of the general public. Consequently, Somers’s claims of seeking to protect the environment are insufficient to establish a right to intervene. With respect to being an adjoining landowner, there is no impact that the proposed structure would have on Somers. Kaplan seeks approval to build a single-family dwelling on a kuleana lot like so many others that are routinely permitted without an agency hearing. The proposed house will have a low profile, will be inset into the ground in conformity with the natural grade of the land, will be surrounded by trees, and will not be visible from Somers home. See Application at 5-6 and Exhibits “1”. The renderings of the proposed structure show that it will be concealed within the tress and natural stone low walls. See Exhibit “1” (front rendering and back rendering of proposed house). 12 The structure will not obstruct Somers’s view from his sprawling mansion, which is three-quarters of a mile away from the proposed home site. See Exhibits “2” (photograph with red line showing distance in feet from the Somers Mansion to home site), “3” (photograph of home site in relation to the Somers Mansion in foreground), and “4” (Mansion). Most implausible is Somers’s claim to be protecting native Hawaiian rights. Somers has not shown that he will sustain a personal injury implicating any native Hawaiian rights. Denial of intervention on that basis is clear. See Public Access Shoreline Haw. v. Haw. Cty. Planning Comm’n, 79 Hawai‘i 246, 255, 900 P.2d 1313, 1322 (App. 1993) (holding that proposed intervenor did not show personal interest where he did not engage in protected native Hawaiian gathering rights), aff’d, 79 Hawai‘i 425, 903 P.2d 1246 (1995). C. The Case Law Does Not Support Somers’s Intervention The cases Somers cites to justify intervention as a neighbor are all distinguishable, especially where the zoning approvals at issue in those cases were for significant changes in use or for variances or exemptions of existing zoning. See Petition at 9. In East Diamond Head Association v. Zoning Board of Appeals, 52 Haw. 518, 519, 479 P.2d 796, 797 (1971), a variance was granted to build a movie studio in a residential neighborhood. It was noted that the variance sought would have caused a substantial change in the character of the neighborhood. Id. at 521, 479 P.2d at 798. Neighboring landowners, who had not intervened in the agency proceeding, appealed. Id. The Hawai‘i Supreme Court reviewed the requirements for standing to bring an agency 13 appeal pursuant to HRS § 91-14, and not whether the parties had a right to intervene or had an interest that was ‘clearly distinguishable’ from the general public. Id. at 521-24, 479 p.2d at 798-99. In Dalton v. City and County of Honolulu, 51 Haw. 400, 401, 462 P.2d 199, 201 (1969), the Hawai‘i Supreme Court reviewed whether the parties had standing to bring a civil action for declaratory relief in relation to challenge newly-passed ordinances that permitted rezoning of a 47-acre parcel from residential and agricultural uses to medium density apartment use. No agency proceeding occurred. Thus, the case did not discuss whether the plaintiffs— some of who “live[d] across the street from said real property”—would have been able to intervene at an agency proceeding, because there was no petition to intervene on the agency hearing and there was no agency hearing to begin with. Id. at 403, 462 P.2d at 202. Lastly, Waianae Model Neighborhood Assoc., Inc. v. City and County of Honolulu, 55 Haw. 40, 46, 514 P.2d 861, 862 (1973), addressed whether a neighborhood association had standing to seek declaratory relief to challenge an exemption from the zoning code for a building permit for a hotel. The court did not address the issue of whether the association had a right to intervene solely based on being an adjoining landowner. Because language similar to RPPPC Rule 1-4-1 was not discussed in this case, it does not support Somers’s contention that he has a right to intervene by virtue of being an adjacent landowner. 14 Unlike a variance for a movie production studio in a residential neighborhood, a zoning change to a 47-acre parcel, or an exemption for a hotel building permit, Kaplan’s Application pertains to the construction of the modest single-family dwelling on a kuleana parcel. The proposed residence will not change or affect the character of the neighborhood. The house does not require any variance or other exceptions for its height, size, building material or other features. See Application at 7. Thus, the Application is distinguishable from the cases cited by Somers. V. The Commission Should Exercise Its Discretion to Deny Intervention Even if Somers somehow demonstrates eligibility to intervene under RPPPC Rule 1-4-2, the Commission should nonetheless deny intervention because Somers intends to use a contested case proceeding of the Application for his own ends. The Commission should not allow Somers to abuse the process and make a mockery of the Commission’s rules. Leave to intervene falls within the sound discretion of the Commission. RPPPC Rule 1-4-2 provides that leave to intervene may be denied when, in the Commission’s or Hearing Officer’s discretion, it appears that (1) the admission of additional Parties-Intervenors will render the proceedings inefficient and unmanageable; or (2) the intervention will not aid in the development of a full record and will overly broaden issues. See RPPPC Rule 1-4-2 (emphasis added).1 Both conditions apply here to deny intervention. 1 RPPPC Rule 1-4-2 (1) also allows for denial of intervention where the position of the applicant for intervention is substantially the same as the position of a 15 A. Intervention will Render the Proceedings Inefficient and Unmanageable Allowing Somers to intervene would render the proceedings inefficient and unmanageable because the Petition shows that he will inject unrelated and irrelevant issues into this proceeding. The Petition demonstrates that Somers will bog down the proceeding by re-litigating the Commission’s grant of the Prior Permits. This is a prime example of inefficiency where this very issue is being considered by the ICA. The Petition makes numerous assertions about the Prior Permits and the agency and court proceedings leading to the current appeal. As such, Somers asks the Commission to review and incorporate thousands of irrelevant pages in the review of the Application. There is no justification to warrant an in-depth review of those proceedings as Somers apparently desires. By bringing up irrelevant issues, Somers promises to make the proceedings on the Application unmanageable because the Commission would be required to review extraneous documents and consider irrelevant testimony. The Prior Permits have been vacated and the Application is not an effort to restore them. Somers should not be permitted to manipulate the system in this way. Somers has already shown that he will, if allowed, render this proceeding inefficient and unmanageable by his intervention. The neighbors of one of Somers’s many properties, Ms. Valerie Nielsen and Dr. David Kells, recently applied for approval to construct a single-family home on their property. See Party-Intervenor already admitted to the proceeding. Because there is no other Party-intervenor in this case, this option is not applicable. 16 Contested Case Hearing CC-2020-2. Somers was granted intervention when his request was not objected to by applicants. The resulting contested case required eight days of hearings over a period of four months (March to July 2020), and a decision on that application still hasn’t been issued. There is no doubt that Somers will drag out the approval of the Application in the same manner. Somers recently improperly requested the Court to issue a permanent injunction prohibiting the County ever issuing any permits to Kaplan, which the Court denied. All of this shows that allowing Somers to intervene would only support Somers’s true agenda of obstructing Kaplan and make the proceedings on the Application inefficient. Somers’s intervention here would bog these proceedings down with misrepresentations and mischaracterizations that are unrelated to the Application and would inflict upon the Hearings Officer and the Commission the unenviable task of wading through a morass of pleadings, statements, testimony and other materials that do not pertain to the Application. B. Intervention will not Aid in Development of a Full Record and will Overly Broaden the Issues The Application is clear, thorough and detailed. Any further information needed by the Commission to assess the Application can be provided by Kaplan. Allowing Somers to intervene will not aid in development of the record. It will only cause stale and irrelevant issues to be raised in what should be a simple and uncomplicated process. The Petition fails to articulate any specific issue that Somers has with the Application as required by RPPPC Rule 1-4-4(3). The issues specifically 17 raised in Section IV of the Petition are largely irrelevant and meritless. See Petition at 10-11. For instance, number 1 is related to the SMA Rules, but the Planning Department has already determined that the proposed structure is not “development” under SMA Rule 1.4f, and therefore not subject to the SMA Rules. See Exhibit “M” to Application. Any elaboration may be provided by the Department, and not by Somers. Where Somers asserts that he wants to ensure that the construction complies with the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (#6, #9, #10, #11), the Kauai County General Plan (#7), and the North Shore Development Plan (#8), all of these issues are covered by the Application. See Application at 8-11. The Application already addresses Kaplan’s proposed efforts to protect and preserve archaeological sites (Application at 6-7), limit all possible impacts on the surrounding environment (id. at 5-6), to construct the house in conjunction with the Kauai County General Plan, the North Shore Development Plan, the Open District Zoning, and all other aspects of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (id. at 8-13). Where Somers offers vague generalizations about “significant adverse effects” to his multiple properties, Petition at 10, these are only vaguely articulated and fail to meet the requirement of specificity demanded by the Rule. It begs the question: “How could this house possibly harm you?”, to which the Petition is silent. The answer is that the Application will not affect any part of Somers’s property, and the documentation attached to the Application includes a 18 meticulous archeological preservation plan by which Kaplan intends on protecting and preserving the environment of the Kuleana Parcel. See Exhibits “I” (showing entirety of house on Kuleana Parcel) and “K” (Archaeological Inventory Survey). The Application already addresses the potential issues that he raised in the Petition. Without specificity, the Petition fails to present identifiable specific issues for a contested case hearing to actually determine. As a practical matter, the entirety of a contested case would consist of nothing more that Kaplan debunking Somers’s misrepresentations. C. Denial of Intervention Will Not Affect Somers’s Ability to Appeal Finally, denial of intervention will not bar Somers from filing an appeal of the Commission’s decision on the Application if he can prove appellate standing to do so. As the Hawai‘i Supreme Court has observed, “We have not, however, conditioned standing to appeal from an administrative decision upon formal intervention in the agency proceeding. Participation in a hearing as an adversary ... has been held sufficient to give rise to appeal rights[.]” Mahuiki v. Planning Comm’n, 65 Haw. 506, 515, 654 P.2d 874, 880 (1982) (quotation marks omitted), citing Jordan v. Hamada, 62 Haw. 444, 449, 616 P.2d 1368, 1371 (1980). Therefore, Somers will not be prejudiced by a denial of his Petition. 19 VI. Conclusion For the above stated reasons, the Petition for Intervention fails to meet the requirements for intervention and should be denied. DATED: Honolulu, Hawai‘i, April 9, 2021. /s/ Margery S. Bronster MARGERY S. BRONSTER REX Y. FUJICHAKU SKYLAR G. LUCAS LAUREL LOO Attorneys for Applicant MICHAEL A. KAPLAN, Trustee of the Michael A. Kaplan Revocable Trust EXHIBIT “1” EXHIBIT “2” EXHIBIT “3” EXHIBIT “4” EXHIBIT “5” COUNTY COUNCIL Anyl Kaneshiro,Chair Mason K.Chock,Vice Chair Bemard P.Carvalho,Jr. Felicia Cowden Bill DeCosta Luke A.Evslin KipuKaiKuaIi'i Council Services Division 4396 Rice Street,Suite 209 LIhu'e,Kaua'i,Hawai'i 96766 March 23,2021 OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK Jade K.Fountain-Tanigawa,County Clerk Scott K.Sato,Deputy County Clerk Telephone:(808)241-4188 Facsimile:(808)241-6349 E-mail:cokcouncil@kauai.gov Donna Apisa,Chair and Members of the Planning Commission c/o County of Kaua'i Planning Department 4444 Rice Street,Suite A473 Lihu'e,Hawai'i 96766 Dear Chair Apisa and Members of the Planning Commission RE:TESTIMONY REGARDING SHORELINE SETBACK VARIANCE PERMIT (SSV-2021-1) Thank you for the opportunity to provide written testimony in SUPPORT of the Shoreline Setback Variance Permit (SSV-2021-1),to deviate from the shoreline setback requirement involving the construction of perimeter fencing for a parcel situated on the mafeat-side of Pe'e Road in Po'ipu,further identified as 1661 Pe'e Road,Tax Map Key (TMK)No.(4)2-8-020:003 and containing a total area of approximately 3.867 acres.My testimony is provided as an individual Councilmember on the Kaua i County Council and as Chair of the Councils Public Safety &Human Seryices Committee. Having visited the parcel,it is evident there is a safety threat on the makai-side behind the building structures of the Makahuena at Poipu condominiums.There is an abrupt drop to the shoreline volcanic ledge of possibly 10-15 feet.An unexpected fall could seriously injure or possibly kill a person.The evidence of previous metal fencing remains in the rusted fence posts.The edge is perhaps 10 feet from the buildings in some areas where there may be a smooth grass drop point and other areas in which vegetation grows from the face of the steep embankment,obscuring the danger potential.In the dark of night,an uninformed walk around the building could be disastrous.Even in the daylight,a dangerous misstep could happen,particularly by a child or vulnerable person.The beauty ofthe ocean is a draw to the area. I leave the details of the fencing material and the location of gates for public access to the Planning Commission to determine.The need for a safety fence,despite shoreline setback goals,is evident.The protective fencing is needed on the Makahuena at Po'ipu property. ^.^C.9. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNiry EMPLOYER Shanlee Jimenez From: Sent: To: Subject: Planning Department Wednesday,April 07,2021 12:35 PM Shanlee Jimenez FW:April 12 PC Public Hearing From:Makaala Kaaumoana <kaaumoana@gmail.com> Sent:Wednesday,April 7,2021 12:32 PM To:Planning Department <planningdepartment@kauai.gov> Subject:April 12 PC Public Hearing CAUTION:This email originated from outside the County of Kauai.Do not click links or open attachments even ifthe sender is known to you unless it is something you were expecting. I.CLASS IV ZONING PERMFT (Z-IV-2021-8),and USE PERMFT (U-2021-7)for the construction of a farm dwelling unit and associated site improvements on a parcel located in Kilauea,situated approximately 1,700 feet from Kahili Makai Road and 2,700 feet from the Kahili Makai Road/Kuhio Highway intersection,further identified as Tax Map Key:(4)5-2-012:019 and containing a total area of 0.735 acre will testify in the matter of: Mahalo,Makaala Makaala Kaaumoana POB 1205 Kilauea,HI 96754 808-828-1205 home 808-346-5458 cell 808-431-4444 fax ^p/i.c^ •APR 1 3 2021 (g) KOLOA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION PO Box 1313,Koloa,Hawall 96756 koloacommunityassociation@gmait.com April 7,2021 County of Kaua'i Planning Commission 4444 Rice Street,Suite A473 Lihue,Kaua'i,Hl 96766 (808)241-4050 Public Hearing Testimony Tuesday,April 13,2021 Support for Shoreline Setback Variance Permit (SSV-2021-1) Makahuena at Poipu,1661 Pe'e Road Dear ChairmemberApisa,Planning Director Hull,and Kaua'i County Planning Commissioners, The Koloa Community Association sends our strong support for the requested shoreline setbackvariancefortheconstruction ofa replacinga perimeterfence on thismakai property. Members ofour Koloa Community Association Board took a site visit with General Manager, Sara Sloan and Judy Foss,the Condominium President We viewed the approximately 4-acre grounds.We are well aware ofthe historyofthe Makahuena at Poipu as one ofthe veryfirst accommodations on the makai side,dating back for decades.There grounds are well maintained and conscious and respectful ofShearwater Nesting areas,as well as cultural access rights. The staff are very nice,and exemplify aloha.They support continued access for fisherman and coastal enjoyment.There will be no locked entrances on the fenced area,and all are welcome, The southern side ofthe property has lost its original metal fence to age and rust,but is needed as a safety measure.The coastal side ofthe property has a verysteep cliffdrop offand f:^.^^- APR1 3?021(^ a fence for safety is a must for residents and guests.The fence will in no way preclude enjoyment or access to trails.Safe passage is located on the eastern and western sides of the property,and will not be affected by the perimeter fence replacement. This landmark property was built before the expanded shoreline setback.It did have a fence along the cliff,and we strongly encourage the variance to allow a replacement to prevent harm or injury.Native plantings will also be incorporated to enhance safety precautions and widen the setback from the cliff.These prudent measures will in no way cause loss of public access or encroachment. We appreciate their forthrightness and inclusion ofthe Koloa Community Association with help in this matter.They are good neighbors in our community. Wewhole heartedlyaskforyoursupportin grantingthisvarianceforthe residents of the Makahuena at Poipu point. Mahalo nui loa, ^a-A'-P^t^ Jeri Di Pietro,President Koloa Community Association ^:\1"c'•r^J'»«••"<»• ^^l: %.. ••••.fs.r"' Kaaumoana POB 1205 Kilauea,Hawaii 96754 K_aaumoana@email.com PH:808-828-1205 Cell:808-346-5458 Fax:431-4444 April 13,2021 Kauai County Planning Commission Testimony in the matter of:CLASS IV ZONING PEKMIT (Z-IV-2021-8),and USE PEI<MIT (U-2021-7)for the construction of a farm.dwelling unit and associated site improvements on a parcel located in Kjlauea/situ.ated approximately 1,700 feet from Kahili Makai Road and 2,700 feet from the Kahili Makai Road/Kuhio Highway intersection,furthcr identified as Tax Map Key:(4)5-2-012:019 and containing a total area of 0.735 acre. Aloha Conunissioners/ I testify today in SUPPORT of the request for intervention in your consideration of thls permlt application. I provided testimony regarding development of this property on 9-28-2010.At that tiine my concerns included; •Preservation of more than nine historic lo/i kalo,some of more than sixty-nine known to be in the area •Water quality monitoring before/during and after any construction I am unaware of any water quality testing or analysis having been conducted since 2010 and am also unavvare of any site inspections having been conducted on this property since that time.In addidon,the currently proposed wastewater system would leach into the historic lo i kalo.Is that pono?Do we allow that?Do vve pcrmit that? Further/the SMA extension granted to this developer in 2019 with no public hearing was for an already lapsed SMA and no substantial progress had been made on the origina]permit. This is a very dangerous procedure is such a sensitive place.This isn't just any property.It is specifically designated as special treatmentbecause of its unique features and the SMA law is intended for these kinds of lands and this application is for a substanrial development. What has happened on this land in the past eleven years?Apparently what was permitted as a post and beam sta'ucture 1s now being described as //on grade foundation///constructed in the lo/i kalo.VVould that have been permitted in 2010 given the sensitive historical features of this land and its location? Intervention is the remedy hcre because there is no evidcnce that the planning departnent has the information it requires to grant this permit application.Interveners can provide that and this application deserves thdt.If a public hearing had been held in 2019 I suspect intervention would have been requested than as well. Any consideration of thls application n-iust be updated with the current status of this property and will require additional site information,at the very least what is there now and does it comport with the 2010 permit? There was a previous house on this property/built by Taylor/and thus this SMA is not "automatic by defirdtion.This development is not the first structure.A class IV7 permit is insufficient. I request you grant intervenrion by the petitioners in this matter to assure a full and fair process. f.^.C.fr'APR 1 3 2021 s-«.®'l"^"""'.""'—"""""s-..^'"^ ®- ft/L£W.^f /70S Sivun^r^ a .\K!'&n-V I^W^t, A1AXAHUE.A/A SUQOIV/S/O^ Land sifua-fec/01-1 -f-he Sou-f^herfy side of Pee Roarl anei on fhs (Ves/er/y fiounc/ary of hfahshuena Lighfhouae SHe Af WeSewele (Kona),Kauai.Ha^sii OWNERS:Zatepany Chitdren and Brandch',Idren True't AODKE5S:Paipu,Koioa,Ksu^i.Han'ai; aeWG ^i po^TfOA/£?/'(3'/«?/4A/7 /-?/<? Ta £/<£.£5/o<^/V<^/ SUSQ/^'OEO //V70 iLOTS /^\A/0 S AN£>OES/GNAT/O^OF EA5EM£NT5 ^^l/Ui?'iS' ^R£^--3.-?<7/^C/?£S ^/r iff»*jo^^u^*<*n *c?l£i^/tftrf^fly drt Wo yauiv^j»~^^^if ff/'*^^ar ffie ^Avctsv^N-vi'sionaf fftc ^rofarjA^w/fld Jte^i/vM^i^7S •il^d/iflv^/Sff •9fTd ^sWfJbCL c/te^A^c/ty^hfSiv^ci^'^ ff^itf ^<h»^S *flt/£~drifuAlTtftm A^rc-crti W7^^+^j^St-°ffrf,Cd?Bfli/& i°-o.Au-eis'1 /^ul,'A"""'.AIB* ^l-Jtr £o /S7S 1 htralyf CT^iFv Ihal *llc dcBU-ii^iwt ofbyf^cY itnd <TTBP ^niBbnhlftKftl oufrtfttdsind cheft)lcd a&^B fortn and mn^rtinticut c&rrtcbwil bdt no^on ttw ^rtuntl and tlnn ftiinrii i*ttppTtM«dinaccor^hn6Cwil^Boclnni^clC-n, l&Andraof-lhc Mavn'ik l^'>wd SIMulcn llonolulu.l-la-'ai .o ., J»,u»r/l,,IMl AS^^A,,^t^_..,_ [•tn U?fld ^urvtyir ^F Conva^.in^cft lui^d &Tfilingth.l>]44*day°IF Januar^nDflBlnt^uei'M. 3^ttril«cl-nl-itei*>i-roe ?'- •T..W f^fft ^.-efy ;(^{f Ol'w)y.-^-Zo-.S ^-.-^.G yr r.^.&.-r. 1 3 2021 ^9^al<^alzuenci at Poipu Sara Sloan Makahuena General Manager sara.makahuena@fimail.com Donna Apisa,Chair and Members ofthe Planning Commission c/o County of Kaua'i Planning Department 4444 Rice Street,Suite A473 Lihue,Hawaii,96766 Dear Chair and Apisa and Members of the Planning Commission, RE:TESTIMONY REGARDING SHORELINE SETBACK VARIANCE PERMIT (SSV-2021-1) Thank you forthe opportunityto provide written testimony in SUPPORTofthe SetbackVariance Permit (SSV-2021-1).1 am providing this testimony as the General Manager of the Makahuena, and resident of Kauai. To protect the public,residents and guests from danger,the Makahuena AOAO has supported replacing the fencing in several areas ofthe property.The fence removed as it was in such poor condition it provided a false sense of security in protecting people from the shear drop off as much as 25 feet in front ofMakahuena.In some areas ofMakai side ofthe property,the vegetation has created a false sense ofsecurityas it disguises the cliffalong the ocean,In other areas the vegetation has declined,exposing the shear drop off.We are fortunate that no unsuspecting person has been injured. There is a small cottage on the propertythat has a small pool.Because ofthe setback rules,this pool is not fenced.There is a constant worry that a child will wander to this area unnoticed,if this were to happen,it could be tragic.Our residents and owners have expressed this concern as well,as well as the concern that visitors,with children are unaware of the unfenced pool.The Ihhl Pe'e Riud •krliu,Kiiu.li.Hl "h-?f?•TEL.,SIW -42.2482 •FAX.SOR.-42.2.~l-t> f^.c^ APR 1 3 2021^ current set back dissects the middle of the pool.Without a granting a variant,this pool remains a hazard. The property next door was recently sold,and the easement allowing beach access is now a well-traveled destination to view this beautiful coastline.Many people also walk their dogs, many of individuals do not obey the leash laws.In the past our fence protected the vulnerable nesting seabirds,at leaston ourside ofthe property.Also,aswe cannot lightthe cliffarea at night,because ofthe Shearwaters,it posesan added danger. Thankyou forconsideringour request as we are concerned forthe safetyofthe publicas well as our residents and thank you for serving our community. Mahalo, Sara Sloan Makahuena General Manger "'l '* .••".•«la •'<(• A t.ap'. '•M.. ^^.. ^ 3«? s^^~'~1 ^.;®^'J^ ^•JoSS^??!^?^;:.:-.,..'*'.^.•:.^.,.,'..,-^"""'^"^^••-••^i^L ESS; s;:~?-u%s®?i"%s^s'^^p^.,?gat !"':?'-"''•''•'•'SxSS-sSsSvSSSSS'^'SsWSS3!^.'.^.'^•ysE&r.'yK'•^t>-..-K-':;;-"^•'^l'-;:''^iK''i5s;K' Sfe"!:.,..i'%»s's'^.i?' ,-,i;i fs'"-':SBK&ll1''1'•r-^h'—''/''5'fc^^:';5£ Ktji Ki^'„.-'(. ftl i "W'M"%=S'=^ » cfullal(acuBat"WD -J:!!.Jh^fwect't'mf;z«'^.la' E S^EOaw=hrtas&i^^s :.i !/A '"t?"^*^'^ fc K;,.•'•E{fe ^ f&'i ahiwauira.ttoi.fiuni "'niy/a.iffin E5£B^ %£r ^:f» •'x'f';;;'< il^S m m*83 iSS w&iESS>'Sl ?SMS ^^ ^ '51 1^3 ^i^-^y ^^ ^ ^ Si!S e%s ''ss Donna Apisa,Chair and Members ofthe Planning Commission c/o County of Kauai Planning Department 4444 Rice Street,Suite A473 Lihue,Hawaii,96766 Dear Chair and Apisa and Members ofthe Planning Commission, RE:TESTIMONY REGARDING SHORELINE SETBACK VARIANCE PERMIT (SSV-2021-1)Thank you for the opportunity to provide written testimony in SUPPORT ofthe Setback Variance Permit (SSV-2021-1). My name is Edward Schimmelfennig.I own and operate a security service company which provides security for the Makahuena for the past 5 years.I grew up houses down from the Makahuena.Our family was the first family on the hill overlooking the coast on Pe'e Road.My uncle once owned the property and built the Makahuena complex back in the late 70 s.He lived in the cottage that is original to this property. The fence on the property was old,rusted and falling down.It was a hazard,and no longer protected people from falling from the cliffs.This put people at risk of injury,serious bodily harm and even death.The old fence has now been removed, but the danger still exists. There are portions ofthe property on the Makai side,fronting the ocean,that are very steep.Anyone walking in this area is in danger offalling down the cliffand into the ocean,This area is even more dangerous to kids.The edge of cliff is only about 10 feet or less from some ofthe building lanais which open up and lead right to these danger zones.At night,it is even more disastrous to new guests and .£.4 APR 1 3 2^1@ Donna Apisa,Chair and Members of the Planning Commission c/o County of Kauai Planning Department 4444 Rice Street,Suite A473 Lihue,Hawaii,96766 Dear Chair and Apisa and Members of the Planning Commission, RE«TetTIMONV RECAnDING (HORBtINE »ETBACKVABIANCE PERMIT (»»V- 2021-1)Thanb you for the opportunity lo prouide written lestimony.We are in tUPPORT of the Setbacb Variance Permit (SSV-2021-1)for the safety of the Mabahuena residents and children. Our names are Christopher Bartlett and Lindsay Nabamura.We have a young son,and we liue at the Mabahuena.We have liued at the Mabahuena for over a year.We love the natural beauty of the area and the friendly residents who live here. Our son is only 3 years old now,but we are increasingly concerned about his safety as a grows and h gettlng more mobile.We live on the ground leyel of the east side of the property.The fence was in such poor condition is was remoued.The apartment we live in bacte to the beach access on the east side of the property.There are now many people walbing dogs, fishing and enjoying this area.We also enjoy this area but not entirely comfori:able without the fence in the bacb yard.We are concerned for the safety of our apartment,or child if he is playing on the bach lanai. We hope that the fence will be replaced as il would giue us piece of mind as our child continues to be more independent.A fence on the mahai side of the property would protect a 20'or more shear drop off along to the rocbs below.We heep a good eye on our child,but fL^.c.t0 ^PR 1 3 2021 fear that an accident could happen to Kaha'au or other children.No amount of signage can help when you can't read. We will also be relieved that the small pool on the property is fenced.We were told that this area will be fenced if the variance is approved.Many of the residents are concerned about the pool and the cliffs.We all feel extremely fortunate that no one,especially a child has been hurt. Ptease consider our testimony and grant the yariance so that the fence may be installed.It is for everyone's safety! Thanb you so much! Mahalo, ^^ Christopher Bartlett,Lindsay and Kaha'au Nabamura Mahahuena Residents 1661 Pe'e Road,Koloa Hl 96756 ^.•^.^?? 4,'7;2021 IMG_4218.jDg 4 https://mail.google.com/ma!l/u/0/#inbox'?proiector=1 1/1 Donna Apisa,Chair and Members of the Planning Commission c/o County ofKauai Planning Commission 4444 Rice Street,Suite A473 Lihui,Hawaii 96766 Dear Chair Apisa and Members of the Planning Commission,-o RE:TESTIMONY REGARDING SHORELINE SETBACK VARIANCEg PERMIT (SSV-2021-1)-X. cn orn M ^ ^ -T3 fcs.Thank you for the opportunity to provide written testimony in 'f SUPPORT ofthe Setback Variance Permit (SSV-2021-1),to deviate'from^ the shoreline setback requirement involving construction ofperimeter fencing for the Makahuena. We have been working on fencing the parameter ofthe Makahuena since July of 2017 when it was brought to our attention that the existing fence was in a state of disrepair which could jeopardize the safety of persons residing at the Makahuena,visitors,and local fisherman that brave the rocks on the Makai side ofthe property.We were not aware at the onset,that our existing fence had not been properly permitted. We carefully researched the acquisition of fencing material that would withstand over time,the winds and the constant spray ofseawater that is prevalent on the cliffs of the Makahuena Property.We had to ask for assistance,as we were unfamiliar with the process that would be necessary to properly document the need for a fence and therefore justify erecting the fence that has been laying under cover in our parking lot since January 2018. With the direction and support ofpersons familiar with the process we have been completing the requisite SMA permits,Environmental Assessments and Shoreline Setback documentation.We believe that we have provided,as clearly as we can,the need for a fence to provide safety for those who occupy our property.We have been mindful ofthe nesting shearwaters,the small pool adjacent to a private home on the property that sits unprotected and the merging of our property boundaries with the developing Makahuena Estates. ooc. TC.•-> -< C3-n •X p-c y r.?.<-*1 APR 1 3 2021 1 havc incliidsii »limcline oftlie activitics wc havc undort.ikcn in our attemptto meet County/Statc rcgul.it ions.We undcr.sLiiKJ th.il this is iin imporLanl dfci-sion as thc tirw stiorfjlinf -sclh.ick rcquirctiiynLs h.ivc rcccnrly l)een enaclcd.Wr hope th;it wc have shown that our nccd is cumpclling to protf(:t thc .saf'cty ofour propfrty while showing rt;s[)e(--t lur tlie taws that embracu thc futurc ofthe lsl;iri(l. Thank you for con.sidering oor rcqucst. Rc.spcctlully, '•^<£tf^-^ judy Fo.ss. Presidcntoftfic Ko.ini ot'thr Makahucna THE STORY OF A FENCE By Judy Foss/Makahuena 07/14/17 a fence was ordered for the parameter of the Makahuena (Colonial Qrnamental Powder Coated Aluminum-Universal Top Rail fro Master Halco 09/01/17 bids for installment of tfae fence from Artistic Builders Corp $11,724 10/11/17 order ready for shipping from East coast to West Coast to be loaded on a barge to Kauai (Lito Dizon) 02/02/18 fence delivered to dock 02/07/18 negotiations begin with CIRI regarding grading and drainage from their property to ours *#1 Communication with CIRI 02/08/18 fence goes to Aloha Moving (Storage $2500) 02/08/18 fence to be moved to property to save $s.Moved by Traffic Tech (1/30/18)$5027.84 02/09/18 conversation from County Jody Galinato **(copy of correspondence) 02/12/18 received ***ordinance &HRS Shoreline Setbacks (Ordinance to amend Chapter 8,Kauai County Code 1987,as amended,relating to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Bill No 2461,Draft 5 Chapter 13 of HRS Shoreline Setbacks 2/13/18 consulted with Jan TenBruggencate who advised to avoid sanctions and to apply for fencing permit 2/23/18 engaged Jennifer Littenberg who wrote our 2010 WWTS proposal 2/26/18 received bid to install fence Bob Hardy American 'fencin.. 2/28/18 Bill from Jan Ten..for $729.12 3/6/18 received copy of Shoreline certification from 2010 *'***copy of existing fence and proposed additional fence Page2 3/19/18 Estimated Budget for Installation $25,000;quote $13,200;additional materials $25,326;installation $10,500;freight $7,000;Disposal old fence $1,800; permitting $1,500 8/02/18 Hawaiian Administration Rules re fencing around pool (4'high,4" openings no other openings except gate with no gaps.3109.3 Hawaiian state building code Need to expand fencing for house on property with pool 8/21/19 Jan and lan Jung UPDATE ON SLOW MOVING FENCE PERMIT PROGRESS 08/22/19 Shoreline setback survey EXPIRES in one year Stamped 04/17/19 01/07/20 Letter to Jan and lan re:stahis *****From Judy Foss requesting stahis 5/27/20 lan Jung Environmental notice ****** 06/24/20 from lan.Now we are to file a final EA with responses to the Department of Health 08/24/20 lan "I will get a FONSI this week then we make application for SSD Variance and SMA Minor,then final EA 9/03/20 No sign of FEA and FONSI *******correspondence and Standards for Land Use Reviews Clean Air Branch Hawaii State Deparbnent of Health *Aft*A *ft*01/20/21 Letter to lan requesting stahis of fence and lan's response ***** 02/17/21 Note to lan regarding a Board meeting to be help and requesting status of pemiit application Chad Nugent <cnugent@ciri.com>C<5'yn"/rf"''t-^'t>^>l^1/(/'^*1 fArzl^'^UniLst^fse issuf'5 RE:Nokaoi -fence/french drain 2/7/2018 7:54 AM To judyfoss@comcast.net <judyfoss@comcast.net> Hi Judy, Thanks for the heads up.We knew that at the common line something might need to be done once you removed your fence and the vegetation along the line as the natural grade dipped in at least at one area if 1 remember correctly.Do you want me to have our contractor come in and take a look at the best modification now?1 had assumed once you pulled your fence and relooked at the plantings you wanted along there that your landscaper was going to have a plan to build that area up but we can certainly help ensure some fill gets placed where it is needed so long as you are good with the outcome on your side of the line.Let me know your thoughts. Thanks, Chad From:judyfoss(a)comcast.net fmailto:judyfoss(5)comcast.net] Sent:Tuesday,February 6,2018 5:40 PM To:Chad Nugent <cnugentiaciri.com> Subject:Fwd:Nokaoi -fence/french drain [External] [EXTERNAL] FYI Original Message From:Blake Hughes <makahuenarm(5)vahoo.com> To:Judy Foss <judvfoss(a)comcast.net> Cc:Lorie Davey <ldavev(5)sturmanindustries.com> Date:February 6,2018 at 4:46 PM Subject:Nokaoi -fence/french drain Hi Judy, Just sat down with Sara from Nokaoi who walked the property with her boss, Fernando. Sara said that owner,Abby Santos,does not think that installation of the fence is something they could do.She does feel that they would be willing to take it down and remove it. Sara and Fernando agree that the issue with the drainage on the CIRI pathway is something that should require engineering and probably a large machine to accomplish properly.When I spoke with Jordan,(Earthworks),on Friday last week when he showed up to place a large sandbag in the problem area,he did note that there should have been a more suitable berm built up to allow better water flow towards the ocean.Should I will contact Chad Nuggent or Earthworks to have arranged? I asked Sara to confirm that with an email to you. Mahalo! Blake Hughes Site Manager The Makahuena at Poipu (808)742-2482 (Office) (808)742-2379 (Fax) (858)333-4223 (Emergency line) The information contained in this CIRI email message may be privileged,confidential and protected from disclosure.Ifyou are not an intended recipient,please notify the sender by repfy email and delete the message and any attachments immediatsty.The use,disclosure.dissemination,distribution or reproduction of this CIRI message or the information in it or attached to it by any unintended recipient is unauthorized,strictty prohibited by the sender,and may be unlawful.Thank you. t* Blake Hughes <makahuenarm@yahoo.com> Fw:Makahuena fencing To Judy Foss <judyfoss@comcast.net>•Lorie Davey <ldavey@sturmanindustries.com> 2/9/20181:34PM G R'I...see below Mahalo! Blake Hughes Site Manager The Makahuena at Poipu (808)742-2482 (Office) (808)742-2379 (Fax) (858)333-4223 (Emergency line) —-Forwarded Message -— From:Jody Galinato <jgalinato@kauai.gov> To:Blake Hughes <makahuenarm@yahoo.com> Cc:Leslie Milnes <lmilnes(a)kauai.gov> Sent:Friday,9 February2018,11:19 Subject:RE:Makahuena fencing There are no records for any fencing.You will have to submit a SMA permit application and shoreline setback determination.Any fencing in the shoreline setback area will need to be removed.Additionally, the footing cannot cross the property line,you will have to show it to be inside of your property. Jody Galinato Planner County of Kauai Planning Department 4444 Rice Street,Ste.A-473 Lihue,Hi 96766 (808)241-4050 From:Blake Hughes [mailto:makahuenarm@yahoo.com] Sent:Friday,February 09,2018 11 :08 AM To:Jody Galinato <jgalinato@kauai.gov> Subject:Makahuena fencing Hi Jody, Thanks again for taking the time to speak with me today about our fencing project. Attached is what 1 have so far regarding the fencing for you. ORDINANCE N0.979 BILL N0.2461.Draft 5 A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 8, KAUA'I COUNTY CODE 1987,AS AMENDED,RELATING TO THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE COUNT^OF KAUA'I,STATE OF HAWAI'I: SECTION 1.The Council finds tbat Kaua'i's coastUne is subject to a wide variety of natural hazards,such as tsunamis,high surf,sea level rise, hurricanes,coastal flooding,and coastal erosion that pose dangers to people and property located near the shoreline.Proper siting of structures based on hazard recognition and long term planning principles is critical to the protection of life and property,the mitigation of coastal hazards,and the preservation of coastalresources. Until recently,development and other improvements on coastal lands occurred without regard to erosion hazards.In some cases,chronically retreating shorelines eventually threatened these improvements causing strong pressure to build shore protection structures such as seawalls and revetments.These structures distorted the natural Bhoreline environment,often leading to accelerated erosion on adjoining properties,beach loss,and reduced public access.This pattern of coastal zone development has seriously degraded the natural attributes of the Kaua'i coast as documented in the Kauai Shoreline Erosion Management Study (September,1990). On January 25,2008,the first shoreline setback ordinance (Ordinance No.863)was signed into law.The purpose of the ordinance was to properly site structures to protect life,property,and resources along Kauais shorelines from a wide variety of natural hazards,including high surf,hurricanes, flooding,and erosion.The Council envisioned Ordinance No.863 as an initial effort to establish shoreline setbacks while science-based coastal erosion hazards maps were being completed.On December 2,2009,Ordinance No.887 became effective, amending the original shoreline setback ordinance.The purpose of Ordinancc No. 887 was to streamline permit procedures by removing unnecessary requirements for structures and activities permitted within the shoreline setback area. In 2010,the University of Hawai'i Coastal Geology Group completed the Kaua'i Coastal Erosion Study that mapped historical shoreline positions to calculate shoreline change data along most of Kaua'i's sandy shorelines,thus making available documented rates ofshoreline erosion. The Council finds that the shoreline environment is one of Kaua'i's most important economic and natural resources.Kaua'i's beaches provide scenic beauty and recreational opportunities for residents and visitors.They are culturally important to the people of Hawai'i.Beaches,dunes,and offshore topographic features also help to minimize risks fi-om coastal hazards by dissipating wave energy,which could otherwise cause significant damage to coastal property. Beaches provide important habitat for seabirds,turtles,monl;seals,and other animals and plants.In all of the abovementioned ways,beaches and coastal areas are part of the public trust,and it is government s fiduciary responsibility to protect beaches and coastal areas. The Council also finds that it is important that information regarding natural hazards such as coastal erosion data be incorporated into the planning process at the early stage of development,i.e.,at the time of subdivision before lot sizes and shapes are established,so as to give landowners more environmentally sound options and to save decision makers from the agonizing dilemma of choosing between protection of one owner to the detriment of another owner and/or the public. The purpose of this bill is to: (1)To protect life and property and to ensure the longevity and integrity ofKaua'i's coastal and beach resources along Kaua'i's shoreline. (2)To strengthen shoreline setback requirements in Chapter 8, Article 27 of the Kaua'i County Code,1987,as amended,by incorporating science-based erosion rates estabhshed in the Kaua'i Coastal Erosion Study and current coastal hazard mitigation best practices and strategies. (3)To align the Shoreline Setback Ordinance with the County Flood Ordinance to improve coordination between the Departments of Planning and Public Works. (4)To protect against episodic shoreline erosion that is not accounted for in the Kauai Coastal Erosion Study until such time as studies providing additional piidance and information are completed. (5)To create consistency with recent amendments to Hawai'i Revised Statutes,Chapter 205A,as prescribed in Act 120 ofthe 2013 State Legislature. (6)To give the Planning Director flexibiUty in applying tbis law to large parcels that abut the shoreline where the proposed improvement is sited in a location that will not increase erosion or impact natural shoreline processes. The County is authorized to protect the coastal area pursuant to Public Law No.92-583,as amended,("Coastal Zone Management Act"), Chapter 205A,Hawai'i Revised Statutes,as amended,("Shoreline Protection Act"), Article XI Section 1 of the Hawai'i State Constitution,Public Law 92-583,and the County's police powers to protect public health and safety.This ordinance shall be known as the "Shoreline Setback and Coastal Protection Ordinance. SECTION 2.Chapter 8,Article 27 of the Kaua'i County Code 1987,as amended,is hereby amended as follows: "ARTICLE 27.SHORELINE SETBACK AND COASTAL PROTECTION [Sec.8-27.1 ApplicabiUty. This Article shall be applicable to all lands within the County of Kaua i,State ofHawai'i,that are: (a)abutting the shoreline,or (b)not abutting the shoreline but located within five hundred (500)feet of the shoreline unless the applicant can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Planning Director that the applicant's proposed improvement will not be affected by 2 coastal erosion or hazards,excluding natural catastrophes.Factors to be considered shall include,but not be limited to,proximity to the shoreline.topography, properties between the shoreline and applicant's property,elevation,and the history ofcoastal hazards in the area. Sec.8-27.2 Definitions. For purposes of this article,unless it is plainly evident from the context that a different meaning is intended,certain words and phrases used herein shall be defined as follows: Adversely affect beach processes"means to pose a potential immediate or future adverse effect on beach processes as a result of a structure or activity located within the coastal erosion hazard zone,or to create an immediate or future need to artificially fix the shoreUne."Annual coastal erosion rate"means the annual rate of coastal erosion calculated by following a procedure established in the Hawai'i Coastal Hazard Mitigation Guidebook,(January 2005),which was prepared for the State of Hawai'i, Department of Land and Natural Resources,Coastal Zone Management Program, University of Hawai'i Sea Grant CoUege Program and the Pacific Services Center and Coastal Services Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration at section 4.1."Average lot depth"means the measurement obtained by adding the lengths of the two sides of a lot which are at or near right angles with the shoreline,or the seaward boundary of the lot that runs roughly parallel to the shoreline if the property is not abutting the shoreline,to the length of a Une obtained by drawing a ]ine from a point in the center of the makai side of the lot to a point in the center of the mauka side of the lot and dividing the resulting sum by three.For irregularly shaped lots including flag lots,triangular parcels,lots on peninsulas,and/or lots having ocean on two or more sides of the lot,the average lot depth will be determined by the Director. Board shall mean the Board of Land and Natural Resources,State ofHawaii."Building footprint"shall mean all parts of a main building (excluding roof overhangs)that rest,directly or indirectly,on the ground,including those portions of the building that are supported by posts,piers,or columns.Building footprint also includes attached garages,covered carports,bay windows with floor space, lanais,decks,cantilevered decks,spas,and in-ground swimming pools."Certified Shoreline means the shoreline established by Board piu-suant to HRS 205A-42,as amended. Coastal Dune means one of possibly several continuous or nearly continuous mounds or ridges of unconsolidated sand contiguous and parallel to the beach,situated so that it may be accessible to storm waves and seasonal high waves for release to the beach or offshore waters."Coastal erosion"means the natural loss of coastal lands,usually by wave attack,tidal or littoral currents,or wind.Coastal erosion is synonymous with shoreline retreat."Coastal erosion hazard zone"shall include all of the land between the shoreline and the shoreline setback line."Coastal erosion study"means a quantitative study of historical shoreline behavior utUizing orthorectified aerial photographs or other imagery to carry out high-resolution mapping of historical shoreline positions to obtain a statistically vaUd annual erosion rate of the Shoreline Change Reference Feature (SCRF)and vegetation line.The coastal erosion study shall be carried out by a qualified 3 professional consultant as defined in this article following procedures described in Section 4.1 of the Hawai'i Coastal Hazard Mitigation Guidebook,(January 2005). The coastal erosion study shall include but not be limited to: (1)Mapping of the historical shoreline positions including both the SCRF and the vegetation Une for the subject parcel,as wel]as the local and regional littoral cell; (2)The method resulting in tbe larger erosion rate (SCRF/toe of beach vs.vegetation line)shall be used to establish the erosion rate unless there is clear evidence to indicate another method is a more accurate representation of historic shoreUne change. (3)Uncertauity or error calculation of the data and the annual erosion rate; (4)Additional information relevant to the erosion study shall include:a current certified shoreline survey,construction plans,if any, existing and finished contours;photographs of the sboreline setback area, analysis of the coastal erosion rates and shoreline processes. (5)Where a coastal erosion study is required to be done or is done voluntarily by an applicant,an application for a shoreline setback determination shall not be deemed complete unless the coastal erosion study has been accepted by the Director. (6)Any non-governmental study shall be valid for no longer than a period of five (6)years from the date of its acceptance by the Director which shall be by certified letter issued by the Planning Department. (7)The coastal erosion study shall consider the purpose of the study-to safely site structures away from hazards such as erosion so that shoreUne hardening will not be required to protect the property during its useful life."Coastal hazard means natural processes in the coastal zone that are generated by geologic,oceanographic,and/or meteorological processes that place people and/or improvements at risk for injury and/or damage."Commission means the Plaaning Commission of the County of Kaua i."Department"means the Planning Department of the County of Kaua'i."Director means the Planning Director of the Planning Department of the County of Kaua'i."DwelUng Unit"means any building or any portion thereof which is designed or intended for occupancy by one (1)family or persons living together or by a person living alone,and provides complete living facilities within the unit for sleeping, recreation,eating and sanitary facilities,including installed equipment for only one (1)kitchen."FEMA means the Federal Emergency Management Agency."FIRM means tbe Flood Insurance Rate Map."Hazard Assessment means assessment for erosion,wave,flood,and inland zone following the standards in Section 4.3 of the Hawaii Coastal Mitigation Guidebook,(January 2006)."Lot"means a portion of land shown as a unit on an approved and recorded subdivision map."Makai means seaward or in a seaward direction."Mauka"means landward or in a landward direction."Minimum buildable footprint means the building footprint of 2,100 square feet or as allowed in Section 8-27.10(a)."Minor activity"means an activity that: (1)costs less than $125,000;and (2)does not adversely affect beach processes,does not artificially tix the shoreline,does not interfere significantly with public access or public views to and along the shoreline;and (3)does not impede the natural processes and/or movement of the shoreline or sand dunes,and does not alter the grade of the shoreline setback area,except for landscaping,clearing (grubbing)of vegetation,and grading, which are exempt from HRS Chapter 343;and (4)is consistent with the purposes of this article and HRS Chapter 206A,as amended."Minor structure means: (1)a structure that costs less than $125,000 and provides temporary emergency protective measures for a legally habitable structure that is imminently threatened by coastal hazards provided that the protective measure has received approval in accordance with the Special Management Area Rules of the Kaua'i Planning Commission and/or the State Department of Land and Natural Resources (as may be the case),relocation of the endangered structure has been considered and is not reasonable given the nature of the emergency,the protective measure is removed within one hundred eighty (180)days ofits installation,and given the significance ofthe emergency,the protection is the best management alternative with respect to beach,shorelme,and/or coastal resource conservation,or (2)a structure that: (A)costs less than $126,000;and (B)does not adversely affect beach processes,does not artificially fix the shoreline,and does not interfere with public access or public views to and along the shoreline;and (C)does not impede the natural processes and/or movement of the shoreline and/or sand dunes,and does not alter the grade of the shoreline setback area;and (D)is consistent with the purposes of this article and HRS Chapter 206A,as amended;and (E)includes,but is not limited to,lighting in conformance with HRS Chapter 205A,landscape features,barbeques,picnic tables, benches,chairs,borders,wooden trellis,bird feeders,signs,safety improvements,movable Ufeguard stands,walkways for access,outdoor showers and water faucets,public utility lines,utility poles and accessory structures along existing corridors,temporary tents for special events not exceeding foiu-teen (14)consecutive days in duration during any three-month period,walls and fences that are located more than forty (40)feet from the shoreline,landscape planting and irrigation systems provided that they are directed away from a valid certified shoreline and do not artificially extend the shoreline or shoreline setback area seaward;and (F)excludes,but is not limited to,any in-ground swimming pools or spas,garages,carports,concrete walkways that are reinforced, concrete walkways that are not saw-cut at a minimum of three (3)foot intervals,and concrete steps."Natural catastrophe"is a natural disaster qualifying for a governor's declaration of emergency pursuant to Hawai'i Revised Statutes Chapter 128,or a presidential declaration ofemergency ofa major disaster pursuant to 42USC5170, including those caused by episodic coastal hazards such as tsunamis and 5 hurricanes,and not the result of other coastal hazards or processes such as erosion or sea level rise."Nonconforming structure or activity"means a structure or activity which is lawfully existing within the shoreline setback area because it: (1)Was completely built,in its present form,prior to June 22, 1970;or (2)Received either a building permit,board approval,or shoreline setback area variance prior to June 16,1989;or (3)Was outside the shoreline setback area when it received either a building permit or board approval;or"Plan"or "site plan"means a detailed construction plan drawn to scale of 1" =20'O"that shows the design of a structure proposed to be built within the shoreline setback area.The plan shall be based on an accurate instrument by a surveyor Ucensed in the State of Hawai'i and shall consist of data including but not limited to: (1)Property boundariea; (2)Natural features such as large trees,rock outcroppings,and any prunary or secondary coastal dunes; (3)Topography in and around the proposed construction; (4)Any and all shoreline hardening; (5)Flood zones,where applicable; (6)Existing and proposed structures and their proximity to the shoreUne and shoreline setback area; (7)Fences,walls,and any other structures m the shoreline setback area and any potential hindrances to lateral access along the shoreline; (8)A geo-referenced survey of the site;and (9)Any.other information which identifies the existing condition of the subject parcel of land.""Primary Coastal Dune"means the first dune encountered mauka of the beach.Qualified professional consultant"means a coastal scientist with a masters of science degree or doctorate in geology,geography,or other appropriate physical science relating to coastal processes,or an engineer licensed in the State of Hawai'i that has experience in coastal processes."Qualified professional consultant means a coastal scientist with a masters of science degree or doctorate in geology,geography,or other appropriate physical science relating to coastal processes,or an engineer Ucensed in the State of Hawai'i that has experience in coastal processes."Qualified Demolition"means the demolition of a structure or structures where such demolition: (1)Will not adversely affect beach processes; (2)WU1 not artificiaUy fix the shoreline; (3)Will not interfere with public access,except for public safety reasons during demolition operations; (4)Will not interfere with public views to and along the shoreline, except during demolition operations; (5)Will be consistent with the intent of open space enhancement as reflected in these rules and HRS 205A;and (6)Will comply with applicable County Codes."Rebuilding"means reconstruction of a lawfully existing dwelling unit when the reconstruction is valued by a licensed professional engineer or architect at fifty percent (50%)or more ofthe current replacement cost ofthe structure. 'Repair means the ftxing of damages to a structure where the cost thereof is valued by a licensed professional engineer or architect at less than fifty percent (50 %)ofthe current replacement cost ofthe structure."Revetment shall mean a facing of stone,concrete,blocks,or other similar materials built to protect a scarp,embankment,or shore structure against erosion by wave action or currents."Rocky ShoreUne"means a shoreline segment acting as the primary interface between marine dominated processes and terrestrial dominated processes that is composed of hard,non-dynamic,non-erodible material such as basalt,fossil limestone,beach rock,or other natural non-dynamic material,not to include cobble or gravel beaches that are dynamic in nature,or erodible cUffed shorelines composed dominantly of dirt or clay."Shoreline is as defined in Section 205A-1,Hawai'i Revised Statutes,as amended,and as established pursuant to Section 205A-42,Hawai'i Revised Statutes,as amended."Shoreline Change Reference Feature (SCRF)"means a morphologic feature commonly referred to as the toe of the beach,which represents the base of the foreshore or approximating the Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW)."Shoreline setback area"means "shoreline area"as defined in Section 205A- 41,Hawai'i Revised Statutes,as amended."Shoreline setback line"is as defined in Section 205A-41,Hawai'i Revised Statutes,as amended."Storm buffer zone is the first forty feet (40')of the shoreline setback area as measured from the shoreline."Structure is as defined in Section 205A-41,Hawai'i Revised Statutes,as amended."Substantial construction"means that one hundred percent (100%)of the foundation has been laid,or that one hundred percent (100%)of the foundation of the active phase of a project has been laid where the project is being done in phases. Temporary structures or activities means structures or activities that will exist for no longer than six (6)months and wiU not irreversibly and adversely affect beach processes,public access,or public views nor artificially fix the shoreline in an irreversible way,and from which there will be a public benefit."Use"means the purpose for which land or buUding is arranged,designed,or intended,or for which either land or building is or may be occupied or maintained. Sec.8-27.3 Shoreline Setback Determination:Establishment of the Shorelinc Setback Line. (a)No shoreline setback Une shall be established for any lot subject to this Article unless the application for a shoreline setback Une includes a shoreline survey certified not more than six (6)months prior to submission ofthe application. (b)For lots with an average depth of one hundred sfatty (160)feet or less, the shoreline setback line shaU be established based on the average depth of the lot as provided in Table 1,or at the option of the appUcant,upon a coastal erosion study as provided in Table 2. Table 1:The distance in feet of the shoreline setback line as measured from the certtfied shoreUne based on the average lot depth in feet.See attached table and substitute for below: (c)for lots with an average depth of more than one hundred sbcty (160) feet,the shoreline setback Une shall be estabUshed based on a coastal erosion study as provided in Table 2 and shall be no less than the setback distances set forth in Table 1 as applicable. Table 2:The distance in feet of the shoreline setback line as measured from the certified shorehne based on the building footprint and a coastal erosion study. (d)No zoning amendment,general plan amendment,development plan amendment,or subdivision,any of which involves lands,or any portion of land, subject to this Article,shall be approved without a coastal erosion study and a shoreline setback Une established in accordance with Table 1 and Table 2.In cases where these methods result in lines that cross or intersect each other,the most mauka (landward)segments ofeach line shall form the shoreUne setback line. (e)When an application for a Shoreline Setback Determination has been certified complete by the Director on a form prescribed by the Director,the Director shall,within one hundred twenty (120)days of the completed application,issue a Shoreline Setback Determination which shall conform to the delineation of the shoreline setback line on a site plan pursuant to Section 8-27.3. (f)The Director shall notify the commission at the Commission's next regularly scheduled meeting ofthe following: (1)any newly completed applications for shoreline setback determination. (2)any new shoreline setback determinations made by the Director including,but not limited to,the name of the applicant,the average lot depth calculations,the location of any proposed structures or activities depicted on a plan drawn to scale,the purpose of the proposed structures and/or activities,the current certified shoreline,the setback calculations and setback line drawn on the plan,and copies of the coastal erosion study,if applicable. (g)The Director's shoreline setback determinations shall not be final until accepted by the Commission.Notwithstanding Commission acceptance,if there is an appeal of the Director's decision,the shoreline setback determinations shall not be final until the Commission completes its decision-making on the appeal. (h)Prior to commencement of grubbing,grading,or construction activities, the shoreline and shoreline setback line shall be identified on the ground and posted If the average lot depth is: 100 feet or less 101 to 120 feet 121 to 140 feet 141 to 160 feet 161 to 180 feet 181 to 200 feet More than 200 feet Then the muiimum setback is: 40 feet 50 feet 60 feet 70 feet 80 feet 90 feet 100 feet For structures with a building footprint that is: Less tban or equal to 5,000 square feet Greater than 5,000 square feet Then the Setback distance 18: 40 feet plus 70 times the annual coastal erosion rate 40 feet plus 100 times the annual coastal erosion rate with inarkers,posts,or other appropriate reference marks by a surveyor licensed in the State of Hawai'i. (i)The application of Section 8-27.3 by itself shall not make a dwelling unit nonconforming. Sec.8-27.4 Minimum Shoreline Setback Requirements Except as provided for in this article,no lot shall have a shoreline setback line of less than forty (40)feet. Sec.8-27.5 Structures and Activities Subject to These Rules. AU structures and activities located or proposed to be located within the shoreline setback area shall conform to the requirements of this article.The requirements of this article sball not abrogate the requirements of any other applicable statutes,codes,ordinances,rules and regulations,or other law. Construction immediately mauka of the shoreline setback area shall also be subject to these rules unless a certified and confirmed survey map,prepared in accordance with the provisions of section 8-27.3,is filed with the department showmg that the construction is mauka of the shoreline setback area. Sec.8-27.6 Prohibited Activities in the Shoreline Setback Area. (a)Pursuant to HRS 205A-44,as amended,the mining or taking of sand, dead coral or coral rubble,rocks,soils,or other beach or marine deposits from the shoreline setback area is prohibited with the following exceptions: (1)The taking from the shoreline setback area of the materials,not in excess of one gallon per person per day,for reasonable,persoaal noncommercial use;or (2)Where the mining or taking is authorized by a variance pursuant to these rules;or (3)The clearing of these materials from existing dramage pipes and canals and from the mouths of streams,including clearing for the purposes under HRS section 46-11.6;provided that,the sand removed shall be placed on adjacent areas unless sucb placement would result in significant turbidity;or (4)The cleaning of the shoreline setback area for state or county inaintenance purposes,including the clearing of seaweed,limu,and debris under HRS scction 46-12;provided that,the sand removed shall be placed on adjacent areas unless the placement would result in significant turbidity. (b)Any primary coastal dune,which lies wholly or partially in the setback area,shall not be altered,graded,or filled in any way except for the addition of sand of compatible quality and character unless the application of this section renders the build-out of aUowable density unfeasible.In such case,modifications, alterations,grading,or filling may be allowed through a variance,but only for that portion of the primary dune located mauka (landward)of the shoreline setback area,and only to the extent necessary to construct on a minimum buUding footprint.This exception shall apply only to lots in existence on the date of enactment ofthis ordinance.Non-native vegetation may be removed only ifdone in conjunction with a dune restoration and re-vegetation program approved by the Director that uses naturally occurring historical endemic plant species. Sec 8-27.7 Permitted Structures and Activities Within the Shoreline Setback Area. (a)The following structures and activities are permitted m the shoreline setback area.All structures and activities not specifically permitted in this section are prohibited without a variance. (1)Existing conforming and nonconforming structures/activities. (2)Structure or activity that received a shoreline variance or administrative approval prior to January 1,2010. (3)A structure or activity that is necessary for,or ancillary to, continuation of agriculture or aquaculture existing in the shoreline setback area on June 16,1989. (4)Temporary structures or activities as defined in Section 8-27.2. To ensure that there will be no irreversible or long-term adverse affects,the Director shall require as a condition of a permit the restoration of the site to its original condition or better,and the director may require a bond to ensure such restoration. (5)A structure or activity that consists of maintenance,repair, reconstruction,and minor additions or alterations oflegal boating,maritime, or water sports recreational facilities,which are pubUcly owned,and which result in no interference with natural beach processes;provided that permitted structures may be repaired,but shall not be enlarged within the shorehne setback area without a variance. (6)Repairs to a lawfully existing structure,including nonconforming structures,provided that: (A)The repairs do not enlarge the structure nor intensify the use of the structure or its impact on coastal processes; (B)The repairs are valued by a licensed professional engineer or architect at less than fifty percent (50%)of the current replacement cost of the structure;and (C)The repairs are permitted by building code,flood hazard regulations,and special management area requirements under HRS Chapter 206A. (7)Beach nourishment or dune restoration projects approved by all applicable governmenta]agencies. (8)A structure or activity approved by the Director as a minor structure or activity. (9)Qualified demolition ofexisting structures. (10)Unmanned civil defense facilities installed for the primary purposes of:(i)warning the public of emergencies and disasters;or (ii) measuring and/or monitoring geological,meteorological and other events. (11)Scientific studies and surveys.mcluding arcbaeological surveys. (12)Structures built to address an emergency as declared by the Governor of the State of Hawai'i,the Mayor of the County of Kaua'i or any other public official authorized by law to declare an emergency. (b)The following conditions shall apply to any new structure or activity permitted in the shoreline setback area: (1)AU new structures shall be constructed in accordance with the standards for development in Chapter 15,Article l,Flood Plain Management,Kaua i County Code,relating to coastal high hazard districts and FEMA guidelines regarding construction in areas mapped on Flood Insurance Rate Maps as flood hazard areas. (2)The applicant shall agree in writing that the applicant,its successors,and permitted assigns shall defend,indemnify,and hold the County of Kaua'i harmless from and against any and all loss,Uability,claim 10 or demand arising out of damages to said structures or activities from any coastal natural hazard and coastal erosion. (3)The applicant shall agree in writing for itself,its successors and assigns that the construction of any erosion-control or shoreline hardening structure or activity shall not to be allowed to protect the permitted structure or activity during its Ufe,with the exception of approved beach or dune nourishment fiU activities,and landscape planting and irrigation. (4)AU new structures or activities shall not (i)adversely affect beach processes,(ii)artificially fix the shoreline,(iii)interfere with pubUc access or public views to and along the shoreline,(iv)impede the natural processes and/or movement of the shoreline and/or sand dunes,or (v)alter the grade and/or shoreline setback area. (5)All new structures shall be consistent with the purposes of this article and HRS Chapter 205A,as amended. (6)The requirements of this subsection 8-27.7(b)shaU run with the land and shall be set forth in a unilateral agreement recorded by the applicant with the bureau of conveyances or land court,whichever is applicable,no later than tbirty (30)days after the date of final shoreline approval of the structure or activity under Section 8-27.8.A copy of the recorded unilateral agreement shall be filed with the Director and the County Engineer no later than forty-five (45)days after the date of the final shoreline determination and approval of the structure or activity and the filing of such with the Director shall be a prerequisite to the issuance of any related building permit. Sec.8-27.8 Structure and Activity Determinations. (a)Any structure or activity proposed in the shoreline setback area shall first obtain a determination from the Director in accordance with this article. (b)A proposed structure and activity in the shoreline setback area shall not be allowed by the Director unless it is consistent with this Article and HRS Chapter 205A,as amended. (c)Procedure: (1)A request for determination for a structure or activity within the shoreline setback area shall be submitted to the department on a form prescribed by the Director. (2)For public improvements and facilitles whose valuation does not exceed $125,000.00,and repairs to lawfully existing private structures as delineated in Section 8-27.7(a)(6),the request shall include construction and site plans,and a written text addressing compUance with the criteria set forth in this article. The Director may also require additional information,including,but not Umited to a current shoreline setback determination or a current certified shoreline surveyor shoreline survey stamped by a licensed surveyor, registered in the State of Hawai'i and coastal erosion information,a Ust of proposed plants and their growth,existing and final contours,photographs, and an environmental assessment. (3)For public improvements and facilities whose valuation exceeds $125,000.00,and private improvements and facilities that are not repairs to lawfully existing structures as delineated in Section 8 27.7(a)(G), the request shaU include relevant information,which shall include,but is not limited to,a current shoreline setback determination as set forth in Section 8-27.3 or a current certified shoreline survey and coastal erosion 11 information,construction and site plans,a list of proposed plants and their growth,existing and final contours,photographs,an environmental assessment,and a written text addressing compUance with the criteria set forth in this article. (4)Within one hundred twenty (120)days from the day the application is deemed complete by the Director,the Director shall make a determination in accordance with the criteria set forth in this Article that the proposed activity or structure is: (A)Permitted under Section 8-27.7: (B)Permitted under Section 8-27.7 and subject to conditions: (C)Not permitted under Section 8-27.7:or (D)Outside ofthe shoreline setback area. (5)The Director shall notify the commission at the commission's next regularly scheduled meeting of the following: (A)any newly completed applications for approval for a structure or activity proposed within the shoreline setback area;and (B)any new approvals or denials by the Director of structures or activities and the reasons therefore,including,but not limited to, the name of the applicant,the location and purpose of the structure or activity,and a discussion of the factors considered in making the decisions. (6)The Director s structure and activity determinations shall not be final until accepted by the Commission.Notwitbstanding Commission acceptance,if there is an appeal from the Director's decision,the determinations shall not be final until the Commission completes its decision- making on the appeal. (7)Minor structures or activities shall be completed or in operation respectively within one year from the final shoreline approval or within one year from the date of approval of the last discretionary permit,whichever comes later. (8)For any non-minor structures or activities aUowed within the shoreline setback area and any structures outside the shoreUne setback area based on the shoreline setback line,substantial construction of the structure shall be achieved within three (3)years from the date of final shoreUne setback deterniiiiation and approval,and construction thereof shall be completed (as evidenced by a certificate of occupancy in the case of buildings for habitation)within four (4)years from said date. (A)An extension of no more than one year may be granted by the director to the deadline for substantial construction only for properties with a stable shoreline such as rocky or accreting shorelines or shorelines exhibiting no coastal erosion per a coastal erosion study. In all other cases where substantial construction has not occurred by the deadline,a new shoreline determination shall be required. (B)In case of failure to complete construction by the four-year deadline,the Planning Commission shall determine a remedy based on a review of the specific circumstances,including but not limited to,the stability of the shoreline,the extent of the completion and the reason for delay. (C)These requirements for substantial construction and completion shall run with the land and shall be written in a unilateral agreement that is recorded in the Bureau of Conveyances or Land Court,as applicable,prior to appUcation for a building permit.A copy 12 of the recorded unilateral agreement shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to appUcation for a building permit. (d)Nothing in this section shall be deemed to amend,modify or supersede any provision of the Special Management Area Rules and Regulations of the County of Kaua'i. Sec.8-27.9 Variance application. (a)A written application for variance shall be made in a form prescribed by the Director and shall be filed with the Director.The application shall include plans,site plans,photographs,and any other plans,drawings,maps,or data determined by the Director to be necessary to evaluate the application.The application shall also include: (1)An administrative fee of $300.00.The administrative fee shall be seventy-five hundred dollars ($7,500)if the application is made after the structure is partially or fully built without the required approvals. (2)Certification from the owner or lessee of the lot which authorizes the application for variance; (3)An environmental assessment prepared in accordance with HRS chapter 343,and the enviroiunental impact statement rules and applicable guidelines of the State of Hawai'i; (4)The names,addreases,and the tax map key identification of owners of real property situated adjacent to and abutting the boundaries of the land on which the proposed use,activity,or operation is to occur; (5)A site plan ofthe shoreline setback area,drawn to scale, (A)Existing natural and man-made features and conditions witbin; (B)Existing natural and man-made features and conditions along properties immediately adjacent to the shoreline setback area and proposed improvements; (C)The certified shoreline and the shoreline setback line; (D)Contours at a murimum interval of two (2)feet unless waived by the director;and (E)Proposed development and improvements showing new conditions with a typical section (ifa structure). (6)A copy ofthe certified shoreline survey inap ofthe property; (7)DetaUed justification of the proposed project,which addresses the purpose and intent of these rules and the criteria for approval of a vanance; (8)Analysis and report of coastal erosion rates and coastal processes;and (9)Any other information required by the director. (b)Upon a determination by the director that the appUcation is complete and in compliance with HRS Chapter 205A,part II and this article,the Director shall submit the application to the commission.If the application is determined to be incomplete by the Director,the Director shall return the application to the applicant with a written description identifying the portions of the application determined to be incomplete.The Director shall submit a written report,a copy of the application,and all other documents submitted on the appUcation to the commission prior to the matter appearing on an agenda of the commission. (c)Except as otherwise provided in this section,all applications fer variances shall be heard,noticed,and processed as public hearing matters.Not less than thirty (30)calendar days before the pubUc hearing date,the applicant for a 13 variance shall mail notices of public hearing by certified or registered mail,postage prepaid,to owners of real property which abut the parcel that is the subject of the application.Not less than thirty (30)days prior to the public hearing date,the Director shall publish a notice of hearing once in a newspaper that is printed and issued at least twice weekly in the County and which is generally circulated throughout the County.The notice shall state the nature of the proposed development,the date,time,and place of the hearing,and all other matters required by law. (d)Exceptions.Prior to action on a variance apphcation,the commission may waive a public hearing on the application for: (1)Stabilization of shoreline erosion by the moving of sand entirely on public lands; (2)Protection of a legal structure costing more than $20,000; provided that,the structure is at risk of immediate damage from shoreline erosion; (3)Other structures or activities;provided that,no person or agency has requested a pubUc hearing within twenty-five calendar days after public notice of the application.For the purposes of this section "public notice of the application"shall be publication of a notice of the application in a newspaper which is printed and issued at least twice weekly in the County of Kaua'i, which informs the public of the subject matter of the application and which identifies the date and time by which a written request for a public hearing must be received by the commission;or (4)Maintenance,repair,reconstruction,and minor additions or alterations of legal boating,maritime or watersports recreational facilities, which result in little or no interference with natural shoreUne processes. Sec.8-27.10 Criteria for approval of a variance. (a)A shoreline setback area variance may be considered for a structure or activity otherwise prohibited by this Article,if the commission finds in writing, based on the record presented,that the proposed structure or activity is necessary for or ancillary to: (1)Cultivationofcrops; (2)Aquaculture; (3)Major landscaping;provided that,the comniission finds that the proposed structure or activity wiU not adversely affect beach processes,public access or pubUc views and will not artificially fix the shoreline; (4)Drainage; (5)Boating,maritime,or water sports recreational facilities; (6)Facilities or improvemBnts by public agencies or public utilities regulated undcr HRS chapter 269; (7)Private and pubUc faciUties or improvements that are clearly in the public interest; (8)Private and public facilities or improvements which will neither adversely affect beach processes nor artificially fix the shoreline;provided that,the commission also finds tbat hardship will result to the applicant if the facilities or improvements are not allowed within the shoreline setback area; (9)Private and public facihties or improvements that may artificially fix the shoreline but not adversely affect beach processes;provided that,the commission also finds that shoreline erosion is likely to cause severe hardship to the applicant if the facilities or improvements are not allowed 14 within the shoreline setback area and all alternative erosion control measures,including retreat,have been considered; (10)The commission may consider granting a variance for the protection of a dwelling unit or public infrastructure;provided that,the structure is at imminent risk of damage from coastal erosion,such damage poses a danger to the healtb,safety,and welfare of the public,and the proposed protection is the best shoreUne management option in accordance with relevant state policy on shoreline hardening. (11)Construction of a new dwelling unit.In the case where the applicable shoreUne setback Une does not allow for the minimum buildable footprint for a new dwelling unit,the commission may consider granting a variance under the following guidelines: (A)The front yard setback may be reduced where feasible to allow for the minimum buildable footprint; (B)The side yard setback may be reduced where feasible to allow for the minimum buildable footprint; (C)The minimum buildable footprint may be reduced to 1500 square feet. (D)If the foregoing approaches (a),(b),and (c)are done to the maximum extent practicable,the calculated shoreline setback may be reduced,provided that under no circumstance shall the shoreline setback line be less than forty (40)feet; (12)Rebuilding of an existing dwelUng unit. (A)Rebuilding of a lawfully existing dwelling unit under this section shall only be allowed if the rebuilding does not enlarge the structure beyond its previous building footprint nor intensyy the use of the structure or its impacts on coastal processes,and the rebuilding is not prohibited by Articlel3,Chapter 8,Kaua'i County Code,1987 as amended. (B)In the case where the applicable shoreline setback line does not aUow for the rebuilding of a lawfuUy existing dwelling unit upon a minimum building footprint,the commission may consider granting a variance under the foUowing guidelines only: (i)The front yard setback may be reduced where feasible to allow for the ininimum buildable footprint; (ii)The side yard setback may be reduced where feasible to allow for the ininimum.buildable footprint; (iii)The buildable footprint may be reduced to below 2100 square feet. (iv)If the foregoing approaches (a),(b)and (c)are done to the maximum extent practicable and a buildable footprint of 1600 is not feasible,the shoreline setback may be reduced provided that under no circumstances shall the shoreline setback Une be less than twenty (20)feet from the certified shoreline,and for any reduction below thirty (30)feet,a quahfied professional consultant must certify that the property is not subject to undue risk from erosion,high wave action, or flooding. (b)A structure or activity may be considered for a variance upon grounds of hardship if: 15 (1)The applicant would be deprived of all reasonable use of the land if required to fully comply with the shoreline setback rules; (2)The applicant's proposal is due to unique cu-cumstances and does not draw into question the reasonableness ofthe shoreline setback rules; and (3)The proposal is the best practicable alternative which best conforms to the purpose of the shoreUne setback rules. (c)Before granting a hardship variance,the commission must determine that the applicant's proposal is a reasonable use of the land.Because of the dynamic nature of the shoreline environment,inappropriate development may easily pose a risk to individuals or to the public health and safety or to the coastal zone management and resources.For this reason,the determination of the reasonableness of the use of land should properly consider factors such as shoreUne conditions,erosion,surf and flood conditions and the geography of the lot. (d)For purposes of this section,hardsbip shall not include economic hardship to the applicant resulting from:(1)county zoning or setback changes, planned development permits,cluster permits,or subdivision approvals after June 16,1989;(2)any other permit or approval which may have been issued by the commission,or (3)actions by the applicant. (e)No variance shall be granted unless appropriate conditions are imposed: (1)To maintain and require safe lateral access to and along the shoreline for public use or adequately compensate for its loss; (2)To minimize and mitigate risk of adverse impacts on beach processes; (3)To minimize and mitigate risk of structures failing and becoming loose rocks or rubble on public property;and (4)To minimize adverse impacts on public views to,from,and along the shoreline;and (5)To comply with County Code provisions relating to flood plain management,Chapter 15,Article 1,Kaua'i County Code,and Drainage, Chapter 22,Article 16,Kaua'i County Code,respectively. (f)Any structure approved within the shoreline setback area by variance shall not be eligible for protection by shoreline hardening during the life of the structure.and this Umitation and the fact that the structure does not raeet setback requirements under Section 8-27.3 and could be subject to coastal erosion and high wave action shall be written into a unilateral agreement that is recorded by the Bureau of Conveyances of Land Court,as the case may be.A copy of the unilateral agreement shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the issuance of the required zoning and/or shoreline setback variance.Failure of the grantor to record these deed restrictions shall constitute a violation of this section and the grantor shall be subject to the penalties set forth in this article. (g)For any structure approved within the shoreUne setback area by variance,the applicant shall agree in writing that the applicant,its successors,and permitted assigns shall defend,indemnify and hold the County of Kaua'i harmless from and against any and all loss,liability,claim,or demand arising out of damages to said structure and this indemnification shall be included in the unilateral agreement required above. (h)The applicant may apply to the department for an amendment to the variance in a manner consistent with the procedures of the special management area rules of the Kaua i Planning Commission. 16 (i)No variance shall be granted for structures within the shoreline setback area that are unpermitted,unless the Commission determines that a structure is necessary to protect public health and safety,and/or that removal of the structure would cause a greater public harm. Sec.8-27.11 Enforcement. (a)The Director hall enforce this article in accordance with Section 8-3.5(a)of the County of Kaua'i Comprehensive zoning Ordinance.HRS Chapter 205A,and the rules of Practice and Procedure of the County of Kaua'i Planning Commission. (b)Removal of an unpermitted structure. (1)In determining the disposition of a unpermitted structure,the Director shall follow the procedures outlined in Chapter 12 of the Rules of Practice and Procedure of the County of Kaua'i Planning Commission based on the nature of the unpermitted structure.If the structure would have required Class I,II,or III permits as well as shoreline setback determination and approval or variance,the procedure shaU be that required under Section 1-12-4 of said rules.If a Class FV permit would have been required, the procedure would be that outhned in Sections 1-12-5 through 1-12-8 of said rules. (2)Followuig the relevant procedures described in Section 8-27.11(b)(l),the Director or the Commission,as the case may be, shall order the removal of an unpermitted structure unless it is determined that removal shall cause a greater public harm than allowing the structure to remain. (3)If the Director or Commission determines that removal would be inappropriate,the property owner or perpetrator shall obtain a variance under Sec.8-27.10 and shall pay penalties as specified in Section 8-27.12. (c)Judicial Enforcement of Order.The director may institute a civil action in any court of competent jurisdiction for the enforcement of any order issued pursuant to this section. Where the civil action has been instituted to enforce the civil fine imposed by such order,the director need only show that a notice of violation and order was served,a hearing was held or thc tune allowed for requesting a hearing had expired without such a request,that a civU fine was iinposed and that the fine iniposed has not bcen paid. The director may institute a civil action in any court of competent jurisdiction for injunctive relief to prevent violation of any provision of this Chapter,any rule adopted thereunder,any permit issued pursuant thereto or any condition of any shoreline setback approval in addition to any other remedy provided for under this chapter. (d)Nonexclusiveness of Remedies.The remedies provided in this chapter for enforcement of the provisions of this chapter,or any rule adopted thereunder, shall be in addition any other remedy as may be provided by law. (e)Appeal in Accordance with Statute.If any person is aggrieved by the order issued by the director pursuant to this section,the person may appeal the order in the manner provided in HRS Chapter 91,provided that no provision ofsuch order shall be stayed on appeal unless specifically ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction 17 (f)The Du'ector shall enforce this article in accordance with Section 8-3.5(a)ofthe County ofKaua'i Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and HRS Chapter 206A. Sec.8-27.12 Civilfines. (a)Any person who violates any provision of this Article shall be subject to the penalties provided for in HRS Section 205A-32.Where a structure is built without permits and the Director,in following the procedures outlined in Section 8-27.ll(a),determines that removal ofthe structure would cause a gi'eater public harm,a mandatory penalty of one thousand dollars ($1,000)shall be imposed,plus,in the discretion of the Director,between ten percent (10%)to one hundred percent (100%)of the estimated construction cost of the unpermitted structure shall be imposed as a penalty,considering factors such as percentage of completion,scope ofwork,and number ofoffenses. (b)Any penalty paid pursuant to this section shaU be deposited by the Director of Finance into the Planning Department's budget and shall be used for the enforcement and/or education relating to this Article. Sec.8-27.13 Appeal ofDirector's decision. Any person who can show that a direct probable harm to his or her person or his or her property interest,or probable public harm could occur from the decision may appeal any Shoreline Setback Determination,Approval or Denial by the Director to the Commission.The potential appeUant shall file a notice of appeal with the Director and the Commission within fifteen (15)days after the adverse decision.Within twenty (20)days of said filing,the commission shall determine the potential appellant's standing to appeal.If the commission grants standing to appeal,the commission shaU follow the procedure outlined in Chapter 9 of The Rules of Practice and Procedure of the County of Kaua'i Planning Commission.The Planning Commissions decision may be appealed to the Circuit Court pursuant to HRS Chapter 91 and the aforementioned rules. Sec.8-27.14 Promulgation ofRules and Regulations. This ordinance shall supersede tbe Shoreline Setback Rules and Regulations of the Planning Department of the County of Kaua'i in existence at the time of adoption ofthis ordmance.Pursuant to HRS Chapter 91,as amended,the Planning Commission may promulgate rules and regulations consistent with this Article as may be necessary to implement any ofthe provisions ofthis Article.J "Sec.8-27.0 Purpose.The purpose of this Article is to protect life and propertv. ensure the loneevitv and inteeritv of Kaua'i's coastal and beach resources alone Kaua'i's shoreline and to strenethen shoreline setback requirements in this Article bv uicorporatinEr science-based erosion rates established in the Kaua'i Coastal Erosion Studv and current coastal hazard mitieation best practices and strateeies. 18 Sec.8-27.1 Apolicabilitv. This Article shall be aDplicable to all lands within the Countv of Kaua'i. that are: {al Abuttine the shoreline where structures and/or prohibited activities are nroposed within five hundred ^500)feet ofthe shoreline.or (b)Not abutting the shoreline where structures and/or prohibited activities are proposed within aDproximatelv five hundred fiftv (650)feet of the shoreUne, Sec.8-27.2 Definitions. For purposes of this Article unless it is plainlv evident &om the context that a different meanine is intended.certain words and phrases used herein shall be defined as follows; Adverselv affect beach processes"means to pose a uotential immediate or future adverse effect on beach processes as a result of a structure and/or landscapine located within the coastal erosion hazard zone.or to create an immediate or future need to artificiallv fix the shoreline. Annual coastal erosion rate"means the long-term averaee annual rate of coastal erosion calculated by foUowine the methodoloev outlined in the National Assessment of Shoreline Chanee:Historical Shoreline Chanees in the Hawaiian Islands (FIetcher,et al..2012).Annual coastal erosion rates are available for all lots on Kaua'i fronted bv a sandv beach from the Kaua'i Plannine Department. These rates were calciilated bv the Universitv of Hawaii's Coastal Geoloev Groun for the Kaua'i Coastal Erosion Studv (20W).The Plannine Du-ector mav desienate a qualified professional to review and.subiect to the Plannine Du-ector's apDroval, update annual coastal erosion rates. Averaee lot deoth"means the measurement obtained bv addine the leneths of the two sides of a lot which are at or near right aneles with the shoreline.or the seaward boundarv of the lot that runs rouehlv parallel to the shoreline if the property is not abuttine the shoreline.to the leneth of a line obtained by drawine a line from a point in the center of the makai side of the lot to a point in the center of the mauka side of the lot and dividine the resultine sum bv three.For irreeularlv shaced lots includine flae lots.trianeular pareels.lots on peninsulas.and/or lots havine ocean on two or more sides of the lot,the averaee lot depth will be determined bv the Director. "Board shall mean the Board of Land and Natural Resourees._State of Hawai'i. "BuUdine footurint"shall mean all parts of a main buildine'fexcludine roof overhanesl that rest.directlv or indirectlv.on the eround.includine those Dortions of the buildine that are supuorted bv nosts,ciers.or columns.Buildine footorint also includes attached earaees,covered caroorts.bav windows with floor space. lanais.decks.cantilevered decks.soas.and in-eround swimmine oooK 19 Certified Shoreline"means the shoreline established by Board pursuant to HRS 205A.42,as amended. Coastal Dune means one of possiblv several continuous or neariv continuous mounds or ridees of unconsoUdated sand contieuous and parallel to the beach.situated so that it mav be accessible to storm waves and seasonal hieh waves for release to the beach or offshore waters. Coastal erosion means the natural loss of coastal lands,usuallv bv wave attack.tidal or littoral currents.or wind.Coastal erosion is svnonvmous with shoreline retreat. "Coastal erosion hazard zone"shall include all of the land between the shoreline and the shoreline setback line. Coastal hazard means natural crocesses in the coastal zone that are eenerated bv eeoloeic.oceanoeraphic.and/or meteoroloE'ical processes that clace neoule and/or improvements at risk for iniurv and/or damaee. "Commission"means the Plannine Commission ofthe Countv ofKaua'i. "Department"means the Planninsf Denartment of the County of Kaua'i. "Director"means the Plannine Director of the PlannuiE!Department of the Countv of Kaua'i. "DwelUne Unit"means anv buildine or anv portion thereof which is desiened or intended for occuoancv bv one fl)familv or persons livine toeether or bv a cerson livine alone,and orovides complete livine facUities within the unit for sleeBine, recreation.eatine and sanitarv facilities.uicludine installed equipment for onlv one (1)kitchen. "FEMA means the Federal Emereencv Manaeement Aeencv. "FIRM"means the Flood Insiu-ance Rate Mac. "Hazard.A^sessment"means assessment for erosion.wave.flood.and inland zone foUowme the standards ui Section 4.3 of the Hawai'i Coastal Mitieation Guidebook,(JanuarY 2005),which was prepared for the State of Hawaii. Department of Land and Natural Resources.Coastal Zone Manaeement ProCTam. University of Hawai'i Sea Grant Colleee ProETam and the Pacific Services Center and Coastal Services Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. "Kaua'i Coastal Erosion Studv means a uuantitative study of Kauai and Ni'ihau's historical shoreline behavior utilizine orthorectified aerial photogranhs or other imaeerv to carrv out high-resolution mappin^of historical shorehne positions to obtain a statistically valid annual erosion rate of the Shoreline Chanee Reference Feature (SCRF).The studv was conducted bv the Universitv of Hawai'i s Coastal Geoloev Group for the Countv of Kaua'i.The shorelme chanee data and shoreline chan^e Bosters produced bv this studv are on file with the Kaua'i Plannine 20 Department.The studv followed nrocedures described in the 'National Assessment ofShoreline Change:Historic Shoreline Chanees in the Hawaiian Islands (Fletcher. et al.,2010)available from the Kauai Plannine Denartment. "Landscacine"means the modification of landscaoe for an aesthetic or functional purpose that includes the plantine of veeetation:the instaUation ot irrieation,rock or water features:CTadine or erubbine. "Makai"means seaward or in a seaward durection. Mauka means landward or in a landward directioiL "Minimum buildable footprint means a buildine footorint of one thousand five hundred (1.500)sauare feet. Minor structure means: (1)a structure _that costs less tban $125.000 and provides temoorarv emereencv orotective measures for a leeallv habitable structure that is imminentlv threatened bv coastal hazards piovided that the Brotective measure has received apDroval in accordance with the Special Manaeement Area Rules of the Kaua i Plannine Commission and/or the State Department of Land and Natural Resources (as mav be the case).relocation of the endaneered structure has been considered and is not reasonable eiven the nature of the emereencv.the crotective measure is removed within one hundred eiehtv (1801 davs of its installation.and eiven the sienificance of the emergency,the Drotection is the best manaeement alternative with rescect to beach.shorehne.and/or coastal resource conservation.or (2)a structure that; (A)costs less than $125,000:and (B)does not adverselv affect beach processes.does not artificiallv fix the shoreline.and does not interfere with public access or public views to and alone the shoreline:and (0 does not imoede the natural processes and/or movement of the shoreline and/or sand dunes,and does not alter the erade of the shoreline setback a.rea:and CD)is consistent with the Durooses of this article and HRS Chapter 205A.as amended:and (E)includes,but is not limited to,Uehtine in conformance with HRS Chapter 205A.landscape features.barbeques.picnic tables. benches,chairs.borders.wooden trellis.bird feeders.siens.safetv imDrovements,Ufesavme devices.movable lifeeuard stands.walkwavs for access,outdoor showers and water faucets.public utilitv lines, utUitv poles and accessory structures alone existine corridors. temDorarv tents for soecial events not exceedine fourteen (14) consecutive days in duration durine anv three-month period,walls and fences that are located more than fortv (40)feet from the shoreline. landscape Blantmg and irrieation svstems provided that thev are located more than fortv (40)feet awav from the shoreUne and do not artificiallv extend the shoreline or shoreline setback area seaward:and (F)excludes.but is not limited to.anv in-eround swimmine pools or spas,earaees.carports.concrete walkwavs that are reinforced, 21 concrete walkways_that are^Ao.t saw-cut at a minimum of three (3)foot intervals.and concrete steps. "Natural catastrophe"is a natural disaster aualifvine for a eovernors declaration of emereencv pursuant to Hawai'i Revised Statutes Chapter 128.or a presidential declaration ofemereencv of a maior disaster cursuant to 42 USC 5170. includine those caused bv eoisodic coastal hazards such as tsunamis and hurricanes.and not the result of other coastal hazards or processes such as erosion or sea level rise. "Nonconformine structure or activitv"means a structure or activitv which is lawfullv existine within the shoreline setback area because it: (1)Was completelv built,in its present form.prior to June 22.1970: or {2)Received either a biuldins;permit.board aonroval.or shoreline setback area variance prior to June 16.1989:or (3)Was outside the shoreline setback area when it received either a buildine permit or board auproval;or "Plan"or "site plan"means a detailed construction plan drawn to scale of I"=20'0"that shows the desien of a structure proposed to be built within the shoreline setback area.The plan shall be based on an accurate instrument bv a survevor licensed in the State of Hawaii and shall consist of data includine but not limited to: (1)Propertv boundaries: (2)Natural features such as laree trees.rock outcrocpines.and any primarv or secondarv coastal dunes: (3)Topoeraphy in and around the oroposed construction: (41 _.Anv and all shoreline hardenine: (5)Flood zones.where applicable: (G)Existine and proposed structures and their proximitv to the shoreUne and shoreline setback area: (7)Fences.walls.and anv other structures in the shoreUne setback area and anv potential hindrances to lateral access along the shnrfilinc: (8)^A geo-refereiiced survey ofthe site:and (9)Anv other information which identifies the existine condition of the subiect parcel of land. "Primarv Coastal Dune"means the first dune encountered mauka__of the beach. "Prohibited Activities"means tbose activities prohibited in the shoreljne setback area as provided in Section 8-27.6 ofthis Article.AU other activities shall be reeulated bv the Special Manaeement Area Rules and Reeulations ot the Countv of Kaua'i and the reauirements of HRS Chapter 343-6 regardine environmental assessments for anv proDosed uses within a shoreline area as defined in Section 205A-41. "OuaUfied consultant"means a coastal scientist with a master of scjence degree or doctorate in geoloev.eeoETaphv.or other aDDropriate phvsical science relatine to coastal processes.or an engineer Ucensed in the State of Hawai'i that 22 has exnerience in coastal processes.If a dune restoration project is proposed,the aualified consultant shall have experience and expertise with dune restoration," 'QuaUfied Demolition"means the demolition of a structure or structures where such demQlition: (1)Will not adverselv affect beach nrocesses: (2)Will not artificiaUv fix the shoreline: (3)Will not interfere with nublic access.except for public safetv reasons durine demolition ooerations: (4)Will not interfere with public views to and alone the shoreliue, exceut durine demolition operations: (5)Will be consistent with the intent of open space enhancement as reflected in these rules and HRS 205A;and (6)Will comclv with aDplicable Coimtv Codes. Rebuildine"means reconstruction of a lawfullv existin^_dweUing unit when the reconstruction is valued bv a licensed orofessional eneineer,or-architect at fiftv percent (50%)or more ofthe current replacement cost ofthe structure. Eepair means the fixine or reeular maintenance of a lawfullv existijie structure that does not result in an addition to.or enlargement or expansion of,the lawfully existing structure.A "substantial improvement"as defined herein shall not be considered a reoair. Eevetment shall mean a facine of stone.concrete.blocks.or nthpr similar materials built to protect a scarn,embankment.or shore structure aeainst erosion bv wave action or currents. 'Rockv Shoreline means a shoreUne seement actiner as the primarv interface between marine dominated processes and terrestrial dominated processes that is comoosed of hard.non-dvnamic.non-erodible material such as basalt.fossil limestone.beach rock.or other natural non-dvnamic material.not to include cobble or eravel beaches that are dvnamic in nature.or erodible cUffed shorelines composed dominantlv of dirt or clav. "Shoreline is as defined in Section 205A-1.Hawai'i Revised Statutes.as amended.and as established pursuant to Section 205A-_42,Hawai'i Revised Statutes.as amended. "Shoreline Hardeninsf"means the process of fortifvine the shoreline or shoreline setback area with hard structures indurlini?but not limited to.seawall and revetments, "Shoreline Chanee Reference Feature ^SCRF)means a morpholoeic feature commonlv referred to as the "toe"of the beach.which reoresents the base of the foreshore or aoDroximatine the Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW). "Shoreline setback area"means "shoreline area"as defined rn Section 205A-41,Hawai'i Revised Statutes.as amended. "Shoreline setback Une"is as defined in Section 205A-41,Hawai'i Revised Statutes.as amended. 23 Storm buffer zone is the first fortv feet (40')of the shoreline setback area as measured from the shoreline. "Structure"is as defined in Section 205A-41.Hawai'i Revised Statutes. as amended. "Substantial construction"means that one hundred percent (100%)of the foundation has been laid.or that one hundred pereent (100%1 of the foundation of the active phase of a project has been laid where the proiect is beine done in phases. Substantial improvement"means anv cumulative series of repairs. reconstruction.improvements.or additions to a structure over a ten (10)vear period.where the cumulative cost equals or exceeds fiftv percent (50%)of the market value of the structure before the start of construction_of the first improvement durins that ten (10)vear period.For the purposes of this definition. substantial improvement is considered to occur when the first alteration of anv wall.ceiline.floor,or other structural part of the buildine commences.whether or not that alteration affects the external dimensions ofthe structure.The value ofanv substantinl improvement shall be determined bv the Countv Eneineer or his/her authorized representative.The term does not.however.include either:(1)anv proiect for improvement of a structure to correct existine violations of a State or local bealth.sanitarv.or safetv code specifications which have been identified bv the local code enforcement oiEcial and which are the mmimum necessarv to assure safe UvinE;conditions.or (2)anv alteration of a "historic structure."provided that the alteration will not preclude the structures continued desienation as a"historic structure." Temporarv structures"means structures that will exist for no loneer than six )months and will not irreversiblv and adverselv affect beach processes.public access.or public views nor artificiallv fix the shoreline in an irreversible wav.and from which there wUl be a public benefit. "Use means the curoose for which land or buUdine is arraneed.desiened.or intended,or for which either land or buildine is or naav be occuDied or naaintained. Sec.8-27.3 Shoreline Setback Determination:Establishinent of the Shoreline Setback Line. ShoroUne setback determinations shall bc issued based on the followine orocedures: (a)Except m either of the followuig two cases and except as oermitted in Section 8-27.7.a shoreUne setback determination shall be reauired for all structures and subdivisions Droposed on lands covered by this Article. {D In cases where the proposed structure or subdivision satisfies the foUowine four criteria: {A}In cases where the pronosed structure or subdivision is located outside of the Federal Emereencv Manaeement Aeencv (FEMA)Flood Insurance Rate Mao (FIRM)V or VE flood zones: 24 oL <B)The proposed structure or subdivision is located at an elevation which is thirtv (30)feet above mean sea level or ereater: (0 The apclicant can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Plannine Director that the cropertv is clearlv adiacent to a rockv shoreline and that it will not affect or be affected bv coastal erosion or hazards;and (D)The shoreline setback shall be sixtv (60)feet from the certified shoreUne which has been established not more than twelve (12)months from the date of the anplication for the exception under this section. ^2}In cases where the apDlicant can demonstrate to the satisfaction the Plnnnin|>Director that the aopUcant's prooosed structure or subdivision will not affect beach processes.imoact oublic beach access.or be affected bv or contribute to coastal erosion or hazards.excludine natural disasters.Factors to be considered shall include.but not be Umited to. proximitv to the shoreline.topoeraphv.properties between the shoreline and aoplicant s oropertv.elevation.and the history of coastalhazards ui_the_area, flb)Unless otherwise orovided in subsection (a)above.no shoreline setback Une shall be established for anv lot subject to this Article unless the aDpUcation for a shoreline setback line iiicludes a certified shoreline issued within twelve (12) months prior to submission of the aDDlication. (c)Lots Included in the Kaua i Coastal Erosion Studv.For all structures on lots subiect to the Kaua'i Coastal Erosion Studv.the setback shall be calculated as follows: (1)For lots with an averaee lot depth of less than one hundred fortv (140)feet.the setback line shall_be forty (40)_Jeet plus sevent¥_QO) times the annual coastal erosion rate as measured from the certified shoreline. for all applicable In addition to the shoreline setback calculations above. lots subiect to the Kaua'i Coastal Erosion Study a mandatorv twentv (201 foot additional safetv hiiffer shall be added to the setback area for episodic coastal^vents.sea level rise and other hazards, (2)For lots with an averaee lot depth of one hundred forty (140)feet to two hundred twentv (220)feet.the Ea-eater setback of the foUowine' shall auplv: CA)Fortv (40)feet plus sev^ntY (7Q)_times the annuaLcoastal erosion rate as measured from the certified shoreline.In addition to the shoreline setback calculations above.for all aooUcable lots subiect to the Kaua'i Coastal Erosion Studv a mandatorv twentv (20)feot additional safetv buffer shall be added to the setback area for episodic coastal events.sea level rise and other hazards:or (K)A shoreline setback determined bv takine the averaee lot decth.subtracting one hundred (100)teet.dividine bv two and addine fortv (40)feet. (3)For all lots with an averaee lot depth of over two hundred twentv (220)feet,the ereater setback ofthe followine shall aBplv: 25 (A)Fortv feet (W)plus seventv (70)times the annual coastal erosion rate as measured from the certified shoreUne._In addition to the shoreline setback calciilations above.for all apclicable lots subiect to the Kaua'i Coastal Erosion Studv a mandatorv twentv (20)foot additional safetv buffer shall be added to the setback area for episodic coastal events.sea level rise and other hazards:or (B)A shoreline setback line of one_hundred (100)feet from tbe certified shoreline. Table 1.(This table is included for illustrative purposes onlv.)Lots Included in the Kaua'i Coastal Erosion Studv.The distance in feet of the shoreline setback line as measured from the certified shoreline based on the averaee lot depth in feet. Averaee Lot DeDth Setback Line Less than 140 feet 40 feet plus (70 X annual coastal erosion rate)plus 20 feet 140 feet to 220 feet Greater of: 40 feet olus (70 X annual coastal erosion rate)olus 20 feet -or- (Averaee Lot Deoth minus_lQO feet)_T_bY_2_Blus 40 feet Greater than 220 feet Greater of: 40 feet clus (70 X annual coastal eiosion rate)plus 20 feet -or- 100 feet &om the certified shoreline (d)Lots Not Included in the Kaua'i Coastal Erosion Studv.For all structures on lots that were not included in the Kaua'i Coastal Erosion Studv. the setback shall be calculated bv the followine'formula. (Averaee Lot Depth -100V2 +401.subiect to the followine: (1)For lots with naturallv occurrinE'rockv shorelines.the shoreline setback line shall be no less than 40 feet. (2)For all other lots.the shoreline setback line shall be no less than 60 feet. (3)For all lots.the maximum setback tbat can be reauired shall be 100 feet. je)Non-abuttine Lots.If an aiiplicant is unable to secure permission from the abuttine owner to complete a certified shoreline for a non-abuttine lot within auoroximatelv five hundred fiftv 50)feet of the shoreline.the Plannine Director mav,pursuant to Sec.8-4.3.impose conditions to zonine permits to increase setbacks where evidence exists that a Droposed structure mav be affected bv coastal hazards or erosion. 26 (f)No subdivision which involves a lot.or anv cortion of a lot that would be subiect to this Article.shall be apDroved without a coastal erosion studv.a certified shoreline.and a shorehne setback Une established_jn accordance with this Article.unless the subdivision is initiated bv the Countv. (e)Anv subdivision with lots abuttine the shoreline approved pursuant to Chacter 9 of the Kaua'i Countv Code.1987.as amended,after the adontion of this Oriiinnnce shall have a shoreline setback line of forty (40)feet plus seventv (70) times the annual coastal erosion rate as measured from the certified shoreline,In addition to the shoreline setback calculations above.a mandatorv twentv (20)foot additional safetv butfer shall be added to the setback area for episodic coastal events.sea level rise and other hazards. (h)Each lot abuttine the shoreline in a subdivision approved after the effective date of this ordinance shall be desiened to achieve a biuldine;footprint of five thousand (5.000)sauare feet of buildable area mauka of the shoreline setback Une established in accordance with subsections (tl and (e).above. fi)Prior to commencement of erubbuie.eradine.or construction activities, the shorehne and shoreline setback line shall be identified on the ground and nosted with markers.posts.or other appropriate reference marks bv a survevor licensed in the State of Hawai'i. (fl The aDplication of Section 8-27.3 bv itself shaU not make a dwelline unit nonconformine. Sec.8-27.4 Miniinuni Shoreline Setback Renuirements. Exceot as provided for in this article,no lot shall have a shoreline setback line of less than fortv (40)feet. Sec.8-27.5 Applicable Laws. The reauireraents of this Article shall not abroeate the reauirements_of Hawai'i Revised Statytes Chauter 205A.Hawai'i Revised__Statutes Chaotei*343-5, the Special Manapement Area Rules and Reeulations of the County of Kaua'i.or anv other applicable statutes.codes.ordinances,rules and reeulations.or other law. Sec.8-27.6 Prohibited Activities in the Shoreline Setback Area. <a)Pursuant to HRS 205A-44.as amended,the minine or takine of sand, dead coral or coral rubble,rocks.soils.or other beach or marine deposits from the shoreline setback area is prohibited with the followine exceptions: (1)The inadvertent takine frorn the shoreline setback area of the materials.such as those inadvertentlv carried awav on the bodv.and_Qn clothes,tovs.recreational eauipment.and baes: (2)Where the minmg or takine is authorized bv a variance Bursuant to Section 205A-46 of the Hawai'i Revised Statutes: 27 (3)The clearme of these materials from existine drainaee pioes and canals and from the mouths of streams.includine clearine for the purposes under HRS section 46-11.5;provided that,the sand removed shall be placed on adiacent areas unless such placement would result in sienificant turbiditv: (4)The cleanine of the shoreline setbad area for state or countv maintenance purposes.includine the clearme'of seaweed.Umu.and debris under HRS section 46-12:provided that.the sand removed shall be placed on adiacent areas unless the placement would result in sienificant turbjdjtx; (5)The or seaweed: takine of driftwood.shells.beach elass.elass floats. (6)The exereise of traditional cultural practices as authorized bv law or as permitted bv the department pursuant to article XII.section 7.of the Hawai'i State Constitution:or (7)For the response to a public emergencv or a state or local disaster. <h)Anv orimarv coastal dune.which Ues whollv or Bartially in the setback area,shall not be altered.eraded.or filled in anv wav except for the addition of sand of compatible aualitv and character unless the aDplication of this section renders the build-out of allowable densitv unfeasible.In such case.modi&cations. alterations.erading.or filling mav be allowed throueh a variance.but onlv for that portion of the priniiirY dune located mauka (landward)of the shnrfiline setback area.and onlv to the extent necessarv to construct on a minimum building footorint.This exception shall applv onlv to lots in existence on the date of enactment of this ordinance. (c)The followine are prohibited in the shoreline setback area: (1)Individual wastewater svstem or subsurface improvement unless the auphcant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Director that no feasible alternative exists.uicludine a redesien of the iniDroveraent or structure to accommodate the svstem outside of the setback line,and the system or unprovement complies with all statutorv and Department of Health reauirements. (2)Landscauine that artificiallv fixes the shorehne. (3)Shoreline hardening unless it is approved by the State of Hawai i s Office of Conserk'ation and Coastal Lands. M)Expansion of the footorint of a non-conformine structure.unless otherwise provided bv law. Sec.8-27.7 Permitted structures within the shoreline setback area. (a)The following structures are permitted in the shoreline setback area. All structures and/or landscaoine not scecificallv nermitted in this section are prohibited without a variance. 28 (1)ExistinEf conformme and nonconformine structures/activities. (2)Structure or activitv that received a shoreline variance or administrative apnroval prior to Februarv 26.2008. (3)A structure or activity that is necessarv for.or ancillarv to. continuation of aericiilture or aauaculture existine in the shorehne setback area on June 16.198A (4)"Temoorarv structures"as defined in Section 8-27.2.To ensure that there wUl be no irreversible or lone-term adverse effects.the Director shall reauire as a condition of a permit the restoration of the site to its original condition or better,and the Director mav require a bond to ensure such restoration. (5)A structure that consists of maintenance.repair.reconstruction. and minor additions or alterations of leeal boating.maritime.or water sports recreational facilities.which are publiclv owned.and which result in no interference with natural beach processes:provided that nermitted structures may be repaired,but shall not be enlareed within the shoreline setback area without a variance. (6)Repairs to a lawfullv existine structure.includjne nonconformine structures,BroYidedAbat: (A)The reoairs do not enlaree.add to or expand the structure;increase the size or deeree of non-conformitv:or intensifv the use of the structure or its impact on coastal processes: (B)The reoairs do not constitute a substantial improvement ofthe structure:and (0 The repairs are permitted by the Comprehensive Zonine' Ordinance.Development Plans.hiiilrline code.floodclain manaeement reE'ulations.soecial manaeement area reauirements under HRS Chaoter 205A and anv other applicable rule or law. (7)Beach noiirisheaent or dune restoration proiects approved bv all applicable eovernmental aeencies. (8)A structure aDoroved bv the Director as a minor structure. (9)Qualified demolition of existine structures. (10)Unmanned civil defense facilities installed for the primarv purposes of:(i)warning the pubUc of emereencies and disasters:or (ii) measurine and/or monitorine eeoloe'ical.meteoroloeical and other events. {lll__Seientific studies and survevs,includine archaeoloeical survevs, (12)Structures built bv a eovernmental aeencv to address an emereencv as declared bv the Governor of the State of Hawai'i.the Mavor of the Coun_tY_ofjCaua'i or anv other pubhc official authorized bv law to declare an emereencv. 29 (13)Structures relatinc to film productions that have received a Countv Revocable FUm Permit.Structures undertaken for film productions must be removed within thirtv (30)davs foUowine the completion of the film production. (14)Structures reauired for remedial and removal actions undertaken pursuant to Chaoter 128D of the Hawai'i Revised Statutes. (b)The followine;conditions shall apolv to anv new structure oermitted in the shoreline setback area: UL standards AU new structures shall be constructed in accordance with the for development in Chaoter 15.Article 1.Flood Plain Manaerement.Kaua'i Countv Code 1987.as amended.relatine to coastal hieh hazard districts and FEMA guidelines reeardine construction in areas mapped on Flood Insurance Rate Maps as flood hazard areas. (2)The apDlicant shaU aeree in writine that the applicant.its successors.and permitted assie>ns shall defend.indemnifv.and hold the Countv of Kaua'i harmless from and aeainst any and all loss.Uabilitv.claim or demand arisine out of damaees to said structures from anv coastal natural hazard and coastal erosion. (3)The applicant shall aeree in writine for itself.its successors and assigns that the construction of anv erosion-control or shoreline hardenine; structure and/or landscapine shatl not be allowed to protect the permitted structure durine its Ufe.with the exception of aocroved beach or dune nourishment fill activities.and landscape plantiag and u-rigation located more than fortv feet (40)from the shoreUne. {4)Unless otherwise provided.all new structures and/or landscapine shal]not (i)adverselv affect beach processes.(ii)artificiallv fix the shoreline.(iii)interfere with public access or public views to and alone the shoreline.__(iv)imoede the natural processes and/or inovement of_the shorehne and/or sand dunes.pr ^v)alter the grade of the shoreline setback area. (5)AU new structures shall be consistent with the ourposes of this article and HRS Chaoter 206A.as amended.and sball be desiened and located to minimize the alteration of natural landforms and existine public views to and along the shoreline. (6)Tbe reauirements ofthis Subsection (b)shall run with the land and shall be set forth in a unilateral aereement recorded bv the applicant with the Bureau of Convevances or the Land Court.whichever is appUcable, no later than thirtv (30)davs after the date of final shoreline approval of_the structure under Section 8-27.8.A copy of the recorded unilateral aereement ghaU_b_e^led_with the Du-ector and the Countv Eneineer no later than fortv-five (45)davs after the date of the final shoreline determination and approval of the structure and the filine of such with the Director shall_be_a prerequisite to the issuance of anv related buildine permit. 30 Sec.8-27.8 Procedures For Obtainine Determinations. (a)Unless as otherwise orovided in this Article.anv structure Droposed in the.shoreUne setback area shall first obtain a determination from the Director in accordance with this Article. (b)A proDosed structure in the shoreline setback area or within five hundred feet (500')ofthe shoreline shall not be allowed bv the Director unless it ig consistent.with this Article and HRS Chacter 205A.as amended. (c)Procedure. (1)_A reauest for determination for a oroposed structure within the shoreline setback area or within five hundred (500)feet of the shoreline shall be submitted to the Denartment on a form orescribed bv the Director. (2)For public structures whose valuation does not exceed $125.000.00 and repairs to lawfullv existine orivate structures as delineated in Section 8-27.7(a).the reuuest shall include construction and site nlans.and written text addressine comDUance with the criteria set forth in this Article. The Director mav also reauire additional uiformation.includine.but not Umited to a current shoreluie setback determination or a current certified shoreline survev or shoreline siirvev stamped bv a Ucensed survevor. reeistered in the State of Hawaii and coastal erosion information.a Ust of protiosed plants and their erowth.existine and final contours.DhotoeTaohs. and an environmental assessment. (3)For public structures whose valuation exceeds one hundred twentv-five thousand dollars ffil25.000.00)and private structures unless delineated in Sec.8-27.7(al.the request shall include relevant information. which shall include.but is not limited to.a current shoreline setback determination as set forth in Sec.8-27.3 or a current certified shoreline survev and coastal erosion information.construction and site olans.existine and final contours,ohotoerapbs,and a written text addressine compliance with the criteria set forth in tbis Artide.The Director mav also reauire a hazard assessment. (4)Within sbcty (60)davs from the dav the aDplication is deemed complete bv the Director.the Director shaU make a decision in accordance with the criteria set forth in this Article that the proposed structure is: <AL IBL IS1. ffll (SL Permitted under Section 8-27.7: Permitted under Section 8-27.7 and subject to conditions: Not permitted under Section 8-27.7; Outside ofthe shoreline setback area:or _Not subiect to Section 8-27.3. (5)AU aDplications for a shoreline setback determination or determination of exemption deemed complete bv the Director shall be posted 31 within ten (10)workine davs to a pubUcized website maintained bv the Department. (6)The Director shall notifv the Commission at the Commission's next reeularlv scheduled meetine of the following: (A)anv shoreUne setback determinations for approval of a structure proposed within the shorehne setback area or witbin five hundred (500)feet of the shorehne: (B)anv apDrovals or denials by the Director of structures and the reasons therefore.including.but not Umited to.the name of the appUcant.the location and Duruose of the structure,and a discussion ofthe factors considered in makine the decisions:and (C)anv decision bv the Director to not reauire a shoreline setback determination pursuant to Section 8-27.3,exceo^_with regard to repairs to structures oermitted pursuant to Section 8-27.7(a)(6). (7)AU shoreline setback determinations made bv the Director shall include,but are nnt.limited to.the name of the applicant.the averaee lot depth calculations.the location of anv proposed structures depicted on a_Elan drawn to scale.the purpose of tbe Droposed structures.the current certjfied shoreline fifreauired).the setback calculations and setback line drawn on the plan.and copies of a coastal erosion studv.if applicable.If the Director. pursuant to Section 8-27.3,make a determination of exemption.the Director shall state the iustification in writine. to_ (8)Except with reeard to repairs to structures permitted pursuant Section 8-27.7(a)(6).the Director's decisions pursuant to Section 8-27.8(c)(4)shall not be final imtil posted on the Commission's aeenda.Notwithstandine the postine of the decision.if there is an aoceal from the Director's decision,the decision shall not be final until the Commission completes its decision-makine on the acpeal. (9)Minor structures shall be completed within one vear from the final shoretine apDroval or within one vear &om the date of aoproval of the last discretionarv oermit.whichever comes later. (10)For anv non-minor structures aUowed within the shoreline setback area and anv structures outside the shoreliae setback area based on the shoreline setback line.substantial construction of the structure shall be achieved within three (3)vears from the date of final shoreUne setback determination and aBcroval.and construction thereof shall be completed (as evidenced bv a certificate of occupancv in the case of buildines for habitation) within four (4)vears from said date» iAl_^An_extension of no more than one vear mav be eranted by the Director to the deadUne for substantial construction onlv for BTQp£rties_with a_stable shoreline such as rockv or accretine shorelines or shorelines exhibitine no coastal erosion per shoreline chanee rates as provided in the Kaua'i Coastal Erosion Studv.In all other cases where substantial construction has not occurred bv the deadline.a new certified shoreline and setback determination shall be reauired. (B)In case of faUure to complete construction bv the four-vear deadline.the Plannine Commission shall determine a remedv based on 32 a review of the scecific circumstances.includine but not limited to.the stabUity__Qf the_shoreline.the extent of the completion and the reason for delav. (C)These reauirements for substantial construction and completion shaU run with the land and shall be written in a unilateral aereement that is recorded in the Bureau of Convevances or Land Court.as appUcable.prior to aDplication for a buildine permit.A copv of the recorded unilateral aereement shall be submitted to the PInnnine Department orior to aDplication for a buildine permit. (d)Nothine in this section shall be deemed to amend.modifv or suoersede anv provision of the Soecial Manaeement Area Rules and Reeulations of the Countv of Kaua'i.HRS Chaoter 205A.as amended.or HRS Chapter 343-5.as amended. (e)Fees.A nonrefundable urocessine fee ofone hundred dollars f$100.00) shall accompanv a reauest for determination. Sec.8-27.9 Variance apnlication. (a)A written acnlication for variance shall be made in a form prescribed bv the Director and shaU be filed with the Director.The anplication shall include pjans,_site plans,photoeraDhs.and anv other ulans.drawines.maps.or data determined bv the Director to be necessarv to evaluate the aDplication.The aDpUcation shall also include: (1)A non-refundable administrative aoplication fee of three hundred dollars ($300.00). (2)Certification from the owner or lessee of the lot which authorizes the acplication for variance: (3)An environmental assessment nrepared m accordance with HRS Chauter 343.and the environmental unpact statement rules and apDlicable euidelines of the State of Hawai i: (4)The names,addresses.and the tax map kev identification of owners of real propertv situated adiacent to and abuttine the boundaries of the land on which the proposed structure and/or landscaoine is to be located; (5)A site plan of the shorehne setback area.drawn to scale,showine: (A)Existine natural and man-made features and conditions within: (B)Existing natural and man-made features and conditions alone properties immediatelv adiacent to the shoreline setback area and proposed improvements; (C)The certtfied shoreline and the shoreUne setback line: (D)Contours at a minimum interval of two (2)feet unless waived bv the director;and (E)Proposed development and improvements showine new conditions with a tvcical section (ifa structure). 33 (6)A CODV ofthe certified ahoreline survev map ofthe propertv: (7)Detailed iustification of the oroposed proiect.which addresses the purpose and intent of these rules and the criteria for approval_of_a vanance: f8)Analvsis and report of coastal erosion rates and coastal processes:and (9)Anv other information reauired bv the Director. <b)Upon a dntBrmination bv the Director that the aooUcation is comolete and in compUance with HRS Chacter 206A.nart II and this article.the Director shall submit the aBplication to the Commission.Ifthe aDpIication is dpt^niinni]tn be incomplete bv the Du^ctor.the Director shall return the apDlication to the applicant with a written description identifnne the portions of the aDpUcation determined to be incomolete.The Director shal1 suhmit a written report.a copy of the aBDlication.and all other documents submitted on the aDclication to the Commission prior to the matter apnearme on an aeenda of the Commission. fc)Exceot as otherwise provided m this section.all aDDlications for variances shaU be heard.noticed.and processed as oublic hearine matters.Not less than thirtv C301 calendar davs before the public hearing date.the appUcant for a variance shall mail notices ofpublic hearinB bv certtfied or re^ister<"1 mafl postage prepaid.to owners of real propertv which abut the uarcel that is the subieet of the application.Not less than thrrtv C30)davs prior to the pubUc hearm?date.the Du'ector shall publish a notice of hearine once in a newspaper that is printed and issued at least twice weeklv in the Countv and which is eenerallv circulated throuphout the Countv.The notice shaU state the nature of the proposed development.the renuu'ed bv law. date.time.and place of the hearine.and all other matters (d)Exceptions.Prior to action on a variance aDplication.the Commission may waive a public hearine on the application for: (1)StabUization of shoreline erosion by the movme of sand entirelv on public lands: C21 Protection of a leeal structure costin?more than $20.000: provided that.the structure is at risk of immediate damaee from shoreline erosion; f3)Other structures or activities:orovided that.no person or agency has reauested apublichearine wit.hin twentv-five (25)calendar davs after public notice ofthe appUcation.'Forthe uurooses ofthis aectinn "publisuiotice of the aBoUcation"shall be uublication of a notice of the ailDlication in a newsoaDer wluchis orinted and issued at least twice weeklv in tlie Cqunty pf Kaua'i.which informs the oublic of the subiect matter of the aDDUcation and which identifies the date and time bv which a written reauest for a.Eublje hearine must be received bv the Commission:or 34 (4)Maintenance.repair.reconstruction.and minor additiona^or alterations of leeal boatine,mflrit.imR ny wateraBOrts^eCTeational facilities, which result in Uttle or no interference with naturql ahnrRline processes. Sec.8-27.10 Criteria for approval ofa variance. (a)A shoreline setback area variance mav be considered for a structure otheniirise prohibited bv this Article-if the Commiasion finds in writine.based on the record presented.that the proposed Btructure meets those standards established under Section 8-3.3 and is necessarv for or anciUarv to: d}CultivationofcroDS: (2)Aauaculture: (3)Landscapine:provided that.the commissiop finris that the Droposed structure wiU not adverselv affect beach orocesaes.oubUc access or public views and will not artificiallv fix the shoreline and is in compliance with HRS Section 116-5: (4)DrainaEe: (5)Boatine.marit.ime.or water sports recreational facilities: (6)Structures bv public aeencies or oublic utilities reeulated under HRS Chaoter 269: (7)Private and pubUc structures that are cleariy in the public interest; (8)Private and public structures which wiU neither adverselv affect beach procRSseB nor artificiallv fix the shoreline:provided that^_the Commission also finrla that hardship wffl result to the apolicant if the facilities or improvements are nnt.^llnwfiil wit.hin t.he shoreUne setback area: (9)Private and public structures that mav artificiallv fix the shoreline but not adverselv affect beach processes:provided that,_the Commission als"fipds that shoreline erosio"'a likely to cause severe hardshipto the apBlicant ifthe facUities or unprovements are not allowed wit.hin t.he shorelme setback area and all alternative erosion _ceBtrol measures.inclu'linp retreat.have been considered: (IQ)The Commission may consider erantine a variance for the protection of a dwellme unit or puhlic mfrafitructure:provided that.the stnicture is at immment risk of dama?e from coastal erosion.such damaee poses a daneer to the health.safetv.and welfare of the public.and the proposed protection is the best shnrfline manaeement ootion in accordance with relevant state oolicv on shorelipn hi^rriBni^p;- 35 (11)Construction of a new (Iwsllinp unit.In the case where the ^iininiiiin buildable footprint does not allow for a setback in accordance with this Article.the Cnmmission mav consider erantine a variance under the foUowinf CTiidalinee- (A\The front vard setback mav be reduced where feasible to allow for ths minimum buildable footDrmt: (B)The side vard setback mav be reduced where feasible to allow for t.hfi minimum buildable footnrint: (0 If the foreeoine aoproaches are done to the maximum extent practicable and a dwellinff nannnt he sited mauka of the shoreluae setback.the imnimuni buildable footDrint shall be reduced to no less than one thousand (1.000)sauare feet. (D)V the foresoine aonroaches in subsections (A).(K)and (O a^^lone to t-h<?Tnay1W^lP exfcent Dracticabl&^the c^ilcul$tte(|shora^inR setback mav be reduced to the minimum extent reauired to permit the constructioa of a house withui the reduced footprmt.provided that a aualified consultant muat certifv that the Drooertvis not eubiect to uadue rielt from erosiou.hieh wave action.or floodinp.Under no circuTpstance shall the shoreUne setback line be less than fortv (40)feet. (12)Rebuildine of an existine dwelUnp unit- (A)Rebuildmp of a lawfuUy existine dwsl^ng unit under tl sectlon shall onlv be aUowed if the rebuldine is not prohlbited bv Article 13.Chaoter 8.Kaua'i Countv Code 1987.as amended and does not: (i)enlarge the structure bevond its orevious builduie footprint.and (ii)intensifv the use of the structiire or ita impacts on coastal orocesses. In the case where the mmimiim huildable footpruit does not allow for a setback of fortv f401 feet.the Commission mav consider Branting a variance undar the foUowini;guideUnes onlv: ftt The front vard setback mav be reduced where feasible to allow fnr t.hs minimum bliildable footorint: Cii)The side vard setback mav be reduced where feasible to allow for the minimum buildable footorint: (ui)If theforepoinp approaches are done to the maximum extent practicable and a dweUiirif;nfinn^t be sited mauka of the shorelme setback.the minimum bujldable footprint mav be reduced to the lesser pf one thousand (1.000) square feet or the actual footprint ofthe house. (b)A structure may be considered for a variance uoon grounds of hardshiu if: (1)The apolicant would be deprived of all reasonable use of the land ifrequired to fullv complv with the provisions of the Brovisiongj.if this Article; 36 (2)The applicant's Droposal is due to uninun circumstances and does not draw into auestion the reasonableness of the provisions of this Article:and (3)The Drooosal is the best practicable altemative which best conforms to the curpose ofthe Drovisions ofthis Article. (c)Before erantine a hardshio variance.the Commission shall finil t.hqt. the appUcant's Droposal is a reasonable use of the land.Because of the dY"ami(' nature of the shoreline enviromnent.inannrooriate development mav easilv oose a risk to individuals or to the nublic health and safetv or to the coastal zone manaeement and resources.The Commission shall consider factors such as coaatal hazards,shorelme conditions.erosion.surf inundation.flood conditions and the CeotEraphv of the lot in determininB whether the croBosal is a reasonable use of the aoplicant's land.The CommiBsion shall eive due consideration to the lone-term averas'e annual rate of coastal erosion calculated bv followme the methodoloev outlined in the National Assessment of Shoreline Chanee:Historicsl Shnrflline Chanees in the Hawaiian Islands (Fletcher.et al..2012)and anv amendments thereto.or Section 4.1 of the Hawai'i Coastal Hazard Mitieation Guidebook (Hwane.2005)and anv subseaueat amenilmpnts thereto. (dt For Durposea of this section.hardshio shaU not indude economic hardshiii to the aoclicant resultine from:(1)countv zonine or setback chanaes. nlannnrt develoument Tifirmit.a,cluster permits.or subdivision apDrovals after June 16.1989:(2)anv other permit or apDroval which mav have been issued by the mmmission.or (3)actions bv the aoolicant. (e)No variance shall be eranted iinlRss appropriate conditions an>impQwd: tl)To maintain and reauire safe lateral access to and alone the shoreline for public use or adequatelv compensate for its loss: (2)To mmimize and mitieate risk of adverse impacts on beach processes: (S)To mynimiae and mitieate riek of structures failmp and becomine loose rocks or rubble on public propertv:and (4)To minimize adverse imuacts on public views to.from.and alone the shoreluie;and <S)To complv with Countv Code provisions relatme to flood clam manaeement.Chapter 15.Article 1.Kaua'i Countv Code 1987,m aiBendei and DrainaBe.Chaoter 22.Article 16.Kaua'i Countv Code 1987,as amen^d, resnectivelv. Cf>Anv structure aoproved with.in t.hs shnrBlinn setback area bv yariance shall wt be eUeible for protection by shoreline hardeninp durins the life of the structure.andthis UBiitation and the fact that the atructure does not meet wtback requirements under Section 8-27.3 and muld be subject to coastal erogton and hish wave action shaU be writfcen into a unUateral aereement that ifi recorded by the 37 Bureau of Convevances of Land Court.as the case mav be.A CODV of the unilateral aareement shall be submitted to the PIanmne Department nrior to the issuance of the reauired zonine and/or shoralino aetback variance.Failure of the erantor to record these deed restrictions shall rnnstitute a violation of this section and the CTantor shall be subiect to the oenalties set forth in this article. <e)For anv structure aDBroved within the shnmlinn setback area bv variance.the annUcaat shall aeree in writine that the apBlicant.its successors.and permitted assiEms shall defend.indemnifv and hold the Countv of Kaua'i harmless frnm nnd aeainst anv and all loss.UabilJt.Y,[•Inim.or demand arisine out ofdamaees to said structure and this indfimnifination shall be included in the unilateral airreement reauired above. (h)The aupUcant mav aDplv to the department for an amendment to the variance in a manner consistent with the procedures of the special manaeement area rules ofthe Kauai PlannintLCoiniaission, ffl No variance shall be eranted for structureB within the ahnrnliiiR setback area that are unoermitted.unless the Commission determines that a structure is necessarv to protect oubUc health and safetv.and/or that removal ofthe structure would cause a sreater DubUc harm. ti)In no case shall the Commission erant a shorfilinn RBtback variance for structures constructed without vahd permits. Sec.8-27.11 Enforcement. (a)The Director shall enforce this article m accordance with Article 24 of the Countv of Kaua'i Comprehensive zonintr nrilinnnce.HRS Chaoter 205A.and the rules ofPractice and Procedure ofthe Countv ofKaua'i Plaiining f'nmmission. (b)Removal of an unpermitted structure. (1)In determinine the disposition of a unpermitted structure.the Director shaU foUow the procedures outlined in Chapter 12 of the Rules of Practice and F'rocedureofthe County ofKaua'i P)^^fi^iip Commission based on the nature of the imnermitted structure.If the structure would have required Class I.II.or III cermits as well as shoreUne setback deh>rminHt,ion and aporoval or variance the nrocedure shall be that reauired under Section l-12-4 ofsaid rules.Ifa Class IV oermit would have been reauired. the procedure would be that oiit.linnrl jn Sections 1-12-6 throuErh 1-12^-of said rules. C21 Followins the relevant procedures described in Sec.8-2T7llft)MD.the Directoror the Commission.as the case mav bfi^sfeeU order the removal of an unoermitted structure unless it is determined that removal shall cause a ereater harm to the ecosvstem and/or public improvementB than allowing the structure to remain. (3)Ifthe Director or Commission determines that removal would be inappropriate.the propertv owner or pBrpetrator sha]1_nht,nin^a^jan?nce under Sec.8-27.10 and shall oav penalties as aoecified in Section 8-27.12. 38 <c)Judicial Enforcement of Order.The Director mav institute a civil action in anv court of competent iurisdiction for the enforcement of anv order issued pursuant to thia section. Where the civU action has been instituted to enforce the civU fine imoosed liv such order.the Director need onlv show that a notice of violation and order was served.a hearine was held or the rimn aDowed for requestinp a hearinp had expired without such a reauest.that a civil fi"n wna imposed and that ttifi fip?unposed has not been paid. The Director mav institute a civil action m anv court of competent iurisdiction for iniunctive reliefto nrevent violation ofany provision ofthi?Chapter. anv rule adopted there under.anv permit iasued purs^apt theTeto or anv condltion of any shnrpline setback approval in addition to any other remedv provided for under this chapter. (S)Nonexclusiveness of Remedies.The remedies orovidfiri in this chaBter for enforcement of the Drovisions of this chapter.or anv rule adopted thereunder. shall be in addition anv other remedv as mav be provided bv law. (e)Acpeal in Accordance with Statute.If any person is apprieved bv the order issued bv the director pursuant to this section.the person mav apueal the order in t.he i^nnner urovided in HBS Chaoter 91.provided that no crovision ofsuch order shall be staved on apoeal unless sBecificallv ordered bv a court of comoetent iurisdiction ffi The Director ahall enforce this article ia accordance with Article 24 of the Coimtv ofKaua'i Comcrehensive Zoniiiff Oriiinance and HRS Chaoter 205A. Sec.8-27.12 CivUfines. Anv cerson who violates anv orovision of this Article shall be subiect t2_the penalties provided for in HRS Section 205A-32 and Section 8-3.5 ofthis Chapter. Sec.8-27.13 Anoeal ofthe Dlrector's Determination. Anv person who can show that a direct probable harm to his or her Derson or his or her prooerty interest.or probable pubUc harm could occur from the decision mav apoeal anv Shore^no Setback Determination.Approval.—Denial—or Determmfttion of Inapplicabilitv bv the Director to the Commission in accordance with the Commission's Rules ofPractice and Procedure. Sec.8-27.14 Promulffation ofRules and Reeulations. Pursuant to HBS Chapter 91.as amended.the Plannine Commission mav pmmulpate rules and repilations consistent with this Article as mav be necessarv tn implsment anv ofthe provisions ofthis AEtJElei SECTION 3.Ifany provision ofthis ordmance or a^pUcation thereofto any person,persons,or circumstances is held myalid,the invaHdity does not affect the other provisions or applications of this ordinance which can be given effect 39 without the invalid provision or appUcation,and to this end,the provisions of this ordinance are severable. SECTION 4.Ordinance material to be repealed is bracketed.New ordinance material is underscored.When revising,compiluig or printing this ordinance for inclusion in the Kaua'i County Code 1987,as amended,the brackets, bracketed material,and underscoring shaU not be included. SECTION5.This ordinance ahaU take effect upon approval.The requirements of this ordinance shall not affect any application which haa been approved by the Commission prior to the effective date of this ordinance,unless there is a subsequent approval required prior to a bmlding permit,in which case, that subsequent applicatipn shall be sub.ject to the relevant requirements of this ordmance,excluding subdivisions which have received tentative approval prior to the approval date ofthis ordinance. Introduced by:/s/NADINE K.NAKAMURA (By Request) DATE OF INTRODUCTION: December 19,2012 Lihu'e,Kaua'i,Hawai'i V:\BiU8\2012-2014 Tem\BiU No.2461,Draft 5-NN-PM_k.doc 40 CERTIFICATE OF THE COUNTY CLERK I hereby certify that heretofore attached is a true and correct copy of Bill No.2461,Draft 5,which was adopted on second and final reading by the Council ofthe County of Kaua'i at its meeting held on November 19,2014,by the following vote: FORADOPTION: AGAINSTADOPTION: EXCUSED &NOT VOTING: EECUSED &NOT VOTING: lahu'e,Hawai'i November 20,2014 Kagawa,Rapozo,Yulcimura,Furfaro TOTAL -4, Bynum,Chock,Hooser TOTAL -3, None TOTAL -0, None TOTAL -0. )l2~<A^' Ricky Watanabe County Clerk,County ofKaua'i ATTEST: DATE OF TRANSMirTAL TO MAYOR: November 21,2014 Approved this h day of December 2014. BernardP.Carv^Tlin,,'lr— Mayor County of Kaua'i Articles: Shoreline Setbacks. Chapfer 23 SHORELINE SETBACKS Articlel.ShorelineSetbacks Sectioos: 23-1.1 Aulhorily. 1.2 Purpose. t.3 Delinitions 1.4 Shoreline setback line. 1.5 Prohibitionswithintheshorelinearea. 1.6 Nonconfonning structurcs. i.7 Subdivision actions. ..8 Criteria for granting a variance. 1.9 Conditions on variances. 1.10 Authority to act on variance applications—Noticcofapplication. 1.11 Public hearings on variance applications. 1.12 Variancc application fee. 23-1.13 Civil lines. 23-1.14 Enforcement. 23-1.15 Illegal shore protection structtires. 23-1.16 Rules. Sec.23-1.1 Authority. Pursuant to the authority confenred by HRS Chapter 205A,the standards and procedures contained in this chapter are hereby establislied and shall apply to all lands within the shoreline area ofthe city.(Added by Ord.92-34J 23- 23- 23- 23- 23- 23 - 23- 23 - 23- 23 - 23- Sec.23-1.2 (a) Purpose. It is a primary policy ofthe city to protect and preserve the natural shoreline,especially sandy beaches;to protect and preserve public pcdestrian access laterally along the shoreline aiid to the sea;and to protect and preserve open space along the shoreline,It is also a secondary policy ofthe city to reduce hazards to property from coastal floods. (b)To carry out these policies and to comply with the mandate stated in HRS Chapter 205A,it is the specific purpose ofthis chapter to establish standards and to authorize the department ofland utilization to adopt rules pursuant to FTRS Chapter 91,which generally prohibit withiii the shoreline area any construction or activity wliich may adversely affect beacli processes,public access along tlie shoreline,or shoreline open space. (c)Finaliy,it is the purpose ofthis chapter to name the director of land utilization as the council's designee to exercise some of the powers and functioiis granted,and dufies imposed,pursuant to HRS Chapter 205A,Part III. (Addcd by Ord.92-34) Sec.23-1.3 Definitions. For the purposes ofthis chapter,unless it is plainly evident firom the context that a differcnt meaning is intended,the following words and plirases are defined as follows: "Activity"means any grubbing or any grading or stockpiling ofearth materials. "Applicant"means any individual,organization,partnership,firm,association,tmst,estate,or corporation and any agency of the federal,the state,or any county govemment,"Buildablearea"meansthatportionofazoninglotexcludingtheshoreljnesetback,requiredyards,sfreet setbacks,strcain setbacks,easements and flag stems. "Certified shoreline"or "certified shoreline survey"means the shoreline as marked on the ground and as shown on a shorelinesurveywhichhasbeencertifiedbythestatedepartinentoflandandnatural resourccs under Hawaii Administrative Rules, Titte 13,Chapter222,entitled"ShorelineCertification." "Council"means the city council ofthe City and County ofHonolulu."Department"means the department ofland utilization,which agency shall act as the "county pfanning department"under HRSSectit>n205A-41."Director"means the director of)and utilization. "Earth material"means any sand,coral or coral rubble,rocks,soil,fill or marine deposits."Excavation"or "cut"nieans any act by which earth material is cut into,dug or moved,and any condition resulting therefrom."Filt"means any acl by which earth material is placed or deposited by artificial means and any condition resulting therefroin."Grading"means any excavation or fill or any combination thereof."Grubbing"means any act by which vegetation,inciuding Irees,shrubs or other planls,is dislodged or uprooted frotn the surface ofthe ground."HRS"means the Hawaii Revised Statutes. "Nonconfonning structure"means a structure or portion ofa structiire which was previously lawful but which is located within the shoreline setback as aresuft ofsubsequentbeach erosion,orasaresultofchanges Inthe lawrelating to the shoreline setback. "Practicable altemative"means an altemative to the proposed project which is available and capable ofbeing done,taking into consideration existing technology and logistics,and which would accomplish the basic purpose ofthe project while avoiding or having less adverse impact on the shoreline area. "Shoreline"mcans the upperreachesofthewashofthewaves,other than storm and seismic waves,at high tide during the season ofthe year in which the higliest wash ofthe waves occiirs,usually evidenced by the edge ofvegetation growth,or the upper limit ofdebris left by ttie wash ofthe waves."Shoreline area"means ai!ofthe land area between the shoreline and tlie shoreline setback line. "Shoreline lot"means a zoning lot ofrecord,any portion ofwhich lies within the shoreline area,or when there is no certified shoretine survey any portion ofwhich lies within 55 feet inland ofthe natural vegetation line.A lot may be determined to be a shoreline lot notwithstanding the existence ofa second lot between the lot and the shoreline."Shorcline setback line"means that line established by this chapter which mns inland from and parallel to the cenified shoreline at the horizontal plane."Shoreline survey"means a survey perfomied by a registered land surveyor for ttie purpose ofdetermining the location of the shoreline,in accordance with Hawaii Administrative Rules,Title 13,Chapter 222,entitled "Shoreline Certification.""Shore protection stmcture"means a structure which may artificially fix the location ofthe shoreline,including but not liniited to a groin,seawail,or revetnieiit. "Stockpiling"means the temporary open storage ofearth materials, "Structure"means any portion of any building,pavement,road,pipe,flume,utility line,fence,groin,wall,or revetment;or anything constructed or erected with a fixed location at or under the ground,or requiring a fixed location on or under the ground,or attached to something having or requiring a fixed location on or below the ground.(Added by Ord.92-34) Sec.23-1.4 (a) Shoreline setback line. General Rule.Except as otherwise provided in this section,the shoreline setback line shaJl be established 40 feet inland from the certified shoreline. (b)AdjustmentofShoreline Setback Line on Shallow Lots.Wherethe depth ofthebuildableareaofa lot,asmeasured seaward froni its inland edge,is reduced to less than 30 feet,the shoreline setback line shall be adjusted to allow a m!mmumdepthofbuildableareaof30feet;providedthattheadjustedshorelinesetbacklineshallbenolessthan20feet from the certified shoreline. (c)Adjustment ofShoreIine Setback Line Related to the Construction ofa Shore Protection Structure.Once a shoreline has been certified ftom which a shoreline setback line can be established.no shoreline setback line shall be esfablished farther seaward as tfie result ofa subsequent certified shoreline survey following the constructJon ofa shore protection structure. On a lot where the certified shoreline is pennanently fixed by a shore protection structure,the shoreline setback line shall be established by measuring inland from the shoreline,as it was located prior to the construction ofthe shoreline protection structure. Where the shore protection structure was constructed without a shoreline survey first being niade and certified by the state department ofland and natural resources,the director stiall detennine the prior tocation ofthe shoreline solely for the purpose ofestablishing the shoreline setback line.In so doing,the director shall consider the actual location ofthe high wash ofthe waves during the year and the location ofthe shoreline and the stioreline setback line on adjacent properties. The resulting shoreline setback line may be further than 40 feet from the shoreline established by the department ofland utilizafion foltowing construction ofthe shore protection structure. (Added by Ord.92-34) Sec.23-1.5 Prohibitions within the shoreline area. (a)The mining or taking ofany earth material from fhe shoreline area is prohibited,with the following exceptions: (1)Thetakingofmaterials,notinexcessofonegallonperpersonper(Iay,forreasonable,personal,noncommercial use,provided that it does not result cumulatively in changing the topography ofthe shoreline area; (2)Where the mining or taking is authorized by a variance granted pursuant to this chapter; (3)The clearing ofmaterials from existing drainage pipes,canals and the niouths ofstreams,including clearing for purposes allowed under HRS Section 46-11.5;provided that sand removed shall be placed on adjacent areas unless the placement woutd result in sigtiificant turbidity;or (4)The clearing ofthe shoreline area for state or city maintenance pufposes,including clearing for purposes under HRS Section 46-12;providedthatsandremovedshall beplaced on adjacentareas unless the placementwould result in significant turbidity. (b)Stmctures and activities are prohibited within the shoreline area,with the following exceptions: (1)Minor structures and activities pennitted under rules adopted by the department which do not aflect beach processes or artificially fix the shoreline and do not interfere with public access,public views or open space along the shoreline.If,due to beach erosion or other cause,the director determines that a minor struchire permitted under this section may affect beach processes or public access or has become located seaward ofthe shoreline,the director or other govemmental agency havingjurisdiction may order its removal; (2)Minor structures and activities necessary for or anci]]ary to continuation,but not expansion,ofagriculture or aquaculture in fhe shoreline area on June 16,I9S9; (3)Maintenance,repair,reconsfruction,and minor additions to or alterations oflegal,publicly owned boating, maritime,or ocean sports recreational facilities,wliich result in little or no interference with natural shoreline processes.Privately owned boating,maritime,or ocean sports recreational facilifies are specifically excluded from this exception; (4)Nonconfomiing stnictures or sfructures that have received a shoreline setback variance; (5)Constmction,installation,maintenance,repair,and replacement ofcivil defense warning or signal devices and sirens. (Addcd by Ord.92-34;Am.Ord.10-32) Sec.23-1.6 Nonconforming structurcs. (a)Any nonconforming structure may be repaired or altered in any manner which docs not increase its nonconformity. (b)Ifanonconformingstructure isdestroyed byanymeans to an extent ofmorethan 50percent ofits replacement cost at the time ofdestruction,it shall not be rcconstructed except in conformity with the provisions ofthis ehapter and the shoreline setback rules and reguladons,or successor regulations.Reconstruction ofsuch a structure within the shoreline area shall require a vanance. (Added by Ord.92-34) Sec.23-1.7 Subdivision actions. (a)Except as provided in this chapter,no new subdivision action,including the subdivision or consolidation of land,for an existing shoreline lof to create new lots may be approved unless each new lot; (I)Can accommodate a 60-foot shoreline setback,except for: (2) (A) (B) and, Areas that are not within the coastal high hazard district and where the entire shoreline for the new !ot is characterized by either: (i)an authorized shoreline protection structure;or (ii)a fixed,rocky shoreline; in which case the department may approve new slioreline lots that will accommodate a 40-foot shoreline setback;or Minor subdividion actions involving the subdivision or consolidation ofland only for the purpose of creating easements or adjusting (ot lines,and which will not result irt any increase in the number of pennitted dwelling units,nonresidential structures,or lots; Has a buildable area adequate to accommodate the proposed development,including appurtenant uses and structures,such as parking. AccretedIandsobtainedfromtheStateofHawaii pursuanttoHRS Section 501-33 shall notbe included as partofthe land area when md(ing calculations ofthe lot size available for subdivision. (b)Subdivision ofexistingshorelme lots for the purpose ofwidening roadways designated on the public infrastructure maps adopted pursuant to Chapter 4,Article 8,may be pennitted,upon review and approval ofthe director. (c)New residential lots may not be approved unless each new lot: (1)Hasabuildableareaofatleast 3,000 squarefeet;and (2)Has a buildable area with a minimum depth and width ofat least 50 feet. (Added by Ord.92-34,Am.Ord.10-32) Sec.23-1.8 Criteria for granting a variance. (a)Thedirector,3SprovidedinSection23-l,]0,maygrantavarianceuponfindingthat,based upon the record presented,the proposed structure or activity is necessary for or ancillary to: (1)Cultivation ofcrops; (2)Aquaculture; (3)Landscaping;provided that the proposed structure or activity will not adversely afFect beach processes and wili not artificially fix the shoreline; (4)Moving ofsand from one location seaward ofthe shoreline fo another location seaward ofthe shoreline; provided that the director also finds that the moving ofsand will not adversely affect beach processes,will not diminish thesizeofapubiicbeach and will be necessary to stabilizean erodingshoreline. (b)The director may also grant a variance upon finding that,based upon the record presented,the proposed structure or activity meets one ofthe following standards ofthis section. (1)Shoreline-dependent Facility Standard.A variance may be granted for an activity or structure that is necessary for or ancillary to a shoreline-dependent facility or improvement,including drainage facilities and boating, maritime or ocean sports recreationai facilities;provided that the proposal is the practicable altemative which best conforms to tlie purpose ofthe shoreline selback rules. (2)Public Interest Standard.A variance may be granted for an activity or structure that is necessary for or ancillary to facilities or improvements by a public agency or by a public utility regulated luider HRS Chapter 269,or necessary for or ancillary to private facilities or improvements that are clearly in ihe public interest;provided that the proposa)is the practicable altemative which best conforms to the purpose ofthis chapter and the shoreline setback rules. Public interest shall niean principally ofbenefit to the general pubiic,as detennined by the director, (3)Hardship Standard. (A)A variance may be granted for an activity or structure that is necessary or ancillary to the folfowing private facilities or improvements,ifhardship will result to fhe applicant ifthe facilities or improvements are not allowed within the shoreline area; (i)Private facilities or improvenients which will neither adversely affect beach processes nor artificially fix the shoreline;and (ii)Private facilities or improvements that niay artificially fix the shoreline,but onlyif hardship is likely to be caused by shoreline erosion and conditions are imposed prohibiting any such structure seaward ofthe existing shoreline unless it is clearly in the public interest. (B)For the purposes ofthis subsection,hardship may be found only if: (i)Theapplicantwouldbedeprivedofreasonableuseofthelandifrequiredtocomplyfully with the shoreline setback ordinance and the shoreiine setback rules; (ii)The applicant's proposal is due to unique circumstances and does not draw Jnto question the reasonableness ofthis chapter and the shoreline setback rules;and (iii)The proposal is the practicable alteniative whicli best confonns to the purpose ofthis chapter and the shoreline setback rules. (C)Before granting a hardship variance,the director must determine that the applicant's proposal is a reasonable use ofthe iand.Because ofthe dynamic nature ofthe shoreline environment, inappropriate development may easily pose a risk to individuals or to the public health and safety. For this reason,the (letermination ofthe reasonableness ofthe use ofland should properly consider factors such as shoreline conditions,erosion,surfand flood conditions and the geography ofthe lot. (D)Hardship shall not be determined as a result ofazone change,plan review use approval,subdivision approval,cluster housing approval,planned development housing approval,conditional use permit, or any other discretionary land use permit granted after June 16,1989. (Addcd by Ord.92-34;Am.Ord.10-32) Scc.23-1.9 Conditions on variances. No variance shall be granted unless appropriate conditions are imposed: (a)To maintain safe access to and along the shoreline or adequately compensate for its loss; (b)To minimize risk ofadverse impacts on beach processes; (c)To niinimize risk ofexisting legal or proposed structures fatling and becoming loose rocks or rubble on public property; and (d)To minimize adverse impacts on public views to,from and along the shoreline. (Added by Ord.92-34) Sec.23-1.10 Authority to acf on variance applications-Notice ofapplication. (a)The director shall act upon all variance applications according to the criteria contained in this chapter. (b)The directorshit]l givenoticeofanappljcation for a varlance under this chapter to abutting property owners,to affected neighborhood boards and community associations and to persons who have requested notice. (Addcd by Ord.92-34) Scc.23-1.11 Public hearings on variance applications. (a)The director shall hold a public hearing on each variance application,exccpt that the director may waive the hearing on variances for the following: (1)Stabilization ofshoreline erosion involving the movement ofsand entirely on public lands; (2)Application for shore protection where a legal habitable stnicture is at risk ofinunediate damage from shoreline erosion as detennined by the director; (3)Other structures or activities;provided that no person or ageiicy has requested a pubtic hearing within 25 caiendar days after public notice ofthe application; (4)Application qualifying for an emergency permit under Chapter 25 ofthis code;or (5)Maintenance,repair,reconstruction and minor additions to or alterations oflegal boating,nnaritime or water sports recreational facilities,which result in littte or no interference with natural shoreline processes. (b)The director shaJl give reasonable notice ofthe public hearing on any variance application to the applicant,to any person or agency that requested the public hearing,a)id to abutting property owners and any other persoii who requested notice. (AddedbyOrd.92-34) Sec.Zi-1.12 (a) Variance application fee. The application fee for a variance under this chapter shall be $1,200.00,which shall not be refundable;provided that the fee shai]be waived for city projects. (b)When a shoreline setback variance or minor shoreline structure pemiit application,or a related environmentaf assessment or impact stafement is subniitted subsequent to the applicant's haviiig completed the activity or structure for which the variance or minor shoreline structure permit is sought,or having been cited for the activity or constmction without having obtained a variance or ininor shoreline structure permit,the application or processing fee shall be doubled. (c)When a request for a wrilten clearance regarding compliance with the shoreline setback ordinance or confirmation regarding the nonconforming status ofa shoreline structure is submitted for processing,the fee shall be $300.00 per tax map key. (d)When a minor shoreline structure perniit application is submitted for processing,the application fee shall be $200.00. (e)WIien an environmental assessment or impact statement must be prepared as a prerequisite to a variance required by this chapter,and is submitted to the department ofplanning and permitting for processiflg as the accepting agency,there shall be a processing fee of $600.00 for an environmental assessment,and $1,200.00 for an environmental impact statement. (f)When a shoreline setback variance,minor shoreline structure pennit,or prerequisite environmental assessment or impact stateinent is submitted for processing,there shall be a nonreftindable application review fee to determine whether the application is complete or incomplete,as follows; (1)Applications with a feeof $1,200.00 ormoreshallhaveanapplicationreviewfeeof $400.00; (2)Applications with a fee of $600,00 shatl have an application review fee of $200.00; (3)Minor shoreline structure permits shall have an application review fee of $100.00. When an apptication under this section has been accepted by the department for processing,the application review fee for the submitted application shall be counted as partial payment towards the total application fee for that submittal. (Addcd by Ord.92-34;Am.Ord.03-12,13-16.l4^t) Sec.23-1.13 Civllfmci. (a)Any person who vioiates any provision ofthis chapter,any rule adopted pursuant thereto,any permit issued pursuant thereto,oranyconditionofashorelinevarianceshall,uponnoticeissuedpursuanttoSection23-1.14,bedeemedtohave committedacivilviolationandshallbesubjecttoaninitialcivil fine nottoexceed $10,000.00 perviolation anda maximiun daily fine of$1.000,00 until the violation is correcled or a variance is granted. ib)A variance appjication submitted subsequent to an applicant's having completed the activity or structure,or having been riiied for the activity or the construction without having obtained a variance,shall not stay any order to pay civil fines. (Added by Ord.92-34) Scc.23-1.14 Eaforcement. (a)Issuance ofNotice ofViolation and Order.Ifthe director determines tliat any person is violatiiig any provision ofthis chapter,any rule adopted thereunder,any pemiit issued pursuant thereto,or any condition of a shoreline setback variance, the director may have the person served,by registered or certified mail,delivery,or publication,with a written notice of violation and order. (1)Contents ofthe Notice ofViolation.The notice shall include at least the following infonnation: (A)Date ofnotice; (B)The name and address ofthe person given notice; (C)The section nuniber of the ordinance or rule which has been violated; (D)The nature ofthe violation;and (E)The location and the time that the violafion was discovered. (2)Contents ofthe Order.The order may require the person to do any or all of the following: (A)Cease and desist from the violation; (B)Correct the violation at the person's own expense,which may include removal ofany structure and restoration ofland to previous conditions; (C)Pay a civil fine not to exceed $10,000.00 in the manner,at the place and before the date specified in the order: (D)Pay a civil fine not to exceed $1 ,000.00 per day for each day in which the violation persists,in the manner,at the place and before the date specifled in the order;and (E)Appear before the director at a time and place specified in the order and answer the charges specified Jn the notice ofviolation. The order shall advise the person that the order shall becomefinal30daysafterthedateofitsmailing,delivery, or publication unless written request for a hearing is mailed or delivered to the director within said 30 days. (b)Effect ofOrder-Right to Hearmg.The provisions ofthe order issued by the director under this section shall become final 30 days after the date ofthe mailing,delivery,or publication ofthe order.The person to whom the notice is directed may request a hearing before the director.A request for a hearing shall not stay any provision ofthe order. The reqiiest for a hearing shalt be considered timely ifa written request is delivered or mailed and postmark dated to the director within said 30 days. Upon receipt ofa request for a hearing,the director shall specify a time and piace for the person subject to the order to appear and be heard.The hearing shall be conducted by the director or the director's designee in aocordance with the provisions of HRS Chapter 9 1.Following said hearing,the director may affinn,modify or rcscind the order as in the opinion ofthe director may be appropriate. (c)Judicial Enforcenient ofOrder.The director may institute a civil action in any court ofcompetentjurisdiction for the enforcement of any order issued pursuant to this section. Where the civil action has been instituted to enforce the civil fine iniposed by such order,the director need only show that a notice ofvioiation and order was served,a hearing was hetd or the time allowed for requesting a hearing had expired without such a request,that a civil fine was imposed and that fhe ftne imposed has not been paid. The director may institute a civil action in any court ofcompetentjurisdiction for injunctive reliefto prevent violation of any provision ofthis chapter,any rule adopted thereunder,any permit issued pursuant thereto or any condition ofany shoreline setback variance in addition to any other remedy provided for under this chapter. (d)Nonexclusiveness ofRemedies.Theremedies provided in thischapterforenforcementoftheprovisionsofthischapter, any rule adopted thereunder,any pennit issued pursuant thereto,or any condition of any shoreline setback variance shall be in addition to any other remedy as may be provided by law. (e)Appeal in Accordance with Statute.[fany person is aggrieved by the order issued by the director pursuant to this section, theperson may appeal theorderin themannerprovidedinHRSChapter91,provided that no provisiffli ofsuch ordershall bestayedonappealunlessspecificatlyorderedbyacourtofcompetentjurisdiction. (Added by Ord.92-34) Sec.23-1.15 Illegal shore protection structures. Where the shoreline is affected by a man-made structure that has not been authorized with govemment agency pennits required by law: (a)Ifanypartofthestructurelieswithinthecurrenttaxmapboundariesofaprivatelyownedparcel.thenforpurposesof enforcement ofthis chapter,the structure shall be constmed to be entirely within the shoreline area;and (b)No building permit or grading pemiit shall be granted on a shoreline lot until the illegal structure is removed or corrected; except,however,that such pennits may be granted where the director determines it necessary to protect public health and safety. (Added by Ord.92-34) Sec.23-1.16 Rulcs. The department shail adopt rules pursuant to HRS Chapter 91 to implement this chapter and HRS Chapter 205A,Part III. The rules may designate high quality sandy beaches which should be preserved and may include guideiines or prohibitions relating to the types ofshore protection structures which may or may not be allowed on these and other beaches. (Added by Ord.92-34) 1/2-PIPE FOUNDSET [NCONCRETE MONUMEHT S13i,26FEET SOUTH IB32.13FEET WEST TRIANGULATION STATiON -PAA:' V]C!NILY_MAR NOT TO EC<LE POIPU MAKAI CONDO [owneri SHORELINE FOLLOWS ALONC;^ SEAWAROFACEOFCRfl SE*W(LL LOT 3.i!6ACRES 3.B65ACRES1 te-*'^ ,/ff. ^;/ ^^^EASEMENT •t- *;'/*FQR PUBLIC ACCESSPURPOSES '"'X\f '7/sS"t">''•.'.•y^\~~ //-Y-'-^-.s;."-.y/^^rt?<^;W»S,'~>^SU:-,... ;....."•.•.x^^^ BOUNDART A5 PER 10-13-i3 SHORELINE KAP EROSiOH AREA a,n3sa ACRE SHORELINE FOLLOWS ALONG. THE UPPERSEACHESQF THE WASH OF THE WAVES NOTES'"M I.Jlrcfl GT Ed&tinent 'Jt'^CiBI^lCFt 1.tft»ol Eiiacmtnt •B-=n.ld'l *cre l<,2BOcnotet onotoardon nvfflBtr. i.*2tm<jt<i3 ^nd dfstdrKlcs d^c bdaed on record in^ofmdtiofl, S.tdamEiiiol ounenalof dajolnwa liirceLt wef(tahen fromcBiintr 10 rtccrds. 1.Tnc Xiilurst,snorn ncrsO".rtprsssnt Eriiund conoitlons ciilsltdg on Sclitcmtier «h,21111). fl,COorOlnfl^fft rclcrrcd to *PAA^tridnfliJldtEon ^rrglndL. 30-M- SHORELINE CERTiFICATION AMENDED M/lP CF MAKAHUENA 5UBDIVIS10N LOT N5,1 AS SHOW OF F1LE PLtN 1702 L<and situatea on ttie SoutherLy side of Pee Rodd and on the WesterLy bounOdrv ot MaKdhuend Ligtithouse Site At weLiweLi iKondi,Kaud'i,Hdwai'i OWNERS:Mdhidhuend Conao Ndster ADDRESS:1661 Pee Road PoipU,KoLod,KdUd'i,Hawdi'i BEING A PORTION OF GffANT \i\f> TD EKE OPONU! AREA;3.826 ACRES h^nhr n»04dd»*•itwf t*n*nt B' .g=i,;.SLi..sy u4 -J "—'i Petar Tiirlor Ena^cflr dnd L^"<?Survcvor Inc- UW KuKui GfOK Strsst.Suilt a[ Utlue.KdUdl,Hdwdll W rtiane •MIWWt dlL •Dciefpet&rKylofon^ipftfrf.co'fl EASEMENf "B- F3S PUBLIC ACCESS PURPOSES •^ssr.'ssa'St 1«1-'-1,L,.,)„), PreJsctWUfflBff.111-1M7-001 li-fX-i ifSManFett [^^XBTl^'FQ^S^ r^B =•&02..^FC&^t--U) ^.6-<L^l(e0^-<:4<+.^ s.9'e-a %.^f+(^-f+.A) 4.p-6(=/v225ft-(^t.*4(+.tt) whuena at Poipu PRCPOSE&/^o&nnoNA-L. l.^-x<iwft.Cl+^-^ •:Rcv.03/t3) 1661 Pe'e Road •Koloa.Hl 96756 -Phone:(808)742-2482 •Fax:(808)74Z-Z379 ^ ¥., DCOS-Seattle,WA (Michael Newby)<mnewby@masterhalco.com> RL:Colonial Ornamental Aluminum Fencing -Universal Top 3 Rail To Lachlan Foss <lfoss@bellwetherhousing.org>Copy judyfoss@comcast.net <judyfoss@comcast.net>• jalpfoss@gmail.com <jalpfoss@gmail.com> 7/14/20172:28PM Lachlan, 1 will have this back to you either Monday or Tuesday. From:Lachlan Foss [mailto:lf!2as.@bellwetherhousing^2rg] Sent:Friday,July 14,2017 2:21 PM To:DCOS-Seattle,WA (Michael Newby)<MNewby(aMasterHalco.com> Cc:judyfossfa'comcast.net;jalRfi2£Sj@-gniaiL£flm Subject:Colonial Ornamental Aluminum Fencing -Universal Top 3 Rail Mike, Thank you for taking time to discuss my fencing needs with you for my project in Kauai,Hawaii. What 1 need pricing information on is -Coloniat Fence -Universal 3 rail (or equivalent): •210 L.F.:4'high x 6'wide 3 rail universal top panel -part #721702 (or equivalent); •320 L.F.:6'high x 6'wide 3 rail universal top panel -part #721732 (or equivalent); •One:Swing gate -5'opening x 70"htgh -part #722012 (or equivalent); •Posts for above; •Overall weight(s)for all of above (shipping by others). 1 understand since you are a wholesaler that this order will ultimately need to be placed by the licensed installation contractor,so 1 greatly appreciate you providing me with a preliminary cost estimate Thanks again,and look forward to hearing back from you at your earliest convenience. Lachlan Lachlan Pries Foss Construction Manager bellwether housing Create.Susfain.Advocate. C:425.765.7523 |O:206-588-4792 |F:206.623.9404 Mailing:1651 Bellevue Ave,Seattte,WA 98122 |Visiting:433 Minor Avenue N Jan TenBruggencate <jan@islandstrategy.com> Update on slow moving fence permit progress. To Judy Foss <judyfoss@comcast.net> ^y-^^^8/21/20193:00PM I met this morning with attorney lan Jung.It seems pretty clear that this will not be a fast permit process,and there is no hope of getting the permit by the end of the year.Although Planning Director Kaaina Hull sees little difficulty getting it approved,but it is the first shoreline variance permit they will ever have done,and they want to be sure it dots all the i's and crosses the t's. lan had promised the application would be done earlier,but he says maybe this week.Then the draft environmental assessment must be reviewed,published,a 30day public comment period,updates based on those comments,issuance of final assessment report,planning public hearing. lan says a permit probably won't be ready until February.Sarah had asked about starting construction in a month,but it appears that is unrealistically optimistic. Jan Sent from my iPad Jan TenBruggencate <jan@islandstrategy.com> Re:Re:Makahuena Fence Permit To Judy Foss <judyfoss@comcast.net> 1/7/20207:44PM Thanks for that.1 have similar sentiments.May I forward your note to lan? On Tue,Jan 7,2020,1:30 PM <judyfoss@comcast.net>wrote: Jan,Let's get some perspective.On February 9,2018 we received an email from Jody Galinato stating "There are no records for any fencing.You will have to submit a SMA permit application and shoreline setback determination.Any fencing in the shoreline setback area will need to be removed.Additionally,the footing cannot cross the property line,you will have to show it to be inside of your property." Since then we have filed an Environmental Impact Assessment,a Shoreline Management Setback Document;we have had the property surveyed.We have established with CIRI our neighbor the exact fence line. We are on one of the windiest sections of the islands.Our existing fences have fallen over and been propped up only to fall in a heavy wind.We are set on a craggy shoreline on the edge of a steep cliff.1 feel that our liability for an accident increases every day we ignore the establishment of a safety boundary to our property.,a boundary that will insure us that our homeowners and their guests are not going to fall over the edge as a result of our negligence. So,after two years let me know;Where is our application?Is it sitting on someone's desk?Is it in a file somewhere?We have been compliant and patient but we need action. 1 would like answers to some of my questions so I can report back to the Board and to our homeowners. Judy Foss,President AOAO Makahuena On January 7,2020 at 10:18 AM Jan TenBruggencate <jan@islandstrategy.com>wrote: 1 suggested to lan that the delays are now ridiculous.He agreed.He said he reminded them again last week,and will push a complaint up to the Planning Director to try to get some movement. On Mon,Jan 6,2020 at 3:12 PM Sara Sloan <sara.makahuena@gmail.com>wrote: Aloha Jan, Happy New Year!Judy and 1 wanted to check in an on our fence permit.Can you give us an update and let us know where we are in the process?What is the next step?Thank you for your help and we look forward to hearing from you. Mahalo, Thanks for that.1 have similar sentiments.May 1 forward your note to lan? On Tue,Jan 7,2020,1:30 PM <judyfoss@comcast.net>wrote: Jan,Let's get some perspective.On February 9,2018 we received an email from Jody Galinato stating "There are no records for any fencing.You will have to submit a SMA permit application and shoreline setback determination.Any fencing in the shoreline setback area will need to be removed.Additionally,the footing cannot cross the property line,you will have to show it to be inside of your property." Since then we have filed an Environmental Impact Assessment,a Shoreline Management Setback Document;we have had the property surveyed.We have established with CIRI our neighbor the exact fence line. We are on one of the windiest sections of the islands.Our existing fences have fallen over and been propped up only to fall in a heavy wind.We are set on a craggy shoreline on the edge of a steep cliff.1 feel that our liability for an accident increases every day we ignore the establishment of a safety boundary to our property.,a boundary that will insure us that our homeowners and their guests are not going to fall over the edge as a result of our negligence. So,after two years let me know;Where is our application?Is it sitting on someone's desk?Is it in a file somewhere?We have been compliant and patient but we need action. I would like answers to some of my questions so I can report back to the Board and to our homeowners. Judy Foss,President AOAO Makahuena On January 7,2020 at 10:18 AM Jan TenBruggencate <jan@islandstrategy.com>wrote: 1 suggested to lan that the delays are now ridiculous.He agreed.He said he reminded them again last week,and will push a complaint up to the Planning Director to try to get some movement. On Mon,Jan 6,2020 at 3:12 PM Sara Sloan <sara.makahuena@gmail.com>wrote: Aloha Jan, Happy New Year!Judy and 1 wanted to check in an on our fence permit.Can you give us an update and let us know where we are in the process?What is the next step?Thank you for your help and we look forward to hearing from you. Mahalo, Sara Sloan Property Administrative Manager The Makahuena at Poipu (808)742-2482 (Office) lan K.Jung <ikj@kauai-law.com> RE:Makahuena Fence Permit 5/27/2020 7:07 PM To judyfoss@comcast.net <judyfoss@comcast.net>•Jan Bruggencate <jan@islandstrategy.com>Copy Jennifer A.Uyeda-Gali <jau@kauai-law.com> Judy: I'll put a ti'me line together to make sense of the delay and process. I understand the frustration;however,this is the first shoreline setback application under the new shoreline setback ordinance.We had to prepare an environmental assessment,which is typically a six-month process.It seems ridiculous for a fence replacements;however,that is the new norm with regard to work within the shoreline setback area. The good news is that the EA was posted in the May 23,2020 Environmental Notice.Our comment deadline is set for June 22,2020,whereby folks can comment on the project.See link below. http://oeqc2.doh.hawaii.eov/The_Environmental_Notice/2020-05-23-TEN.[.ulf Once the EA is issued its final EA status,then we can submit the Application for the Shoreline Setback Variance,whjch still has to go to the Planning Commission. 1 suggest we get on a call so 1 can walk you through the process more clearly. Regards, lan K.Jung Attorney at Law Beltes Graham LLP Watumult Piaza 4334 Rice Street,Suite 202 Lihue,Kauai,Hawaii 96766 Phone:(808)245-2163 Fax:(808)245-3277 Email:ikKakauai-law.com CONFfDENTtALITY:The information contained in this e-maii and any attachment is confidentiat and is intended only for the intended recipient(s).This e-mail may be attorney-dient communication and,as such/is privileged and confidential.ff the reader of this e-mail message is not the intended recipient (or the person responsible for the delivery of this e-mait message to an intended recipient),you are hereby notlfied that you have received this document in error,and that any reuse,review,printing,dissemination,distribution or copyingofthis message is strictly prohibited.Ifyou have received this e-mail in error,pfease replyto Inform the senderand delete it without printing or making any copies of it. From:judyfoss@comcast.net <judyfoss(5)comcast.net> Sent:Wednesday,May 27,2020 1:00 PM To:lan K.Jung <IKJ(5)kauai-law.com>:Bruggencate,Jan <jan(5>islandstrategy.com> Subject;Makahuena Fence Permit OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CONTROL ^*^''.. '"^—'•^1*' David Y.Ige,Governor The Environmental Notice May 23,2020 The Environmental Notice provides pubtic notice for projects undergoing environmental review in Hawai'i as mandated under Section 343-3,Hawai'i Revised Statutes,the Environmental Impact Statement Law.Along with pubtishing Environmental Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements for projects in Hawai'i, The Environmentol Notice also includes other items related to the shoreline,coastal zone.and federal artivities. Expansive perspective from West Kaua'i towards Ni'ihau and Lehua Ptioto from £.u'u 'Qpae Homestead_t^ 235SouthBeretaniaStreet,Suite702 •Honolulu,Hawail 96813 •(808)586-4185 •oeqchawaii@doh.hawaii.gov •http://health.hawaii.eov/oeqc ?May 23,20201 The Envlronmental Notice TABLE OF CONTENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS._.____________________________.__2 STATEWIDE MAP OF NEW HRS CHAPTER 343 DOCUMENTS & DETERMINATIONS...____________________________2 HAWAI'I Wrieht/Bentley Sinele Family Residence at Kaiwiki-FijiaJ^A (FONSIL_______...3 MAUI Pu'unani Homestead Subdivision-Draft EA (AFNSI)_..___.3 Maui Hleh School STEM Buildine /Autism Center-Draft EA (AFNSIL___.4 O'AHU Wahlawa Pedestrian Bridee--Draft EA IAFNSI)....._...__.4 BWS Beretania Comolex Redevelopment-Draft EIS _._.___5 Atherton Mlxed-Use Center-Flnal EA (FONSI)____________5 KAUA'I Pu'u 'Opae Kuleana Homestead Settlement Plan--Draft EA IAFNSI)6 AOAO Makahuena Shoreline Safetv Fence--Draft EA IAFNSI).6 PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED DOCUMENTS OPEN FOR COMMENT____7 PRIOR AGENCY DETERMINATIONS 7 SHOREUNE NOTICES Proposed Shoreline Certificatlons and Rejectfons_.._...7 Applications for Shoreline Certification.............._8 COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT NOTICES Special Management Area (SMA)Minor Permits.______8 Federal Consistency Reviews^^..„.„..„___.....»^__9 FEDERAL NOTICES_9 GLOSSARY Of TERMS AND DEFINITIONS________________10 ANNOUNCEMENTS AGENCY 101:As a reminder,pursuant to HRS Chapter 343,proponents of actions subject to the environmental review process are elther an Agenfy or an Applicant.An ageney is any department,office,board or commlssion ofthe state or county govern- ment that Is part of the executfve branch of that government (common exclusions from thls definition are the Judiclary and the Offfce of Hawaiian Affairs).An apDlicant Is any entlty other than an agency that is requesting a dlscretionary approval of the proposed action from an agency. Thus,in lay terms,the roles of agencies are either as the proponentoftheir own action or the approver ofan applicant's action. Proposing agencies make their own determinations on whether an EA Is required and whether a Final EA is adequate;if an EIS is determined to be required,then the Governor or Mayor (rather than the agency)has the authority to accept the Final EIS as adequate.An approvlng agency make atl the necessary Chapter 343 determlnations on actions proposed by an apptlcant. Feel free to contact our office should you desire further clariflcation or guidance on complex situationsl STATEWIDE MAP OF NEW HRS CHAPTER 343 DOCUMENTS &DETERMINATIONS LEGEND New document count in this issue:8 total O -HRS §343-5(b)Agency Actions:6 -HRS §343-5fe)Applicant Actions:2 •":•';y^si'ssf^s^^s^^ tThe Envirorimental Notfce" HAWAI'I Wrieht/Bentlev Sinele Familv Residence at Kalwiki-Final EA (FONSI) HRS 5343- S(a)Trtgger District(s) TMKfs) Permlt(s) Approving Agency Applicant (2)Propose any use within any land classified as a consen/ation district South Hllo (3)2-6-011:033 State:Conservation District Use Permit;DOH Individual WastewaterSystem Approval Consultant County of Hawai'i:Pfan Approval,Grading and Grubbing and Building Permits Department of Land and Natural Resources,State of Hawai'f Trevor Fitzpatnck,(808)798-6660,trevor.j,fitzpatrjck@hawaii,gov Office of Conservation and Coastal Lands,1151 Punchbowl Street.Room 131.Honolulu,Hl 96813 J.Spencer Wright and M.Ellen Bentley;P.0.Box 6686,Hilo,Hl 96720 J.Spencer Wright,(808)345-4234,kaleo@olapanoe.net None Status 'Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)determination The applicants J.Spencer Wright and M.Ellen Bentley are proposing to construct a one-story post-and-pier approxlmately 3,160 square foot single-family resldence (SFR),removal of invasive species,and related improvements on thelr 19.000-acre proper- ty in the State Conservation District,Resource Subzone.Mr.Wright and Ms.Bentley note that the house site has been chosen to minimize the impact on the native forest and to displace much of the strawberry guava thlckets found on thelr parcel.Addi- tionally,the proposed SFR site utilizes the most level topography available on the lot so as to minimize grading.The applicants anticipate that the total area impacted by the building site,driveway,and associated construction artivity would be less than a half of an acre of the 19-acre property.In addition to the SFR and related improvements,the applicants are proposing to remove Invasive specles and restore the area through the siting of the home and plantfng native vegetation. Pu'unani Homestead Subdivision-Draft EA (AFNSIl HRSS343- 5(a)Trigger District(s) TMK(S) Permit(s) Proposing/ Determining Agency Consultant Status ;(1)Propose the use of state or county lands or the use of state or county funds j_Wa^luku (2)3-5-002:002(por.)and 3-5-001:064(por.l National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit;Community Noise Permit (as applicable);Subdivision;Work on State Highway Permit;Construction Permits DepartmentofHawaiian Home Lands,StateofHawai'i Stewart Matsunaga,(808)620-9500,stewart.t.matsunaeaiahawaii.eov 91-5420 Kapolei Parkway,Kapolel,Hl 96707 Munekiyo Hiraga;305 High Street,Sulte 104,Wailuku,Hl 96793 Bryan Esmerafda,(808)983-1233,planninE@munekivohiraRa.com Statutory 30-day publlc review and comment period starts.f.omments are due by June 22,2020.Click the title link aboue to access and read the document,then send comments to the proposing/determlning agency and copy the consultant. The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands intends to develop a new residential subdlvision for its beneficiaries on a 47.4-acre portion of land owned by the DHHL,Identified by TMK (2)3-5-002:002,in Waikapu,Maui,mauka of Honoapi'ilani Highway.A new seweriine to serve the subdivision will also be construrted,which will cross the highway from Parcel 2 and run along a portion ofTMK (2)3-5-001:064.The project will feature a max of 161 single-family lots (137 turn-key homes and 24 vacant lots). Each ofthe lots will be approximately 7500 square feet in area and will be improved with graded pads and stubbed utility connections.Related improvement5 to also be developed include internat roadways and sidewalks,a drainage detention basin, utility connech'ons,and roadway frontage improvements along the highway including a road widening lot for turnlng lanes,a median refuge lane,a bike lane,as well as for slte distance requirements. awaw^ssaaesa ,-,^iSSBI^KS^iESiHaKffii^S«^BAln^S.T^.^^8&S^^S^afc'^3'^^ySf3?@§i^Sat•hlay23,2020 The Envlronmental Notlce MAUI (CONTINUEO) Maui Hjgh School STEM Buildine /Autism Center-Draft EA (AFNSIl HRS §343- 5(a)Trlgger Distrlct(s) TMK(s) 1 Permit(s) i Proposing/ Determining Agency Consultant Status (1)Proposethe useofstateorcountylandsortheuseofstateorcountyfunds Wailuku (3)3-8-007:098 Various (see document) Department of Education (DOE),State of Hawai'i Janna Mihara,(808)784-5120,ianna.miharaiakl2.hi.us Department of Education,FDB,OFO,3633 Wai'alae Avenue,Honolulu,Hl 96816 Gerald Park Urban Planner;95-595 Kaname'e Street #324,Mllllani,Hl 96789 Gerald Park,(808)625-9626,enarkiaeDUD.biz Statutory 30-day public review and comment period starts.Comments are due by June 22,2020.Ctick the title link above to access and read the document,then send comments to the proposing/determining agency and copy the consultant. The proposed action will provlde a permanent structure for accommodating the Maui High School STEM program and an Autism CenterforMauiDistrictschoolchildren.Theuseswilloccupyseparatespacesinthestructure.MauiHighSchooldoesnothave sufficient classroom space and does not have a flexible STEM/Science Lab for multi-purpose collaborative learning,research, design,and experiments for STEM students.A dedicated space for the STEM program will foster and promote the DOE goal to expose and develop student interest and grow STEM programs in alt pubtic schoois.The Autism Center will accommodate special needs children who are not able to be mainstreamed into the general student poputation.Currently there is no perma- nent Maui facility speclfically designed to accommodate the special needs children. Wahiawa Pedestrian Bridee-Draft BA IAFNSI) HRS §343-!(1)Propose the use of state or county lands or the use of state or county funds 5(a)Trigger District(s)'Wahiawa TMK(s)|(1)7-1-001:0l4,015,017and 034;7-4-007:007 Permit(s)|Various (see document) Proposing/j Department of Transportation,State of Hawai'i (HDOT) Determlning |HollyYuen,(808)692-7548,Hollv.YueniahawaIi.eov Agency Consultant Status 601 Kamoklla Blud.,Rm 6S8,Kapolei,Hl 96707 WSP USA;1001 Bishop Street,Sulte 2400,Honolulu,Hl 96813 Todd Nlshtoka,(S08)566-2212,todd.nishiokaOwsD.com Statutory 30-day public review and comment period starts.Comments are due by June 22,2020.Click the title tink above to access and read the document,then send comments to the proposing/determining agency and copy the consuitant. HDOT is proposing to construct a shared use bicycle/pedestrian facility from Whitmore Village to Wahiawa Town,which includes a new non-vehicular bridge over Ki'iki'l Stream.Please refer to the document's Project Location Map for the project locatfon and potential route alternatives.The shared use path is intended to drastically reduce the time and distance between Whitmore Vtltage and Wahiawa Town by creating an additionaf multimodat connector from Whitmore Village to the Wahiawa Transit Center.Moreover,the project would fulfill the stated objectives withln the Proposed 2016 Central O'ahu Sustainable Commu- nlties Plan of designing communities to reduce automobile usage,while supporting walking,biking,and transit use.HDOT Is reaching out to you as well as other City^State/federa)agencies,and the surrounding community to gather project input. ;May 23,2020 O'AHU (CONTINUED) BWS Beretania Comolex Redevelooment-Draft EIS Grandfathered under old rules HIIS S343- 5(a)Trigger Dlstrict(s) TMK(s) Permit(s) Proposlng Agency Accepting i Authority Consultant Status (1)Propose the use of state or county lands or the use of state or county funds Honolulu (1)2-1-036:001 S005 (portlon) 'Construction and building permits j Board of Water Supply (BWS),City and County of Honolulu 1 Ernest Y.W.Lau,P.E.,Manager and Chief Engineer (808)748-5061,bwsredevelopmentejs@hhf.com 630 South Beretania Street,Honolulu,Hl96843 MayorKirk Caldwell,Cityand CountyofHonolulu c/o Board of Water Supply,630 South Beretania Street,Honolulu,Hl96843 (808)748-5061,bwiredevelopmentejs@hhf.com HHF Planners;733 Blshop Street,Sulte 2590,Honolulu,Hl 96813 Scott Ezer,Vice President,(808)457-3158,sezer@hhf.com Statutory 45-day public review and comment period starts.Comments are due by July 7,2020.Click the ti'tle link to access and read the document,then send comments to the accepting authority and copythe proposing agency and the consultant. The BWS intends to issue a Request for Proposals to redevelop approximately 128,100 square feet of its 6.3 acre Beretania Complex located at 630 South Beretania Street,Honolulu.The purpose of the proposed artion is to provlde a revenue stream to help offset a portion of BWS's operating expenses and capital Improvements costs.BWS will enter into a development con- tractwithaqualifleddeveloperandlssueagroundleasefortheuseofa portionoftheBeretaniaComplex.Theleasetermwill not exceed 65 years and will provide for continued and uninterrupted use ofexlsting BWS buildlngs and operational facilities. Redevelopment will occur on areas currently being used as ground level parking for BWS employees,equipment and staff ve- Wcles.All lost parking spaces wjll be replaced in the redevelopment. FutureredevelopmentoftheBeretaniaComplexwill bedetermlned by the selected developer.However,three possible rede- velopment scenarios are evaluated in the DEIS:1)Assisted Care Living Facility and Office Building;2)Affordable Senlor Rental Apartments and Office Building;and 3)ParkingStructure and Office Building.The office buildingwill be for BWS use.All ofthese uses are allowed under the property's A-2 Medium Density Apartment zoning. Atherton Mixed-Use Student Housine.Innovation &Entrepreneurshio Center-Final EA IFONSI) HRS S343- 5(a)Trigger District(s) (1)Propose the use of state or county lands or the use of state or county funds Honolulu (1)2-8-016:001TMKfs) Permit(s)j Various (see document) Proposing/'University of Hawai'i,State of Hawai'i Determlning |Jan Gouveia,(808)956-6405,igouveia@hawaii.edu Agency 2444 Dole Street,Bachman Hall 109H,Honolulu,Hl 96822 I Wilson Okamoto Corporation;1907 S.Beretania Street,Suite 400,Honolulu,Hl 96826 [Keola Cheng,(S08)946-2277,KChenBiS>wilsonokamoto.com Consultant Status j Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)determination The University of Hawai'i Foundatfon (UHF)has partnered wlth Hunt Development Group (HDG)to design,build,ffnance, operate,and maintain a Mixed Use Student Housing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center on UHF property in tower Manoa located directly adjacent from the University of Hawai'j at Manoa (UHM)campus.The proposed project will conslst of approx- imately 114,000 square feet,with programming that will include student housing and residential common areas,the Innovation and entrepreneurshlp center,project service areas,retail area,and on-site parking. The proposed project wltl comprise ofthe Innovation /Entrepreneurship Center and two six-story buildlngs primarilyfor student housing.The existlng Charles Atherton house will be repurposed as the Innovation Center and house Incubator spaces,class- rooms,offices,and retail space. Pu'u 'Qpae Kuleana Homestead Settlement Plan-Draft EA (AFNSI) HRS S343- 5(a)Trigger DIstrlct(s) TMKfs) Permlt(s) Proposlng/ Determining (1)Propose the use of state or county lands or the use of state or county funds Waimea (4)1-2-002:023 (por.) See document Department of Hawaiian Home Lands,State of Hawail Julie-Ann Cachola,(808)620-9500,jufie-ann.cachola@hawaii.gov Agency |91-5420 Kapolei Pkwy,Kapolel,Hl 96707 Consultant |G70;111 S.King St.,Suite 170,Honolulu,Hl96813 Kawika McKeague,(808)523-5866,kawikam®e70.desiBn Status 1 Statutory 30-day public review and comment period starts.Comments are due byJune 22,2020.Ctick the title link to access and read the document,then address comments to the proposfng/determlning agency at DHI-ILPuuODae@g70.design and copytheconsultant. The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL)is proposing the Pu u Opae Kuleana Homestead Settlement Plan to offer 251 homestead lots (11 Pastoral and 240 Subsistence Agricutture)on 1,421 acres on the Island of Kaua'i.According to HAR Chapter 10-3-30 Kuleana Homestead Leases,DHHLshall survey,stake and award lots and provide an unpaved roadway suitable to access the lots.As a non-traditional program,the Kuleana Homestead Program places responsibility for development of infrastructure in the hands of native Hawaiian beneficiaries.This arrangement provides benefidaries land within a shorter time frame than the traditlonal DHHL awarding process,as well as the opportunity to create a new self-sufficient community.The Project is proposlng the following DHHL land uses:Subslstence Agriculture,Pastoral,Community Use and Speclal Distrirt. AOAO Makahuena Shoreline Safetv Fence-Draft EA (AFNSI) HRS 5343- 5(a)Trigger District(s) TMK(s) Permit(s) Approving Agency Appllcant Consultant (3)Propose any use within a shoreline area Kotoa (4)2-8-020:003 See document Status Department of Planning,County of Kaua'i Ka'aina S.Hull,Plannlng Director,(808)241-4050,khull@kauai.eov 4444 Rice Street,Suite A47,LThu'e,Hawai'i 96766 AOAO Makahuena;4-1579 Kuhio Hlghway,Suite 102A,Kapa'a,Hawal'i 96746 c/o Ms.Judy Foss,judvfoss@comcast.net Belles Graham LLP;4334 Rice Street,Suite 202,Lthu'e,Hawal'i 96766 lan K.Jung,Esq.,(808)245-2163,ikiiakauai-law.com Statutory 30-day public review and comment period starts,Comments are due by June 22,2020.Click the titte link above to access and read the document,then send comments to the approving agency and copy the applicant and the consultant. The Applicant proposes to install a safety fence around the perimeter ofthe south (makal),east and west portions ofthe Subject Property.The purpose of the fenclng Is to protect guests,owners,and members of the public from possible dangers from the abrupt change in elevation at the southern (makai)side ofthe Subject Property. A portion ofthe proposed fendng will be on the bluff edge above the certified shoreline at elevations often (10)to seventy-five (75)feet above mean sea level.The fencing is also proposed to be slx (6)feet tall on the eastern and western portlon of the Subject Property and four (4)feet on the southern (makai)portion of the Subject Property.The fencing is proposed to be con- structed ofcoloniat aluminum by manufacturer Master Halco,fnc. PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED DOCUMENTS OPEN FOR COMMENT Status:Public review and comment period for these projects began previously.Please click on the links beiow to access,and send comments to the relevant agency and copy any relevant applicant and/or consultant,as identtfied on the publicatlon form that follows the Inltial agency letter for each action. COMMENTS DUE MAY 26,2020 HAWAI'I Maeic Sands Beach ParkAccessibilitv Improvements-Draft EA (AFNSI) KTpahoehoe NAR Fenceline Clearine and Access-Draft EA (AFNSI) MAUI Auwahi 2 Wind Farm Proiect-IEIS Preoaration Notice) STATEWIDE Miconia Bioloaical Control-Draft EA (AFNSI) COMMENTS DUEjUNE 8,2020 HAWAI'I Wai'ohinu Transfer Station Repairs and Enhancements-Draft EA (AFNS11 MAUI Lower IVIain Street Sewer Upgrade-Draft EA IAFNSI) La'akea VillaBe-Draft EA (AFNSI) Hotel Wailuku-Draft EA (AFNSI) KAUA't Anahola Kuleana Homestead Settlement Plan-Draft EA (AFNSI) COMMENTS DUE JUNE 22,2020 O'AHU Issuance of Commercial Aauarium Permit^for theJslandofO'tihu-Draft EIS PRIOR AGENCY DETERMINATIONS The Department ofTransportation,State of Hawal'i has determlned that additional envlronmental review is not requlred for the construction of fuel storage tanks on the Daniel K.Inouye International Airport property at the Sand Island Terminal,Tax Map Keys:1-2-25:19 and 26,pursuant to HAR,Section 11-200.1-11.A Sand Island Terminal Final Environmental Assessment (FEA)and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)was nublished on September 23.2005.in The Envjronmental Notice. The proposed storage tank project Is a signlflcant reduction of scope from the 2005 FEA actlon.Therefore,DOT has determined that the FONSi for the Sand Island Terminal in 2005 and past and compatible land use of the proposed property sattsfles the requlrements of Chapter 343,HRS,for the proposed tanks.The 2005 FEA improvements evaluated the construction of nine storage tanks,a new tanker truck loading rack,an office building,a vapor combustion or recovery unit,and an upgraded entry way.The 2005 improvements were never implemented and PAR Hawaii Reffning,LLC,wants to construct one storage tank for ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel and the installation of a second tank for storage of blodlesel fuel on the same site. SHORELINE NOTICES PROPOSED SHORELINE CERTIFICATION5 AND REJECTIONS The shoreline notices below have been proposed for certificatton or rejection by the Department of Land and Natural Resourc- es (HRS §205A-42 and HARA13^22^6).Any person or agency who wants to appeal shall file a notice of appeal in writing with DLNR no later than 20 calendar days from the date of this public notice.Send the appeal to the Board of Land and Natural Resources,1151 Punchbowl Street,Room 220,Honotulu,Hawai'i 96813. File No.|Status |locatlon OA-1878 |Proposed i 84-1009 Farrington Highway,O'ahu 96792 ^TMKfAppiicant^ ;(1)8-4-003:003 i Wesley T.Tengan Owner Wel Ling Fung :May 23,2020|EThe Environmental Notitf SHORELINE NOTICES (CONTINUED) APPLICATIONS FOR SHORELINE CERTIFICATION The shorellne certification applications below are available for review at the Department of Land and Natural Resources offices on Kaua'i,Hawai'l,Maui,and Honolulu,1151 Punchbowl Street,Room 220 (HRS §205A-42 and HAR §13-222-12).All comments shall be submitted in writing to the State Land Surveyor,1151 Punchbowl Street,Room 210,Honolulu,Hl 96813 and postmarked no laterthan 15 calendar daysfrom the date ofthis public notice ofthe appllcation.For more information,call lan Hirokawa at (808)587-0420. Flte No.|Location OA-1894 |41-505 Kalaniana'ole Hwy,O'ahu96795 OA-1895 i 59-541 Ke Iki Road,O'ahu 96712 TMK Appticant OA-1896 OA-1897 MA-735 MA.736 MA-737 MA-738 MO-181 LA-024 HA-585 HA-586 HA-587 KA-451 KA-452 (1)4-1-002:007 'Kenn Nishihlra (1)5-9-003:068 !Jaime F.Alimboyoguen 84-1101,1103,and 1105 Farrington :(1)8-4-003:021,:Leaps &Boundarles,Inc. Hwy,O'ahu 96792 91-545 Fort Weaver Road,O'ahu 475 Front Street,Maui 1484 Halama Street,Maui 96753 Hana Hlghway,Kipahulu,Maui 96713 3850 Wallea Alanui Drive,Maui 96753 !(2)2-1-008:109 I Fukumoto Engineering,Inc. Owner Waimanalo Paradise LLC Quentin Gillette NSl,LLC 022,023 ; (1)9-1-007:058 i AIIana Surveying &Geomatics (2)4-6-002:007 1 Kevin J Ctarke (2)3-9-010:018 jActton Survey LLC_|Charles Cronce (2)1-6-010:road |Austin,Tsutsumi &Associates,Inc,County of Maul .4 TEp Top Investments,LLC i LahainaShores-CondoMaster 8714 Kamehameha V Hwy,Moloka'i Manete,Lana'i (2)5-7-007:055 1 Zelie K Duvauchelle (2)4-9-017:por.J R.M.Towill 002 &008 Government Beach Road,Hawal'l 96778 !(3)l-4-028:044 ! BRE lconic GWR Owner LLC Zelie K Duvauchelle Lanai Resorts,LLC Daniel Berg,dlb &associates,LLC 'Alice Ammen Hawai'i Belt Road (no assigned address)(3)3-2-001:001 Daniel Berg,dlb &associates,LLC Queen Ka'ahumanu Hlghway,Hawai'i !(3)7-2-004:001!R.M.Towlll Corporation KA-453 5-7550 Kuhio Hlghway,Kaua'i 7322 'Ale'ale'a Road,Kaua'i 3736,3746 'Anini Road,Kaua'i (4)5-9-002:033 (4)5-8-009:049 (4)5-3-005:005, 006,&010 Honua Engineering,Inc. Honua Engineering,Inc. Esaki Surveying &Mapping,Inc. Liti'uokalaniTr,George Hlrowa- tari B.P.Bishop Estate TTEES,Kame- hameha Schools Oak Terrace Properttes,LLC Dirk P &Kathleen Lange County of Kaua/i COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT NOTICES SPECIAL MANAGEMENT AREA (SMA)MlNOR PERMITS The SMA Minor permlts below have been approved (HRS S 205A-30).For more information,contact the relevant county/state planning agency.Honolulu (768-8014);Hawal'i (East 961-8288,West 323-4770);Kaua'i (241-4050);Maui (270-7735);Kaka'ako or Kalaeloa Community Development District (587-2841). Location (TMK) Maui:Lahalna (4-4-014:004) Maui:Kahului (3-7-004:003) Maui:Naplll (4-3-002:053 and 054) Maul:tahalna (4-6-001:009) Maul:lahalna (4-3-002:053) Maui:Lahalna (4-8-003:084) Description (File No.) Roof Expansion (SM2 20190038) Demollsh Buildings (SM2 20200043) After-the-Fact Various Renovations (SM2 20200045) Courthouse RoofTile Replacement (SM2 20200046) After-the-Fact Various Renouations (SM2 20200048) J^ltomlu Driveway Project (SM2 202000^ j VSE Pacific Inc. Anthony Riecke-Gonzales Stuart Bird Lahaina Restoration Foundation Brandis Sarich,Architect Otowaiu Elua Associates LLC >3,2020 ie Environmental Notid COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT NOTICES (CONTINUED) F E DE RA L CQNS ISTENCY R£VI_EWS_ The fotlowing federal actions are being reviewed for consistency with the enforceable policies of the Hawai i Coastal Zone Management (C2M)Program,including the CZM obj'ectives and policies in Hawail Revised Statutes.Chapter 205A.Federat consistency,pursuant to Section 307 of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (CZMA),as amended,generally requires that federai actions,within and outside of the coastal zone,which have reasonably foreseeable effects on any coasta!use (land or water)or naturat resource of the coastal zone be consistent with the enforceable polides of a state s federalty approved coastal management program.Federal artions include federal agency activjtfes,federal license or permit activities,and federal financial assistance activitles.This public notice is being provided in accordance with §306(d)(14)ofthe CZMA,and federaf regulations at 15 CFR §930.2,§930.42,and §930.61.General information about federal consistency is available at the Hawai i CZM ProEram web site.or call (808)587-2878. For specific information or questions about an action listed betow,contact John Nakagawa,john,d,nakagawa@hawaii.sov or (808)587-2878.The CZM Program Is required to adhere to federal revlew deadlines,therefore,comments must be received by the date spedfied.Comments may be submitted by mail or electronic mail,to the addresses below. Mall:Office of Planning Department of Business,Economic Devetopment and Tourism P.0.Box 2359,Honolulu,Hl 96804 Email:iohn.d.nakaBawa(S)hawaii.eov Port Allen Commercial Harbor Maintenance Dredging,'Ele'ele,Kaua'i Proposed Actfon;Conduct maintenance dredging at the Port Allen Commercial Harbor (not the small boat harbor)to restore the authorized depth to -35 feet Mean Lower Low Water within the federat limits of the harbor.The maintenance dredging will be done by barge-based mechanical clamshell excavator removal of approximately 582,000 cubic yards of accu- mulated sediments within shoaled areas ofthe harbor basin.The material to be dredged has been determined suitable for ocean disposal by the U.S.Environmental Protectlon Agency and will be transported offshore for disposal at the Port Allen Ocean Dredged Material Dlsposal Slte,located beyond state waters.No new dredging and no change to the authorized depths oftheharborisproposed,Dredgingislimitedto removalofsoftsediments only.Workis projectedto be completed within 24 months of contract award. Location:Port Allen Commercial Harbor,'Ele'ele,Kaua'l Federal Action:Federal Agency Activity Federal Agency:U.S.Army Corps of Engineers Comments Due:June 9,2020 FEDERAL NOTICES As a courtesy,llsted below are some relevant entries from the Federal Register published slnce the last Issue of The Envlron- mental Notice,For more information,click on the title link,also avaiiable at www.federalregLster.gQv. Rule:IVlovement of Certain Genetically Engineered Oreanisms (published by the Animal and Plant Health In- spection Service on 05/18/2020) We are amending the regulations regardlng the movement (importation,Interstate movement,and environmental release)of certain genettcally engineered organisms in response to advances In genetic engineering and our understanding ofthe plant pest risk posed by genetically engineered organisms,thereby reducing the regulatory burden for developers of organisms that are unlikely to pose plant pest risks.Thls ffnal rule,whlch rnarks the first comprehensive revision of the regulations slnce they were established in 1987,provides a clear,predictable,and effident regulatory pathway for innovators,facilitating the devel- opment ofgenetically engineered organisms that are unlikelyto pose plant pest rlsks.Hfeclive August 17,2020.Sections 340.4 and 340.5 are applicable beginning April 5,202 t.Forfurtherlnformatfon,clickonthetit]elinkofthlsentry. Notice:Western Pacific Fishery IVIanaeement Council;Public Meetines (published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on 05/13/2020) The Western Paciflc Flshery Management Councll will hold a meeting of its Hawai'i Archipelago Flshery Ecosystem Plan Advi- sory Panel on Friday,May 29,2020 between 9 a.m.and 11 a.m to dlscuss and make recommendations on fishery management Issues in the Western Pacific Region.The meeting will be held by web conference;audio and visual portions for al!of the web conferences can be accessed at:httDs://wDrfmc.webex.com/ioin/tnfo.wDcouncitnoaa.6ov.Web conference access information wlll also be posted on the Coundl's website atwww.wpcouncil.ore.For assistance,contact the Council office at (808)522-8220. 9 FMay 23,2020 Environmental Notic^.1 GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND DEFINITIONS Agency Actlons Projects or programs proposed by any department,office, board,or commission ofthe state or county govemment which is part of the executive branch of that government AppticantArtions Projects or programs proposed by any person who,pur- suant to statute,ordinance,or rule,requests approva) (discretionary consent)for a proposed action perHRS Draft Envit'onmentalAssessment When an Agency or Appiicant proposes an actfon that Uigggrs HRS 343,an Environmental Assessment shal!be prepared at the earliest practicable t1me to determlne whether the action's envlronmental impact will be sig- nificant,and thus whether an environmental impact statement shall be required perHR^.3A3-^(t,>J,for Agency actions and yBS.M?^5te]f ^or Applicant actions.For actions for which the proposing or approving agency anticipatesa FindingofNoSlgnlfic3ntlmpact(AFNSI),a Draft EA (OEA)shalt be made available for public review and comment for 30 days and public notlce is published in this periodic bulletin. Final Environmenta!Assessment and FJnd- ing of No Significant Impact The action's proponent shafl respond in writing to cam- ments on a DEA received during the 30-day revlew period and prepare a Flnal EA (FEA)that includes those respons- es to determlne whether an environmental impact state- ment shall be required,Ifthere are no significant imparts, then the Agencv will Issue a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSt).An Environmental Impact Statement (E1S)will not be required and the project has cleared HRS 343 requirements.The pubfic has 30 days from the notice ofa FONSI in this bultetintoaskthe Environmental Court torequirethepreparation ofan EIS. Final Environmentat Assessment and Envi- ronmental tmpact Statement Preparation Notice An EIS shall be required if the Agency finds that the proposed action may have a significant effect on the environment-The Agency shail file notice of such deter- mination with OEQC,calied an EIS Preparatlon Notice (EfSPN)along with the supporting Finsl EA.After the notice of the FEA-EISPN is published [n thls bulletin,the pubiic has 30 days to request to become a consulted party and to make written comments.The public (indud- ing the Appllcant)has 60 days from the notlce of the EISPN in this bulletln to ask a court to not require the preparatlonofan EIS. Act 172-2012,Direct-to-EIS,Environmental Impact Statement Preparation Notice (with no EA) Act 172 in 2012 amended HRS 343 by providing for an agency to bypass the preparation of an environmental assessmentforvarious actions thatinthe experience of the agency would clearly requirethe preparation ofan EIS.The agency must submit its determinatfon that an EIS is required for an action (Act 172-2012,EISPN)with acompleted OEQC publication form detailing the specif- ics of the action.This starts a 30-day scoping period In which the agency orapplicant must hold a public scoping meetlng for the preparation of the Draft EIS.Wrltten comments and responses on the EISPN must be incor- porated Into the subsequent Draft EIS and orel comments from the pubiic scoping meeting must be recorded and submitted to the OEQC with the Draft E1S. Act 312-2012,Secondary Actions in the Highway or Pubtic Right OfWay Act 312-2012,amended HRS 343,by adding a new section (HRS 343-5.5.,entitled "Exception to applicability of chapter"}.HEPA allows for a statutory exception for"sscon[t3rvactions"(thosethatmvo!veinfrastructurein the highway or public right-of-way)provided that the permitorapproval ofthe refated "primary action"(those outside of the highway or public-right-of-wBy and on private property)is not subject to discretionary consent and further provlded that the applicant for the primary artion submits documentation from the approprlate agency confirming that no further discretional approvals are required.An aid to understandlng this Is to visualire residential driveway improvements in the public right- of-way,versus,retail outlet driveway improvements In the public right-of-way. Draft Enuironmenta)Impact Statement After receivingthe comments on the EISPN,the Agency orApplicant must prepare a Draft Envlronmental Impact Statement (DEIS).The content requirements of the DEIS shsll contain an explanation of the environmental con- sequences of the proposed action induding the dirert, indirect and cumulatfve impacts and their mitigation measures.The public has 45 days from the flrst pubfica- tion date In thls bulletln to comment on a DEIS.The DEIS must respond to comments received during the EISPN comment period in a point-by-point manner. Fina!Environmentai Impact Statement After considering all public comments filed during the DEIS stage,the Agency orAppiicant must prepare a FInal EIS (FEIS).The FE1S must respond in a point-by-point manner to al)comments from the draft and must be included in the FEIS.For Appiicant projects,the Approv- ing Agency is the Accepting Authority and must make a determlnation withln 30 days or the FEIS is deemed ac- cepted as a matter of taw.For an Agency project,the Governor or the Mayar (or their deslgnated representa- tive)1s the Accepting Authority,and unlike applicant actions,there is no time limit on the accepting authority reviewing the FEIS.Only after the FEIS is accepted may the project be implemented. Acceptability The Accepting Authority must be satisified that the FEIS meets three criteria (process,content,response to com- ments)to accept it.If the FEIS ts accepted,notice 1s publlshed in this bultetin.The public has 60 days from publication to challenge the acceptance of a FE1S.For Appllcant actions,non-acceptance by the Approving Agency is cause for the Applicant to administratively appealtotheEnvironmentalCouncil.ForAgencyactions, there is no such adminlstrativeappeal.In both jnstances, the Applicant or the proposing Agency can prepare a revised DEIS after a non-acceptance determination. Mauisunset Photo by Thomas Hawk National Environmental PolicyAct The National Erwironmental Policy Act (NEPA)requires federa)projectsto prepareaFederatEAorEIS.!n many ways it is similar to Hawai'i's law.Some projects require both a State and Federal EIS and the public comment procedure should be coordinated.Upon request by a federal agency,OEQC publishes NEPA notices In thls buHetin to help keep the public informed of important federal actions. Consfirvation District Proposed uses of land in the State Conservation District requlre a Conservation District Use Application (CDUA). These applications are reviewed and approved by the Board of Land and Natural Resources.Members of the public mayintervene in the permit process.This bulletin will include EAs &EISs for actions proposed within the Conservation District. Special Management Area and Shoreline Setback Area The Special Management Area (SMA)is atong the coast- line of all istands and development in this area is gener- ally regulated by HRS 205A,and county ordinance.A portlon of the SMA that is addressed by HRS 343 is the ShQLeluie_Area,which includes land between the State-certiffed 5horellne and the county-determined shoreline setback Nne.Thls bulletin will include EAs & EISs for actions proposed within the Shoreline Setback Area. Shorefine Certificafcions State law requires that Hawai'i shorelines be surveyed and certifled when necessarv to clearly estabtish the shoreline setback from the certrfied shoreline.The public may partidpate in the process to help assure accurate regulatoryboundarles,Private land owners often petttion to tiave their shoreline certifiect by the State surveyor prior to construction.Ttiis bulteti'n publisties notice from the DepartmentofLandand Natural Resourcesofshore- tine certificatton applicants and ffnal certifications or rejections. Environmenta!Councit The Environmental Council Is a 15-member cltizen board appointed by the Governor.They serve as a llalson between the Director of OEQC and the general public concernlng ecology and environmental quality.The Councll makes the rules that govern the Environmentat Impact Statement process (HRS 343).Agendas of thelr regular meetings are posted an the Internet and the public is invlted to attend.The Council Just completed ttie repeal of Hawaii Admlnlstrative Rules (HAR)Chapter 11-200 and adoption of HAR Chapter 11-200.1. Agency Exenfiption Lists Government agencies may keep a list describing the minor activities they regularly perform that are exempt from the environmental review process.These lists and any amendments shatt fae submitted to the Council for review and concurrence (HAR 11-200.1-16].This bulietin will pubiish an agenc/s draft exemption list for pubiic comment prior to Council decision making,as well as notice of the Coundl's dedsion on the list, Endangered Species This bulletln is required by HRS 343-31c),to publish notice of public comment periods or public hearings for Hafaitat Conservation Plans (HCP),Safe Harbor Agreements (SHA), or Inddentat Take Licenses (ITL)under the federal En- dangered Spedes Act,as well as availsbility for public inspection of a proposed HCP or SHA,or a proposed 1TL (as a part of an HCP or SHA), 10 .an i<.Junq <ll(j@kauai-law.com>9/3/20206:16PM RE:R/V:DOH Clean Air Branch Comments on Draft EA for AOAO Makahuena Shoreline Safety Fence To judyfoss@comcast.net <judyfoss@comcast.net>Copy Jennifer A.Uyeda-Gali <jau@kauai-law.com> ^uay: 1 was hoping for good news from the County today,,but I am still waiting on the signed FEA and FONSI letter.1 received an email with the letter attached approving the FEA and FONSI on August 27,2020;however,it was not signed despite the email saying it was. 1 seni an eman roaay 10 TOIIOW up. As soon as 1 get signed letter back,1 will copy you on the final transmlttal to the Office of Environmental Quality i-oniroi. Regards, lan K.Jung Attorney at Law Belles Graham LLP Watumull Plaza 4334 Rlce Street,Suite 202 Lihue,Kauai,Hawaii 96766 Phone:(808)245-2163 Fax:(808)245-3277 Email:i]sj.@kauai-law.corn CONFIDENTIALITY:The information contained in this e-mail and any attachment is confidential and is intended onlyforthe intended recipient(s).This e-mail may be attomey-client communication and,as such,is privileged and confidential.Ifthe reader ofthis e-mall message is not the intended reclpient (or the person responslble for the delivery of this e-mail message to an intended recipient),you are hereby notified that you have received thls document in error,and that any reuse,revlew,printing,dlssemlnation,dlstribution or copyingofthismessage Is strictly prohibited.Ifyou have recelved this e-mail jn error,please reply to inform the sender and delete it without printing or making any copies of it. From:j'uiiyfossOcomcast.net <judyfoss(fflcomcast.net> Sent:Tuesday,September 1,2020 1:30 PM To:lan K.Jung <IKJ(5)kauai-law.com> Subject:RE:FW:DOH Clean Air Branch Comments on Draft EA for AOAO Makahuena Shoreline Safety Fence Good Day,It is now September and we have not heard back from you.It is Judy Foss the President of the Makahuena,do you want me to sign something or is the formal authorization approved with my prior acknowledgement that 1 was writing on behalf of the Makahuena.We are very anxious to get going.The fishing season has brought many to our shoreline over the planters providing an issue with homeowners and guests that would follow footsteps into dangerous regions. Let me know if you have the FONSI referred to in you last correspondence and what we need to do to put up a fence.Judy Foss Judy: 1 will get in the FONSI this week. Thereafter,the Application fortheSSD Variance and SMA Minorforthefence can go in upon issuanceofthe Final EA. I need a formal authorization to be signed.Who is the current board president. Regards, lan K.Jung Attorney at Law Belles Graham LLP Watumull Plaza 4334 Rice Street,Suite 202 Lihue,Kauai,Hawaii 96766 Phone:(808)245-2163 Fax:(808)245-3277 Email:iki0kauai-law.com CONFIDENTIALITY:The information contained in this e-mail and any attachment is confidential and is intended only for the intended recipient(s).This e-mall may be attorney-client communication and,as such,Is privileged and confidential.If the reader of this e- mail message is not the intended recipient (or the person responsible for the delivery of this e-mail message to an intended recipient),you are hereby notified that you have received this document in error,and that any reuse,review,prlnting, dissemination,distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited.If you have received this e-mail in error,please reply to inform the sender and delete it without printing or making any copies of it. From:judyfoss@comcast.net <jydyfoss(5)comcast.net> Sent:Tuesday,August 4,2020 5:12 AM To:lan K.Jung <IKJ@kauai-law.com> Subject:RE:FW:DOH Clean Air Branch Comments on Draft EA for AOAO Makahuena Shoreline Safety Fence Good Morning Gentlemen,1 responded to the Draft EA letter some time ago.Can you tell me if the Planning Department in response has issued a FONSI.1 have a Board meeting today and have no updates on our attempt to erect a fence.We were hoping that if hurricane Douglas hit as was expected it would take out the fence on the east side of the property.We are grateful to have been spared the impact of a hurricane but would not miss the fence.J 1 On 07/17/2020 2:23 PM lan K.Jung <iki(a kauai-law.com>wrote: Jan: I spoke with Planning Department and confirmed only on comment to the Draft EA.We will need to have you respond to the DOH comment via formal letter and include the DOH letter and response in the Final EA and they will issue the FONSI. Let me know ifyou have any questions. Regards, !ii) !I i i lan K.Jung Attorney at Law Belles Graham LLP Watumull Plaza 4334 Rice Street,Suite 202 Lihue/Kauai,Hawaii 96766 Phone:(808)245-2163 Fax:(808)245-3277 Ema i 1:ikj^ka yaklaw^om CONFIDENTIALITY:The information contained in this e-mail and any attachment is confidential and Is intended only for the intended reciplent(s).This e-mail may be attorney-client communication and,as such,is privlleged and confidential.Ifthe reader of this e-mail message is not the intended recipient (or the person responslble for the delivery of this e-mail message to an intended redpient),you are hereby notified that you have received this document in error,and that any reuse,review, prlntlng,dissemlnation,distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited.If you have received this e-mail in error, please reply to inform the sender and delete it without printing or making any copies of it. From:Jan TenBruggencate <jan(S)islandstrateev.com> Sent:Friday,July 17,2020 11:04 AM To:Judy Foss <judvfoss(S)comcast.net? Cc:lan K.Jung <IKJ@JayflNaw^flm>;Jennifer A.Uyeda-Gali <JAU@KAUAI-LAW.com>; sara.makahuena@gmail.com Subject:Re:FW:DOH Clean Air Branch Comments on Draft EAfor AOAO Makahuena Shoreline Safety Fence With the exception ofanyfugitivedustfrom digging for fence posts (ifduringadryperiod),which shouldbe readily controlled with water applicatjon. On Fri,Jul 17,2020 at 10:08 AM <jud.yfoss(5)comcast.net>wrote: lan,Idon'tthinkanyofthecommentsfromtheHealth Department apply to our fence installation. On 06/24/2020 12:06 PM lan K.Jung <iki(Sikauai-law.com>wrote: Jan/Judy: Below is the email and embedded link to the comment from the State Department of Health.The comments are relatively standard comments. Regards, lan K.Jung Attorney at Law Belles Graham LLP Watumull Plaza 4334 Rice Street,Sulte 202 Lihue,Kauai,Hawaii 96766 Phone:(808)245-2163 Standard Comments for Land Use Reviews Clean Air Branch Hawaii State Department of Health If your proposed project: Reguiresan Air Pollytion Control PermLt You must obtain an air pollution control permit from the Clean Air Branch and comply with all applicable conditions and requirements.If you do not know if you need an air pollution control permit,please contact the Permitting Section ofthe Clean Air Branch. Includes construction or demolition activities that involve asbestos You must contact the Asbestos Abatement Office jn the Indoor and Radiological Health Branch. Has the potential to aenerate fuaitive dust You must control the generation of all airborne,visible fugitive dust.Note that construction activities that occur near to existing residences,business,public areas and major thoroughfares exacerbate potential dust concerns.It is recommended that a dust control management plan be developed which identifies and mitigates all activities that may generate airborne,visible fugitive dust.The plan,which does not require Department of Health approval,should help you recognize and minimize potential airborne,visible fugitive dust problems. Construction activities must comply with the provisions of Hawaii Administrative Rules,§11- 60.1-33 on Fugitive Dust.In addition,for cases involving mixed land use,we strongly recommend that buffer zones be established,wherever possible,in order to alleviate potential nuisance complaints. You should provide reasonable measures to control airborne,visible fugitive dust from the road areas and during the various phases ofconstruction.These measures include,but are not limited to,the following: a)Planning the different phases of construction,focusing on minimizing the amount of airbome,visible fugitive dust-generating materials and activities,centralizing on-site vehicular traffic routes,and locating potential dust-generating equipment in areas of the least impact; b)Providing an adequate water source at the site prior to start-up of construction activities; c)Landscaping and providing rapid covering of bare areas,including slopes,starting from the initial grading phase; d)IVIinimizing airborne,visible fugitive dust from shoulders and access roads; e)Providing reasonable dust control measures during weekends,after hours,and prior to daily start-up of constructfon activities;and fl Controlling airborne,visible fugitive dust from debris being hauled away from the project site. Ifyou have questions about fugitive dust,please contactthe Enforcement Section ofthe Clean Air Branch April 1,2019 Clean Air Branch (808)586-4200 cab(0)doh.hawaii.qoy^ Indoor Radiological Health Branch (808)586-4700 Fax:(808)245-3277 Emaif:ikj@kauai-law.conn CONFIDENTfALIT/:The information contained in this e-mail and any attachment is confidential and is intended onlv for the intended reciplent(s).This e-mail may be attorney-cllent communlcation and,as such,Is priulleged and confidential.If the reader of this e-mall message is not the Intended recipient (or the person responslble for the dellvery of this e-mall message to an Intended recipient),you are hereby notified that you have recelved this document in error,and that any reuse,review,printing,dissemination,distribution or copylng ofthls message Is strictly prohlbited.If you have recelved thjs e-mail in error,please reply to Inform the sender and delete it without printing or making any copies of it. From:Cab General <Cab.General(S)doh.hawaii.goy> Sent:Wednesday,June 24,2020 8:27 AM To:khull@J<auaLg2y;lan K.Jung <IKJ(S)kauai-law.com> Subject:DOH Clean Air Branch Comments on Draft EA for AOAO Makahuena Shoreline Safety Fence Aloha Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on the subject project. Please see our standard comments at: httRS;//health.hawaii.gov/cab/files/2019/04/Standard-Comments-Clean-Air-Branch-2019.edf Please let me know ifyou have any questions. Barry Ching Clean Air Branch Hawaii Department ofHealth (808)586-4200 Jan TenBruggencate Island Strategy LLC jan(5)islandstrategv.com cell:808-639-9900 land:808-245-7825 Lihue,Kauai,Hawaii 96766 Phone:(808)245-2163 Fax:(808)245-3277 Email:ikj@kauai-law.com CONFIDENTIALITi':The information contained in this e-mail and any attachment is confidential and is intended only forthe intended recipient(s).This e-mail may be attorney-client communication and, as such,is privileged and confidential.If the reader of this e-mail message is not the intended recipient (or the person responsible for the delivery of this e-mail message to an intended recipient), you are hereby notified that you have received this document in error,and that any reuse,review, printing,dissemination,distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited.If you have received this e-mail in error,please reply to inform the sender and delete it without printing or making any copies of it, From:judyfoss@comcast.net <judyfoss@comcast.net> lent:Wednesday,January 20,2021 10:43 AM To:lan K.Jung <IKJ@kauai-law.com>;Bruggencate,Jan Cc:sara.makahuena@gmail.com Subject:Makahuena Fence :jan@islandstrategy.com> Greetings of a New Year.As we move forward we are trying to continue the efforts made in OLII-attempt to get a fence to dedne the j3arameters and to protect the persons on our property, We appreciate your efforts and wisclom directed on our behalf to make the fence a reality.In our last correspondence in December of 2020,when we executed an Ai.ithorization for you to file and process any and all applications on our behalf,we discussed the next hurdle,the Planning Commission.1 believe we were tryirig to schedule a hearing with the Planning Commission in January or the beginning o(February,depending on the availability of the council.We are getting ready to gear up to address the fence and would find it very hetpful were we to have a timeline or review of the stages left until a decision can be rendered.It turns out that we cannot simple install fence posts waiting for a decision,as the fence is an anodized aluminum powder coated fence that requires exact measurement and placernent. One part is contingent upon another.We still depend and acknowtedge the authorities that be and wait for your word that would give us authority to continue. teaards.J lan,1 believe we had a conference call to discuss the steps necessary to be in a position to replace the fence that we had to remove as it was prostrate on the ground and posed a hazard. In that conversation we were told that we now had to go before the planning commission and we suggested a date during the month of January and at the latest February.We are now requesting a date for March.It is beyond my comprehension that having received all the the documentation required to erect a fence;to protect the lives of persons on our property,it has been since January of 2018 that we have been jumping through hoops.During that time our new fence has been laying in our parking lot;and we cannot secure the perimeter of the property because the Planning Commission has not had time to render a decision...or is it because someone in the Planning Department filed our request in a drawer and forgot about it...or is it because no one notified the Planning Department that there was a decision to be made?1 think it is verging on the side of 'unbelievable'I can understand why people do not seek to follow the rules and simply do what is necessary to conduct a safe business.1 hope no one has the audacity to call this delay "COVID"related.We would appreciate anything you can do to remind the Planning Commission that we have waited as required to construct a fence when all of our instincts are trying to drive us to put up a fence before a child falls off of the cliff and perishes.J On 01/22/2021 2:08 PM lan K.Jung <ikj@kauai-law.com>wrore: Judy: I spoke with the SMA Planner this morning who finally called me back after he was out ofthe office for a few weeks.He has the application and is completing his review ancl will work on scheduling the hearing date.Unfortunately,it cannot be in the February given the notice requirement of 30 days.I asked him to schedule us for the March Planning Commission Meeting.As soon as I get the notice,I will forward it on to you folks. I'll keep trying to push on this one. Regards, lan K.Jung Attorney at Law Watuinull Plaza 4334 Rice Street,Suite 202 Gentlemen,1 am at a loss as to the appropriate way to address this issue.We have been patiently waiting to receive a permit to install a fence to insure the safety of those individuals residing and guests of the Makahuena.It has been months since we were told that our plans were approved and that we were waiting for the Planning Department of the County to circulate the plans and to render permission for us to erect a fence along the parameter of the property.We have been told on at least two different occasions that our request has been "misfiled,misplaced,lost,forgotten"and in so many words "ignored"by the powers that be.I would find it helpful to know when each document was filed and with whom.1 would like to know the exact obstacle that currently stands in the way of our construction of the fence to protect persons from fatling off the bank on to the rocks below.To whom can we expect to hear from and what is the exact status of our application.1 hesitate to wait another year to address this issue and do not want to turn the issue over to our corporate legal counsel. Ptease provide me with all of the relevant details so I might have a measure of accountability about the issue when questioned by our homeowners as to the "status of the fence". Judy Foss Sherman Shiraishi Mia R.Shiraishi SHERMAN SHIRAISHI ATTORNEYATLAW A LAW CORPORATION 2403 Ulu Maika Street Lihue,Kauai,Hawaii 96766-1355 Telephone:(808)245-3361 Facsimile:(808)246-0486 shermshir@hawaii.rr.com mia.shiraishi@gmail.com April 8,2021 TO:CHAIR&MEMBERSOFTHE KAUAI COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION [via email to khull@kauai.gov] Re:Gather Federal Credit Union;TMK (4)5-2-5-23 (por),Kilauea. Class IV Zoning Permit Z-IV-2020-1; Use Permit U-2020-1 Aloha Chair &Members of the Kauai Planning Commission: The purpose of this letter is to supplement my letter to Ka'aina Hull dated February 19,2021 requesting a 2-year extension of the deadline to commence substantial constructiori of Gather Federal Credit Union's Kilauea branch office. By letter dated August 20,2019 from Ka'aina Hull,the Credit Union was advised of the permit approvals for the construction of a new branch office building in Kilauea. A deadline of one year from the date of approval to commence substantial construction was imposed.The Credit Union is anxious to start construction of its Kilauea branch office,but has been prevented from doing so for reasons beyond its control as explained below and in my February 19,2021 letter.The purpose of this letter is to provide the Commission with more information regarding the Credit Union's efforts to obtain ownership title to the Kilauea site in order to submit plans to obtain a building permit and commence construction. CHRONOLOGY: 2015 (and possibly earlier).Discussions with Kilauea Ohana Plateau,LLC for the purchase of a site for Kilauea Branch Office. 12-18-2015.Meeting with Planning Dept.staffto discuss subdividing the Kilauea Ohana Plateau,LLC parcel. 6-8-2016.Meeting with Dept.Of Water to discuss water availability. 6-8-2016.Presentation to the Kilauea Neighborhood Assoc.for a new Kilauea Branch Office. \\s1\shared\Clients\Gather FCU 2130\Kitauea Purchase\4-8-21 Lttrto Planng Comm.wpd I.t.b APR 1 3 2021^ 8-15-2016.Letterfrom Kilauea Neighborhood Assoc.in supportof Credit Union's proposal for a Kilauea Branch Office. 8-30-2016.Kilauea Ohana Plateau,LLC working with Esaki Surveying to prepare preliminary subdivision map forthe Credit Union's lot. 10-21-2016.Purchase &Sale Agreement ("PSA")signed by Credit Union (will have to be revised). 3-3-2017.Meeting with Planning Dept.staffto discuss subdivision. 4-19-2017.Review of proposed subdivision map. 9-20-2018.Kilauea Ohana Plateau,LLC receives TENTATIVE APPROVAL for its subdivision. 2-22-2019.Credit Union negotiating agreements for architectural and engineering services for site. 5-3-2019.Credit Union enters into Option Agreementwith Kilauea Ohana Plateau,LLC for purchase of a subdivided lot. 7-1-2019.Credit Union files application for Class IV Zoning Permit and Use Permit with the Planning Dept. 8-13-2019.Planning Commission hearing on Credit Union's permit application. 8-20-2019.Letter from Planning Commission to Credit Union advising of permit approvals. 9-23-2020.Kilauea Ohana Plateau receives Final Subdivision Approval. 9-30-2020.Credit Union exercises option to purchase and Kilauea Ohana Plateau, LLC and the Credit Union enter into new PSA. 1-22-2021.Receipt of revised Title Report.Seller unable to convey marketable title until Ala Namahana Roadway is conveyed to County. REASONS WHY EXTENSION SHOULD BE GRANTED: 1.The Credit Union has moved diligently in applying for the necessary permits and retaining design professionals.hlowever,it is unable to close on the purchase of the subdivided parcel until certain title matters (e.g.,lack of access)are resolved.The Credit Union is able,ready,and willing to close on the purchase once title issues are resolved. •:r«KSS'^"f -.^. •^ *>, 2.The Credit Union did not own the underlying property at the time of its application for use and zoning permits and permission was granted from the landowner to proceed with its application.The Credit Union's application for zoning and use permits was planned to coincide with the owner's pending subdivision application of the underlying property.The subdivision application is identified as S-2018-15,Kilauea Ohana Plateau LLC.Both Kilauea Ohana Plateau and the Credit Union anticipated that final subdivision approval would be granted before the Credit Union's application for permits.However,even though Kilauea Ohana Plateau's subdivision application was filed prior to the Credit Union's application for use and zoning permits,Kilauea Ohana Plateau encountered numerous delays in obtaining final subdivision approval,which in turn prevented the conveyance of the lot to the Credit Union. 3.The delays in commencing construction were not caused by the Credit Union and were beyond the control of the Credit Union.The final subdivision approval was obtain by Kilauea Ohana Plateau in late 2020,after the Credit Union's 1-year deadline for commencing construction had already expired. 4.Although S-2018-15 obtained final subdivision approval,Kilauea Ohana Plateau is unable to convey marketable title to the Credit Union because the subdivided lot to be conveyed to the Credit Union lacks access to a public roadway.Kilauea Ohana Plateau does not own the roadway,Ala Mahana Parkway.The owner of Ala Mahana Parkway has failed to dedicate the roadway to the County although it is legally obligated to do so.However,I have been informed that the deed to the roadway has been signed and will be processed with the County. The title insurance company is unable to insure access to the Credit Union's lot until the roadway dedication deed is recorded in the Bureau of Conveyances.This has delayed the closing of the sale. 5.The architect for the project has been unable to finalize the plans for the Credit Union's building until the subdivision obtained final approval.Drainage and soils studies are currently underway in connection with the submittal of an application for building permit.The architect has been instructed to finalize the building plans for approval. 6.Once we finalize the building plans and submit an application for a building permit,we anticipate further delays during the County's permit review process due to backlog and the current COVID situation. In view of the foregoing,an extension of time of 2 years to commence substantial construction activities is reasonable and is hereby requested. c: If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me. Yours very truly, SHERMAN SHIRAISHI Client lan Jung,Esq.